[X] Go see what the Skald is up to
[X] Go shopping!
-[X] Look for anything exotic and magical, especially plants or seeds, check if there are any livestock for sale at a reasonable price (perhaps unlikely after the famine, but worth checking).
0~0~0 What's available? (Hamingja: 27) 27 Successes, damn
As you walk into the market place, there's an oddly familiar, yet previously absent energy in the air. It takes you a moment to place it, but the source is as obvious as she is attractive.
The world seems to watch with bated breath as a woman with a sword on her hip looks over the various exotic goods on display. Her pants are green and baggy, yet tighten up at her sandal-heralding ankles. The color of her silk shirt is purple and the sleeves are just as baggy as her pants—though they tighten up at her elbows rather then her bare wrists. Dazzling gems serve as the eyes of a snake's head serving as the pommel of the sword hanging from the left-side of her waist-cinching belt. A scarf of deep red cloth curls about her neck and shoulders as a trailing length falls down her back.
As you move closer to get a look at the goods, a pair of striking yellow eyes turn towards you—the spark of something eerily familiar shining deep within.
'Ambition's Spark,' Blackhand names it as she watches you approach. 'Be wary around people with ambition in their eyes, for they are fated to either rise in shining glory or fall in agonizing flames.'
"I'm Halla Skyfire," you greet the stranger warmly, dispelling a measure of tension with an outstretched hand.
She stares at you as her eyes rove over your form. She lingers on your arms, thick with hardened muscle, and on your palms, dense with warrior's callouses. Something approaching admiration flickers in her eyes as she meets your battle-scarred hand with a smooth, slender hand forged with a core of solid iron.
"They call me Lidrun of the Red Scarf," Lidrun's voice is sweet yet sour, soft yet sharp, shallow yet soulful. No matter the words she speaks or how she says them, the mark of her kind is unmistakable even without the confirmation of her next words, "and I am a skald in search of story and glory."
Would you like to ask her anything?
[ ] Yes, you would!
-[ ] Write in
[ ] No, you'll proceed to the shopping. After all, there's a number of interesting things on display.
[X] Yes, you would!
-[X] "Want to hear the story of the time I threw riddles with a Jotun?"
"So," you start as you eye a flashy, lightning-filled chunk of polished amber, "wanna hear about the time I threw riddles with a Jotun?"
Lidrun of the Red Scarf arches a brow, the movement revealing a scar just above her left eye—a wound typically hidden away in the folds of the eye socket. "Riddles with a Jotun?" She tilts her head to the side, her slender and sharp features catching the light just so, "I believe I've heard your tale in passing, but haven't been able to collect the story in detail. So yes," she nods, "I would like to listen."
You grin and bob your head as you launch into a retelling of the events. She listens intently as you describe the stillness of the ocean and the way the waves froze. You tell her of the falling birds and the laughter of an invisible audience. Your words bring to life how you felt, how the tension in the air kept the wind from cackling and the waves from lapping.
As your words spill from your mouth, you find that you don't need to stop for even a moment—not to wet your throat nor even to take a breath! As she nods along, yellow eyes transfixed to yours, it's like you're the focus of the world as the story unfolds from your voice.
You can almost see the words as they travel from you to her. Letters and syllables twist together to form words and sentences as spoken noise becomes recited story.
As the story ends with the Jotun swearing revenge, Lidrun blinks and the eyes of the world close with her. You stagger back, suddenly out of breath and with a dry throat. A cough sends you scrambling for your water, only for your hands to be filled with a leather-wrapped canteen. Lidrun nods as you meet her gaze. Permission granted and dehydrated confusion-cleared, you swiftly down the contents and sigh as the refreshing liquid soothes your cracked throat.
Capping the canteen, you pass it back as you wipe your mouth. "Thank you," you wheeze, still unsteady from the sudden thirst.
Lidrun shakes her head as she tucks the canteen away, "Think nothing of it. It was my fault for not checking your readiness."
"Remembering to drink water is hard sometimes," you offer a sheepish shrug as the next question springs from your lips. "What... What was that thing you did," you gesture around you in a somewhat erratic manner, not overly sure how to describe what it felt like, "with the, uh, the eyes of the world?"
"I recorded your story, like you asked," her eyes narrow as she places a finger to her lips. "Did you not know that would happen?"
Your sheepish shrug gains a grin, "I, uh, haven't had the chance to interact much with skalds."
"Ah," she nods like she expected that, "the, in that case, allow me to explain things to you." She clears her throat before launching into an explanation of a skald's work. "A skald is someone who travels in search of stories to remember and recite as needed. Skalds are often hired by those of standing to record and recite the efforts and accomplishments of them and their men, further enhancing the glory earned by those actions. The recording of these stories is an intensive process, as the best way to learn something is to either experience it yourself or to experience it as if you were there, which requires the engagement of all your senses."
"Well, did it work?" You'll process through Lidrun's words later, but for now your curiosity remains unsated.
"It did, yes," Lidrun chuckles to herself. "As you were neither aware of what would happen nor were you ready, I offer a choice of Twist as recompense."
Lidrun holds out an empty hand as she brings forth Twists. With eyes closed and lungs empty, she breaths in potential and breathes out the threads of tales long told. A trio of red, blue, and yellow threads filter through the air before coiling above her cupped hand.
"The first Twist," the red strand wiggles, "recalls the time that a Berserk stood alone against impossible odds. With axe in hand, he stayed the course while challenging all those who came before him."
"The second Twist," the blue strand twitches, "recalls the time that a man of two shields threw himself bodily before arrow after spear-cast, stopping them all before they reached his wounded comrade."
"The third Twist," the yellow strand quivers, "recalls the time that a man in search of stolen treasure donned a dress to fool a Jotun."
Which Twist do you choose?
[ ] The Red Twist
[ ] The Blue Twist
[ ] The Yellow Twist
With that, Lidrun of the Red Scarf departs to the Headsman's Hall, where she is to stay until summer comes and the way to Jurgdby is open.
This leaves you with a chance to get some shopping done, yay!
During your discussion with Lidrun, you were examining the exotic and magical goods and plants on display.
This year's offerings are mighty indeed!
Of the many minor offerings, three stand out to your senses. The first is a whalebone bedrest said to promote strength and fertility. The second is a strange, long-necked horn taken from a tomb in the Danelaw. It is said to strengthen the courage of your allies while shaking the foundations of your enemies. The third is an odd, one-edged sword with a long, gently sweeping blade found floating atop the ocean's waves. The guard is circular and bears the design of black, interlocking crow's feathers while the grip is long and covered with red thread in diamond-shaped patterns.
On the plant side of things, there's a moss said to cushion a fall from any height, a red-petaled flower said to absorb blood with ease, and a stumpy, twisting tuber said to bore through rock and earth in search of water.
Of course, there's a number of other minor knick-knacks like lightning caught in amber, a canteen containing lightning, and, strangely enough, a long metal pole said to attract lightning. Lots of lightning-themed goods on display here today, that much is clear.
