the crabs have gone unchecked
Also, to report on the crabs, there are hundreds of them and they had a big leader with a powdered wig giving them a speech. They were around 5 fot tall, had armored chitin, 2 scary-looking pincers, and strangely, 2 legs. All of these crabmen would then march back into their ship, and after hours of waiting for any activity, I decided to approach the trireme for a closer inspection of it. Besides some Greek letters that I can't understand, I didn't spot anything unusual before retreating back to Rekavidr. I thought I was being watched, but that's probably the boredom and paranoia speaking.

...I withdraw my plans to inscribe the laws in a grand tapestry.
Erik Hardhead: "..."
"Writing down all the laws instead of just remembering them sounds like exactly the kind of thing a woman lawspeaker would do."

Unna: "And what exactly is so bad about that?"

Erik: "Didn't say it was a bad idea. Just trying to figure out why we didn't think of it sooner." [raps knuckles on own head, voicing a 'clang clang' to make light of his own kenning.
[Law Proposal] If a hunt is organized for a boss level beast, it must be be given to the one that has dealt the most damage to the beast.

This is mostly to prevent from somebody just hanging back and trying to reap the best reward.
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[Law Proposal] If a hunt is organized for a boss level beast, it must be decided beforehand who will get the heart to prevent a feud after the hunt or if someone unworthy consumes the heart because everybody else is dead. If somebody breaks this law, they will suffer heavy nid and be exiled.
Njal pipes up, "That just means the person chosen doesn't need to work as hard to get the best reward. If anything it'd incentivize them not doing more work."
[Law Proposal] Contesting Grid proposal, if its that big a problem they can hash it out in the next thing also stop putting nid as a punishment for breaking the law.
[Law Proposal] If a hunt is organized for a boss level beast, it must be decided beforehand who will get the heart to prevent a feud after the hunt or if someone unworthy consumes the heart because everybody else is dead. If somebody breaks this law, they will suffer heavy nid and be exiled.

[X] Law Proposal: Akali amends that such things shouldn't be decided before battle as many different outcomes can occur during a fight or hunt, if one or two others contribute more to the killing blow but are not allowed the heart where is the reward for their efforts?

A set amount of spoils such as meat or bone should be decided on but any unique body parts should be based on collective effort during battle, with a challenge to perceived unfair shares.
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I amended it

[Law Proposal] If a hunt is organized for a boss level beast, it must be be given to the one that has dealt the most damage to the beast. If the one that dealt the most damage is dead, the heart will be retained for them. If somebody unworthy consumes the heart, they will be exiled and suffer heavy nid.

This is mostly to prevent from somebody just hanging back and trying to reap the best reward.
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I won't contest this claim, and will help you clear the ground here, if you give me a share of the proceeds of what you build here.
You have a plot down on the beach, by the camp, about four miles away from the new area, so no surprise you don't contest the claim. :p

The people more likely to get frustrated with Grid claiming two square miles, now three square miles of discontiguous land, as a teenage young woman with no dependents, when most entire families are on a one square mile plot, are going to be her other neighbors. And she has an increasing number of neighbors. Now including the oni at their quarry, if they decide to go Norse-hunting after a roving gang of us killed one of them.

I amended it

[Law Proposal] If a hunt is organized for a boss level beast, it must be be given to the one that has dealt the most damage to the beast. If the one that dealt the most damage is dead, the heart will be retained for them. If somebody unworthy consumes the heart, they will be exiled and suffer heavy nid.

This is mostly to prevent from somebody just hanging back and trying to reap the best reward.
Erik: "I don't see why this new law helps. It's already custom to give the heart to one of the warriors who did the most good in the hunt, or who acted the most bravely, or some such, isn't it? This just means that if there's a quarrel, we'll be having the same argument, only with both sides saying it's against the law for the other to get the heart."
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This kind of back and forth conversation feels like a chat room that I wonder if it'll be possible to do so at a Discord server? Then again, it shouldn't really bother me too much since I adjusted my Watched Option appropriately but it does still feel weird. Then again, not everyone prefers going to Discord too I guess?

Just me though! And Gudrun's not here anyway, but would like a whole Threadmark on which laws got passed.
Another Oni does know about Norsemen though, and made cryptic promises of coming battle and such. So still a very real chance of them invading. Just not for Karta specifically.
Sorry, let me clarify. Karta was the only Onigar to lay eyes on Rikard's expedition. None of the other Onigar at the quarry knew Norsemen were there.
This kind of back and forth conversation feels like a chat room that I wonder if it'll be possible to do so at a Discord server? Then again, it shouldn't really bother me too much since I adjusted my Watched Option appropriately but it does still feel weird. Then again, not everyone prefers going to Discord too I guess?

Just me though! And Gudrun's not here anyway, but would like a whole Threadmark on which laws got passed.

There is a discord (linked in IF's signature) but we are keeping the IC proposals and stuff in here, so that it's easier for everyone who reads the thread to keep track of and be able to read. Rather than hashing it out in the discord.
The people more likely to get frustrated with Grid claiming two square miles, now three square miles of discontiguous land, as a teenage young woman with no dependents, when most entire families are on a one square mile plot, are going to be her other neighbors. And she has an increasing number of neighbors. Now including the oni at their quarry, if they decide to go Norse-hunting after a roving gang of us killed one of them.

In fairness, she does have a dependent adult clan member, a younger brother, and a niece. I agree she's maybe pushing it a little, but not as much as you're saying. Agmundr and her splitting a claim winds up with 3 adults claiming a total a 4 plots.

[Law Proposal] If a hunt is organized for a boss level beast, it must be be given to the one that has dealt the most damage to the beast. If the one that dealt the most damage is dead, the heart will be retained for them. If somebody unworthy consumes the heart, they will be exiled and suffer heavy nid.

That said, I too dispute this. It serves no purpose...this is already custom and enforced as well as we can enforce anything.
Karta was the only Onigar to see Norsemen and he died in the same encounter before he could get word back to his fellows.
I must have misremembered or misunderstood the posts. My impression is that there were a dozen oni at the quarry, that several were at least aware of the bloodied dinosaur in the vicinity, and it was only one who lit out after him.

Unless Karta was very, very unpopular, I think sooner or later, they'll probably go looking for him. Then they'll find all the blood on the ground where he died, then suspect that someone sapient must have killed him. Even if they can't track the Norse and the giant dinosaur they took away with them, that limits the number of options of who it could be.

There was also the oni maiden a few of our guys ran into while she was in a sauna, so the oni are aware that the Norse are around, if the part where we've spent the past several months uprooting trees, building houses, and setting campfires all over a thirty square mile stretch of what used to be jungle wasn't clue enough.

Are you contesting either claim?
Erik Hardhead isn't contesting the land claim at this time, and custom may inhibit him from doing so at a later time if not doing so is the custom. But as a practical matter, having a lot of neighbors and land one doesn't use is a good way to end up with trouble on one's hands.

With that said...

In fairness, she does have a dependent adult clan member, a younger brother, and a niece. I agree she's maybe pushing it a little, but not as much as you're saying. Agmundr and her splitting a claim winds up with 3 adults claiming a total a 4 plots.

Okay, I think her character info on the front page hasn't been updated much. That does change things around a fair bit.