Super Robot Quest

Okay, initiating dice rolling...

This time I will be using Let's see how this one goes.

Raiders of the Lost Bunker
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Standard Test Roll (2d6, Inspired: Threshold reduced to 3-6)
Unlocks Action

Critical Success
Reward to be displayed in interlude. all are not allowed to complain about dice rolls for a few turns at least. Cripes.

Welp. It's a good thing I wrote a hypothetical critical success scenario.

Engineering - Motor Pool
Cost: 2 RP (Inspired, Price Reduced from 3 RP)
Duration: 2 Turns (-1 Turn, A Helping Hand)
Chance for Bonus Research via Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6 (+1d6, A Helping Hand))
Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Contributes to Security Net

Bonus Research to Variable Configuration gained
Construction of Motor Pool Complete
New Variable Configuration Actions Unlocked

Variable Configuration Concept
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough: Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Progress in Variable Configuration Tests; Unlocks Actions)

LT Wilde and SFC Henry succeed in creating a smallscale prototype!
Breakthrough made in Variable Configuration Tests; Actions Unlocked!
Unused Squad Cars now missing!
Broadcasting Live
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 3 Turns
ESP Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll (2d6+(1d6 Candidate Screening))
Well Rested, Threshold Reduced to 3-6

made in ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

Actual update is either tonight or tomorrow. Depends on how often the phone from work decides to ring.

Edit: I give up on editing this damn thing. The board format decided to double and triple spoiler tabs. -_- Good enough as it is.
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Engineering - Motor Pool
Cost: 2 RP (Inspired, Price Reduced from 3 RP)
Duration: 2 Turns (-1 Turn, A Helping Hand)
Chance for Bonus Research via Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6 (+1d6, A Helping Hand))
I am not sure I understand this one.

It was a roll of 2d6 with a chance for Bonus Research at a disadvantage, i.e. 1d6.
With a roll of 1, 1, 5, doesn't it mean we failed the main engineering roll, but succeeded the additional research one? Or are they all treated as a single pool of 3d6?

A Helping Hand
Reduces Duration of 'Engineer Action: Motor Pool' by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6
Nah, still don't get it. Shouldn't there be 2 bonus research dice?
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...yeah. I did give you one more dice than I should have there.

Edit: I think I got mixed up while also rolling for "Broadcasting Live." Oops.

(And this is why you don't type this out when you're fielding a call from work, everyone!)

Oh well. My mistake. I'll let you all keep it this time. I mean, I could take that back and reroll it one more time if you insist.
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Well, that's not a bad start.

Does this mean we get the Obligatory Experimental Daughteru of Mysterious Origin in a tube somewhere? Our very own Not!Ayanami? Beacuse we're already going distressingly close to Full Evangelion here!
Well, that's not a bad start.

Does this mean we get the Obligatory Experimental Daughteru of Mysterious Origin in a tube somewhere? Our very own Not!Ayanami? Beacuse we're already going distressingly close to Full Evangelion here!

Whatever is down there will be revealed in an interlude after the turn results! Stay tuned!

...that said, I'd be hard pressed to compare Ritsuko to Sam Carlson...
Well, yeah, because Evangelion is a story of shitty people being terrible. A super robot show should be more upbeat than this!
Turn Three Results
Candidate Screening – ESP – Now that the ESP facility is fully running, Sam is practically chomping at the bit to really start discovering those on campus with the potential. Captain Sasaki already has a few names on a short list to contribute, and not just from the pilot cadres; he's no longer picky about that requirement. With Sam's better understanding of ESP Theory, these pilots will be able to help with all possible tests!
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Will add 1d6 to ESP Actions
Unlocks Action
7 March, A.D. 2070
Defense Force Barracks, Captain Sasaki's Office


"Are the assignments not to your liking?" Sasaki asks besides you, a questioning tone riding behind her query.

"It's not that," you say carefully. It's a strange balancing act you have to play with Sasaki. She's technically your subordinate, but you know damn well that she's feeding reports of your organization to the more conservative elements of the EUDF. You wouldn't be surprised if her old bosses in the JSDF weren't also keyed in on them too, but you have no way to confirm this.

