Barbarians mostly wear Medium armor. At least in 3.5. or unless they went Fist of the Forest.

Talking about 5e, here, where they fixed it so Barb's Unarmored Defense is actually worth using now: 10+DEX+CON when unarmored. Can use shields.

That gives a tank-spec Barb a basic AC of 22 at max level, since they get a cap-breaking +4 to CON and STR as one of their capstone perks. Might not sound like much in 3.5e terms, but 5e massively deflated the number scale so every +1 is more meaningful. Enchant bonuses only go up to +3, making a naked Barb +1 AC compared to maxed +3 Plate.
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Hell, with the right magic items you can get stupidly high AC without armor. In fact, I think the potential Armor Class cap is higher if you're not wearing armor. Gimme a bit to theory craft some builds.
Okay, I'll be working on the (unlikely as hell) assumption that stats are being rolled, and both players rolled 18's for strength, dex, con, wisdom, and charisma. First build will be a full plate and tower shield using paladin, the other will be something wearing no armor.

For the paladin, Let's go with a human for that bonus feat. let's say he or she got a suit of +5 mithrial full plate, a +5 dragonhide tower shield, a +5 amulet of natural armor, +5 ring of protection, and a dusty rose ioun stone. Only 3 stat increases were applied to Dex, and no magic items to raise it. Then again, with full plate and a tower shield there's a hard cap of +3 to dex bonus anyway. This hypothetical paladin has an AC of 45 normally, 43 flat footed, and 18 touch. Base AC and Touch AC go up by 1 if using Dodge, but only against that one designated foe. And if Tumbling, the mobility feat raises base and touch AC by another 4 against attacks of opportunity. For a maximum possible AC of 50 against one foe, if it's an attack of opportunity.

Now, let's look at that barbarian's hypothetical AC. We'll go with Elf for race this time for an extra +2 Dex since it's going to be a main source of armor class. Same amulet, ring, and ioun stone as the paladin, of course. He does, of course also have a shield, this time it's a heavy steel shield +5. Unlike the paladin, our barbarian opted to go for the super expensive bracers of armor +8 because no real barbarian will be caught dead wearing a shirt. He also is wearing gloves of dexterity +6, put all his level up points into dex, and has found a Tome of Quickness of Action +5 that he used. After all, he can benefit from this since his armor isn't limiting his dex bonus to +3. This gives our loincloth (and not much else) wearing barbarian 49 standing AC, 49 Flat Footed AC, and 29 Touch AC. Raise normal and touch AC by 1 if using Dodge, and by an additional +4 if it's an attack of opportunity. This gives our hypothetical barbarian a maximum AC of 54 base, 34 touch, and 49 flat footed. Keep in mind, this is something anyone with a high starting dex could do. Depending on race, the maximum could go up or down by 1 or a situational increase by 4 points. Raging of course will reduce that AC.

One last hypothetical build... Let's look at a monk. Same base stats as the paladin and barbarian. Elf or Aasimar, either one will due since both dex and wisdom are increasing AC. For leveling up, 2 points are added to Dex and 3 points to Wisdom. For magic items bracers of armor +8 are chosen once again. Same for the amulet of natural armor, ring of protection, dusty rose ioun stone, gloves of dexterity, and tome of quickness of action. In addition the monk has a tome of understanding +5 (+5 Inherent bonus to wisdom once used). This is again a character who isn't wearing armor. And yet at level 20 they have a standing AC of 47 (34 touch, 37 flat footed) without any buffs or using feats. Convincing the party's cleric to cast Owl's Wisdom could raise Wisdom by an extra 5 points, I think. This would increase AC by 3 points since standing Wisdom is 27 (29 as an aasimar).

Of course, when facing Epic monsters even such absolutely silly AC values are likely to just reduce the enemy to hitting you 90% of the time.

Just for funsies I threw together a Pathfinder build too. Level 12 kineticist, level 8 monk. Here's what I came up with.