How would you like to spend your money?
[ ] Write in
Whalebone Bedrest (45oz Silver) (Adds 3 Extra Dice when rolling for children and a free trait pick)
Boar-Headed Horn (70oz Silver) (Encourages your allies while discouraging your enemies)
Strange Sword (110oz Silver) (7d6 Dice. ???)
Falling Moss (3 seeds per 1/4oz Silver, to a maximum of 2oz) (Falling in this allows someone to survive a fall from any height)
Blood-Seeking Petal (2 seeds per 1/2oz Silver, to a maximum of 1oz) (Stops bleeding and mends wounds, allowing warriors to get back in the fight quicker)
Drill-Well Tuber (3 seeds per 1/4oz Silver, to a maximum of 3oz) (When it is planted, it drills down in search of water sources which it then pumps back to the surface)
Amber-Trapped Lightning (1 per 2oz Silver, to a maximum of 14oz) (Crushing this unleashes the stored lightning, often in a violent manner)
Lightning in a Bottle (1 per 8oz Silver, to a maximum of 24oz) (Opening this is said to bring great inspiration for a short period of time, allowing for a project to be made in a fraction of the time—though, once used, it can't be re-used)
Lightning Rod (180oz Silver) (A long, copper pole that is said to attract lightning. There is only one available in this market)
After you finish shopping, what would you like to do next? You reckon you'll only be able to accomplish two more things before you have to return home.
[ ] Go meet with the Headsman for some purpose or another
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Go listen to what rumors are floating around
-[ ] (Optional Write In) Focus your search on subjects of your choice
[ ] Continue speaking with Lidrun of the Red-Scarf
-[ ] Write in the topics
AN: And there we go, an interesting turn of events indeed!
15-minute moratorium and what is likely to be a short vote
[X] The Red Twist
[X] Plan Let's Buy Everything!
-[X] Whalebone Bedrest (45oz Silver) (Adds 3 Extra Dice when rolling for children and a free trait pick)
-[X] Boar-Headed Horn (70oz Silver) (Encourages your allies while discouraging your enemies)
-[X] Strange Sword (110oz Silver) (7d6 Dice. ???)
-[X] Falling Moss (24 seeds for 2oz Silver) (Falling in this allows someone to survive a fall from any height)
-[X] Blood-Seeking Petal (4 seeds for 1oz Silver) (Stops bleeding and mends wounds, allowing warriors to get back in the fight quicker)
-[X] Drill-Well Tuber (21 seeds for 1 and 3/4oz Silver) (When it is planted, it drills down in search of water sources which it then pumps back to the surface)
-[X] Amber-Trapped Lightning (7 for 14oz Silver) (Crushing this unleashes the stored lightning, often in a violent manner)
-[X] Lightning in a Bottle (3 for 24oz Silver) (Opening this is said to bring great inspiration for a short period of time, allowing for a project to be made in a fraction of the time—though, once used, it can't be re-used)
-[X] Lightning Rod (1 for 180oz Silver) (A long, copper pole that is said to attract lightning. There is only one available in this market)
[X] Continue speaking with Lidrun of the Red-Scarf
-[X] "My kids aren't old enough yet, but I'm considering apprenticeships for some of them with a Skald, can you tell me something about your craft and do you know any Skalds that would be interested when my kids are old enough?"
-[X] "Do Skalds pick up intersting rumours, for example about Vestfold, or is that overshadowed by the heroic stories?"
[X] Go listen to what rumors are floating around
-[X] Especially around Vestfold, you don't plan on going there in the immediate future, but it'd be good to keep an ear open.
0~0~0 Speaking with Lidrun of the Red Scarf
Lidrun of the Red Scarf inclines her head as you catch up to her. She walks at a brisk pace, never unsure of where her sandal-clad feet fall. That's not to say the ground is perfectly even, far from it, but it might as well be from how smoothly her steps flow.
"Hey, Lidrun!" You call out to her with a wave as you fall into step, "I've got some more questions for you!"
A brow arches as she replies, "And I your answers."
"Alright," you nod, getting to it, "so, yeah, I was wondering if there's anything you can tell me about being a skald? I'm considering apprenticeships for some of my children, when they're older, you see, and want to know if there's anyone you might know who'd be interested?"
Lidrun's snort catches you by surprise. "Skalds are not typically of apprentice-taking nature, being the self-taught creatures that we so often tend to be, so you may have great trouble finding teachers for your children."
"Well," you frown, "then how does anyone become a skald?"
She smiles, "To be a skald, you must first call yourself skald. Then, you must make stories come to life." A lone finger points towards the sky as the wind picks up the trailing scarf, "To be a skald, you must make sea-despising men crave the open waves. You must turn shadows into monsters and light into men. It is not enough to merely tell a tale, you have to live it aloud."
"So," you pause, only barely noticing the way the light bends around Lidrun. She blinks, slightly disappointed by... Well, you're not really sure, to be honest, "you don't know anyone who could teach my children?"
"I...," she slumps and grumbles, "I do not, no."
"Damn," you frown. "Well, do you know anything about Vestfold? Any interesting rumors or are they overshadowed by the heroic stories?"
Lidrun recovers and presses a finger to her lips as she hums. Snapping her fingers, she turns to you with a rumor on her lips, "They say that Halfdan the Black, Steelfather and King of Vestfold, is dead. However," she continues with a spark in her eye, "they also say that his hall refuses to acknowledge it, that they continue the farce with a corpse in the high chair."
"How much of that is true?" You wonder aloud.
Lidrun offers a slight shrug, "I intend to find out in the coming years, but, until then, I shall be found in Jurgdby."
She wanders off to the Headsman's hall, leaving you alone in the street—save for Stigmar, of course.
(Journal Entry Added: A Corpse in the High Chair)
0~0~0 Rumors in Vestfold
After a portion of time spent on rumor-hunting, you come up with three pieces of information that seem to have something of a leg under them.
The first is, as Lidrun mentioned, that the King and Steelfather of Vestfold, Halfdan the Black, is dead. While that's not exactly new news in of itself, you do learn that there are a myriad of theories surrounding his death. A prominent theory, one supposedly originally postulated by a now-vanished member of Halfdan's court, featured him falling through ice and drowning—an impossibility for a Steelfather.
The second is that the sword Tyrfing has taken a new wielder. Not much beyond that is known, as the wielder, whoever they are, are being unusually conservative in its usage. Most holders of Tyrfing can't help but show it off—to predictably disastrous results.
The third is that Harald Tanglehair has sworn himself to conquering all of Norway—something that most people seem to find humorous. After all, a boy as young as he, with as little power as he has with his father still 'on the throne', has no hope of conquering a bowl of pudding let alone the many fjords of Norway.
Still, some people seem uneasy at the idea of anyone at all swearing to conquer all Norway—it doesn't take much to start an avalanche, after all. What will the future bring, with such whispers in the ears of the powerful?