You're pretty sure you've thrown her off her game by investing so heavily in her initial projects. But your little speech a few days ago was not just theater. As much as you have to prove to Peters that you're doing something productive, it's also a message to Sasaki's bosses as well. Given enough failure, you're fairly certain they would try to muscle in on your territory.

Good lord, you hate office politics.

"But did Sam really ask for...all of this?" you ask. Looking at the names displayed by the holo-projector, you gesture towards the scrolling list of names. "I get the pilots. The military police, sure. But the adjutants? The clerks? The cooks?"

Sasaki just gives you a pointed stare. She then points to the name of the requester.

'Sam Carlson.'

You sigh. "Point taken." Shrugging, you add with a bit of levity, "Who knows? Maybe he'll find someone in that batch."

"I somehow doubt that, Sir," Sasaki replies in a neutral tone.

"Okay, fine, don't go jumping for joy or anything…"

Result: Sasaki provides a vast variety of personnel for Sam's tests...including the unlikely ones. Adds +1d6 to ESP Rolls this Turn

A Helping Hand – Motor Pool – The duo of Wilde and Henry have been suggesting you start building a proper Motor Pool for some time. Captain Sasaki is comfortable enough with the state of the walls right now that she can lend more of the engineers tasked with fortification duty to help build the Motor Pool faster; it would greatly help her own patrols too. She would also be willing to lend some pilots to help 'stress test' their designs.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Reduces Duration of 'Engineer Action: Motor Pool' by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6
Unlocks Action
"I have also tasked the combat engineers to assist Lieutenant Wilde," she says. "Though I admit I am a little concerned."

"About what?" you ask. Shifting the rosters on the projector to the side, you bring up the proposed schematics for the motor pool. "He seems enthusiastic enough about it." Really, the only thing that were decidedly non-regulation were the 40-ton crane controls that he'd grafted into the corners.

In fact, the more you look at the schematics, the more you really come to appreciate the sheer simplicity in the layout. SFC Henry had suggested taking over one of the older bookstore warehouses, which had enough space to drive in, and more than enough space to neatly store ground fleet vehicles of most types and their kit. After that, the two Engineers had simply gone to town outfitting their dream workshop. Space was admittedly a little cramped going in and out, but you were supposed to be going slowly in and out of a motor pool anyway.

"It is the enthusiasm I am somewhat worried about," she says in a guarded tone. "How many trucks are we going to lose when they start running out of squad cars from campus security?"

"Somehow I'm not worried," you say with full confidence. It was interesting that while Sasaki was confident in most things, the strange and the experimental were areas she was decidedly uncomfortable with. You don't have that problem, it seems. "Who knows? They'll have to invent a whole new stock number sequence for whatever comes out of that workshop."

Result: Reduces Duration of Motor Pool by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6. Actually 3d6 total due to absent-minded QM. Fear your extra bonus.

Your domain in the university is now well protected against anyone who might stick their nose in. The only question now: who would those people be? You currently have no idea if there's even anyone out there. Sasaki recommends, for peace of mind if nothing else, to send out your patrols to get a better feel for the area. This is relatively low priority at the moment.
Security Net - Local Area Investigation

After two months of having off-duty Defense Force Soldiers streaming into the towns, the locals have had plenty of time to acclimate to the idea that a more permanent EUDF presence was in town. As a result, engaging with the local leaders wasn't the biggest stretch for your officers.

Until you even came by, Gasparton and the surrounding areas were really quiet. As rural folk are want to do, the leaders were more than happy enough to chat the ears off of your officers, particularly with local history. Thankfully sparing you and Sasaki every little bit of local gossip and drama, the most exciting thing that's really happened to them was the original Day of Starfall all the way back in 2038. One of the falling shuttles that the terrorists had hijacked way back in the day had crashed some way north of them - an area that was several map grid squares away from you - and caused quite a fright.

That, and the kaiju that stepped through town awhile years ago. That sure was something.

Otherwise, your officers haven't really picked up on any overt threat. Aside from the outlying kaiju from before your arrival, there certainly haven't been any Kausen sightings. And at this point, you are not ruling out some Westphalian cell hiding around here.

Your officers should have a complete report by the end of next month.