Unnamed Hero
Garuda-blooded aasimar (plumekith) hydrokineticist 12/ex-monk 8 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 23, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 10)
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +14; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +34
AC 71, touch 43, flat-footed 58 (+8 armor, +5 deflection, +12 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 insight, +3 monk, +14 natural, +6 shield, +11 Wis)
hp 195 (20d8+92) (40 Non-Lethal taken)
Fort +18, Ref +26, Will +21; +2 vs. [evil], +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune disease; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +18/+13/+8 (2d6+3) or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows +18/+18/+13/+13/+8/+3 (2d6+3)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, kinetic blast, metakinesis (empower, maximize), stunning fist (12/day, DC 31)
Kineticist Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +13)
. . Constant—feather fall, fly
Kineticist Wild Talents Known
. . Defense—shroud of water
. . Infusions—extended range, kinetic fist, quenching infusion, snake, thundering infusion (DC 20)
. . Blasts—charged water blast (12d6+16 ½ electricity and ½ bludgeoning), electric blast (6d6+2 electricity), water blast (6d6+10)
. . Utility—air cushion, air shroud, basic aerokinesis, basic hydrokinesis, cold adaptation, heat adaptation, kinetic healer, wings of air
Str 16, Dex 34, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 33, Cha 13
Base Atk +15; CMB +20; CMD 61
Feats Angelic Blood[ARG], Angelic Flesh (steel)[ARG], Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Stunning Fist
Traits acrobat, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +38 (+54 to jump), Appraise +9, Climb +3 (1 instead of -5 penalty when using the Climb skill to attempt an accelerated climb), Disguise -1, Fly +28, Heal +34, Knowledge (nature) +26, Perception +34, Sense Motive +34, Stealth +10, Swim +26; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Fly
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ burn (4 points/round, max 7), elemental overflow +4, expanded element (air), fast movement, gather power, high jump, infusion specialization 3, internal buffer 2, ki pool (15 points, cold iron, magic, silver), maneuver training, slow fall 40 ft., supercharge, wholeness of body (8 hit points)
Other Gear amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical perfection +6, bracers of armor +8, dusty rose prism ioun stone, headband of mental superiority +6, manual of quickness of action +5, monk's robe, ring of protection +5, tome of understanding +5
Special Abilities
Air Cushion (Sp) Constantly under the effects of feather fall.
Air Shroud (Su) Constantly under the effects of air bubble.
Angelic Blood +2 saves vs. evil effects, to stabilize while dying, and 1 damage to evil or undead if bleeding.
Angelic Flesh (Steel) +1 natural AC and your natural attacks count as cold iron.
Burn 4/round (20 nonlethal/burn, 7/day) Burn HP to gain greater effects on your wild talents.
Charged Water Blast (Sp) Level 6; Burn 2
Cold Adaptation (Sp) Endure elements against cold, and gain Cold Resistance = 2x current burn
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deflect Arrows (1/round) While have an empty hand, negate one ranged weapon hit you are aware of (unless from a massive weapon).
Electric Blast (Sp) Level 6; Burn 0
Elemental Overflow (Ex) Gain a bonus to hit and damage with your blast when you use burn.
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Expanded Element This is a dummy ability to consolidate the expanded elements into a single entry in the statblock. We can't do this through the normal channels, because both primary and expanded elements are added to the same table on the class.
Extended Range Kinetic blast has range of 120ft.
Fast Movement (+20 ft.) The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flurry of Blows +15/+15/+10/+10/+5/+0 (Ex) As full-rd action, higher BAB and combo unarmed/monk wep as if two-weapon fighting.
Gather Power (Su) Move: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 1 or Full-round: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 2
Heat Adaptation (Sp) Endure elements against fire, and gain Fire Resistance = 2x current burn
High Jump (+8/+28 with ki point) (Ex) +8 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Infusion Specialization 3 (Ex) Reduce burn cost of blasts with infusions by 3
Internal Buffer 2 (Su) Store burn for use later
Ki Pool (15/day) (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Kinetic Blast (Sp) The kineticist can unleash her kinetic blast at a range of 30 feet at will.
Kinetic Fist (2d6 blast damage) Your natural and unarmed attacks do extra damage.
Kinetic Healer (Sp) Heal others equal to your blast damage
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Metakinesis (Su) By accepting burn you affect your kinetic blast as if using a metamagic ability.
Mobility +4 to AC vs. AoO provoked by moving out of or through a threatened area.
Quenching Infusion Your blasts can put out fires
Slow Fall 40 ft. (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Snake Blast can bend around corners.
Stunning Fist (12/day, DC 31) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Supercharge (Su) Increase effectiveness of gather power by 1.
Thundering Infusion (DC 20) Blast deafens its targets
Water Blast (Sp) Level 6; Burn 0
Wholeness of Body (8 hit points) (Su) Use 2 ki as a standard action to heal own wounds.
Wings of Air (Sp) You are constantly under the effects of fly.