Regardless, the day is coming to a close and the sun is starting to set. You may do one more thing, but you'll have to go home in the dark.
What do you do?
[ ] Go meet with the Headsman for some purpose or another
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Go home
AN: Alrighty, nearing the end of the year already! Crazy to think that it's gone by so fast, but that's just how things go when you're riding the heels of Summer 9
[X] Go meet with the Headsman for some purpose or another
-[X] See about changing our dwarf coins for silver and buying some more land
-[X] Send our people home (except Abjorn if he's needed for the above)
-[X] Stay the night at Eric's place and fly back in the morning
You catch the Headsman just as he's getting ready to stoke the fires one last time before turning in. He eyes you with heavy bags under sunken eyes. His hair sports a lot more gray then before, some of it even stark white.
He's been under a lot of stress lately, that much is clear.
He clears his throat, "Can I help you?"
You blink as you realize you were staring, "Oh, uh, yeah." You slip the satchel of dwarf coins free from your belt and offer them to him, "I've got some dwarf coins, sixty in total, and I was looking to exchange them for silver."
The Headsman nods and shuffles over to a small chest sitting on a tall and skinny, foot-wide table. Pressing his hand to the surface, light glows from the seams and it unclasps as if by some unseen hand. Lifting it gingerly, he plunges his hand inside—all the way up to his shoulder.
Pulling back, you find a sack of coins in his hands. Offering it to you, he says, "Ninety coins, one-and-a-half ounces for every dwarf coin."
You narrow your eyes, knowing full well that some of those coins were worth far more—but on the other hand, some were worth far less, so you suppose it evens out. "Fair enough," you say as you exchange bags and find yourself ninety ounces of silver richer.
"Anything else?"
"I was looking to buy some land..." You trail off as he grimaces.
"My nephew, the Jarl of Jurgdby, has restricted my ability to sell off land." He's clearly rather upset by this, if the way his teeth grind together and hate sparks in his eyes is anything to go off of.
You scowl, but leave it alone. It wouldn't do to piss the local Jarl off anymore then you need to.
Regardless, it's late.
Would you like to spend the night at Eric's house?
Or go it alone at night?
[ ] Spend the night at Eric's house and push back the consequences
[ ] Go home. Alone. At night.
AN: Because you didn't know, I'll give you an opportunity to decide once and for all if you want to spend the night or go home.
No moratorium, but this is the last update for today, to be clear.
-[X] [Social] (Playdates)Set up a playdate between one/multiple of your kids and one/multiple of other kids.
--[X] Inviting Klaus-Kjaran-Kadrina (Coast Family), Rinda-Ryggia (Fjord Family) and Markvard-Brigida-Siggunr (Asvir Family)
--[X] Try and get Eyvor and Hallbjorn more involved with the other kids, if possible
--[X] Keep an eye on Asgierr to avoid any potential issues
-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The hills!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
0~0~0 Does anything jump out at you? (Hamingja: 24) 24 Successes.
Despite the dread pooling in the pit of your stomach, you meet up with your men with no trouble at all.
Stigmar looks up as you land, a sigh of relief leaving his lips. He's never happy to leave your side, but he can rest easy knowing that you're here.
As you land, Vagn quirks his head, "So, I hear you managed to get your hands on ol' Moonless Night's heart."
"I did, yes," you nod as you fall into step with your men.
"Well, what're you gonna do with it?" He gives voice to the question on everyone's mind.
You hesitate for a moment, slightly unsure of that yourself.
What are you going to do with Moonless Night's heart?
[ ] Eat it yourself!
[ ] Give it to someone else!
-[ ] Write in who
[ ] Hold onto it for now
0~0~0 Playdate (Asgeirr: 2) 2 Successes. (Sigurdr: 3+1) 4 Successes. (Eyvor: 3+1(You helping)) 4 Successes. (Hallbjorn: 2+1+1(You helping)) 4 Successes
Perhaps unsurprisingly, but having so many people around was a little overwhelming for your children. Even Sigurdr had trouble keeping a smile on his face, social exhaustion swiftly setting in with some many people present.
Maybe you should keep it to a smaller size in the future?
Either way, nothing bad happened. Asgeirr kept to himself and Hallbjorn even actually tried talking to people.
0~0~0 Exploring the Hills (Hamingja: 22) 22 Successes
You spot another patch of cold clay, but that's about it. Nothing new in this part of the hills.
Maybe you'll have to go further away to find anything of value?
It's Yule!
[ ] (Optional Write in) What gifts would you like to give?
Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked. 1 Free Social):
[ ] Initiate aggressive diplomacy with the Ice Sword
[ ] (Underhouse) What would you like to use the Underhouse for?
-[ ] Search the empty bedroom for the ledger
-[ ] A hideout!
-[ ] Write in
[ ] (Playdates) Set up a playdate between one/multiple of your kids and one/multiple of other kids. (Write in)
[ ] (Violent) Pick a fight or spar with... (Sparring with people reveals a summery of their character sheets)
-[ ] Spar with Abjorn, your husband
--[ ] (Optional) With armor
-[ ] Spar with Stigmar
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Shopping) Ask Abjorn to buy something for you (Write in) (Can only be used to buy or sell things you are already aware of and cannot haggle)
[ ] (Court) Send Abjorn to make a case at the Thing (Write in)
[ ] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
-[ ] (Optional) Focus on repairing something (Write in)
[ ] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration (Write in one of your Inspirations)
Exploration/Travel (Pick 1 or none):
[ ] (Visit) Go visit...
-[ ] The Witch... even though she's dead
-[ ] Asvir!
--[ ] (Optional) Attend the Thing
-[ ] Vidby, Vidar's Farm
-[ ] Kerby, Stigr's Farm
-[ ] Buriby, Osborn's Farm
-[ ] Glebby, Sverre's Farm
-[ ] Runby, Aki's Farm
-[ ] Hasviby, Hasvir's Farm
-[ ] Halfdanby, Halfdan's Farm
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] The fields!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
-[ ] The Hading!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
--[ ] (Optional) Try to find the Heart of the Hading
-[ ] The hills!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
--[ ] (Optional) Range further from your home
--[ ] Try and find the skogtatt
[ ] (Battle) Go and attack somewhere...
-[ ] The troll cave in the hills surrounding your property
Training: You have 61d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
-[ ] Write in up to 3 things to request of her
[ ] (Drifa) Teach Drifa some of your tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (2 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (209 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (104 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Orthstirr Available: 833
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here.
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 13/13
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment/Capacity/Shapeshifting/Alloy/Pocket/Whatever Management
What do you want to have equipped on your person, in your capacity, or for your shapeshifting? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Property Management: You have 77 Work Dice Available
How do you want to use them?
[ ] Write in
AN: Well, there we go. Year 9 is now over and it's... September... in real life.
...Yeah, I'm probably not going to be able to finish Halla's run in this year. Damn shame, but it is what it is.
