This is
Scaling Up's Frequently Asked Questions list.
It's rather short right now, but as questions come up, I'll add to it. I might even... Gasp! organize it.
Q0: I have a suggestion...
A: Thank you. I like getting suggestions. Sometimes they give me IdEaS, sometimes not. It's roughly even odds whether or not I'll use it in the canon for the story. Omakes and Apocrypha, though, are another matter...
Q0.1 : When's the next chapter/interlude/omake getting posted?
A : Posting schedule is as follows:
- Chapters posts on Saturday, between 1600 - 2000 hrs CDT (2200 - 0400 hrs GMT).
- Interludes typically post after each chapter.
- Omakes and Apocrypha post whenever, and without warning.
- The FAQ page gets updated... whenever.
- The Author usually takes the following weekends off:
- US Memorial Day (I'm up at Anime North, in Toronto, ON, CA
-The weekend nearest 25 September - It's my birthday.
-US Thanksgiving. Suffering from food coma or travelling.
-Christmas and New Years. Family, Friends, and snowstorms.
-Anything I have warning about, like Surgery, Doctor's Appointments that require a lot of travel, Funerals, etc.
-If I miss because of an emergency, I'll let you know what happened when I can.
q0.2 : How about 2 chapters?
A : I try for one chapter every week, of at least 2K words. This is about 6 printed pages. However, it takes time to write and edit said pages, and neither me or my editors need the added deadline stress/panic. There may be a couple of times where I will post two in a row; probably because of Holidays, or something unforeseen that will be taking me out of action.
Q1: If a dragon flaps it's wings in a forest, and nobody is around to see, does it still knock over several trees?
A: No. The trees fall over from
Dragonfear, before the dragon even gets close to them.
Q2: When a god changes a mortal, does the change to one's nature only affect the body, or does it change their very souls? Similarly, if either magic or parahuman power affects someone's thoughts and feelings, are these changes transitory, or do they change the very souls of the victims? If Ziz compels a good man to commit a Mortal Sin, will they be consigned to Hell, or will they be forgiven since the act was compelled and thus did not truly stain their souls?
A: For the first part of the question, the answer depends on how complete a change the deity in questions wants on the recipient. Taylor and Amy have both had their
essential nature, what defines them, changed. If someone uses
True Seeing on any of them in human form they will show a dragon, and not a human girl. Say Hookwolf pisses Hlal off, and she polymorphs him into a sheep. Use of
True Seeing will reveal the rather pissed off and humilated Mr. Stabbypuppy, and dispelling the polymorph will result in Mr. Meadows being returned to his unpleasant self.
For the next part of the question, we start to dabble in the
Nature of Magic. Scholars, Wizards, and Philosophers have been debating that since magic was thought to be a thing, and will probably still be debating it when Death turns the lights off in the Omniverse and closes and locks the door behind her. The author will be showing their Judaeo-Christian upbringing now. Sin is the willful disobedience to your God; You freely choose to do what is wrong, when you know what is right. Free Will is an important thing, and compelling someone to do things they would normally find reprehensible is usually inviting the opposition over for some smiting target practice on you. Some demon
Dominates a little old church lady into going on a murder spree, fully in control of the woman's body until the demon leaves. If said woman dies while the demon is driving... Her soul goes to it's reward, not to damnation, and St. Michael will probably have a couple of words for the demon. If said demon tempts the woman to kill someone, and then she follows through on it... She's got some sins to atone for (also criminal charges). If she is repentant, a few moments with the priest should be enough. The last words of the confessional are "...and try to sin no more."
Q2.1 : If Hlal polymorphs Hookwolf into a sheep, is his Shard still active? Would we have an enraged Hooksheep with steel wool fur and two giant curved hooks for ram horns?
A: Yes, if only because the precedent is there with Taylor herself, and because the Author is a silly person.
Q2.2 : Did Death remember to sweep up and stack away the chairs, or did she leave that to someone else?
A: Death is the last person out of the Omniverse, so she has to stack up the last of the chairs.
Q3: What D&D version is the one being used ?