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Talking about 5e, here, where they fixed it so Barb's Unarmored Defense is actually worth using now: 10+DEX+CON when unarmored. Can use shields.

That gives a tank-spec Barb a basic AC of 22 at max level, since they get a cap-breaking +4 to CON and STR as one of their capstone perks. Might not sound like much in 3.5e terms, but 5e massively deflated the number scale so every +1 is more meaningful. Enchant bonuses only go up to +3, making a naked Barb +1 AC compared to maxed +3 Plate.
Barbs having Unarmored Defense is a 5th edition thing. That was a Monk thing in 3.5.
How is Tia's relationship with Asmodeus? I doubt you walk up to the King of He'll and say "I quit." How did she break her bindings? What about her palace? Who guards the gate to Dis, because I'm sure Asmodeus dosen't want the hot violent version of the Blood War in Dis.
How is Tia's relationship with Asmodeus? I doubt you walk up to the King of He'll and say "I quit." How did she break her bindings? What about her palace? Who guards the gate to Dis, because I'm sure Asmodeus dosen't want the hot violent version of the Blood War in Dis.
Unless something went weird in the later editions, Tiamat never worked for Asmodeus. She's more powerful than him.
Unless something went weird in the later editions, Tiamat never worked for Asmodeus. She's more powerful than him.
Er, no. Tiamat has always been a Lesser Power, while Asmodeus is a Greater Power. In some versions, he's even an Overpower like Ao.

From the first Manual of the Planes in AD&D, Tiamat has been Asmodeus' close ally and the guard to the gates of Hell; any who would pass beyond the First Layer does so either with her blessing or by getting past her. This has been a constant for decades, and to my knowledge has never changed.

However, there is a catch. Second Edition introduced the Planescape setting, and with it the rules for the Outer Planes. One of the big rules was that, if the alignment of the inhabitants of a plane shifts, that portions of the plane they live on shifts with them to the plane sharing their new alignment. As such, if Tiamat's alignment shifted from LE toward LN, her lair would shift with her to a new plane toward Nirvana, removing her from Baator in the process. While Asmodeus would dislike loosing such a valued ally, there is most likely a clause in their agreement allowing her to leave; probably with a sizable penalty, most likely including a large portion of her considerable hoard as well as the power he granted her as Guardian of the Gates of Hell.

So, an unpleasant breakup, but not one that would have infernal assassins coming after Tiamat to claim her soul....
Cosmological Meanderings of the half-asleep
The aftermath of the breakup is described in Tiamat's interlude. The end result is that the gate to Dis is sealed shut until a new one can be made elsewhere. Betrayals from all sides cost Asmodeus his watch-dog, and when he broke the deal he'd made with Tiamat, she was free. Moments after her departure, an event happened, resulting in Tiamat's fortress and several leagues around it to be glassed. The entrance to Dis (and the exit from) are under several miles of molten glass. While heat and fire don't bother devils, this stuff does. Several parties can guess why, but no one really wants to find out. The current archfiend of Avernus is having her own difficulties, as Tiamat's Abishai are still loyal to her, and have taken to fighting in the edges of the plane, harrassing both sides. It is only a matter of time before one of the Archfiends sends a legion to deal with them.

Tiamat's hoard is on a demi-plane currently tied to her, as it always is. The hoard she guarded for Asmodeus and Zariel in the gate fortress, which amounted to 1/9th the treasury of Baator... Vaporized. This leads to other difficulties on the plane as well.

During her wanderings of the Outlands, her Alignment could be be described as Unaligned, since all she did was eat, sleep, and wander. After rediscovering hope, it shifted towards Neutral. Tiamat's home plane now is in the Outlands, near the mountains of what had been the Dragon's Eyrie. The highest peak of those mountains was cast into the deepest pit of Carceri.
She can see Mt Celestia from her lair. Bahamut has his 'summer' lair closer to Mt. Celestia, where his remaining servants used to dwell before moving into the Russian Wilderness... Bahamut's lair on the 1st plateau of Mt Celestia is still there, and is still maintained by his non-draconic servants. He gets regular reports of what's going on there.

It is in this area around the former Dragon Eyrie that Naurelin has her meager lair, halfway between Tiamat's and Bahamut's lairs, if one goes to the northwest from Tiamat's. It's still nearly a week's flight away.
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Maybe... Tiamat's is closer to the center of the Outlands than her brother's, which is halfway between the Dragon's Eyrie and Mt. Celestia. Naurelin is more Lawful than good, but still wants to do the right thing.