Engineering – Motor Pool – This is admittedly a personal project for LT Wilde and SFC Henry. While this would also help the security forces by giving them a dedicated Motor Pool for maintenance and whatnot, this would also let them pursue their variable configurations project. You are probably going to lose a few vehicles doing this, but at least they were up front about it.
Cost: 2 RP (Inspired, Price Reduced from 3 RP)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Bonus Research via Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6) (Actually 3d6 total due to absent-minded QM. Fear your extra bonus.)
Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Contributes to Security Net

Variable Configuration Concept – The basic workshop still allows for 'small scale' tests even if they're waiting on the bigger facilities to build. There are a bunch of campus security cars lying around that Sasaki has no use for. No one is going to mind if a few are offered up to Wilde and Henry as sacrificial offerings for the sake of experimentation. The first step: can they give a car foldable legs on demand?
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough: Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Progress in Variable Configuration Tests; Unlocks Actions

23 March, A.D. 2070
Defense Force Research Institute Motor Pool

"The digging expedition is actually going quite well, Major," Dr. Ignatov assures you. You and he are walking past the cleaned up Engineering Bay. Though a few computer banks have been set up here and there, it's clear that Ignatov's focus is on whatever is downstairs.

You don't blame him. You want to know too.

"But that isn't why you brought me here today, is it?" you ask. You nod at the security patrol setting out from the motor pool; thanks to it going online, they were able to range further out than before. And they weren't hogging up the parking lot anymore, which was a plus.

"Well…" Ignatov looks a bit...bemused? Perplexed? Confused? All of the above. "I thought it best that you come see for yourself. I believe your inventors have done something...drastic."

"Good," you say. He now looks at you bemused. "I need to see something different. And I sure wouldn't mind-"

You don't get to say what you wouldn't mind, as the words lie stillborn in your throat.

The motor pool was for the most part immaculate, but one corner of it was absolutely trashed. Scrap parts, tires and steel frames liberally adorned the floor without a care for cleanliness. Most, you note idly, but not all of the wreckage belonged to the old campus security cars.

And you can still hear and smell the sounds of someone wrapping up a welding session.

"Sir!" You look in one of the bays tucked to the side to see a smiling Lieutenant Wilde waving at you, welding mask lifted above his head. "We got it!"

"Great," you manage to say. You and Ignatov share a look before turning your attention back to him. "Got what, exactly?"

Rather than just tell you, Wilde turns around and shouts to someone, "Start it up!"

For a moment, there is nothing but silence. You feel, more than hear, the roar of a powerful engine as the small bay is brightly lit up by a pair of headlights. "Sir! Doc! I present to you…" With a flourish and a bow, he then steps to the side as an automobile rolls out into the motor pool grounds. "CRX-01A!"

You...can't even yell at him for just making a fancier car. It's a monstrous looking thing, cannibalizing all of the previous campus security cars and at least a handful of the official EUDF trucks. You recognize the smooth angles of the civilian model, but they then horribly clash with the rough and jagged edges of a proper military model. All the while, the engine continues to roar even while idling, like a jungle cat debating whether or not to try their chances with you for lunch.

How many engines did they weld together? And how the hell is it working!?

"Henry!" Wilde shouts from the side. "Hit the switch!" From inside, you can barely make out the form of SFC Henry. And for once, he has just as goofy a smile as his lieutenant does as he pushes a button inside. With a start, the car shudders, then slowly begins to rise off the ground.

You and Ignatov scramble to back away as the rear half of the car slowly begins to elevate to a vertical standing position. All the while, the driver's compartment continues to remain horizontal to the ground, even as big chunks of the sides slowly separate, then slide forward and come to a resting position along the now 'legs' of the machine.

The transition is not smooth. It shudders, jerks, and shakes every step of the way, as if the machine was fighting the transformation.

But by God, it actually worked.

"What do you think, Sir?"
Henry's voice calls out from a loudspeaker inside the 'car.' The arms shakily give a wave; there are even manipulator claws in the rough formation of a hand! "Think this is different enough for the General?"

You share another, more incredulous glance with Ignatov. "...yes," you manage to say. "I think you're on the right track."

"Great!" Henry says. "I'm going to go on a lap around campus with this thing now." Before you can even think about ordering him to stop, the CRX begins taking slow, laborious steps towards the motor pool door, all the while still shaking with each step.

You barely even see Lieutenant Wilde chasing after him with a camera, the biggest grin now plastered onto his face.

