So I'm still catching up but this is fucking awesome and my first question is if it's possible for my character to have a Sun Kunna.

And my second question is if the roster is full because whew boy do you have a lot of Vikings here.
Thank you very much!

So, for sun kunna, what do you mean?

And the roster is still open, though I do think I should perhaps rethink that lmao. You can still join, of course
Like the summary I have written up has my guy raised in the mountains and waking up every day to see the sun in the morning and basking in its heat.

Was thinking more of the Heat and Light aspects of it? Maybe enhancing himself with solar energy (I know it's plasma just roll with it) while also being able to emit light.
Like the summary I have written up has my guy raised in the mountains and waking up every day to see the sun in the morning and basking in its heat.

Was thinking more of the Heat and Light aspects of it? Maybe enhancing himself with solar energy (I know it's plasma just roll with it) while also being able to emit light.
That sounds more like a bloodline/martial style than a kunna. Maybe swap to it being that?
I forget who the norse god of the Sun is, but a godly bloodline from that god sounds like a plausible choice.
The Land That Defied Time pt. 1 (weeblypanda)

The Land That Defied Time pt. 1

Far away from our little Norse slice of hell is a land of great extremes. Towering mountains pierce the sky, caverns dive deep into the earth, and great carve through the lands between. Great deserts, lush forest, and packed tundra all find their place in this land of iP@N#()rKmc:>%. Far, yet close lies a Great Valley unchanged since seemingly time immemorial a land that defied time itself.

Here we find kin to the creatures of this strange land, yet somehow greater unravaged by the forces outside. Herds of nervous Vibrating Crestheads graze tall grass close by the calm and winding river. Families of oblivious Somnolent Spiketails absentmindedly feeding on ferns and foliage near the shores of the lake. Ever watchful Metal Trihorns formations patrol their territories in the hills and plain. Soaring above from their mountain fasts the Earth-blood wyverns dive taking their pick of river fish. Yet it is by the massive ancient trees that congregate the imposing rulers and proud protectors of the valley, wreathed in halos of thunderheads the Stormstrider Longnecks eat their fill of the succulent and rich Stardew Leafs.

A gathering of five of the strongest younglings is among this collection of awe-inspiring Thunder-Lizards. Young masters and mistresses all, each was born to the greatest talents of the previous generation. Though part of the newly hatched generation they came into the world right during the latest cataclysm. They had witnessed the Great Valley come under siege and watched the decimation of their parent's generation and the awakening of the Eldest for the first time in millions of cycles. They had each endured the tribulations and faced the challenges together, and each had reaped the rewards of survival from the Fiery and Rocky Circles. From the brave watch-herds of the outer reaches, kind and caring Ducky was scion of Pearl-Trumpeter* the famed Marcher Lady. From the slumbering warrior septs, the progeny of the Champion of the Valley, Emerald-Striker, came indolent Spike. The decedent of the Heroine, Bronze-Bastion, is the courageous and bull-headed Cera of the Tin-Frill Clan. The successor of the Garnet-Gust and hatched on the holy Obsidian Plateau much is placed upon paranoid Petrie's wings. Last but certainly not least, is the heir of the Tempest Dynasty, the only surviving grandson of the Elders Jade-Rains and Azure-Bolts, son of gentle Moonstone-Mists, Littlefoot carries the burden of filling massive footsteps.

*Fun fact - the Parasaurolophus is the only Dino that humans have an idea of what it sounded like

Ducky, Vibrating Cresthead - Herds
Littlefoot, Stormstrider Longnecks - Courts
Petrie, Earth-blood Wyvern - Colony
Spike, Somnolent Spiketail - Parade
Cera, Metalhorns Trihnos - Phalanx
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I'm sorry, but I was one of those kids obsessed with dinosaurs.
I got a laugh out of trying to come up with lore for Xianxia Land Before Time sooooo

Also, Petrie is not a Wyvern it was just the word I thought a Norseman would call a Pterasaur

Edit: How did I not realize we were in Dinotopia before this point.
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Backstory: This isn't the first time Vatn Galtison has been stranded in a strange new land, but this is the first time that there were other Norsemen with him. He'll be wanting to explore the land to see what's out there to better increase the survival of the village. No relation to Galti Hanison.

