Then Katla will close her door, put a large rock in front of it, and head for the village with her kid. And spear. And supplies.

This doesn't look like a situation poison can be helpful in, so she will set up for healing people, with Seidr and herbs. She will also provide herbs to anyone who can use them in warding, assuming her garden has any harvest by now.
Skirmish in the forest, volley fire in the cleared lands, then meet them head on in some temporary fortifications? We need to know what direction their march would take them, because fighting on the hills is going to be really different than one on the plains.
Skirmish in the forest, volley fire in the cleared lands, then meet them head on in some temporary fortifications? We need to know what direction their march would take them, because fighting on the hills is going to be really different than one on the plains.

If they're ignoring infrastructure, we can abandon our farms temporarily and do something much like this. If they aren't, then we need to reprioritize and hit them sooner, probably.
Until our scouts return, Alyssa works to fletch extra arrows and fasten extra spears, under the assumption that we will burn through a great deal of both very soon.
Everyone, do you have any spare swords, or the ability to make temporary ones with kunna? My combat ability is much greater if I'm maximally equipped.
I have an owl Fylgja. But I'm kind of screwed if it gets shot down so If these things have any ranged attacks I won't be much help in scouting.