Result: Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions
Breakthrough in Variable Configuration!
Progress in Security Net
There are now videos of SFC Henry driving a running car. No one was injured.

Raiders of the Lost Bunker – It is more than a little concerning that there's an underground complex of some kind beneath your feet, and that it's never been noticed for at least forty years. Though it is not his field, Dr. Ignatov is volunteering to take a team and investigate; his curiosity is now burning like a candle fuse.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Standard Test Roll (2d6, Inspired: Threshold reduced to 3-6)
Unlocks Action

26 March, A.D. 2070
Underground Complex???

What. The. Hell.

Results: To be Concluded in Interlude

Broadcasting Live – Sam's current theory is that those with psychic potential – whenever he can detect them reliably, anyway – do not just "get to jump around like a Jedi. I have no idea where Jack even is; did you all forget to tether him to a string?" His new theory, with his latest understanding of ESP, is that even the most average human brain sometimes emits a signal of some kind that some machines react to. He believes this is the angle in which his team is finally going to capitalize on answering a fundamental question: how psychic powers can help us specifically.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 3 Turns
ESP Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll (2d6)
May Apply Well Rested, Threshold Reduced to 3-6 (Bonus mutually exclusive with Where in the World?)
Progress to ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

14 March, A.D. 2070
Carlson Laboratories, ESP Branch

"Welcome, test subjects, to Carlson Laboratories!"

All the candidates provided by Captain Sasaki look dumbly back up at Sam as he holds the microphone, a giant grin plastered on his face.

"Soldiers. Beat cops. Cooks. You're all here, because you might have crazy powers, and we want in on it! Now! You've all gotten to know each other on the walk on over, so allow me to introduce myself!" Walking closer to the edge of the dais he commandeered, he announces, "I'm Sam Carlson! I run the Science here."

"SCIENCE!" the surrounding scientists roar.

"An assistant researcher will be with you in a moment. You'll all be provided machines to start conducting tests with. But before you do, a word from your sponsor." With that, he hands the microphone to you.

As one, every candidate in the room stands to attention. Even the non military auxiliaries stiffen their spines a little bit. "At ease," you announce.

"As Sam mentioned, there's the possibility that anyone in this room has abilities that we don't understand yet," you say. Making brief eye contact with as much of the room as possible, you continue. "We really do not understand how this works, how it affects you, or anyone around you. But know this. This may not make sense to you all now, but by helping us, you are helping this project in ways you can't possibly know."

In the back corner of the room, you spy Sasaki observing the proceedings, one tablet clung to her chest as she seems to be studying you. Deciding to roll with this, you say, "I know lots of you have your doubts about the project. Making a weapon that can rival Mercury V? Something that will finally hurt the kaiju, the kausen, the separatist? Seems too good to be true!" You smile. "Sometimes, I think that way too. And I know for sure there's a lot of people out in the EUDF who think we're all crazy for even trying this.

"But you all volunteered for this job. Maybe not for this post, but you all volunteered to help Sam with his research. Research that could, just maybe, hold a secret we need to help keep the dream of the Union alive long enough so our children will remember what we did for them. And if these tests pan out? We just might call on you to perform another great service to the Union and all she stands for. So from the bottom of my heart…"

You lower the microphone. You don't need it for the next words.

"...thank you." You hand the mic back to Sam. "All yours. Take it away, and let's get some results."

"Thank you, John," he says with a grin. "Alright. Let's do some SCIENCE!"


Initial Success
Breakthrough in ESP Theory
Promising Start!
Initial Results to follow in Interlude
Will conclude in two turns
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Well, yeah, because Evangelion is a story of shitty people being terrible. A super robot show should be more upbeat than this!

Like I said, if there was an anime cast that badly needed therapists or an intervention, it was the characters of Evangelion.

We actually had a quick discussion about that earlier in the thread, but I sure as heck am not going towards that spectrum of gloom.

I will post the interludes tomorrow. I've got me an earlier start than normal. Hope you enjoyed the post!
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All the while, the engine continues to roar even while idling, like a jungle cat debating whether or not to try their chances with you for lunch.

Here, the metaphor sounds fairly intimidating, but down here:

It shudders, jerks, and shakes every step of the way, as if the machine was fighting the transformation.

it's sounds like our creation doesn't quite know what it is or trying to do.

