Summer 7/Turn 2
(You have cultivated 5 Odr)
[X] Plan Rest And Recovery
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in)
--[X] Talk with Sten about reforging Stigr's broken sword (using Forged Iron if it wasn't already) and assist with the runework
--[X] Add to it the same runes we have on Sagaseeker (they were gifted as a pair, this is appropriate, and the benefits are excellent for an archer forced into melee)
--[X] Invest **1 Odr** into the sword to awaken its spirit, along with 24 Orthstirr for +4 successes on the runework
-[X] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Tryggr and Trausti
--[X] Thank them profusely for their aid in defending our family
--[X] Try and make friends with them and learn more about them, make them part of the group
--[X] With Abjorn and likely everyone else, the idea here is to make them part of the group, which involves the whole group.
-[X] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration
--[X] The Ironbrother
--[X] Invest **1 Odr** into the attempt, and spend 24 Orthstirr on 4 extra successes
-[X] (Rolled)
--[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Campfire 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Hamr itself 5d6
--[X] Undo our internal nalbinding (leaving 12 pockets for now no matter how well we roll) 15d6
-[X] (Research)
--[X] When investing Odr into Hugr and Composure we will take extensive precautions...Sten, Steinarr, and Abjorn will be there, Sten will chain us up, and then Abjorn will bear-hug us from behind to hold us in place. We will be completely unarmed (work-knife included). This should also determine if Odr-infused Composure helps with Frenzy.
--[X] Try to use only part of our Standstill Hugareida (about half) for Inertia-Arresting Throw and see if we can then still use Halting Vortex. Do the same with Mire Ward as well. 1d6
--[X] Try storing Orthstirr in some of the pockets in our soulscape that aren't being used for Frenzy 1d6
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
--[X] Train Halting Vortex 1d6 x
-[X] (Training) Tricks
--[X] Train Recall 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (29 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Chop 1d6 x
-[X] (Training) Hugr (21 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hugr itself 1d6 x
--[X] Train Housecraft 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten) X
--[X] Train Weaponcraft 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten) x
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (5 success to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja Itself 1d6 x
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 3 Orthstirr to Hamr
---[X] 3 Chop, 4 Defend, 4 Dodge, 4 Glima, 3 Bash, 3 Pierce, 3 Throw, 3 Cut, 3 Farmwork, 3 Labor, 3 Overland (36 total)
--[X] **2 Odr** and 4 Orthstirr to Hugr
---[X] 5 Artcraft, 5 Armorcraft, 3 Barb-Tongue, **1 Odr** and 3 Orthstirr to Composure, 6 Housecraft, 3 Management,4 Scouting, 4 Silver-Tongue, 3 Strategy, 3 Tactics, 4 Weaponcraft, 4 Wordplay, 5 Wildcraft (52 total)
--[X] 1 Orthstirr to Fylgja
---[X] 3 Command
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 40 free for tricks
(Kindle Spinner: 4, 4) 3 Successes. (EWC: 5, 1) 2 Successes. (Campfire: 4, 5) 4 Successes. (Hamr: 5, 6, 5, 5, 5) Max Successes=20 Successes
(+3 to Kindle Spinner)
(+2 to EWC)
(Campfire is now Grade II!)
(+20 to Hamr)
(Pocket Undoing: 6x2, 5x3, 4x1, 3x3, 2x3, 1x3) 8x6=48 Orthstirr Returned to you
After a long, arduous process, you manage to undo four Pockets before you got fed up with things.

You'll have to keep at it eventually, but that's for later. Right now, you just want to relax!

(-4 Pockets, 48 Orthstirr returned to you, 20 Pockets remaining)
Pocket Experimentation
So, you can put orthstirr into the Pockets, but it seems to function in a similar way as when you put orthstirr into your hamr or hugr.

However, as you slip your orthstirr into a Pocket, you notice that the Pocket seems to almost *draw* your orthstirr in, as if it were able to use it for some unknown purpose.

You pull away from the Pocket before it gets a chance. While it doesn't feel particularly dangerous, you'd rather play it safer than just jumping in like a maniac.
(Recall: 3) 1 Success.
The mug stubbornly sits on the table as you point a palm at it from across the room. A scowl passes over your face as it continues refusing to bend to your will.

