Starfleet Design Bureau

Depending on just how much Sayle is willing to draw from secondary sources, it should be possible (at least by the late 24th century) to make a Pharos scale Starbase that can fly about the Federation*.

*Per STO as of 2410 the Tzenkethi have mobile battle stations, at least one, which was brought up to Bajor to crack DS9 and the defending fleet when they tried to protomatter torpedo the planet and eliminate the still hibernating Drantzuli/H'urq attendants they thought were on it.

To some extent it probably depends on what level of "mobile" you're designing for. Like all starbases must have at least some small ion thrusters for station-keeping. You could probably expand those somewhat, and have something which still did not take up too much of your mass budget, but would let you move between orbits in a few days, or across a system in months. The real kicker is warp travel, because so much of the ship has to be designed around it, and so much of the mass budget goes for it.

Probably there is a niche for a ship which is halfway between an overgrown defence monitor and a station. Mass-efficient ion engines and the kind of slower warp drive you'd normally see on a commercial freighter, and then the most coked-out guns possible, and lots of plating and shielding. Not really that effective as a warship, but if you need to defend an orbital, or siege a defended orbital contested by an enemy station? Park six of them there.

A very different approach might be to have a modular warp transporter system which is not normally installed on the starbase, but can be used to redeploy them. Something halfway between those hyperspace rings you see the old Jedi starfighters using in the prequels, and those massive barges used to move entire oil rigs. Given that a ring-type is the most simple form of warp nacelle, and Federation starbases are usually some version of a cylinder or spinning-top shape... The idea suggests itself to build a giant ring-shaped starbase transporter ship, that fits around the starbase's vertical axis and docks with locking arms, drawing power from the starbase's generators.

There would be a ton of complications though. Starbases not having a navigational deflector is one, but also your transporter ring-ship would need to be efficient cruising at warp both by itself at low power, and cruising with both the added power and mass of the starbase docked in. Realistically given what a nightmare warp geometry and dynamics are, and also how you'd need to be able to draw close to 100% of the starbase's energy budget in flight, this would necessitate designing a starbase and transport system in tandem - it would very much not be a "plug and play" kind of system.

...But the attractions of being able to re-deploy starbases as needed are so tantalising...

Oh man we flubbed multiple prototype rolls.

Disappointing, but no matter. It will be solved for our warp 8 ships, and hull plating can be easily replaced in the future.

The only really annoying part is Starfleet tactical complaining about lack of fire power, when we weren't even given the choice to have a second forward torpedo. We gave it everything we could! (Bar one useless phasor)

Oh yeah, if we rolled sub-par on the Impulse as well, that could be a factor. If this thing would have been Manoeuvrability: High, between that and the plating, that's got to be worth half a rating to a rating. But in fairness, we'd probably have the same manoeuvrability if we'd stuck with the Type-2 thrusters, and at least this will mean it's ready for our other ships, so it's not all bad.
I 100% disagree. A couple of weeks of time to fuel up is a couple of weeks it's not fulfilling its purpose. A couple of weeks, again and again and again and again, is a lot of lost time.

Whether slow or fast, big or small, there is no construction/engineering job that doesn't severely benefit from a couple of weeks shaved off the deadline. And when your job is effectively infinite in scope, as is the case with the overall service life of a starship...
Counterargument: Significantly more time will be spent on site than in transit. During that time in system, you could have scientist surveying the system constantly. A detailed scan for a newly built up system. Or resolving local problems in case of emergency, so you have better solutions to issues at hand.

If you want to talk about saving time over its lifetime, not having to make additional trips for resources, because you included geological scanners to just find local saves 100% travel time. Or waiting for other ships to bring it, that can instead do other things.

A team of scientist/geologist actively surveying a system while the project is going could have had significantly more impact on its normal service duties.

The entire point is moot now, fuel pods got traction immediately, and it bandwagon.

An Akira has like 10 forward torpedo launchers.
*Meanwhile at SDB HQ*

New Admiral: Are...They okay?"
Old Admieral: Hmm? Oh yes. That's normal. Honestly they're pretty calm today. Probably deciding on the name or something.

