Grid is making exploding tree trunks by inscribing runes with the text "When these logs break about, they will cause a great explosion of fire around them" on the tree trunks with animal blood or paint.

If we're including offensive stuff, Erik Hardhead is also making runed logs to throw (his are runed to bounce rather than exploding), and Ivor is setting up some ropes with needles in them to use his needle Kunna to trip charging horses.
Hmm... Then I will go forth with a pair of saex knives, but physical combat is not my forte either.
Erik: "Seriously, you should have a shield. They're really handy. Need one of mine? I have spares."

[Agnes presumably knows about how some Vikings just randomly store stuff in hammerspace, as it were. Otherwise, she'd have to wonder where the hell Erik's keeping a spare shield.]
Alright, at this point, executive decision, Moli gets the third Dino-Armor suit. He's gonna be using spotlight to indicate relay skeletons, and while everyone should protect him that still makes him a target. So, that's Bynjar Bonespear, Grid Frostdottir, and Moli Spotlight who are getting one of those each.
Erik: "Seriously, you should have a shield. They're really handy. Need one of mine? I have spares."

[Agnes presumably knows about how some Vikings just randomly store stuff in hammerspace, as it were. Otherwise, she'd have to wonder where the hell Erik's keeping a spare shield.]
Agnes does as her husband is very good with them, but she is used to wearing warded clothes for protection.

Clothes that she no longer has and forgot :V
Alright, I'm just gonna mark it down as 'Fortifications/Obstacles' on the Operational View and give more details in the Tactical View.

Also, since it seems like everything is winding down, would you folks like to do a bit of a wacky pseudo-timeskip so you can organize into fighting units?

I don't even know if that's a time skip, we'd probably be arranging into units at this point, I'd think. Which is to say yeah, starting to set up units seems good.
[X] Ingunn stays near Ragnarr to use her heightened senses to relay important combat information to him. Aiding in logistics for the main battle.
Skeleton Army - Set-Up
Alright, it's time to organize into fighting groups and find positions. You may volunteer for certain groups or the Hersir may assign you to one.

Organizational Breakdown (Where your fighting group can be at)
-Fighting Line: These groups are the ones at the very front and are often in active combat with the enemy.
-Relief Line: These groups are not in active combat and are ready to take the place of fighting line groups as needs be.
-Reserve Line: These groups are not in active combat and are there to either flank/counter-flank or replace combat losses as they mount up.

Essentially, the general idea is that Fighting Line Groups (henceforth referred to as 'FLGs') are assigned to Push or Hold certain positions on the map opposing the enemy forces. These are determined by the Hersir.

If you are assigned to 'Push' a position, you are to kill and advance until you either reach the position or cannot.
If you are assigned to 'Hold' a position, you are to defend against hostiles attempting to take the position.

Each unit of Skeletons numbers roughly 30.


AN: I'll give you guys 5 Hours/the rest of the day to figure things out. The Hersir has full authority over positioning and assignments.
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Reporting for duty, hersir! I'm more inclined towards a defensive role against the horsemen, since I want to see if my rope trick works, but I could also do intercept duty against Goliath-boulders or try to entangle Goliaths.
There isn't a combat back line for like long bows?

Or really long range spear throwing.
Arnleif doesn't have much skill in the way of combat, but they can provide some rousing background music to keep everyone pumped up.
Erik Hardhead's at his best in ranged combat and has only a rather battered gambeson for body armor. He carries a couple of tactical assault cabers. But he can fight reasonably well hand-to-hand. Not sure which category that means he belongs in.

There isn't a combat back line for like long bows?

Or really long range spear throwing.
Given how few Norse we have, there's probably a preference for putting primarily-ranged combatants in the relief line but we can't take it too far or we're only going to have like six people on close combat duty. There aren't actually a lot of us who don't have some fairly kickass ranged options.
Reporting for duty, hersir! I'm more inclined towards a defensive role against the horsemen, since I want to see if my rope trick works, but I could also do intercept duty against Goliath-boulders or try to entangle Goliaths.

That's fine. We'll need at least one group on that. Lemme see who I can organize and how.

Hersir! Valo Halvarson requests to be put on the Reserve Duties to counterflank the inevitable Seaside maneuver by enemy cavalry.

I'm currently thinking of putting you in a Push group with Grid, Liv, and Gunnar (and probably some others) right at the corner of teh fortifications between sea and land...I'm thinking you start out targeting the land group, but pivot when the sea group attacks. You'd be supplied with Aspect Refills for this purpose.

The other two Push groups will be one on the middle of the front wall, possibly including Ragnarr personally, and one of entirely archers following Moli Spotlight's indicators to snipe Relays.

Still working out Hold and Reserve and so on groups. Gimme a minute.
Katla will bring a staff and spear, and note that she doesn't have any particular advantages on front or back lines.

Question: are the goliaths bigger skeletons, or something alive-ish?
Erik Hardhead's at his best in ranged combat and has only a rather battered gambeson for body armor. He carries a couple of tactical assault cabers. But he can fight reasonably well hand-to-hand. Not sure which category that means he belongs in.

Given how few Norse we have, there's probably a preference for putting primarily-ranged combatants in the relief line but we can't take it too far or we're only going to have like six people on close combat duty. There aren't actually a lot of us who don't have some fairly kickass ranged options.
My only combat skill is wood magic. So I want back line with a bow.