The Outlands are like a Great Wheel. Sigil, City of Doors, sits at the hub. Each of the Outer Planes lies along the rim. And, for some reason, Parahuman Powers Work There.
Legs unfolded from the base, and they pointed themselves down the hallway. A pair of cheerful mechanical voices announced "Hello! I see you!"
OH, which Idjut let Kid Win Near a copy of Portals?

Not every time, that's for damn sure.
Too True - my old guild on Neverwinter used to farm the 'Rise of Tiamat' Raid for Overload enchants - at least the new updates make Tia's avatar In that regard more then just a speedbump boss draggable down by Weight of numbers alone

And there is the last encounter, that no one is quite sure about, though for record keeping's sake, we count that as a victory, and it is never to be talked about. Ever."
I'm going to say it was a bake off, or maybe a dance off.
it was a drinking contest.
Pretty sure it's the one when she visited japan, and got into a fight with those just-plain weird Miroku Girls....
"Why is Tia covered in tar, feathers, frosting, and sequins in this picture?"

"We don't know, we don't want to know, but that encounter gets classified as a win for Tia."
Well that is slightly ominous
Pretty sure it's the one when she visited japan, and got into a fight with those just-plain weird Miroku Girls....

If it was something japan my first thought would have been Yamata no Orochi arrogantly trying to crudely hit on her before having his fatal encounter with either a certain storm god preventing him from eating yet another maiden deity or a swordsman and white wolf with red markings only some can see.
If it was something japan my first thought would have been Yamata no Orochi arrogantly trying to crudely hit on her before having his fatal encounter with either a certain storm god preventing him from eating yet another maiden deity or a swordsman and white wolf with red markings only some can see.
Probably the latter, considering the Good doG has appeared in this fic already.


And she just hijacked my computer.

"Wan! Wan!"
And there is the last encounter, that no one is quite sure about, though for record keeping's sake, we count that as a victory, and it is never to be talked about. Ever.
"Yes, your pentacephalicness. On a completely urelated note, your youngest son's birthday is coming up and he's been hinting that he wants a 'Pretty Princess Barbie' this year."
Spring Cleaning 3
Spring Cleaning 3

The group had finally finished with the first room. There had been no more encounters with dust bunnies, something that had half of the team chuckling, and the other half (without Dennis) grumbling. Dennis still had the spear and helmet, and that had changed from appearing like crude operatic props into and actual, finely crafted spear and helmet. No one dare said 'Magic Helmet' around him, because it would, invariably, bring up errant gusts of wind, a small shower that followed Vicky around, and a small dust devil that took one look at Taylor, and vanished in a small cloud of slightly sulfurous vapors. They had, as instructed, cataloged and tagged every item of clothing and accessories, using a tablet.

It was then they realized they had forgotten something.

"We've forgotten to bring food," Missy said, her face and palm having recently met to discuss the matter.

"I've a solution to that," Amy said. "I wanted to try this: Κςεατε ζοοδ αξδ χατες!" The group watched as a small bag containing a couple of sandwiches, some chips, an apple, and some bottled water appeared before everyone except Taylor and Amy. They got a pretty good sized haunch of meat and a small barrel of water. Taylor's meat was roasted, while Amy's was cold cuts.

"Okay," Vicky said, "Three things: One, way cool. Two, since when? And three, why do you and Taylor get Roast Beef?"

"In order," Amy replied. "Yes, it is. And for the last two, since I gained the ability to do this." And with that, Amy shifted into her dragon form. "It should make a nice lunch," she rumbled. With that, she snapped up the cold cuts in three quick bites, nice and clean. It was then she noted that Taylor was saying nothing, quietly demolishing her roast in her dragon girl form, while everyone but Dennis was staring with their mouths open.

Dennis had fallen over laughing.

- - - - - - - - - -

After lunch brought them to the next room, which was slightly less cluttered, and immediately began to clean things up a bit. Chris had both motion trackers and his stun turrets out, and they immediately registered something going on. For everyone else, they could feel the vibrations through the solid floor of something going on several levels down. Soon, they could hear a familiar voices shouting "Incoming Friendly!" after a couple of rebounds, Assault landed in the room. "Ran into something downstairs. Nothing we can't handle, but boy, does she pack a punch! Can you give me a boost, Naurelin?"