Honestly it looks like there is still a fair bit of space on our orb not being used compared to how we normally cram things in every available space. I honestly suspect it's for balance purposes, because otherwise from a pure numbers perspective orb would be unbeatable.

On a tactical perspective they still remain very beatable.
ORB! actually does have a place IMHO. I feel like the fact that its the first of its type personally, that is the limiting factor. Could see them being developed to be excellent non-combat ships what with being fairly slow, and having a hard time concentrating fire/manuvering. But with the benefit of larger/more sub-systems. Bad for combat,but good in support roles.

I still am going to vote for the coveted ring-orb regardless, for that biblically accurate Starfleet vessel.
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We should design a ship that's just an Orb with torpedo launchers pointing in all directions.
Come to think of it, maybe this isn't as absurd as it sounds.

If the greatest tactical problem of the Orb is firing arcs... and its greatest strength is volume for lots of stuff... stuff like torpedo launchers pointed not in all directions but centered on the frontal arc, and engines to give it the maneuverability to reliably put its targets inside that arc...

Yeah, could be pretty deadly.

Saucers are for general use. Half-Saucers are for warships. But the Orb... we do not talk about the Orb.
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Maybe, maybe not.
I do expect the Halleys to have a significantly longer lifespan in service.
These things are probably going to be around for fucking ever in some capacity. They're the sort of design that does exactly what it's supposed to with minimal frills. And then, in a century or so when Star Fleet is done with the design, it'll end up in civilian hands and keep going for another century or three.
Yeah cargo ships never go out of style. There is ALWAYS gonna be a need to move large quantities of Stuff from place to place.

And I'm really really glad looking back that the engineering hull won, we would have been so much less capable trying to cram all the warp infrastructure into the ORB.
[X] Archer-class. After famous engineers.

Archer deserves the kudos.

On the whole I'm very happy with it, even though my preferred auxiliary options lost- the antimatter tankage will keep its operating radius relevant (even if at a slower speed) well into the future as the Federation continues to expand. I expect this design to be next century's memetic eternal BUFF- the big, boring, practical ancient design that continues to be the linchpin design of its entire operational role, outlasting multiple expensive attempted replacements, because it's so straightforwardly, reliably good at its job- just like the real world's B-52.
I say heavy cruiser with 100% phaser coverage, as many forward torps as allowed, and as much sensors as we can.
Ah, one of my favorites - "I Spy With My Little Eye, Someone Who's About To Die"

If you want to talk about saving time over its lifetime, not having to make additional trips for resources, because you included geological scanners to just find local saves 100% travel time. Or waiting for other ships to bring it, that can instead do other things.

A team of scientist/geologist actively surveying a system while the project is going could have had significantly more impact on its normal service duties.
The Halley has Science 4. All the SCIENCE! that might actually consistently translate into time savings is something it can already do.

The kind of science you're talking about is the kind of science that even in Star Trek takes days if not weeks to do properly, from discovery to analysis to planning to implementation. The benefit of those assorted specialty labs isn't in time saved - it's in precision and niche cases. Most engineering/salvage/construction jobs aren't the extra-precise level of detail that would fix. And for those that would be...

Very Large Modular Cargo Pods, which are big enough have a specialty science support lab variant built if you're so inclined. The problems you're raising are already compensated for, are solved, or can be solved without modifying the Halley or building a new ship - one way or another.

And if you're going to be writing off multiple days and pages of discussion as just "gaining traction and bandwagoning" then I'm going to tell you what I told Endorfinator - start writing omakes or getting someone else to write them for you if it bothers you that much.
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One of the Federation's strengths, diplomatically speaking, is being able to show up at a disaster zone in a hostile power and say "we're here to help" and actually, y'know, be taken at face value.

