The additional cost of the aft phasers is nowhere close to doubling the price of the ship: it's a 50% increase in cost of the phasers, but there's the cost of the torpedoes and, y'know, the entire rest of the ship.My counter argument to "but more coverage good against Bird of Prey" is "two Soyuz will beat one BoP".
It's also valuable in a furball with lots of ships, since with the additional firing angles there will almost always be an enemy ship available to shoot at while maneuvering, whereas a fully focused armament will often not be facing any enemy ships due to focusing on evasion. Also, in the ambush scenario, halving the amount of turning required to get a good shot off is quite significant.That's not really a whole lot of return for investment, though. I mean we're already talking about a pretty specific edge case where this ship is attacked by a cloaked bird of prey and it's alone, and the value we get in that case is that the bird of prey is forced to attack at an angle that's more favorable for us.
I assume you want each number to represent a 15 degree arc? Right now those are 9*15=135 degrees and 5*15=75 degrees. That would mean it should beSo for a coverage-based phaser layout for the Soyuz, it would have the phasers spaced 75 degrees apart, so you'd have a damage spread across the arc (165 degrees) of 4-4-4-4-8-4-4-4-4.
For a focus-based layout, they'd be slaved together in a single position, so you'd have (90 degrees) 8-8-8-8-8.
I assume you want each number to represent a 15 degree arc? Right now those are 9*15=135 degrees and 5*15=75 degrees. That would mean it should be
Coverage: 4-4-4-4-4-8-4-4-4-4-4 = 11*15= 165 degrees
Focus: 8-8-8-8-8-8 = 6*15 = 90 degrees
If this is going to be an actual quest relevant mechanic, I'd respectfully request you mark it as an Informational.Having spent more time than is reasonable in the spreadsheet, ships are now set up to have twenty-four weapon slots both ventral and dorsal, for a total of forty eight. Each of these faces out into a 15 degree arc, and each weapon slot has it's own individual damage output and firing arc based on the weapon slotted there. So for example a "Type-1 Phaser" has a 105 degree arc and can deal 4 damage to anything within that range.
So for a coverage-based phaser layout for the Soyuz, it would have the phasers spaced 90 degrees apart, so you'd have a damage spread across the arc (180 degrees) of 4-4-4-4-4-4-8-4-4-4-4-4-4.
For a focus-based layout, they'd be slaved together in a single position, so you'd have (105 degrees) 8-8-8-8-8-8-8.
It doesn't translate across perfectly because the old system used 90-degree arcs and this is 6x more granular, but that's the idea for future ships anyway. For me at least the advantage is being able to have more than one type or configuration of energy weapon at the same time.
For the aft phaser vote? It's not close.I'd prefer no aft phasers but since the vote's too close to decide one way or another...
Not the specific vote I was referring to.