'Keep at it, you'll get there eventually,' Blackhand says as your arm falls to your side with an irritated huff, 'Would you like to try the string now?'

When you've trained anything else ever, all you've had to do was poke your orthstirr into the right spot, on the right thing, before thinking really hard on what you want to happen. That's how it works. Orthstirr on an object, guided by your will.

Recall, on the other hand, while still following that paradigm, refuses to do it like any other trick.

Your will plays the same role as normal. It guides the process along, start to finish. However, the mug on the table is beyond your reach, so your orthstirr can't get on it in the first place. Which means that the entire thing falls apart.

It's like using hugareida without the instinctiveness of using hugareida, that's the closest you've come to describing it properly.

So, how does one put their orthstirr on something beyond their grasp?

'Through a string,' is Blackhand's bemused response.

Sighing, you dig out the length of string that you had so confidently declared unnecessary — your hubris once again punishing you. Tying one end to your middle finger, you tie the other end to the mug's handle.

Returning to your spot across the room, you will your orthstirr into motion. Crimson power races down the length of string and flows over the mug. It flings up and you snatch it out of the air with a sullen look on your face.

'Good, now do it again.' Blackhand smiles, big and wide and proud. 'You're doing great. Soon, you won't even need that crutch-of-a-string!'

Sighing, you get back to work.

(+1 to Recall, Hugr General Trick)
Standstill Experimentation
Standstill swirls around you like an ocean of slowing force. Invisible, intangible, yet there nonetheless.

Very, very powerful, but it has its fair share of flaws. Namely, no two moves can be done at the same time.

But, what if that wasn't the case?

Gathering Standstill about your shoulders like a cloak, you whip it out in that familiar motion. But, instead of gathering every piece of Standstill and pushing it into the throw, you leave half of it behind.

The Inertia Arresting Throw flies out like it normally does, but its strength is undeniably diminished. It feels as though it wouldn't be able to contain things like it normally would. You reckon that any physically strong opponent could break free without too much effort.

'Still, a moment spent restrained can decide a fight then and there.' Blackhand adds his wizened words with a knowing nod.

Standstill wraps around a tree and secures it tight. The moment it does, you move into the next part of today's experimentation. Gathering up the last bit of Standstill, you twist it into a Halting Vortex.

The whirling vortex seems flimsy to your eyes, like a stiff breeze might break it. It'll do its job, that's beyond doubt, but anything more than that is up for debate.

(Using Halting Vortex in this manner strips it of its perfect defense status, meaning that you have to add dice/orthstirr to it in order to defend properly.)
Hugr Infusion (Hugr (Composure): 6x2, 5x1, 4x2, 3x2, 2x3, 1x1)7-8+4(Calm Charge)=3 Successes.
The birds chirp as you shiver in the warm summer air, feeling rather naked without your knife on hand.

Breathing in and out, you force yourself to stay calm and collected as Abjorn waits to wrap his arms around you. Taking one last breath, you steel yourself as you shoot a consent-filled nod. Abjorn nods, a glimmer of worry in his gaze as his arms fall around you.

You yawn, eyes growing heavy as Abjorn's embrace leads you off into a pleasant slumber. His arms are like thick blankets and his body is a hearth as you struggle to stay awake. Slowly, but surely, you find yourself slipping off into that enticing sleep, where safety is a certainty and love is assured.

Unfortunately, you can't let that happen.

A drop of odr falls into your composure and a surge of shockingly cold calm floods across your body.

Your eyes snap open and they stay open, the icy calmness keeping you awake as can be. Jaw clenching, you stiffen up in your husband's arms as he flinches in surprise. Heart pounding like the drums of war, you allow the next step to play out.

Two drops of odr fall into your hugr and Frenzy explodes into being.

The bodies of all those standing around you gain a strange shimmer — the shimmer of possibility. Steinarr stands with his arms crossed, a firm set to his jaw as he watches you lie still in Abjorn's arms. Even as calm as he appears, you see how his jaw clenches and unclenches, how his eyes dart from you to Sten and back again, how his hands tucked between arm and body are loose enough to move at a moment's notice.

He could do any number of things, an entire library of moves both known and unknown unfold around him like a library of techniques. A familiar, feminine shimmer engages each possibility in battle, only for your best to wind up with you dead on the floor.