Just remember, you introduced the Not!Transformers. When, or if, do we have to worry about Unicron, Machine Satan? Do they have a machine god? If such a being, or at least ideal exists, how would you describe it? Like a semi-Benevolent Primus, strict father-figure like the Omnissiah, or flat-out incomprehensible like the SCP-Clockwork God. Did what we do count as Holy, Heresy or Bizarre?
Here, the metaphor sounds fairly intimidating, but down here:

it's sounds like our creation doesn't quite know what it is or trying to do.

Just remember, you introduced the Not!Transformers. When, or if, do we have to worry about Unicron, Machine Satan? Do they have a machine god? If such a being, or at least ideal exists, how would you describe it? Like a semi-Benevolent Primus, strict father-figure like the Omnissiah, or flat-out incomprehensible like the SCP-Clockwork God. Did what we do count as Holy, Heresy or Bizarre?
I read "Primus" in that as "Prius" which had rather different meaning, resulting in a rather amusing mental image.
I wonder this means that whatever is the bunker will be ESP related if we're waiting for the interlude to get the initial results ?
I guess someone was fiddling with ESPer genes ahead of us, under the university before it got wrecked?

No wonder its existence was off the record.

EDIT: Psyker Ayanami?
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To answer a few things:

@RookDeSuit - you all know nothing about the Kausen at this time. I will say that you won't have contact with Not!Cybertron for quite some time.

The car, meanwhile, was like that because it was made out of parts that really weren't designed to do that...

Also, Engineering and Science results will be in different sections. I postponed the psyker update because I didn't have time to post it after the turn results. :/

Early wakeups are no fun, who'd have thought?

Edit: I will try to get one of the interludes out soon, but interludes and Turn 4 options are likely to be either tonight or tomorrow morning.
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Science Report: Carlson Laboratories, ESP Study #1 (Broadcasting Live)
1200, 27 March, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office

After the...whatever that was you saw with Ignatov, you really need to sit down. But the sad truth was, the work never stopped just because the world dropped a bombshell of a discovery your way. Even in your frazzled state, you sigh as you see your email inbox continue to steadily climb. Thankfully most of it was mundane, but a few required extra attention.

They always did.

Thankfully clearing most of the work only takes an hour or so. But before you can try to sneak off to get something resembling a lunch break, a new message pops up. This one from...Sam?

Huh. Normally he just calls you.

Tapping on the message, an audio message plays. "Sam here! I know you're probably still pickin' the ol' jaw off from what happened yesterday, so I figured a quick progress report could wait. I hate repeating myself though, so I cooked this up for you and anyone else with the authorization. Heh. Show this to General Peters and call it a day for me. Anyway, let me know if you have questions." Below the message is an embedded holographic video.

You look up and make sure the door is locked and the windows shut before clicking play. You really hope you don't regret this.

You are already regretting this when you hear an infuriatingly cheery jingle play while a flashy logo proclaiming, "Carlson Laboratories, Defense Force Research Institute!" zips across the display.

You're more than a little annoyed Sam went ahead with the whole logo design thing without asking you. Not that you mind the results, it's the principle of the thing.

"Sam Carlson here," you hear the man's voice say. "In case you don't know...well, why the hell are you watching this then? Go on. Turn the damned thing off before we call security on you." There's a lengthy pause. "I'm watching you."

You sigh as you put in your authorization code. He's at least thorough.

"Sam Carlson here!" he continues, as if nothing happened. "As you're cleared to know, we've been doing some scientific inquiring into an ill-explored field of science." The screen then shows a series of equations and diagrams at a speed frankly too fast to follow properly. "Extra Sensory Perception. Otherwise commonly known as ESP, psychic energy, totally-not-a-Jedi. I began examining this during my tenure at Unity Station. One percent of the human population's got a brain mutation looking like this."

The all-too-familiar vision of the 'ideal' mutation for psychic energy is displayed. "And only one percent as far as I can tell with the limited sample size I had. Otherwise the rest of us lazy bastards just have the factory fresh one. That was my initial theory. But thanks to dedicated resources and facilities from the Research Institute, I've had another chance to examine this in detail."