Axemanship 1
Bushcraft 1
Stealth 1

New character!
How Ragnarr Got His Kunna (DeadmanwakingXI)

How Ragnarr Got His Kunna

Ragnarr Fair-Spoken had never actually liked farming all that much. He seldom enjoyed fighting either, except when he was really angry...the release of emotion felt good then. But still, he was a Norseman who never really liked fighting or farming. He was adequate at both, certainly, but they were always only a means to an end. What Ragnarr liked was people, and spending time with them. Talking, singing, laughing, touching, all that sort of thing. He loved his wife and children, his mother, his brother, his cousins, and his friends, and would kill or die for any of them. And, of course, fairness. Ragnarr was in love with fairness, and he knew that was stupid, that fate was not and never had been fair, and neither was the world, but he loved it anyway and worked to make it more so. And so he farmed to feed his family and help his friends, and fought to defend the people he cared for and to make the world more fair, because in his view only a nithing and a coward would not do those things. And nobody had ever called Ragnarr Fair-Spoken a coward.

Why was he thinking about this now? Because this guy was starting to really piss him off, that's why. As for the fiftieth time, the smug bastard talked about how he hadn't actually said that, when they both knew very well that a share of the profits was implied in any contract between two honorable men. But no, this waste of space thought that having a powerful family allowed him to slither like a snake out of an honest deal. And as the blood hammered in his ears and rage shook through him at this man trying to cheat him, to cheat others, to make the world less fair, all while smiling that insincere smile and speaking those barely veiled insults, Ragnarr's emotions snapped into sharp relief in a way he had never felt before, more intense, more colorful, more real and in that moment nothing felt as important as his rage, and he yelled something he still doesn't remember clearly about being fair and reasonable and he took his sax and he jammed it through the man's eye and then his throat and then his skull and his lungs again and again and again, and then the man was dead, and he felt the ordstirr leave the body, and he was covered in blood, and the other people in the village were all looking at him strangely, but he could feel the mix of confusion and horror and even satisfaction as they saw what he had done. And it was then Ragnarr came back to himself and realized that he was probably gonna have a problem here.
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Galti Sea-Rider the Hero (Shard)
When Galti Hanison and Erik Olsen left that morning, taking the smallest of the ships out to sea, not much was thought of their venture.

When Erik returned alone in a dinghy laden heavily with fish--more than enough to see the village through winter in its lonesome--he came singing the tale of Galti Sea-Rider, who bound a sea-beast with axe and rope and rode it into the depths, buying time for Erik to escape with the catch.

Galti Sea-Rider, hero, would not return the coming summer, for he met his Fated Day in the darkest depths below--killing the beast and offering it up to Ran.

Ran sings his praises as she pulls him ashore in her net.
Runestones are the traditional piece
Galti Sea-Rider the Hero

Plunder sea down under,
Profits fit for praises. [1]

See sea-beast come to feast,
Seal reel bind, twist and twine,

Rope and knife, dive for life, [2]
Ride waves, brave blows lay low. [3]

Great Galti meets his fate,
Grand as tide's sea-rider. [4]

AN: Some poetry for our first Einhenjar to put on his runestone.

[1] FISH
[2] Sea monster running away
[3] Galti STABBING the monster
[4] Galti Sea Rider's kenning
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Rikard's Expedition (Oshha)

Rikard's Expedition

Rikard Villeson was their leader, a man with a reaching education and a talent for both grappling and the sword. He was accompanied by Agmundr Idskapadr of a dark past with many hands and swords, Amlodi Tooth-Taker of both wisdom and raiding, Ragnarr Fair-Spoken of Jarnblod and a silver tongue and Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod and Tyr's blood. A hand of five yet to be brothers, seeking both glory and knowledge in equal measure.

Their band of five set off making their way into the jungle hills beyond the cleared lands of the village and into the untamed wilds. They reached the sauna that others had found except for Rikard and his future brothers; it was emptied, devoid of its Onigar occupants. With a variety of choices, the expedition held true to its plan's purpose, heading west towards where mountains lay.

They passed the swamp that other explorers had found. Remembering tales of how it commanded time and chased those who provoked it, the expedition wisely chose to ignore the swamp and avoid poking it lest they incur its wrath. Instead, they headed southwest in search of things that the village could use.

Coming across a small lake fed by a stream coming down from the mountains, the band of five brothers to be discovered the Cresthead. Travelling a large herd of eighteen along the water's edge, the crestheads were half-again as large as a horse in size. While they had four legs, they relied on the powerful hind legs with the forelegs only being there for balance. With a duck-like bill on their faces, the crestheads got their name from the long and sweeping horn extending from the back-top of their head, a shimmering blue to the brown, grey and purple of their bodies.

Eager to have found possible livestock, the expedition attempted to calm the herd for claiming with the emotion kunna of Ragnarr Fair-Spoken of Jarnblod. Yet instead of being calmed, the crestheads were left wary to the surprise of the band of brothers to be. Unable to claim the crestheads as livestock, the expedition chose to stay their hand for now as they patiently followed the herd to gather more information on them.