Your gaze moves onto Sten and his shimmers do battle with your own. His left hand has more developed callouses than his right, though you know him to be right-handed. He favors his right in battle, but expertly wields his hugareida with his left. If you can remove his left hand, you win.

But even as Frenzy twists and turns, the shimmers playing out over and over again, you find yourself riding the waves like a ship in a storm. Slowly, but surely, Frenzy slips away and finds a home in a Pocket in your soul

Once all of it fades away, you breathe a heavy sigh of relief as your tense limbs relax.

You yawn and snuggle up against your husband, your heavy eyelids closing shut and casting you into peaceful, pleasant darkness.

(You have unlocked Calm Charges, which can be spent to counter failures during Composure rolls. They replenish yearly.)
(+1 Frenzy)
Poetry (Hugr (Wordplay): 6x2, 5x2, 4x1, 3x2, 2x3, 1x1-1)8+4=12 Successes
The poem is certainly a good one, there's no doubt about that. While you could've covered any manner of topic, you instead decided to focus on how you absolutely clowned on that bastard with a Knee-Groin Trick.

It was a good enough poem that, as it starts to spread around, people — men in particular — start to regard you ever so slightly differently.

(+12 Orthstirr, +1 to Nut-Cracker)
Crafting (Sten's Weaponcraft: 6x3, 5x4, 4x7, 3x6, 2x2, 1x3-1)23+15(Sten's Tools)=38 Successes, 6 Orthstirr Reserve. (Hugr (Artcraft): 6x3, 5x1, 4x1, 3x5, 2x1, 1x1)12+7+4=23 Successes
Sten rises from his kneeling stance, knee and knuckles smoking as he regards the mended blade. Turning it this way and that, he nods as the light dances across Wanderlust's renewed form.

A spirit, woken by the pounding of metal and surging of inspiration, dwells within the wondrous shell of Forged Iron. Wanderlust shines with a new strength as its newly carved runes seem to gleam in the sun.

Running his thumb along the razor-sharp blade, Sten colors the runes red with his blood. They gain a glow as he gives it an experimental swing, the blade seeming to vibrate with a quickening fervor.

He nods once more before offering the sword handle-first to you. "This is a good blade, good work."

You grin as you pull your eldest brother into a tight hug, the weight of responsibility lifting from your soul. Sten sighs, but returns it nonetheless — your Frenzy failing to miss the tiny hint of a smile on his face.

(Wanderlust has been upgraded to Wondrous and has had runes carved into it.)
Tryggr and Trausti
"Thank you, once again, for defending my family." Your hands are folded together as you rock back and forth on your heels. "I don't... I don't know how I can repay you for that."

Tryggr laughs as he waves it off with his good arm — the other having been broken in seven places during the fight and it 'still didn't feel quite right', according to him. "There's no need to repay anything!"

Trausti sighs as he rubs at his forehead — his eyes having been torn out in the battle. "What my brother means is that we signed up for good fights and a good fight is what that was."

"It's a shame that your sister's getting married, Boss," Tryggr says as he leans back on his chair, his eyes turned to where Drifa very seriously watches your children. "Seeing you and your kids... almost makes a man want to settle down."

Trausti scoffs. "Don't kid yourself, Trig. You and I both know that you and dadhood don't mix."

"Hey, I'll have you know that I've fathered more than a few kids across the seas!"

"There's a world of difference between 'fathering' and being a dad."

Tryggr laughs. "You've got me there!"