[X] Plan We Are Related To Santa
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] Various Small Items As Gifts for Family (Toys, Tools, Combs, etc.)(+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Something for the whole family and our friends other than our retainers.
--[X] Spend 1 Bottled Lightning on this
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2 & 3)
--[X] Reforge Tryggr and Trausti's Helms and create Forged Iron Mail for the two of them (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Using bear bone ash
--[X] Quench in Hearthroot oil
--[X] Spend **3 Odr** on each project (6 total)
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (4)
--[X] Reforge Vagn''s Armor and Helm (make the Helm Mail-Necked if needed)(+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (5)
--[X] Reforge Stigmar's Armor and Helm (make the Helm Mail-Necked ifneeded) (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (6)
--[X] Reforge the Axe we made for Trausti (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Keeping the same basic runes, being careful not to damage the spirit of the item
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (7)
--[X] Forged Iron Mail-Necked Helm for Abjorn, well, for Shadeclaw really(+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Our Family and Retainers for Yule
--[X] Ask our retainers if they have any women they are interested in, marriage-wise
--[X] Invite those women's families for Yule
--[X] Spend Food as needed to make a good impression (basically, this is a Feast for the people we're inviting on our retainers behalf, but exact numbers are unknown and thus so is the exact number of Food needed)
--[X] Invite Lidrun to come to Yule if she wants, we can't _promise_ excitement, but interesting things have been known to happen. This is a casual invite, not the main point of the action.
-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The hills!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
---[X] (Optional) Range further from your home
-[X] (Battle) Go and attack somewhere...
--[X] The troll cave in the hills surrounding your property
-[X] (Optional Write in) What gifts would you like to give?
--[X] The intent is weapons and armor for all our retainers, a helmet for Abjorn, and then smaller presents from the dedicated crafting action for everyone else. Also, pluck seeds from Sealwood and Hearthroot before the year turns and give them to Steinarr, along with one seed each of the three new magic plants.
-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items, switch Forgefire Slots to Dice (+7d6 total) before starting and back afterwards and have Heat Hold available just incase
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Stoking Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process
-[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
--[X] Learn the seidr area for domestic matters, the kind of house seidr most women know, hopefully including fertility stuff
--[X] Learn additional Fylgja-related seidr stuff, specifically the ritual to reveal them and the necessary stuff to retrieve the soul of the bodily dead whose fylgja died (the ones that were used to rescue Aki).
--[X] Learn seidr area to better commune with spirits for information orfavors
-[X] (Research)
--[X] Before we cultivate, plant a Falling Moss seed in our Soulscape and feed it **9 Odr**
--[X] Leave out bowl for a Nisse on Yule hoping to attract one, as was planned previously
--[X] Try making a Runestone poem in our soulscape commemorating our first kiss and the Muna it gave us 3d6
---[X] Do this **before** we cultivate and break through. We will also give birth and have our Yule Party before doing any cultivating.
---[X] Stoking all Aspects on Poem quality (+3 successes), spending **1 Odr** to enhance it, and adding 1 Reward Die courtesy of [@AeonIlluminate](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/members/92051/)
--[X] Do not break through to the Second Realm until after Yule. When we do, call in the Dwarven Favor to prepare a battlefield and make sure we have all our retainers (and Abjorn) with us, and do so during the day starting in the morning. Warn them we don't know what will happen here, but it could be violent, depending.
--[X] Continue reading up on Frisian cultivation 1d6
--[X] Try and Alloy Chop + Stoker State and see what happens 1d6
--[X] Try and Alloy Hamr + Standstill and see what happens 1d6
--[X] Try and Alloy Frenzy + Standstill and see what happens 1d6 (Refunded from last turn)
---[X] Take all our standard precautions we do when raising Hugr Infusion
--[X] Try and investigate the more magical side of how knightly armor works 3d6
--[X] Study Bjorney and what's going on with him after the Odr consumption - 1 Reward Die courtesy of [@fearsome hill](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/members/108589/)
-[X] (Rolled)
--[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6) (Doubled and then +1 Success from Blackhand/Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 2d6 (1d6) (Doubled and then +1 Success from Blackhand/Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6) (Doubled and then +1 Success from Blackhand/Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Campfire 2d6 (1d6) (Doubled and then +1 Success from Blackhand/Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Flamecalling 2d6 (1d6) (Doubled and then +1 Success from Blackhand/Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Unleash Inferno 2d6 (1d6) (Doubled and then +1 Success from Blackhand/Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Slowing Slog 31d6 (Doubled and then +1 Success Training Items)
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida trick
--[X] Train Scouring Cleanse 1d6
--[X] Train Time Stands Still 1d6 (Doubled and then +1 Success Training Items)
--[X] Train Contested Movement 1d6 (Doubled and then +1 Success Training Items)
--[X] Train Semi-Halting Vortex 1d6 (Doubled and then +1 Success Training Items)
-[X] (Training) Martial Style
--[X] Train Stoker State 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Flame Tending Blade 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Threadcutter 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Weapon-Grapple Reversal 1d6 (+1 Success from Training Item)
--[X] Train Double-Leg Takedown 1d6 (+1 Success from Training Item)
--[X] Train Tight Squeeze Trick 1d6 (+1 Success from Training Item)
--[X] Train Knee-Drop Back Breaker 1d6 (+1 Success from Training Item)
--[X] Train Fang 1d6 (+1 Success from Training Item)
--[X] Train Glima 1d6 (+1 Success from Training Item)
-[X] (Training) Hamr (2 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hamr Itself 1d6 (Doubled and then +1 Success Training Items)
--[X] Train Chop 1d6 (+1 Success Training Item)
--[X] Train Throw 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (209 successes to rank up)
--[X] Talk to Sten about how to make ranged weapons and spears
--[X] Train Hugr itself 1d6 (Doubled successes from Training Item)
--[X] Train Effort Gauge 1d6 (Doubled successes from Training Item)
--[X] Train Armorcraft 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten)
--[X] Train Composure 1d6
--[X] Train 'Ranged' Weaponcraft Skill-Trick 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten)
--[X] Train 'Spear' Weaponcraft Skill-Trick 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten)
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (104 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja itself 1d6 (Doubled successes from Training Item)
--[X] Train Flap Away 1d6
-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings: 6 Quality, 1 Living Space, 5Storage, 5 Workshop (17 Total)
--[X] Resources: 6 Quality, 8 Food, 7 Goods, 5 Silver (26 Total)
--[X] Livestock: 5 Quality, 4 Food, 4 Goods, 4 Silver (17 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Making 1 Glue Bomb, 2 Explosive Charms, and 5 Meat-Keeping Sticks (18 Total)
--[X] Conversion: Spend for 9 Research Dice (18 Total)
-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Abjorn, Hallbjorn,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Drafty Iron
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] **36 Odr** and 1 Orthstirr to Hamr (Note: Done after cultivating and breaking through to the Second Realm)
---[X] 4 Chop, 4 Defend, 5 Dodge, 4 Bash, 4 Pierce, 4 Throw, 4 Cut, 4 Strike, 4 Shoot, 3 Farmwork, 4 Labor, 4 Overland (48 total)
--[X] 3 Orthstirr to Hugr
---[X] 6 Artcraft, 5 Armorcraft, 4 Barb-Tongue, 1 Composure, 4 Design, 6 Housecraft, 4 Management, 3 Scouting, 4 Silver-Tongue, 5 Sailing, 3 Strategy, 5 Tactics, 5 Weaponcraft, 3 Wordplay, 5 Wildcraft (63 total)
--[X] 1 Orthstirr to Fylgja
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 77 Stored Tricks
--[X] 704 free for tricks
Scouring Cleanse (Rough-Refined)
Time Stands Still (Rough-Refined)
Double Leg Takedown (Rough-Refined)
Weapon-Grapple-Reversal (Rough-Refined)
Tight-Squeeze Trick (Rough-Refined)
Flap Away (Rough-Refined)
Hamr (7-8)
Time Stands Still
One moment, your meditations go as normal.
