[X] Kare Sky-Dancer
I'll scout out our surroundings by air, primarily checking for any signs of civilization.
Far to the east, you spy what appears to be the wreckage of a ship built in a style you don't recognize.

You also lock eyes with a massive bird-of-prey as it drifts in the distance. It's hungry and you look like a tasty snack. Frost seems to cling about its beak.

What do you do?
It's bands of two or three per direction, with three directions to explore. 5 people per direction might be safe, but it's probably not going to be very good at getting a feel for what the fuck.
As to a direction, I'm thinking either north or south, no real preference as to which. But heading deeper in the forest is probably more dangerous. Then again... danger is ordstirr.
I think we might want a dedicated warrior (ie: multiple PT into direct combat), and there are a couple who seem likely to join, but a five person party sounds reasonable.

Bone and Hunting feel combat adjacent at worst imo?

It's bands of two or three per direction, with three directions to explore. 5 people per direction might be safe, but it's probably not going to be very good at getting a feel for what the fuck.

But it sounds like it might be better for me to bow out in a different direction, if there's a narrative convention going above 3 would go against?
It's bands of two or three per direction, with three directions to explore. 5 people per direction might be safe, but it's probably not going to be very good at getting a feel for what the fuck.

Fair enough.

As to a direction, I'm thinking either north or south, no real preference as to which. But heading deeper in the forest is probably more dangerous. Then again... danger is ordstirr.

I think East to get a look at that foreign ship. Maybe there are other wayfarers? Or we can get a look at the locals?

But it sounds like it might be better for me to bow out in a different direction, if there's a narrative convention going above 3 would go against?

Seems reasonable.
@mythfan12 if you don't like the plan let me know, but I think our best bet is to use our synergizing 4 Hunna to debuff the plants and then yall 3 just rip them out.

Sounds good, so that's at least 3 for deforesting with potential to be 5 if the other 2 agree.

[X] Harald will accompany His Second Favorite Njal to clear the land with Njal's kinsmen. Harald will focus on using Soil and hand tools to loosen the roots of bushes and trees, making it easier for his Giants Blooded comrades to topple them over or rip them out.
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Far to the east, you spy what appears to be the wreckage of a ship built in a style you don't recognize.

You also lock eyes with a massive bird-of-prey as it drifts in the distance. It's hungry and you look like a tasty snack. Frost seems to cling about its beak.

What do you do?
Charge up my strongest Lighting Bolt and aim for its heart, trying to either make it fall to earth or drive it off as I accelerate in the opposite direction.

If that doesn't work I'll keep doing that until it's either dead or close enough I'm forced to rely on Glima.

If I manage to beat the Bird I'll fly over the wreaked ship a few times to check for any obvious surprises and then land to scout things out if it seems safe, if anything looks off I'll fly back to our landing site and get together a larger group to check it out.
Anyway, Rikard's willing to take a stab at heading West, he's a Seeing Eyes expert, and decent at infighting if it comes down to it though his swordplay is only ordinary. Who wants to tag along? I'll take one, maybe two more.
Oh, and, do we have fresh water available? Otherwise Liv would obviously go about using her kunna to create a source of it (assuming 1 PT is enough for such a thing).
Thanks to Liv having clearwater, the settlement now has a steady supply of freshwater.

+Good to the settlement, +1 Ordstirr to Liv
[X] Ragnarr Fair-Spoken & Company

Head East in the direction of the ship. Possibly uniting with Kare on the way or collecting his body, depending on how he fares.
@I.F. Ister Is it too late to switch back from having an unveiled Ox to being Giant Blood? I was talking about it before the last official post but didn't have time to actually do it until I just sat down.
@I.F. Ister Is it too late to switch back from having an unveiled Ox to being Giant Blood? I was talking about it before the last official post but didn't have time to actually do it until I just sat down.
I'll allow it.
[X] Ragnarr Fair-Spoken & Company

Head East in the direction of the ship. Possibly uniting with Kare on the way or collecting his body, depending on how he fares.
Who are involved?
Clear the landing site first then move on to wherever the scouts identify as places for either farms or fortifications?

That's what sounds sensible to me.
Sounds good to me.

[X] Deforesting with Harald and Torgarr

Njal Ulfson will be uprooting trees with the help of Harald's loosening of the soil, using his Plant Kunna to move the roots as needed if they're around large rocks and such.
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Njall redaxe would like to do some exploration. All his abilities are combat related so I'm not sure which group he should go with.
Njall redaxe would like to do some exploration. All his abilities are combat related so I'm not sure which group he should go with.

Go with me, and I think we'll be in a good spot. I've got Seeing Eyes to ID any Spirit Bullshit, and you're Njall Redaxe, which is Solution Enough.
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Charge up my strongest Lighting Bolt and aim for its heart, trying to either make it fall to earth or drive it off as I accelerate in the opposite direction.

If that doesn't work I'll keep doing that until it's either dead or close enough I'm forced to rely on Glima.
Thunder claps, drawing every eye skyward as the bird twists, spiraling away from where it thinks you're aiming. It fails, feathers flying as the bolt of lightning is too fast, too well aimed for it to manage a dodge.

Unfortunately, it seems the bird is made of tougher stuff than you expected as it seems to shake it off without too much in the way of damage.

It vanishes, disappearing from view in a puff of icy smoke.

What do you do?
Anyway, Rikard's willing to take a stab at heading West, he's a Seeing Eyes expert, and decent at infighting if it comes down to it though his swordplay is only ordinary. Who wants to tag along? I'll take one, maybe two more.

Seems like the one group is going East, so Bjorn Bjarneson is amendable to heading West.

Synergy wise, it seems like you've got Vision, Grappling, and Knowledge bonuses while I have Bone Projections (like Bone Arrows, or Bone Traps), Hunting Knowledge (so trail tracking, trap setting, and I'm assuming a very basic Archery ability), and Nose bonuses, so we should cover for each other decently?