A panning view of all the test candidates from the other day are shown at various stations in Sam's labs. Some are simply giving blood samples at the medical stations. Others are at more conventional training simulations, such as flight simulations or driving simulations. Others are playing a variety of sports.

A few are playing cards. "Carlson Laboratories does not condone gambling unless it's for science and/or we get a cut."

All of them are wearing the old-fashioned VR Helmet lookalikes, all of which are brightly lit and are connected to recording devices with bundles of wires. All the while, researchers are hovering near them, taking notes, or simply observing the recordings that come from the machines. You can still see some interns rushing around with coffee.

"Our new hunch is this: every member of the human race has some psychic potential. Problem? We're so early in that development that we couldn't light a candle with our minds if our lives depended on it." A stick figure holding a candle runs across the screen in panic from what looks like a kaiju. "Especially if they did."

"But we made a discovery: there are parts of our brains with psychic potential grey matter in them that emit broadcasting waves. By itself that doesn't do a damned thing, no machine in the world is going to pick up on those."
He pauses. "Unless they're our machines."

The screen then highlights a pilot who is manipulating a basic servo arm, not too dissimilar from what you'd find in a high school laboratory. Without actually manipulating any of the controls. The servo arm itself, however, has a lot of additional antennas and machines that clearly weren't factory-standard.

"Currently in the works, but we've made this discovery: you can calibrate a man or woman's brainwaves, and then tune in a machine to work for them! Now, keep in mind - heh, mind - the example you're seeing? That took this guy about a week's worth of practice to get it right. He's about the average; people can take anywhere from two days to nine to even get the basics. So far. And don't be thinking this is anything advanced - this is just the basics." As if to highlight his point, the arm spasms, and then starts flailing around before it smacks a researcher in the face. The pilot, looking like he has something of a headache, at least manages to look sheepish.

"Oh, it'll be fine; Paul needed a good smack in the face anyway.

"So this is our current area of focus, as per the direction of Major John Devin, Commandant of this little paradise of Science."


"You tell 'em, boys. With the strange doohickeys the Engineers are also cooking up, gets me thinking - heh - can we create a man-machine interface using psychic waves as a basis with a Super Robot while also not turning the pilot into a vegetable? Hell, why not do it for cars? Tanks? Planes? ...okay, maybe not planes. Or why not? Hmm. Dunno. But exciting stuff, no one's done this before. So we're gonna find out.

"Sam Carlson, we're done here."

Broadcasting Live will conclude at the end of Turn 5
Action Discovered - Man-Machine Interface. Will Unlock at end of Turn 5.
For Duration of Broadcasting Live, Chance to Discover Pilot Candidate
Sam Carlson, we're done here!
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"Our new hunch is this: every member of the human race has some psychic potential. Problem? We're so early in that development that we couldn't light a candle with our minds if our lives depended on it." A stick figure holding a candle runs across the screen in panic from what looks like a kaiju. "Especially if they did.
Looks like something might have gotten cut-off at the end of this paragraph.
Did you just reference the events of an interlude in another interlude that in-universe happened after the referenced interlude but that you posted before the first interlude? That's like a whole new level of cliffhanger right there.
Engineering Report: Mystery Time Capsule
1048, 26 March, A.D. 2070
Underground Complex, Engineering Bay

You aren't really sure what you were expecting.

A weapons cache from some pre-Unification experiment. Patient Zero of some zombie apocalypse. A lab full of clones. Something. You just aren't sure what.

What you and Ignatov discover both is overwhelming and somewhat disappointing at the same time. At least initially.

"This is…a lair?" Ignatov looks just as confused as you are.

Ignatov had called you in only twenty minutes ago when they'd accidentally breached not only through the last of the rubble, but through what looked like it was supposed to be a secure door. And had absolutely nothing disturbed it, it might have stayed that way.

Having a university get run over by a kaiju apparently loosens up enough infrastructure to shake anything loose, apparently.

Ignatov's guess doesn't seem too far off the mark. There was only the main hall that you were standing in, and a few adjacent rooms. Yet for something so hidden, this seemed…overtly plain. "…why do I feel so let down?" you wonder. Glancing around, you can't help but feel something is missing. "It's this close," you say, with pinched fingers to emphasize your point, "to being a supervillain lair out of an old comic book, but there's no insignia, no identification…just what is this?"