And information they did find. The crestheads were judged to each be about five or six tons in weight, meaning that their bones had plenty of meat on them. Yet with just how greedily they peeled bark from trees and stripped grass from the ground, it was clear that a farm would struggle to keep more than a couple fed. No milk was produced, but perhaps that might just be the time of year.

In the end, it was their crests that drew the most attention from the band of brothers to be. Vibrating with power, the crests revealed themselves powerful enough to explode a flatsquito that got too close to the herd. Yet this power was not indiscriminate as a pack of spine-rats was able to march past, unharmed by the explosive power of the crestheads.

To test their reaction to emotion manipulation, Ragnarr Fair-Spoken of Jarnblod attempted to invoke wariness in one of the crestheads, to see if their earlier wariness was just that or an opposite of the intended calmness. The former was proven true as the cresthead was left wary for that seemed to be their natural state of being like many of the animals in these unknown lands.

The idea of driving the herd towards the village was raised and discarded. While their meat would be a great bounty and they could be useful as livestock, the danger of a trampling herd was just too great. Especially when the vibration explosions of their crests remained too much of an unknown.

Instead the band of brothers to be attempt to capture one of the crestheads for the shapecrafter. Agmundr Idskapadr skillfully removes the crest of one beast, leaving it toothless and helpless as Ragnarr Fair-Spoken of Jarnblod restrains it with blood bola. The other crestheads flee into the jungle and despite attempts by the expedition to fell at least one more, the rest of the herd gets away.

Content with their prize, the expedition continues onward with Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod volunteer to carry their prize to make up for his inability to contribute with ranged attacks. The band of brothers to be head northward next, running into a swamp that separates the hills from the mountains. Unable to sense any danger or hostiles, the expedition attempts to cross yet they do so with great caution despite the attempt lack of a threat. Using his hand kunna, Agmundr Idskapadr prods the land with a long stick to find a safe path.

As they make their way through, the group finds their wariness turning to happiness and relaxation. The reaction to this is varied as Rikard Villeson prepares to battle with whatever lies below the water while Ragnarr attempts to calm the expedition with his emotion kunna and Sigmund attempts to go back the way they came. In the confusion, the tail of the cresthead sinks into the water of the swamp.

The water solidifies around the tail, holding in place. The band of brothers to be attempt to free the cresthead, but their efforts only cause the unnatural grip of the water to tighten around the tail, striking pain into the cresthead as its tail begins to pop. Rather than lose their prize to a swamp, the expedition resorts to cutting off the tail of the cresthead, allowing the swamp to devour the lost limp while Amlodi Tooth-Taker tends to the injured beast.

On the other side of the swamp, the band of brothers to be hears the sound of stone being struck, a noise that only grows louder as they approach the mountains. Deciding to investigate it, the expedition comes across a stone quarry in the mountains, one manned by a dozen Onigar. With red skin, towering figures of muscles, iron clubs and brass armour, the Onigar haul massive chunks of stone.

Outnumbered more than two to one and weighted down by their captured cresthead, the band of brothers to be argue between a swift retreat, engaging in diplomacy or setting an ambush. In the end, it is decided that discretion is the better part of valour and going further would be unwise and greedy. Their decision comes just in time as the Onigar smell the blood of the captured cresthead and one of them, Karta, sets off in pursuit of the smell.

Noticing that one of the Onigar is tracking them, the expedition chooses to confront their pursuer between the mountains and the swamp in a spot of relative safety from the two dangers. The band of brothers to be try to reason with the Onigar, but Karta is dismissive of them. He rejects their offer of peacefully walking away in favour of killing them to seize the cresthead.

The band of brothers to be fight as one. The least fit to fight, Amlodi Tooth-Taker, takes on the important duty of guarding the cresthead, freeing up Sigmund to fight whilst not risking the escape of their prize during the battle. Rikard Villeson strikes at Karta in melee while Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod supports him. Agmundr Idskapadr attacks Karta with ranged sword-cuts to hinder the Onigar's movements and attacks and Ragnarr Fair-Spoken of Jarnblod strokes Karta's confidence into overconfidence with his emotion kunna whilst strike from afar with his bloodline ability.

Karta doesn't take the band of brothers to be seriously and fails to recognise what a sword is. With a lazy strike that breaks the sound-barrier, the Onigar strikes at Rikard Villeson, leaving a crater where the Norseman stood as Rikard Villeson barely escape the blow. Yet Karta isn't able to follow up on the vulnerable Rikard Villeson as Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod comes to his fellow Norseman's aid.

Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod carves through the armour of the Onigar with his blade yet it does little to hinder the Onigar as Karta backhands the great-grandson of Tyr. A backhand that shatters the shield that Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod raises to block the attack and the arm holding the shield, knocking Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod into the ground. Yet the Onigar is once again unable to take advantage of the vulnerable Norseman as Rikard Villeson comes to the aid of Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod just as his brother to be came to his aid.

