Starfleet Design Bureau

What about sacrificing the geo labs instead of the bio labs? i feel like the biology stuff need special containment, while geology can fit in the big central lab just fine.
Yeah, that's fair. I was just thinking about our specialty ship already floating about, but what you said makes sense.
I also like your short range all-specialist labs approach by the way but I doubt the central cargo bay will win enough votes without plan voting.'s unfortunate, because that plan honestly feels like a one-ship colony foundation builder.

We seriously need at least ONE cargo bay, though--else our engineering will be stunted.
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[ ] 1: Engineering Workshop (+2 Engineering, Capability: Fabrication)
[ ] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science, Capability: Advanced Computers, +1 Cost)
[ ] 3: Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Capability: +6 Cargo)
[ ] 4: Astrometrics (+2 Science, Capability: Astrometrics)
[ ] 5: Biosciences (+2 Science, Capability: Advanced Medical)
[ ] 6: Geology Lab (+2 Science, Capability: Geology)

I think this is probably the best option, it has decent cargo, Science 9, Engineering 6, Cargo 6 plus all the available capabilities (except range/crew) on offer. A 4 Year mission ship having to choose between Astronomics (and thus ability to navigate optimally) and Crew support is too brutal to consider. That, and we didn't actually pick the 4 Nacelle Cruise option, so it's not like there's an exceptional synergy available there.
I want plan voting for this. Six decision point that all have to be balanced with each other is way harder to do without plan voting. (And a longer vote moratorium wouldn't hurt, either.)

You want a plan? Here's a plan all right

[JK] Plan: Space UHaul
-[JK] 1: Cargo Bay (+1 Engineering, Capability: +2 Cargo)
-[JK] 2: Miscellaneous Storage
-[JK] 3: Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Capability: +6 Cargo)
-[JK] 4: Extra Crew Quarters (Shared Quarters -> Personal Quarters)
-[JK] 5: Cargo Bay (+1 Engineering, Capability: +2 Cargo)
-[JK] 6: Cargo Bay (+1 Engineering, Capability: +2 Cargo)

The Alpha Quadrant will be impressed by our ability to ferry cargo anywhere we want, establishing colonies and space stations everywhere we go, and we're so armed to the teeth that no pirate will be able to take out precious cargo.
[ ] 1: Engineering Workshop (+2 Engineering, Capability: Fabrication)
[ ] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science, Capability: Advanced Computers, +1 Cost)
[ ] 3: Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Capability: +6 Cargo)
[ ] 4: Astrometrics (+2 Science, Capability: Astrometrics)
[ ] 5: Biosciences (+2 Science, Capability: Advanced Medical)
[ ] 6: Geology Lab (+2 Science, Capability: Geology)
I do like how so far, we're looking at the Copernicus being the best ship we have in every category. It fills me with the good chemicals. It's expensive, but it has better-than-Thunderchild level survivability (Largely thanks to having deflectors instead of polarized armor), superior firepower (If only by a hair, hilariously enough, despite the Thunderchild being a generation behind in armament), and unlike our beloved boi, it didn't dumpstat everything else to get there, and is still our best Science and Engineering vessel in active service now.

Though funnily enough, the Thunderchild-class is still our best Engineering ship built to date, even if it's largely retired now. Which is kind of weird, how did that happen?
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[ ] 1: Engineering Workshop (+2 Engineering, Capability: Fabrication)
[ ] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science, Capability: Advanced Computers, +1 Cost)
[ ] 3: Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Capability: +6 Cargo)
[ ] 4: Astrometrics (+2 Science, Capability: Astrometrics)
[ ] 5: Biosciences (+2 Science, Capability: Advanced Medical)
[ ] 6: Geology Lab (+2 Science, Capability: Geology)

Yea this build adds 7 science and maximizes our science capabilities as well, while the engineering workshop adds another capability then capping off with quantity for cargo. And as mentioned, 2 years should be more than enough for mission on average.
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To be clear, you're arguing for the following?

[ ] 1: Engineering Workshop (+2 Engineering, Capability: Fabrication)
[ ] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science, Capability: Advanced Computers, +1 Cost)
[ ] 3: Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Capability: +6 Cargo)
[ ] 4: Astrometrics (+2 Science, Capability: Astrometrics)
[ ] 5: Biosciences (+2 Science, Capability: Advanced Medical)
[ ] 6: Geology Lab (+2 Science, Capability: Geology)
Honestly, I like this loadout myself - it's well equipped for doing basically anything that can be thrown at it, and looking at the stats we've already got, that would give us 6 Engineering and 9 freaking Science. Which is very impressive.
People seem to like it so far so I may be wrong. I still think it's a bit sad to not go for maximum range on our explorer after delaying it to put the internal ships first but it's fine enough.
I feel like the real killer for the maximum range explorer is that we'd have to give up Astrometrics for extra crew quarters. If it was something like Geology or even Biosciences that would have been a way easier sell.
[ ] 1: Engineering Workshop (+2 Engineering, Capability: Fabrication)
[ ] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science, Capability: Advanced Computers, +1 Cost)
[ ] 3: Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Capability: +6 Cargo)
[ ] 4: Astrometrics (+2 Science, Capability: Astrometrics)
[ ] 5: Biosciences (+2 Science, Capability: Advanced Medical)
[ ] 6: Geology Lab (+2 Science, Capability: Geology)

This gets us to Engineering 6, Cargo 6 and Science 9 while including most of the special traits.
The increased range would go best with the improved quarters, but we would have to give up 3 Science, better computers and astrometrics.
Though funnily enough, the Thunderchild-class is still our best Engineering ship built to date, even if it's largely retired now. Which is kind of weird, how did that happen?
Briefly checking back at the Thunderchild updates, we skipped picking out any auxiliary systems. I think what happened was that we automatically grabbed engineering and cargo instead of going through an auxiliary system voting process.
I feel like the real killer for the maximum range explorer is that we'd have to give up Astrometrics for extra crew quarters. If it was something like Geology or even Biosciences that would have been a way easier sell.