The next, they don't.
You breath in and dancing leaves freeze in freefall. Wisps of time wrap around your limbs as the grass refuses to move. Your crimson flame-clad limbs guide you to your feet as you glance around the clearing, at the frozen faces of your men. Vagn in mid-yawn, Abjorn ready to leap in at a moment's notice, Stigmar with his back to a tree and his shield resting against his knee.
You wave your hand in front of your husband's face, but there's no response.
Your lungs burn like fire, so you release hold of the trapped breath and time returns from its inversion.
This... Could be powerful.
As your men flail about in shock and surprise at your sudden movement, you amend that statement.
This is powerful.
(Time Stands Still (Cost 1 Aspect): A Finale of ??? that inverts the Standstill Shroud that surrounds all bearers of the Standstill hugareida. At Refined, you get two free actions. This increases by one with every level of refinement.)
Rolled (Kindle Spinner: 0+1) 1 Success. (Firebomb-Strike: 2x2+1) 5 Successes. (EWC: 1x2+1) 3 Successes. (Campfire: -2x2+1) 3 Failures. (Flamecalling: 1x2+1) 3 Successes. (Unleash Inferno: 4x2+1) 9 Successes. (Slowing Slog: 28x2+1) 57 Successes
It is shockingly difficult to practice Firestorm, which you soon found out as Dorri told you off while Logi and Steinarr cleaned up the mess you left with Unleash Inferno.
Still, you've gotten a bit more practice in!
(+1 to Kindle Spinner)
(+5 to Firebomb-Strike)
(+3 to EWC)
(+3 to Flamecalling)
(+9 to Unleash Inferno)
(+57 to Slowing Slog)
Planting and growing a Falling Moss seed (9 Odr)
The Falling Moss takes root and spreads quickly with every drop of odr added. As the moss swallows up the last ounce of power, it provides clumps of moss for you to take.
(Falling Moss currently provides 9 Moss Clumps)
0~0~0 Nisse Bowl
When you check on the bowl, you find it empty—licked clean.
It seems that you may have a new housemate, but that remains to be seen.
0~0~0 Runestone
(IF here, I'm not going to do this one until you folks come up with a suitable poem ;P)
0~0~0 Frisian Cultivation Frisian Cultivators are, in short, worthwhile opponents on the battlefield. However, they often struggle to deal with singularly powerful individuals as, thanks to having spreading out their cultivation potential, they lack any sort of truly powerful champions. They are best fought by letting champions do their work and being wise to the conditions.
0~0~0 Alloying stuff
Alloying Chop and Stoker State allows you to generate strength with the relevant attacks.
You feel your muscles clench immobile as Standstill and your Hamr Alloy together.
Given the previous experiment's results, you get the feeling that Alloying Frenzy and Standstill together may result in unfortunate occurrences.
0~0~0 Investigating magical side of Knightly Armor
"So..." Sten trails off, "I don't know Latin, do you?"
You shrug. You don't know Latin, nor does anyone you know, either.
This is a problem.
0~0~0 Studying Bjorney
Bjorney... Seems like he's more aware of his surroundings. When you speak, it's like he's listing to your words rather then the tone, as is often the status quo in regards with animals.
0~0~0 borth
The year, by the reckoning of the followers of Christ, is 8979 AD and you, Halla Skyfire, have just turned twenty-one. You are covered in sweat as newborn voices fill your ears with their crying. One voice was expected.
The other wasn't.
Two children, near-identical twins save for one small detail—one is a boy, the other a girl. Their souls feel nearly the exact same, so no wonder you didn't notice! They even have the exact same... full moon-like eyes...
Regardless, they'll both need a name of their own eventually.
So, what do you name them?
[ ] (Boy) Write in
[ ] (Girl) Write in
-Eyes of the Full Moon
-Born of Fire
-Shadowy Shroud
-The Bloody Basics
-Godly Luck
-Giant's Blood
-Seeing Eyes
-Snake's Tongue
-Born With Hammer in Hand
-Stoic Silence
0~0~0 Crafting is in a spoiler at the bottom. Socializing with the friends
The Yuletide party is, as it often tends to be, a rather jolly affair. Cheeks shine red from drink and cheer as voices join together in song and general merry-making. Marriage offers are announced, the occasional bit of bloodshed stains the little remaining snow, and sacrifices are burned and/or eaten—depending on the specifics of the sacrifice.
While you invited about a dozen families, word swiftly spread that you were holding a feast for Yule and soon all forty-or-so of the families under the aegis of Asvir find themselves under your care.
You barely have time to talk to anyone, let alone the people you want most to be with! Gifts are exchanged, yet you struggle to find opportunities to add your heartfelt feelings—so crowded with people the feasting clearing is.
However, you wind up with three windows of opportunity during the festivities. Who do you decide to spend them with?
[ ] Lidrun, who hasn't stopped staring at you since she arrived
[ ] Asva, who clearly wants to talk to you
[ ] Stigmar, who is off by himself after a rather sour discussion with a woman
[ ] Trausti, who is looking for Tryggr, who disappeared with a woman on his arm
[ ] Dorri Rattlespear, who arrived with an offer for you
AN: This was stupidly difficult to get out for no good reason. I got stuck at Yule for, like, an hour-and-a-half before I managed to make any progress.
I have some mixed news. I recently got a second job, which, unfortunately, will be cutting into my free time significantly. As such, my update rate will be rather sporadic until the end of the year. There very likely won't be an update tomorrow, Friday, or Saturday. I'll try to keep you folks in on the loop.
No moratorium, this'll be the only update for today as I am rather mentally exhausted, sorry.
