Adhoc vote count started by Kartr_Kana on Mar 2, 2024 at 11:55 PM, finished with 364 posts and 115 votes.
[x] UFS Kea
- Wootius
- Portec
- Endorfinator
- NexusEye
- fishsicles
- Shard
- Xon
- aceraptor
- Happerry
- Arkio
- Finerc
- Fouredged Sword
- WallFly
- SyntheticSynthia
- MS-21H 'Hawke'
- Vista
- debbbies48@gmail
- hereforteer
- Nevis
- Roaming_Guardian
- StriderInCosmos
- Chargone
- UbeOne
- Gavinfoxx
- Model DC.14F
- Skjadir
- Iridium Flare
- CounterGuard
- Bruhmoment
- NyxNull
- 7th Hex
- Wellhello
- AlexScribler
- Cold Dust
- Captainwolf
- Derpmind
- Hot co co
- Varano
- slybrarian
- Strypgia
[X] UFS Europa
- landcollector
- FoxInASuit
- Lavaflow
- Kartr_Kana
- Tylonius
- Korporati
- Darth Locutus
- Sara hunter
- AntiSanity
- Falliant
- Night
- paebel
- LazyLayabout
- liberty614
- Riggnarock
- spartaner055
- Cathon Grimeye
- Theunderbolt
- Gladsome
- Horologer
- CuriousRaptor
- killerofa23
- Roaming_Guardian
- Skjadir
- Iridium Flare
- CounterGuard
- Bruhmoment
- TheShadowDeamon
- 7th Hex
- DerechteNikolaus
- inirlan
- Cold Dust
- Helher
- Captainwolf
- darkstarling
- LawsOfRobotics
- Mgunh1
- Empress_Boog
- Strypgia
[X] UFS Taqi Ad-Din
[X] UFS Arev
[X] UFS Galileo
[X] UFS Hoshi Sato
[X] UFS Agricola
[X] UFS T'Pol
[X] UFS Gienah
[X] UFS Vulcan
[X] UFS Gallus Gallus Domesticus
[X] UFS Beagle
[X] UFS Peanutbutter
[x] UFS Kia
[x] UFS European
UFS Keanu and UFS Europa are close, but the voting seems to have slowed down so we're probably getting bird names. Looking forward to the retrospective!