Taylor nodded, and Assault launched himself back out the door, and then a dull >whump< sounded as Taylor boosted his kinetic energy a bit further. "Yeeeeeehaw!" they heard him yell as he went rebounding back to the fight he'd been thrown out of.

Soon, the rumblings downstairs stopped, and the group set about its task. "Taylor, got a sec?" Vicky yelled. "I've got something here..."

Vicky's peculiar object turned out to be a relatively large figure of a seated orangutang with a book in it's lap, made out of solid gold, if it's weight was anything to go by. "What is it," Missy asked, "besides expensive looking and weird?"

Taylor sighed, and then touched the item while concentrating. After a minute, she got an exasperated look on her face. "Oh, ugh. Don't blame me for this, but this identifies as an 'Ook of Infinite Spells.' Some wizard somewhere has Dennis' sense of humor it seems. It allows anyone to cast the spell on it's current page once a day, or more if it's a spell the owner of the book can actually cast. Right now, it's on page one, and it appears Vicky is now it's owner." Her frown deepened.

"Vicky, I will warn you just this once. I would put this back where you found it. If you don't want to do that, I'd like you to give this to Tiamat when we're done. Under NO circumstances do I want you using this thing on the Mooks of Brockton Bay."

Vicky looked confused. "Err, OK, It's Tiamat's anyway. Just tell me one thing, what does Weird do?"

When Taylor told Vicky, the group collided and formed a pile as they attempted to get the Ook away from her.

The Ook of Infinite Spells
  1. Weird
  2. Plane Shift
  3. Crown of Madness
  4. Telepathy
  5. Calm Emotions
  6. -blank-
  7. Banishment
  8. Detect Good and Evil
  9. Meteor Swarm
  10. Wish
  11. Command
  12. Arcane Gate
  13. Watery Sphere
  14. -blank-
  15. -blank-
  16. -blank-
  17. -blank-
  18. Conjure Elemental
  19. Remove Curse
  20. -blank-
  21. Dominate Monster
  22. Clairvoyance
  23. Bestow Curse
  24. Enhance Ability
  25. Sanctuary
  26. -blank-
  27. -blank-
  28. -blank-
Ah, the perils of random level and spell generation...
Yes, that is WISH you see in there.
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Create food and water? Hmm. Doesn't usually make decent food, just adequate. Their dragon forms must influence the quality.
Vicky looked confused. "Err, OK, It's Tiamat's anyway. Just tell me one thing, what does Weird do?"

When Taylor told Vicky, the group formed a pile as they attempted to get it away from her.
Take that book from the irresponsible blonde.
As quickly as possible.
Stop reading this and get busy!

Is this a reference to something that we, the readers, are meant to understand and know what it does?
Think of 'Weird' as the ultimate Boggart Spell.
Illusionary creatures that the recipient is terrified of, attacking them on a failed Wisdom check.
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Is this a reference to something that we, the readers, are meant to understand and know what it does?

I don't know, but I can only assume that the spell would make things either go one of POSSIBLY these three ways.

1) "Weird-aggedon" like at the end of Gravity Falls.

2) Have things go to "Topographical map of a Taco through a Tessaract".

3) Takes the faces of the people around the caster and switches said people's faces with their own butt puckers.

And there's god-knows-how-many-other-possibilities exist. In other words, it's probably safer to say "Don't know, don't WANT to know."
@SouthofRedPaws I shall explain: Weird is a spell from the game D&D. It is on e of the very high level Wizard's spells, Level 9 (of 9). When used "...the caster pronounces that the Doom of the target is upon them" and generates a shadowy representation of what they fear most. If it touches them, and they make a saving throw, they still take damage and are incredibly weak. If they fail, they Die of fright.

If the spell still has time left, and another target is within 20 feet, it moves to them. Given a sufficiently high level caster, and close packed targets, an Army could be destroyed by this spell.

Or, you could use the version PossiblyEnos linked to. It's bad news for normal mooks who've used Wisdom for a dump stat...
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@SouthofRedPaws I shall explain: Weird is a spell from the game D&D. It is on e of the very high level Wizard's spells, Level 9 (of 9). When used "...the caster pronounces that the Doom of the target is upon them" and generates a shadowy representation of what they fear most. If it touches them, and they make a saving throw, they still take damage and are incredibly weak. If they fail, they Die of fright.
Jesus, and the implication is that she cast that???