Wrapping himself around the offending limb of Karta, Rikard Villeson heaves and yanks the arm out of its socket, exposing its tendons to Agmundr Idskapadr. Agmundr Idskapadr doesn't hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity, spectral hands wielding blades that remove the arm from the body of Karta, much to the shock and horror of the Onigar.

The band of brothers to be prepare for the next part of what they expect to be a dangerous and gruelling fight. Agmundr Idskapadr goes to work removing the armour of Karta as pieces of brass fall to the ground while Ragnarr Fair-Spoken of Jarnblod switches from using his emotion kunna to invoke confidence to invoking terror whilst moving in to strike at Karta with his spear. Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod heals his arm with an Aspect and draws as a second shield as he moves to support Rikard Villeson once more.

The leader of the expedition prepares to mount the Onigar once more, using his sword to vault up Karta so he can reach the neck and strangle the monster. Yet the plan fails in the first step as Rikard Villeson stabs his sword into Karta where the Onigar's missing arm once was. Instead of creating leverage to claim the Onigar, Rikard Villeson accidentally pierces Karta's heart. The Onigar is slain, collapsing to the ground, surprising all five Norsemen who expected more of a fight.

The battle won, the expedition decides it is time to go home yet there is one last thing to be done. Bonds of brotherhood have been forged over the expedition and now it is time to finalise them as Sigmund Sigurdsson of Jarnblod raises the question of it they wish to become brothers in blood.

"I, Rikard, son of Ville, Swear that these men before me are my brothers. I will avenge them as if they were my own."

"I, Sigmund, son of Sigurd and of Clan Jarnblod, Swear that these men before me are my brothers. I will avenge them as if they were my own."

"I, Ragnarr Fair-Spoken of Clan Jarnblood, swear that these men before me are my brothers. I will avenge them as if they were my own."

"I, Agmundr Idskapadr, son of Erlendr, swear that these men before me are my brothers. I will avenge them as if they were my own."

"I, Amlodi Tooth-Taker, swear that these men before me are my brothers. I will avenge them as if they were my own."

One by one, a palm is cut and blood flows freely, mixing into the ground. Each Norseman reaches forward, gripping the spear with their hands and stirring the blood until it is done. Five blood-brothers return home from the expedition of Rikard Villeson, carrying loot aplenty in material, glory and knowledge alike.
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Band of Five and the Cresthead Poem (Oshha)

Band of Five and the Cresthead Poem

Band of five went north then west
Rikard, wrestling and worldly knowledge
Agmundr, with many hands and swords
Amlodi, iron muscles and tooth-taking
Ragnarr, fair-spoken and wields emotion
Sigmund, born to the lineage of Tyr

Along stream and river, the crest-head was found
Herd in great numbers, beasts standing taller than horses
Stripping bark and grass from the land, much meat on their bones
Attempts to calm, sadness and happiness only invoked wariness
Crest wielded power, destroying flatsquito, sparing spine-rat

Agmundr severed the crest, Ragnarr binded with blood
Sigmund claimed the fallen horn, the herd fled into jungle
Victory was claimed, a cresthead bound by the band of five​
And information they did find. The crestheads were judged to each be about five or six tons in weight, meaning that their bones had plenty of meat on them. Yet with just how greedily they peeled bark from trees and stripped grass from the ground, it was clear that a farm would struggle to keep more than a couple feed. No milk was produced, but perhaps that might just be the time of year.
Oh God, my sides...

Band of Five and the Swamp Poem (Oshha)

Band of Five and the Swamp Poem

A band of five went west, a prize carried with them
A swamp, peaceful and free of danger yet caution remained
Wisdom of Rikard, hands of Agmundr and a long stick, safety secured
Peace turned to happiness yet danger, caution proven wise

Tail of the prize seized by water, refusing to release
Strength proved futile, might only bringing pain
A blade was wielded and the prize was freed
Yet the tail was lost, eaten by a swamp feasting on meat.​

Norsemen don't know that reptiles don't give milk. And, frankly, this place is weird enough that maybe they even do. Like...there's a bear hydra and the toads shoot lightning and we have exploding hedgehogs...lactating reptiles would be less weird. I don't think they do, mind you, but it's not impossible.

For the record, I think Alectai gets original credit for that line, though I'd have to check.

Ah. That follows. I knew it had been said and I hadn't been the one to say it, but IF doing so probably makes more sense.

I mean, the part we really know in-character is that neither he nor the sea monster was ever seen again, so we kind of have to fill in the blanks of precisely how he went out like a badass.

We do also know he died. They could tell that much when they tried to bring him back, I'm sure. But yeah, no details.
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