(Various Small Items: 22+15+3+3) 43 Successes (Wondrous with Hammer In Hand)
(Tryggr + Trausti Helms: 2+15+3+2+3) 25 Successes (Grand with Hammer In Hand)
(Tryggr + Trausti Mail: 19+15+3+2+3) 42 Successes (Wondrous with Hammer In Hand)
(Vagn Armor+Helm: 19+15+2+3) 39 Successes (Wondrous with Hammer In Hand)
(Stigmar Armor+Helm: 18+15+3+3) 39 Successes (Wondrous with Hammer In Hand)
(Trausti's Axe: 7+15+3+3) 28 Successes (Mastercraft with Hammer In Hand)
(Mail-Necked Helm for Abjorn/Shadeclaw: 22+15+2+3) 42 Successes (Wondrous with Hammer In Hand)
[X] Lidrun, who hasn't stopped staring at you since she arrived
[X] Dorri Rattlespear, who arrived with an offer for you
[X] Asva, who clearly wants to talk to you
[X] (Girl) Asveig
[X] (Boy) Steinulfr
0~0~0 Talking to Lidrun, Dorri, and then Asva
Lidrun of the Red Scarf sits off to the side with her chin resting on a knee, away from the throngs of feast-goers. She nurses an intricately-carved soapstone goblet—one of two dozen gifted by Halfdan and his family—between two fingers as her yellow eyes peer out over the feast. Dozens of hole-punched, brass bells dangle from elaborately-twisted strands of red thread woven into her dark hair. They jingle and chime as she raises the cup to her lips, just as they do with every movement or brush of wind.
Though you feel her eyes on you, whenever you send a glance her way she's looking elsewhere. After roughly an hour of this, you've had more then enough of her antics. Catching Abjorn's eye from across the feast, you shoot a message begging him to take your place in a conversation about the effects draugar have on the local fish population.
Nodding, Abjorn makes his way over and boldly announces his arrival, "I heard that the clam population is surging."
Audrikr's nodding head resembles a half-broken stick as it bobs up and down, "You heard that right! Can't go twelve steps without tripping over a damn tongue-rock."
Having successfully distracted Audrikr, you politely slip away. This time, as you turn towards Lidrun, her eyes stay locked with yours. With the late-afternoon sun at your back, growing shadows mingle and merge as you make your approach.
You barely come to a stop before Lidrun speaks, her chin never leaving her knee for even a moment, "Even for an odr cultivator, you're an odd one."
Your jaw drops as you sputter, the bluntness of her declaration finding you flat-footed. "I, what?!" Whipping around, your heart hammers in your ears as you hunt for any eavesdroppers. Finding none, you round on her with harsh whispers hissed through clenching teeth, "You can't just say that!"
"Oh relax," she scoffs, dismissing your fears with a flippant finger flick, "a skald knows when they have an audience."
"Still," your teeth grind together hard enough that a part of you fears they might break, "you shouldn't just say things like that! Who knows what might be listening in?"
She shakes her head and sighs as she sets the mug to the side. Climbing to her feet, her hands clasp overhead as she stretches, "You've got a lot to learn for someone Finding Fate."
Alright, Lidrun's seriously getting on your nerves. Uncle Thor would understand if you drew iron, right? Still, you recompose yourself with a deep breath, "Explain."
She grins, eyes sparkling, "The word of odr cannot be heard by the worthless masses in the background." She waves a hand at the feast-goers, her thoughts on them clear as day.
Blackhand sneers, a wet, guttural sound echoing from his throat, 'And now I remember why I hated most of my so-called peers. This mentality, this philosophy, if you could call it that,' he 'waves' a mocking 'hand' in the vague direction of Lidrun, 'is far too common for my tastes. Maybe it's different now, but I wouldn't hold my breath.'
You and Blackhand don't always agree on everything—his stance on dealing with potential enemies a notable example—but on this you are in lock-step.
"You think you're better then them," you don't bother indicating who 'they' are, "because they don't have odr?"
"Humanity are better then animals because they are capable of more." You can reckon where she's going next, and you hate it with every fiber of your being, "Therefore, those with odr are better then humans. Honestly," she shakes her head, "the fact that you decided to breed with one of them is disgusting."
For a moment, you can't quite fucking believe what you just heard. Bringing your husband—your children!—into it is more then a step too far. It might as well be a declaration of war as far as you're concerned.
Stepping into her guard faster then a mortal could see, your fore-finger flicks up to find a home in the underside of her jaw as you force her face skyward, "Say that again and even the Jotnar will wince at what I do to you."
Lidrun's eyes never leave yours as she stares for a long while. "It's taken me far too long to get your measure, Halla Skyfire, but I've got it now." She shoves away your hand as she takes a pair of cocky steps back, "You're a murky puddle, a deceptively shallow surface lying in wait for the foolish traveler's foot."
"And you're a snake's brood," you don't know enough about her for your words to really bite, unfortunately.
"I've heard better," a mocking clap accompanies her laugh. With a final chuckle, she tilts her head to the side as her hand falls to the sword on her hip, as if considering what to do next. Eventually she shrugs and turns away, but not before delivering a final message over her shoulder. "You'll stay out of my way if you know what's good for you, Halla Skyfire."
Your brows dig a deep valley on your face as you growl, fists clenching together, "The same goes for you, Lidrun of the Red Scarf."
She grins as she walks away, laughing all the way. You watch her go as you struggle to figure out exactly how much you hate her.
Unfortunately, you don't get to settle on anything before some next grabs your attention. This time, it's none other then Dorri Rattlespear.
Dorri Rattlespear is dressed in the finery befitting his rank in society. A cloak of brilliant red silk waterfalls from his shoulders as his shirt shimmers bluer then the sky with shining silver on its trim. He nods as you turn to him, "Good afternoon, Halla Skyfire."
"To you as well, Dorri Rattlespear," you return the greeting with a nod of your own. "I've heard whispers of you wanting to speak with me about something relating to..." You trail off with a squint before snapping your fingers, "dwarves, was that it?"
"You have it correct," Dorri chuckles, a warm smile on his face. "I'm after more Forged Iron for my hird as well as the Valley at large. You, as a dwarfriend, have a way of getting that iron."
Your eyes narrow, but don't see much point in playing dumb, "How'd you find out about that?"
The smile turns sly as he shrugs, "Truth be told, I didn't know until you told me," your tongue clicks against your teeth, annoyed with yourself, "but it wasn't exactly hard to figure out, given the sheer amount of previously-unknown Forged Iron that you've been giving away. Not exactly a lot of places one could get that much Forged Iron, you see."
You frown at that, a nervous creep making its way up your spine, "Making a personal deal isn't in breach of the Ancestral Treaty."
He holds up his hands in surrender, "You'll hear no quarrel from me regarding private business. All I want is for you to broker a deal between the Ducklings and me," he pauses before adding, "and, if you're willing, to turn that Forged Iron into arms and armor."
Your brows rise as you suck in a breath, "That's... a big ask. Have you spoken with Sten about forging? And what about Asvir's smith?"
"Your brother's already agreed to forge, and as for Ketill," a small frown creases the corners of Dorri's mouth, "he unfortunately passed away in his sleep a few days ago." Dorri sighs and shrugs, "I'd been hoping to use his dwarfriend status for this, but it seems the Norns had other plans."