(+1 Relations with Tryggr and Trausti)
Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked):
[ ] (Sten) Sten's been looking for you, saying that he wants to talk to you about Drifa.
[ ] (Troll-men Reprisal) The sinkhole where your house once sat, does it lead anywhere?
[ ] (Empty Sack) ...Maybe you should try stuffing that empty sack full of straw?
[ ] (Violent) Pick a fight or spar with... (Sparring with people reveals a summery of their character sheets)
-[ ] Spar with Abjorn, your husband
-[ ] Spar with Gabriel, without armor
--[ ] (Optional) With armor
-[ ] Spar with Stigmar
-[ ] Spar with Stigr
-[ ] Spar with Aki
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Shopping) Ask Abjorn to buy something for you (Write in) (Can only be used to buy or sell things you are already aware of and cannot haggle)
[ ] (Court) Send Abjorn to make a case at the Thing (Write in) (Unavailable)
[ ] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
-[ ] (Optional) Focus on repairing something (Write in)
[ ] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration (Write in one of your Inspirations)
Exploration/Travel (Pick 1 or none):
[ ] (Visit) Go visit...
-[ ] The Witch!
-[ ] Asvir!
--[ ] (Optional) Attend the Thing (Unavailable)
-[ ] Vidby, Vidar's Farm
-[ ] Kerby, Stigr's Farm
-[ ] Buriby, Osborn's Farm (Has a guaranteed chance of ending in a fight)
-[ ] Glebby, Sverre's Farm
-[ ] Runby, Aki's Farm
-[ ] Horrby, Horra's Farm (Has a very good chance of ending in a fight)
--[ ] Rather than visiting normally, you instead stealthily approach and try to scout it out.
--[ ] Rather than visiting normally, you instead move to break into the sanctum
-[ ] Halfdanby, Halfdan's Farm
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] The fields!
-[ ] The Hading!
--[ ] (Optional) Try to find those bandits you heard about
-[ ] The hills!
[ ] (Battle) Go and attack somewhere...
-[ ] Attack the bandit camp to the North
Training: You have 32d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (9 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (20 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (4 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Orthstirr Available: 200
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here.
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 4/7
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment Management
What do you want to have equipped? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)

AN: Not much to say here other than that it was nice to write a bit of slice-of-life.

25-minute moratorium.
Wow! Just finished reading the quest and it's a fantastic one. If anyone has the time, could they point me to the answers to some questions? I've tried using the search function for some, but didn't manage to find them.
1: How extensive is the reach of the Nornir? If a person is born and they, "decide the moment of its death," what happens if that person eventually goes raiding outside of scandanavia and another pantheon decides they want that person turbo-murdered?
2: Is the Enemy's reach similarly limited? Do other pantheons have the same Enemy? Different ones? I know it was mentioned that if conversion happens a la otl that the Enemy would no longer be an issue.
3: Has there been a denial of the Enemy being someone like the original version of Satan (aka YHWH's prosecutor, who is also literally called the Enemy/adversary), possibly wearing a Norse guise? It would, I suspect, partly explain why the Enemy wouldn't be an issue after conversion, but also the Foemen -- the Norse are essentially being put on trial for their ancestors sin of genocide (species-cide?).
4: How much does the interpretation of the Norse pantheon in-quest draw from the post-christianity sources like the Prose Edda vs older sources?
Thanks so much/sorry for the trouble!
Just guessing, but I am pretty sure the answer to (2) is "you don't know, how could you possibly know that?"

Conversion to Christianity might make Old Power-Miser not be a problem for Halla (or any other Norse) in a variety of ways, for a variety of reasons. There's been a lot of speculation on how that works, but it's doubtful we can figure out why without learning a lot more about Old Power-Miser.
The fact that warrants do nothing but raid is perhaps another lever of influence the Enemy has on the system. The greatest warriors do nothing but make war but we know that housecraft and actual cultivation are part of the Norse system. The toughest guys around might have trouble cultivating even if they knew the details.

I think this is more a societal thing rather than something the Enemy did, actually. The Norse in our timeline were big on raiding (not to mention the whole Valhalla thing), and despite the fact that farm craft is apart of true Norse cultivation, there is a part of true Norse cultivation that is literally 'what's the best way to kill everyone around me?'. Like, don't get me wrong, the whole mono-focus on war is something we should definitely fix so that there are ways for non-combatants to get orthstirr reliably, but I don't think it's something the Enemy manufactured, rather it's just something it weaponises.
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Wow! Just finished reading the quest and it's a fantastic one. If anyone has the time, could they point me to the answers to some questions? I've tried using the search function for some, but didn't manage to find them.

Welcome to the Quest!

1. We have no idea. It's extensive enough that powerful Christians wanting you dead just makes you bodily dead a fair percentage of the time, but if an actual God showed up? Not clear.
2. No definitive answer, but the thing with Steel is worldwide and the Enemy is probably affiliated with that, so it's probably not purely a Norse problem.
3. I don't believe there's been an explicit denial, but it's not very likely. The Enemy seems to substantially predate Christianity (though obviously not Judaism...that said the Adversary in Judaism, despite the name, isn't exactly 'evil' or as major player), and more importantly be more focused on the Norse than the Christians by quite a bit. It's plausible that it's a cross-religion threat that takes different names in different faiths, but unlikely that it's a primarily Christian or Jewish figure.
4. I can't speak for the QM so no clue.