"Stranger things have happened for less, Major," Ignatov says as he strides forward towards one of the far rooms. He is moving remarkably quickly, actually; he evidently saw something. "Either this facility hardly saw any people come in, or it was part of a wider scheme."

"Such as?" you ask as he forces open the door.

"…such as a wider information network," he says quietly.

As you join him, you understand why he had become so quiet. The room is nothing but a computer server station. There are rows of nothing but computer servers, all lined up along several aisles. Yet more than the sheer amount of hardware that was hiding beneath your feet, one fact strikes you clearly:

"This is pre-Unification tech."

"Cerveau-brand mainframe servers," Ignatov says breathlessly. Running towards the nearest one, he immediately begins to open the panels. "My father made use of these when I was but a boy! They were discontinued back in '35." He looks inside the server he'd opened. "And…in surprisingly decent shape, were it not for…" He pauses, then takes an even closer look. "…were it not for denial charges that were set inside."

"What?" Walking next to him, you kneel down as he angles the inner guts of the server towards you. Sure enough, what look to be incendiary charges mounted to the sides had gone off some time ago, fusing the circuits and wiring inside to a metallic mess. "…you…don't set something up like that unless you're afraid of someone finding what's in here," you say slowly.

"My thoughts as well," Ignatov says in the same manner. "Denial charges, hiding this facility from legal documentation…this all appears to be rather ominous."

"Hmm," you grunt noncommittally. While there was a deeper mystery to untangle here, you are still the Commandant of the facility, and you still have to think pragmatically. You have to think of how to tackle both problems in the most efficient manner possible.

It's surprisingly simple in this case.

"Doctor." He looks up towards you as you get to your feet. "Grab as many people as you need. I want to know what was being held in these servers if you can find out." Looking towards the other rooms, you note in satisfaction that the Soldiers were already combing through the other rooms. "More importantly, I want to know if any of the servers survived." You wipe the sweat off your brow; the temperature in here is becoming somewhat stifling. You look up at what used to be air ventilation. "Especially if the air conditioning stopped flowing in after awhile." As you turn to walk away, you add, "After this, we'll see if you can't make use of what was left behind, with a few upgrades."

1600, 26 March, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office

Ignatov looks like an utter mess when he arrives. His technician's uniform is covered in old dust and sweat, his hair is horribly disheveled, and his eyes look to be bloodshot. Yet that does not stop him from having a rather unsettling smile, all the while holding a briefcase.
Is everyone in the project like this?

"You found something?" you ask.

"I did," he confirms. Setting the briefcase down on your desk without preamble, he opens it and turns it around so the contents are facing you.
"Did this one survive?" The server case inside looks very similar to the others that you saw downstairs.

But it clearly had something going for it if Ignatov brought it to your attention. "The denial charge malfunctioned and is inert," he says. "That is the good news. Additional good news, is that the server's components are all intact. This is not even particularly market brand; the innards all appear to be of custom make. I can say for certain that I can safely reactivate the Cerveau once I move it to a proper environment."

"Alright..." You were maybe one step closer to finding out…who built the room downstairs. But… "…the bad news?"

"It will not be any time soon, I am afraid," he admits. "You do not simply plug 2039 technology into modern market brands. It will end in tears for everyone involved."

Sensible, at least. "How soon can you get started?" you ask.

"As soon as I can make some custom orders. If we are to extract the data inside, I will need the right equipment." His eyes flash as he glares down at the case. "I will not rush through this, Major. If we wish to know what was inside, and turn it to our purposes of creating a Super Robot…we will need to extract as much of the data as possible without corrupting it."

"…you seem pretty confident that it will be able to help," you say with a raised eyebrow. Aside from where Ignatov and his staff had handled it, the Cerveau was still liberally caked in dust. "For all we know, it's financial data for a pre-Unification black marketeer."

Ignatov closes the case gently, then seals it shut before taking it back. "Major Devin," he chuckles with some humor, "the Creator is not nearly so kind as that."

Result: Remnant of Underground Computer Server site unearthed!
Intact pre-Unification Mystery Server gained! Contains ???
Engineering Actions Unlocked!
Mystery Server Actions Discovered!
Major Devin and Dr. Ignatov are horribly confused.