A: The various editions in use for
Scaling Up are 1e, 2e, 3.5e, and 5e, with innumerable splatbooks, and a little bit of
Ars Magica 4e and 5e mixed in. They are used as guidelines for the powers that various characters have, and for when I need to puzzle some things out.
Q4 : What are the races of the transformed characters?
- Taylor Hebert, aka Naurelin, is a Red-Gold Dragon.
- Amy Dallon, aka Panacea, is a Silver Dragon.
- Dennis Cooper, aka Clockblocker, is a Copper Dragon.
- Lisa Wilborne (aka Tattletale) is a 5 tail Kitsune.
- Dinah Alcott ,aka Weaver, is an Arachne.
- Theresa Richter, aka Dragon, is a Steel Dragon
- Higashi Takara, aka Mizuchi, is a Tien Lung
- Emily Piggot, aka Andraste, is a Bronze Dragon.
Q4.1 : How does being a red-gold dragon work?
A : Statistically speaking, it doesn't make a bit of difference besides her appearance. She has the appearance of a Red Dragon, except her hide and scales are gold, and she has a mane of wiry / feathery hair that runs down her neck. Consider it a side effect of Tiamat's interference. Also, the Author likes to think that dragons are individuals, and like humans, their appearances vary greatly, even in members of the same family. IOW, Naurelin has the typical layout of most western dragons.
Q4.2 : Red-Gold Dragon? Wassat?
A : Given that both Bahamut and Tiamat both gave Taylor her powers, both contributed to her dragon form; Taylor's dragon form is laid out like a red dragon, save that her hide and scales are that of a gold dragon, as is her outlook & alignment. Red dragons are the same rough size as gold dragons, though they reach colossal size when they become great wyrms, whereas golds get there when they become wyrms.
Q4.3 : Arachne? I though Dinah was a Drider...
A : From a physical standpoint, they are identical. Drider specifically refers to a Drow Elf transformed into an Aberration by Lolth, and Dinah is not a Drow Elf, nor does she have any trace of elven ancestry. Dinah does not have the detrimental aspects of being a drider, though given how many people are arachnophobic / dislike spiders... Going back to school should be interesting.
Q4.4 : Has Tiamat ever held a full and true conversation, discussion, or argument between her heads?
A : Yes for the first two, no for the third. It's at the end of 4.3 -
Modo Draco Est III
Q5 : What are the names of the D&D characters used in the story?
- Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon, King of Good Dragons, Lord of the North Wind.
- His sister Tiamat, the Chromatic Dragon. former Queen of Evil Dragons, Avatar of Greed.
- Hlal Quicksilver, Draconic goddess of Humor, Stories, Pleasure, Inventiveness, and Messengers.
- Tamara, Draconic Goddess of Mercy and Healing.
- Lendys, Draconic God of Justice
- Sardior, Draconic God of the Night, Secrets, and the Mind.
- Astilabor, Draconinc Goddess of Acquisitiveness, aka the Hoardmistress.
- Llolth, Demon Queen of Spiders.
- Sehanine Moonbow, elvish goddess of the Moon, Archery, and Secrets.
- Eilistraee, dark elvish goddess of good, dancing, and swordplay.
- Tamamo-no-Mae, Amaterasu-Ōkami are from Shinto/Japanese mythology.
- Nu Wa, Fu Xi, Shen Long and Sun Wukong are from Chinese Mythology/Legends
- Kannon, Shuten Douji and Hattori Hanzou are from Japanese Mythology/Legends
- "Dierdre", a Marilith under Lolth's command.
- Glasya, Archfiend, ruler of the 6th plane of Hell, Malbolge.
- "Tisiphone", an Erinyes under Glasya
- "Sarena", a succubus 'acquaintance' of Glasya
Q6 : Who are the Capes who are working and /or friends of Taylor
A: Taylor is a member of the Wards ENE. Her immediate Teammates are Aegis, Vista, Clockblocker, Kid Win, and Gallant. Likewise, she finds herself working with the local Protectorate members; Armsmaster, Assault, Battery, Dauntless, Miss Militia, Triumph and Velocity. Dragon has met Naurelin. Lisa has talked with Taylor, and is more of an acquaintance; both have trust issues to work through. Uber & Leet also want to stay on Taylor's pleasant side. Taylor is also kinda-friends with Panacea and Glory Girl.