I doubt the ship ends up with zero sensors to use by the main lab if we don't pick that option. But it's a real cost yes.

Though funnily enough, the Thunderchild-class is still our best Engineering ship built to date, even if it's largely retired now. Which is kind of weird, how did that happen?

Engineering is by far the best noncombat auxiliary for a combat ship so it makes sense. Self repairing ships are scarily good, especially paired with being a very hard to kill capital ship.
To be clear, you're arguing for the following?

[ ] 1: Engineering Workshop (+2 Engineering, Capability: Fabrication)
[ ] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science, Capability: Advanced Computers, +1 Cost)
[ ] 3: Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Capability: +6 Cargo)
[ ] 4: Astrometrics (+2 Science, Capability: Astrometrics)
[ ] 5: Biosciences (+2 Science, Capability: Advanced Medical)
[ ] 6: Geology Lab (+2 Science, Capability: Geology)


Although we could swap out the big cargo bay for science labs, drop geology and go for a smaller cargo bay if we want to maximise our Science score whilst still retaining some cargo capacity. I think that's valid too, and numerically we end up with a higher combined rating that way.
I'm going to be honest here. I like the idea of a big cargo bay.

I mean, our only trader ship is still the Zheng He, which is doing Warp Walking Speed, we need an upgrade /jk

Seriously, though, big cargo. Let's go explore unknown frontiers, strange new planets and life, and bring it home with us!
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Science and engineering are all well and good but somebody tell me we left some space for diplomatic facilities. We need to get to Risa before the Klingons do :p

More seriously, I don't think we'll need the extra antimatter pods, since there's so much to explore within 200 ly, probably most of what would end up on a future map of the Federation.

I think astrometrics is absolutely necessary as a fleet capability to find the best routes for our trade ships, and so the next generation of explorers have some leads to follow for their 5 year missions. However, I suppose we can leave that role to the Curiosity surveyors that follow behind the new explorers. Advanced medicine and cargo hauling are also existing fleet capabilities, though that doesn't mean we should ignore them...
I really think we need astrometrics. We passed that option with our last two ships and I think an explorer would find it really useful.

It's a shame it shares a slot with extra crew quarters, which is only recommended with extra antimatter pods. But because I value astrometrics that much more, I'd prefer not to take the extra pods then. Those poor crewmen shouldn't be subject to years long missions without the extra room.
I'm going to be honest here. I like the idea of a big cargo bay.

I mean, our only trader ship is still the Zheng He, which is doing Warp Walking Speed, we need an upgrade /jk

Seriously, though, big cargo. Let's go explore unknown frontiers, strange new planets and life, and bring it home with us!
Our main cargo ship is currently the Cygnus--by the way, the cargo bay option we chose for it was this:
[X] 3: Large Cargo Bay (+1 Engineering, Capability: +3 Cargo)
We can potentially have this ship have twice the cargo capacity of our main workhorse ship lmao
You want a plan? Here's a plan all right
[JK] Plan Too Much Science
-[] 1: Cargo Bay (+1 Engineering, Capability: +2 Cargo)
-[] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science, Capability: Advanced Computers, +1 Cost)
-[] 3: Science Labs (+4 Science)
-[] 4: Astrometrics (+2 Science, Capability: Astrometrics)
-[] 5: Biosciences (+2 Science, Capability: Advanced Medical)
-[] 6: Geology Lab (+2 Science, Capability: Geology)

13 Science, 3 Engineering, and not enough cargo. Perfect plan, no flaws.
I want plan voting for this. Six decision point that all have to be balanced with each other is way harder to do without plan voting. (And a longer vote moratorium wouldn't hurt, either.)

Plan votes are always an option. The vote program accounts for it.

@Sayle, could we have a rough idea of what the numerical scores equate to in terms of the letter grades (if our final score is still based on them), or at least a rough idea of what the minimal threshold we're expected to hit in each is?

A is always the most score you can have in that area, with F being the least. But you also have additional capabilities to consider, so the letter score isn't the be-all and end-all.

Although we could swap out the big cargo bay for science labs, drop geology and go for a smaller cargo bay if we want to maximise our Science score whilst still retaining some cargo capacity. I think that's valid too, and numerically we end up with a higher combined rating that way.
A smaller cargo bay would probably be valid on a shorter-range explorer, yes. On the other hand, losing specialized geology loses out on learning about exotic materials that might be mined on potential colony worlds, including but not limited to the dilithium that is so crucial to warp power and which is not found in abundance on core Federation worlds, and the search for which might guide its expansion.
Also, a quick question @Sayle , I'm assuming later tranches of the Copernicus--assuming we get any--are going to properly reach Medium Maneuverability once the kinks with the Type-2 Impulse Thrusters are worked out? It's already pretty close to that level as-is, with only about a 6 KT shortfall, looking at the Mass you've got in the diagram so far.
I'm being swayed towards the 2 year max versatility build of:

[ ] 1: Engineering Workshop (+2 Engineering, Capability: Fabrication)
[ ] 2: Secondary Computer Core (+1 Science, Capability: Advanced Computers, +1 Cost)
[ ] 3: Cargo Bay (+2 Engineering, Capability: +6 Cargo)
[ ] 4: Astrometrics (+2 Science, Capability: Astrometrics)
[ ] 5: Biosciences (+2 Science, Capability: Advanced Medical)
[ ] 6: Geology Lab (+2 Science, Capability: Geology)

Since the extended range combo of extra antimatter pods and the then borderline required personal quarters modules gives up too much in capability I feel.