Making our diplomatic ships also be disaster response ships isn't a bad call.
"Sign here, and we can begin beaming down our cargo immediately"

That said, enough people try and interfere with diplomatic talks that the classic Trek way of parking the motherfucking Enterprise (totally not a battleship) over someone's planet for the job is ideal, not a smol bean soft boi that Orion Pirates can easily pirate...
A question for the thread - should the new Explorer be the first or second design with the Warp 8 engine? It being the first ship with the new tech would make a great impression, but we don't have a ship for the Cygnus's workhorse role anymore. Should we build a multi role cruiser first, or go straight for the big one? Assuming we aren't going into the Klingon War next, that is.

Depending on how aggressive the Klingons are getting we may want to strongly consider a direct successor to the Selachii-class, a small-medium hull that is fast, agile, and armed to the teeth.
We never did get around to making that torpedo destroyer did we?

If we have two designs left before the war, then honestly a small fighty ship would not be a bad bet. A Selachii for the Warp 8 era, if you will.

I will futilely try and get us to put a botany lab somewhere on it, and you will all vote against me, it'll be fun!
What kind of warp setup would the solo orb with no secondary hull have used?

Two (more?) linear nacelles around the hull, or a single custom Vulcan style circular warp coil?
Orb with ring would be super cool aesthetically.
If we have two designs left before the war, then honestly a small fighty ship would not be a bad bet. A Selachii for the Warp 8 era, if you will.

I will futilely try and get us to put a botany lab somewhere on it, and you will all vote against me, it'll be fun!
[ ] Biological Warfare Greenhouse (+2 Science, Beautiful Flowers)
If we have two designs left before the war, then honestly a small fighty ship would not be a bad bet. A Selachii for the Warp 8 era, if you will.

I will futilely try and get us to put a botany lab somewhere on it, and you will all vote against me, it'll be fun!

Let's build an explorer with a botany lab followed on by our Miranda equivalent!
[ ] Biological Warfare Greenhouse (+2 Science, Beautiful Flowers)

No, you see, the way you get it past the Federation Council is by calling it a Biodefence Greenhouse. ;)

We were only cultivating these horrific forms of viral pollen and mind-controlling pitcher plants to study how to stop others from misusing them, Councillor Sarek, honest!

...Why am I being put in handcuffs.
Depending on how aggressive the Klingons are getting we may want to strongly consider a direct successor to the Selachii-class, a small-medium hull that is fast, agile, and armed to the teeth.
Maybe cram in a science lab and shiny sensor suite, so we can justify sending them everywhere.
We never did get around to making that torpedo destroyer did we?
Congrats, you three have reinvented the already-existing Saladin class!
Couple more engineer names that would be appropriate. Both shipwrights from the age of sail, one British and one French.

USS Thomas Slade
USS Jacques-Noel Sane
Congrats, you three have reinvented the already-existing Saladin class!
With the Warp 8 engines not compatible with our existing fleet, clean sheet designs are going to be the order of the day. If we're concerned about it being a rehash, we could bulk it out with medical bays and biolabs, mass producing it as an emergency responder? Give it an over/under nacelle configuration hooked to a saucer and we have our version of the Akula class.
Very Large Modular Cargo Pods, which are big enough have a specialty science support lab variant built if you're so inclined. The problems you're raising are already compensated for, are solved, or can be solved without modifying the Halley or building a new ship - one way or another.

The ability to put together specialty cargo pods with all the gribblies that weren't included in the base design and have them sitting mothballed at central distribution nodes is what will keep this hull in service for an extremely long time.

Labs have a use by date, so by having them put in the modular pod that can be regularly updated without taking the base hull out of service means you have the ability to use these ships as dedicated science ships when they aren't being used to respond to a colonial disaster out on the fringes of Federation territory.
These things are probably going to be around for fucking ever in some capacity. They're the sort of design that does exactly what it's supposed to with minimal frills. And then, in a century or so when Star Fleet is done with the design, it'll end up in civilian hands and keep going for another century or three.

Even once it's slow and the tactical systems are ineffective there's no need to get rid of them. Keep them in the core and use them to ferry goods around and do low urgency, routine maintenance. These are the perfect engineer training ships. These things might still be slowboating around when the Borg show up.