Important Frenzy question @Imperial Fister: We're obviously storing our new Frenzy in Pockets so as not to be having...issues more long term. Does that take 3 more Pockets, or what? Right now the character sheet still lists only 1 Frenzy stored in 3 Pockets.
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Welcome to the Quest!

1. We have no idea. It's extensive enough that powerful Christians wanting you dead just makes you bodily dead a fair percentage of the time, but if an actual God showed up? Not clear.
2. No definitive answer, but the thing with Steel is worldwide and the Enemy is probably affiliated with that, so it's probably not purely a Norse problem.
3. I don't believe there's been an explicit denial, but it's not very likely. The Enemy seems to substantially predate Christianity (though obviously not Judaism...that said the Adversary in Judaism, despite the name, isn't exactly 'evil' or as major player), and more importantly be more focused on the Norse than the Christians by quite a bit. It's plausible that it's a cross-religion threat that takes different names in different faiths, but unlikely that it's a primarily Christian or Jewish figure.
4. I can't speak for the QM so no clue.

Important Frenzy question: We're obviously storing our new Frenzy in Pockets so as not to be having...issues more long term. Does that take 3 more Pockets, or what? Right now the character sheet still lists only 1 Frenzy stored in 3 Pockets.
Thank you so much for answering!
re 2: Speaking of Steel, actually, do we know if there's any particular reason Thor is described as having
hair the same red fire as yours and eyes like glistening steel,
The steel bit, in particular, seems a little spooky, but could also be party of the mythology that I missed.
3: Yeah, the bit I had in mind was the Jewish figure (who does work for YHWH essentially being sic'd on the Norse either because they're competition or because of the raiding. The whole older than rain thing does make it a lot less likely though , I suppose.
Wow! Just finished reading the quest and it's a fantastic one.
Thank you and welcome to the party!
1: How extensive is the reach of the Nornir? If a person is born and they, "decide the moment of its death," what happens if that person eventually goes raiding outside of scandanavia and another pantheon decides they want that person turbo-murdered?
Good questions.
2: Is the Enemy's reach similarly limited? Do other pantheons have the same Enemy? Different ones? I know it was mentioned that if conversion happens a la otl that the Enemy would no longer be an issue.
These are also some good questions.
3: Has there been a denial of the Enemy being someone like the original version of Satan (aka YHWH's prosecutor, who is also literally called the Enemy/adversary), possibly wearing a Norse guise? It would, I suspect, partly explain why the Enemy wouldn't be an issue after conversion, but also the Foemen -- the Norse are essentially being put on trial for their ancestors sin of genocide (species-cide?).
I believe I have spoken on this topic before, but I can't recall my exact wording. I'm sure that someone will bring it up, though.
4: How much does the interpretation of the Norse pantheon in-quest draw from the post-christianity sources like the Prose Edda vs older sources?
Thanks so much/sorry for the trouble!
I trend towards older, but those aren't exceptionally easy to come by so I work with what I've got.
Important Frenzy question @Imperial Fister:
Good catch, thank you! Fixing now.

It costs another 3 pockets to store the Frenzy you just got now.

and fixed
The steel bit, in particular, seems a little spooky, but could also be party of the mythology that I missed.

Halla's eyes have been described as 'steel' a fair number of times. I'm pretty sure it doesn't go beyond being an adjective. Although with the way things are I wouldn't be surprised if there is more to it. I think it's just a trait our family has in the grand scheme of things, though.

Also, wow. Frenzy's bonus increases as you get more Frenzy. I wasn't expecting that. Now I really want to know if Focus does anything beyond acting as a protective layer for them, since that doesn't seem to be unique as Frenzy can do the same.
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Lessee, other commentary:

We got 20 successes towards Hamr! Whoo! We could maybe do it this coming turn if we drop to only 1d on undoing the we want to do that?

Putting Orthstirr in pockets does something interesting. Huh. We'll need to try and figure out what.