You hadn't heard that Ketill Smith had died, "What happened?"
Dorri grimaces, "It's uncertain, but the healers think a tumor may have slipped into his bloodstream overnight."
"Damn," you share a brief moment of silence before returning to business. "So, what would I receive in exchange for doing this?"
Dorri nods, like he'd been expecting that, "A portion of all loot taken by use of your arms and armor, with a preference towards interesting plants."
You whistle, "That... is a good price."
"I figured you'd like it," he grins. "You don't have to make up your mind now, by the way, this is an open offer."
"I'll keep it in mind and give it some thought," you reply while turning the offer over in your head.
"That's all I ask," with that, he and you exchange goodbyes as he returns to breaking up any scuffles that crop up, leaving you alone to consider the happenings of the day. First Lidrun, now Dorri—who will you speak with next?
It doesn't take long for that question to be answered as a package-laden Asva snakes through the crowds. The package in her arms is large and lumpy, wrapped with wool and tied with brown string. As she catches your gaze, a broad, relieved grin spreads across her face.
Obliging your sister, you walk towards her just as she approaches you. Closing the distance with a brisk pace, she wraps you into a hug while depositing the package in your arms—all in one smooth, elegant, and graceful motion. Randi—who'd been following a few steps behind with Dan, Asva and Jordan's firstborn son, in her arms—smiles as she sees you and Asva getting along.
Pulling back, she says, "I've been waiting to see the look on your face when you open this," she grins and waves a giddy, bandage-wrapped hand at the package in your hands, "so you'd better not keep me waiting!"
Chuckling, you unwrap your new clothes and—
'Wow,' Blackhand got it in one.
Your jaw drops for the second time that day, the astonishment a pleasant change from the earlier horror. As the cloth falls away, you find yourself holding two new garments.
The first is a dress, but not just any old dress! This dress is made of red cloth with black and gray thread adding trim in a style reminiscent of the ashes of the forge. It's long and durable, easily strong enough to defy the heat of the forge. Not only is it tough, but it's breathable too! You'll have no trouble forging in this, that you can guarantee.
The second is a cloak of... You're not sure what the cloth is made of. It's neither silk nor wool and it certainly isn't linen, so what is it? It resembles the flame of a firepit, the tongues of fire even shifting to and fro as you turn it this way and that.
Asva can't stop the giggles at your confusion, "Mom taught me a couple tricks with cloth-making. This," she rubs the cloth between thumb and fore-finger, "is the result of spinning fire into a cloak. I also made it so liquid just slides right off." It's then that you notice the faint buzzing of magic against your fingers. She winks as you look back up, giving nothing away.
As you exchange a final hug, you resolve to ask Solrun about this as soon as you get a chance.
0~0~0 Learning with the Seeress
The Seeress chuckles as you sweep open the flap of her tent, your new clothes catching her eye.
"Solrun!" You shout while throwing the cloak at her, "How does this work?! Please!"
You spent the last week trying to figure out how in all the worlds Asva wove fire into freaking cloth and may have gotten a little obsessed.
'Just a little bit.'
"Shut it, Blackhand!" You growl as the Seeress' chuckles turn hearty.
She wipes a mock tear from her eye as gestures for you to sit down across from her, which you do. "I'd been planning to teach you about domestic magic, so this is a good launch-stone."
Clearing her throat, she gives you a rundown of various domestic spells—such as spells to clean, spells to keep warm, and spells to keep wrinkles away from clothing, to name but a few. All the while, she keeps you on your toes regarding the actual process by which fire could be cloth. You hardly pay attention to her words, so focused on fire-to-cloth as you are—though Blackhand is taking notes.
Eventually, she arrives at clothes-making and you can almost taste victory. Solrun grins, "And now, how one would go about," you suck in a sharp breath as she pauses dramatically, "revealing a fylgja."
Your eyes twitch.
"Not funny." You mange to force out from between gritting teeth.
She arches a brow, "In order to turn fire into cloth, you must do the same as if you were revealing a fylgja."
Your eyes narrow, "Alright, I'm listening."
"In order to reveal a fylgja," she begins with folded hands, "you must acquire some kind of smearable substance—such as clay or ash or mashed plants—and then mix in three things before applying it to the eyes." A finger rises with each item, "You must mix in the swish of a sheet as it is swept aside, the first warmth of the rising dawn, and cobwebs bearing the moon's light."
You blink as she falls silent and sigh, "Solrun, please, this is getting tiring."
She nods, "My apologies, I've just been so..." she trails off with a squint, "Well, I've missed you over Winter..."
"It's whatever," you sigh, "I just want to know how to make cloth from fire."
"It's the same way you first get your hands on the three things required to reveal a fylgja," she says as she finally starts explaining the process, "You open up your senses entirely while experiencing it, absorb it in full, and then shut your senses down to trap it in your memories. Once it's there, you can use it however you wish."
Asva's bandaged hand... That's why she was hurt, wasn't it?
"How do I 'shut down' my senses?"
The Seeress frowns, "That is the hard part, unfortunately, as it can't be taught. I," she presses her hands to her chest, "don't have a sense of smell, so I simply spread that sensation to my other senses. You could sacrifice one of your senses to get it, or, if you were willing to have your fylgja killed, then that experience would give you something to draw from, but..."
You grimace, "I'd have to die for that."
"Indeed." She nods as she moves on, "Regardless of your choice in the matter, this is a good segue towards Fylgjukona."
"Before we move on," you raise a finger as a thought comes to mind, "is this how skalds absorb stories?"
Solrun shrugs, "I wouldn't know, unfortunately."
"Indeed," she claps her hands and moves on. "Fylgjukona are spirits that guard, protect, and foster a family under their care. They are responsible for the management of fylgjur as well as hamingja. They draw power from the hamingja of their charges while sending visions and warnings via the fylgjur of a family. You can contact a family's fylgjukona to learn information about said family, if they know it."
"How do I contact a fylgjukona? And also how do I attract specific spirits without having already met them?"
"Good questions," pride blossoms in your chest as you preen, "with simple answers. To contact a fylgjukona, you need some blood from their family, an ash and elm-fueled fire, and nine links of an iron chain. Place the links in an even spread around the fire before tossing in the blood to summon the spirit. Be careful what you ask, for while fylgjukona are powerful in their own right, they can also call upon Valkyries for aid."
You mentally note that down while the Seeress moves on to your next question.
"Signalfire spells, as I like to call them, are modified Signpost spells that you shoot off into the spirit realms. They're built so that they only poke spirits that meet the criteria that you set when creating the spell."
You nod as you note that down as well. Thanking the Seeress, you move on with your day.
(Domestic Spells added to your Weave Seidr)
(Domestic Spells are spells that handle the domestic side of things. From cleaning stains from cloth to quickly preserving food for winter, this method of magic does it all.)