Q7. Who are the Enemies already defeated?
A: There are only two that Naurelin has been directly involved with of 5.11 : Squealer (formerly of the Archer's Bridge Merchants) and Lung (leader of the ABB). There are a few normal gang members she's responsible for. For some reason, a sudden outbreak of sanity has caused the implosion of the AB Merchants, And Coil's death has been determined to be an Aneurysm. This number will be steadily going up.
*edit 15 Dec 2022* Bastard Son of the Elite can be added to the list, because Naurelin had a direct hand in defeating him, and had to be dissuaded from doing more than breaking bones.
Q8. Names from people who will BE part of the story but still has not appeared (this one being erased slowly with every new post)
Behemoth, Leviathan,
Scion, Welshie,
Echidna & Travelers,
Slaughterhouse 9,
Skima, and
Squeaker (aka the villain formerly known as Coil)).
Q9: What are the names and abilities of the Magic Items Taylor already has.
A: Right now, the only items Taylor has revealed is a
Ring of the Dragons, this one given to her by Tiamat. It allows her to use her full monstrous strength in any form, grants her regeneration, adds 5 to her existing damage reduction / Magic, and allows her to use her
Frightful Presence in any form. Tiamat's ring also halves the damage she would take from cold based attacks. It can only be worn by a dragon. The other item she currently uses is a
Bag of Holding of largest size.
Q10: Naichi and Naurelin are both Young Adult Gold Dragons; why's Naurelin that much bigger?
A: Given that both are considered "huge size" creatures, there is a bit of wiggle room in actual physical sizes. For overall length, the variance is -8'/+15', or 23' (approx. 7m). Naichi, way back in the beginning stated "Ooh, you're a big one." The differences between the two represent the natural variation in individuals, nothing more.
Q11 : <So and So> should become a <Insert Creature Here>!
A : I am always open to ideas. When suggesting creatures, keep in mind that 1) They should be intelligent, and 2) They should be able to communicate. It helps if they are some kind of shape shifter, but is it not a necessary requirement. A compatabile alignment is not necessary*. However, it has to fit somehow in the story. There are a few more dragons coming in the next couple of sections, plus a few interesting ones after that.
*90% of the creatures you'd encounter will be the alignment they're stated as being in the various books. It's that remaining 10%, in various corners of the worlds, that make things interesting.
Q12: SmugBug or SkitterPan?
A : I take your reality and substitute my own.
Q14 : Hey, Question 13 is missing!
A : There is no question 13. It brings misfortune on any who read it, so it wasn't included in this FAQ.
Q15: Any chance of a PHO Interlude?
A : Very, very slim. While there is the nice PHO Interlude generator, getting BBCode back into OpenDocument is a pain for posting into my master document. However, if you want to write one, feel free.
Q16: If Taylor, or anyone else who gets changed into a Dragon has children, would they be human? dragon? Dragonborn? Half Dragons?
A: Depends on the partner. Half dragons and Dragonborn are likely from human parentage, and dragons if the other is a dragon.
Q17: Can a dragon trigger?
A: No. Taylor triggered before her becoming a dragon. A Shard needs a human-like neural topology to work with (Like Dragon's AI programming, or what
you and I naturally develop.)
Q18: Form MA55-1D10T5?
A: A standardized form for the PRT , when an unusual amount of stupid people do something really stupid. Related to form MA55-1D10CY, which deals with the actual event itself. Use of these forms often call down Master Stranger protocols on a large area.
Q19 : Tucker's Kobolds?
A: Yes.
Imagine a warren of Kobolds who are trained commandos, and use their knowledge of their territory to their advantage.
Scaling Up's version of them given them modern weapons, body armor, and radios. Very sneaky, and very ruthless. They are named after the dungeon master who inflicted them upon his gaming group at Fort Bragg. Now, Brockton Bay has an entire community of them living in the old smuggling tunnels under the city.
Ostensibly, they work for Tiamat. Realistically, they work under Andraste and the PRT ENE Special Operations Directorate. Some, however, have started showing up at the Hebert Household to do chores and such.
More answers as the questions come...