(You've learned how to acquire experiences, but that doesn't mean you can just yet.)
(You've learned how to reveal fylgja)
(You've learned the Signalfire Stitch)
0~0~0 Troll Cave
You land before the entrance to the troll's cave, the sun shining high in the sky. You've got plenty of time to work out a plan, but first you should decide on who to bring and the way you're going to approach this.
[ ] Who, if any, would you like to bring?
-[ ] (Write in)
[ ] What's the general way you're going to be approaching this?
-[ ] Aggressively, bust in and lay the smackdown
-[ ] Diplomatically, see what's up first
-[ ] Write in
AN: The job, unfortunately, didn't work out like I'd hoped, so we're back to our regular schedule.
Furthermore, after some discussion on the discord (link to which is in my sig), I've decided to float the idea of swapping from training dice to just flat xp. The reason for this is that while Deadman does a fantastic job, it simply isn't healthy for a quest to rely on one person who understands the mechanics to make plans. This should, hopefully, cut down on the complexity of plans, allowing for others to take a crack at it.
[X] Who, if any, would you like to bring?
-[X] Abjorn and Stigmar.
[X] What's the general way you're going to be approaching this?
-[X] Diplomatically, see what's up first
Stigmar sighs and shakes his head as you tell him your plan, "So we're doing this again, huh?"
"What can I say?" You shrug with a slight tilt to the head, "I'm curious as to what brings a troll here of all places."
Abjorn's lips thin as his brows—which are steadily growing ever-bushier with the passage of time—furrow under the green hat you made him for Yule and, after a moment of consideration, decides to speak his mind, "I'm not happy about this. But," he holds up a hand to stop your arguments, "I know that you're wise to danger. If you need it, we," he gestures between him and Stigmar, "will be there to help."
"Thank you," you nod with earnest appreciation. Despite how annoying it can be, you can't fault them for worrying after you. After all, if Abjorn had said he wanted to talk to the troll, you'd immediately start searching for any foreign spirit or spell affecting his judgement
Turning towards the cavern mouth, you gaze into the darkness lurking within. Holding out a hand, you ignite a palmful of flames with a finger snap. The light banishes the darkness, revealing the earthen surfaces shaped by falling fists.
Breathing the fresh air of the sky-gazing world for a final time, you remind yourself that trolls aren't a threat to you anymore before, with a single step, you start your descent into the earth.
Buzzing bugs crowd around your palm as you make your way ever-deeper under the ground. Roots dangle from the ceiling as you carefully avoid setting them ablaze. With every step, an odd noise at the edge of your hearing wheezes louder and louder. It almost sounds like snoring...
Well, that's obviously where the troll slumbers. Doesn't take a genius to realize that.
You come to a stop before a large, dome-shaped cavern. The floor here is made of stone while the walls and ceiling still consists of dirt—though the roots are long gone. A cooking pot dangles off a hook set in a wall, not too far away from where a fire pit has been dug. Various articles of poorly maintained yet shockingly large clothing hang from the ceiling. In the middle of the room, on a moss-wrapped bed made from what appears to be cattle bones, sleeps a troll dressed in nothing but a sleeping shirt. He seems to have a spear and shield leaned up against the bed, within easy reach should they be needed.
The troll has yet to notice you, being asleep as he is, leaving you with free reign of his home.
What would you like to do?
[ ] Rummage around his things, see what there is to see
[ ] Wake the troll
[ ] Write in
Resolving not to rummage through the troll's things—no matter how attractive the idea of moving things around slightly before leaving may be—you reach a hand out and gently prod the troll right on top of his surprisingly well-groomed noggin—seriously, his hair, though dark, is luxurious. It's thick and full and shockingly soft to the touch!
"Wha?" The troll grumbles as you swiftly skip back well out of reach. Blinking through bleary eyes, the troll gropes around near the bedpost next to his head. Finding whatever he was looking for, the troll sits up in bed, carefully unfolds the odd, flimsy-looking metal contraption, and gently places it on his strong, hawkish nose.
The troll turns towards you with sleep-encrusted eyes, a rather annoyed look on his face like chiseled stone. The accent is a bit hard to understand—like his tongue is too big for his mouth—but it's not that bad compared to Danes, "Firstly, what in the realms is wrong with you, waking a man up when he's trying to sleep? Secondly, who in the realms are you and what are you doing in my damned house?!"
He's not reaching for his weapons yet, but it's clear that he's thinking about it. You'll have to be careful here, if you want things to stay peaceful.
Regardless, some things immediately stand out to you when compared to the other troll you've met. The first is that he's actually not that bad looking and isn't that much larger then you. The second is that he doesn't seem to have much in the way of a back—though you only caught a brief glimpse of something iridescent before he turned towards you. The third is that there's something moving around behind him, beneath the furs he was sleeping under.
[X] Apologize for entering uninvited, introduce ourselves as his new neighbors and suggest that we've had previous bad experiences with trolls, and were perhaps mistaken as to the nature of our new neighbor. Offer something we brought (probably a freshly slaughtered sheep or something like that) as an apology gift/housewarming present.
-[X] Use Contention Connection and Light Touch to try and avoid violence, Goal Tell to see what the Troll(?) wants, and Cool Off to avoid going off half-cocked ourselves if things get heated.
The sheep's limp head flops as you hold out its carcass to the troll, who eyes it warily.
"My name is Halla Skyfire and I'm sorry for entering uninvited," you say, offering the corpse as apology. The troll reaches out and accepts the sheep with narrowed eyes and slow movements. "I've had some bad experiences with trolls before and, when I saw a new troll-cave spring up nearby, I had to check it out."
Gripping the sheep with both hands, the troll squints behind the see-through circles balancing on his nose and ears. "First of all, I am no lowly troll. I," he brings a palm to his chest as he speaks with clear pride, "am a bergsra."
You tense as he reveals himself, dozens of stories of men and women being tricked and stolen away into the mountains by bergsra running free through your mind. Was this a trap to lure in troll-seeking adventurers? What for?
"Was this a trap?" You hiss as hand trail towards your weapons.
The troll—er, bergsra—to his credit, seems to have no understanding of your words. He quirks his head to the side, eyes narrowing even further in confusion. "Trap? What in the tumbling stones are you talking about?" He waves a hand around his cave, "If this were a trap, you think it'd lead straight to where I sleep?"
You open your mouth to argue, but promptly close it. After all, "I... You have a point."
"I often do," the bergsra huffs and holds out a hand, "I'm Jurgen."
His name draws an eyebrow up your head as you match wrists. Jurgen isn't exactly the most impressive name for a creature of the mountains to have, but if that's his name, then it's his name.
"So..." he trails off as he pushes the contraption back up his nose, "is there anything else you want or can I go back to sleep?" He yawns, batting at the air before his mouth, "I didn't get much rest last night."
Is there anything else you want?
[ ] Yes, there is!
-[ ] Write in
[ ] No, there isn't.
AN: You got very close with the hulder idea, I'll give you that