Odr into Composure went very well indeed. Interesting. Probably want to slot another 2 in there, though no more than that for now.

The Halting Vortex/IAT combo technically works but not in a super useful way. I'm sure there are niche cases where it's handy, but they're niche cases.

Putting Odr into a poem gave us...inspiration, I guess, which boosted a Trait. Nice. We probably want to duplicate that with our other Inspiration, though given the minimal likely Orthstirr gains it's not a super high priority.
What actions do people think we should do this turn? We're raiding Horra's Sanctum, which is the most important, but aside from that? In terms of both actions and research (plus the question above about putting off Orthstirr regaining to focus on Hamr).
I think this is more a societal thing rather than something the Enemy did, actually. The Norse in our timeline were big on raiding (not to mention the whole Valhalla thing), and despite the fact that farm craft is apart of true Norse cultivation, there is a part of true Norse cultivation that is literally 'what's the best way to kill everyone around me?'. Like, don't get me wrong, the whole mono-focus on war is something we should definitely fix so that there are ways for non-combatants to get orthstirr reliably, but I don't think it's something the Enemy manufactured, rather it's just something it weaponises.
I dunno, manipulating society to be in the Enemy's best interests seems entirely likely. Maybe it's to prevent the development of scholarship and society, maybe it's so the Norse make enemies to destroy them. Maybe the Norse are tools and catspaws to wreak destruction in lands the Enemy can't reach, like the trollmen were.
I think this is more a societal thing rather than something the Enemy did, actually. The Norse in our timeline were big on raiding (not to mention the whole Valhalla thing), and despite the fact that farm craft is apart of true Norse cultivation, there is a part of true Norse cultivation that is literally 'what's the best way to kill everyone around me?'. Like, don't get me wrong, the whole mono-focus on war is something we should definitely fix so that there are ways for non-combatants to get orthstirr reliably, but I don't think it's something the Enemy manufactured, rather it's just something it weaponises.

The Norse were always warlike, clearly, but I definitely think the Enemy makes that tendency a lot worse and specifically channeled it in the least productive ways it could arrange.

On a pedantic note, the Valhalla thing is also probably ahistorical (well, depending on what you mean by that phrase). The Norse certainly believed in Valhalla but you got in by Odin and the Valkyries inviting you for being a great warrior in life, rather than 'dying in battle' specifically, and it was nice but it wasn't the only nice place in the afterlife by any means.
As to the Enemy's identity, my feeling is that whoever guessed a sort of primordial world serpent is right - it *is* Satan in his guise as the Serpent, and also Tiamat, and also Jormungandr, and also Nidhoggr, and Set, and that Japanese legend with the Grass-Cutter Sword.
I dunno, manipulating society to be in the Enemy's best interests seems entirely likely. Maybe it's to prevent the development of scholarship and society, maybe it's so the Norse make enemies to destroy them. Maybe the Norse are tools and catspaws to wreak destruction in lands the Enemy can't reach, like the trollmen were.

I could see the Enemy manipulating the Norse to prevent non-combatant jobs from ever being realised as things that could earn glory and making them obsess over war in general, but again, I doubt the Norse's love of war is something the Enemy did. I imagine Valhalla is still a thing in this world, and I don't suspect that to be an Enemy thing, since he'd be infringing on the Norse Gods' territory.

@Imperial Fister, just to make sure, is Valhalla a thing in this? Where you have to die on combat/with a weapon in hand to go there? Also, what's the afterlife like for the Norse? I can't find concrete information on Hel, so I have no idea if it's a shitty or boring place to reside in - if Hel even is the afterlife for non-combatants in this.
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Putting Orthstirr in pockets does something interesting. Huh. We'll need to try and figure out what.
We should try to put it in a filed pocket either the ones with frenzy or a soul plant dropping.

If that dost work we may need to put it to all pockets simultaneity or just put a bunch more into a single pocket.

What actions do people think we should do this turn? We're raiding Horra's Sanctum, which is the most important, but aside from that? In terms of both actions and research (plus the question above about putting off Orthstirr regaining to focus on Hamr)
Aside from the above we should fucus on our basic combat's skills and Hmar (9sucses away) and Huger (20 success away).

As for Odr I would put one point into a pocket just to see what its dos, put a few into bash chop and co and maybe another point of frenzy if we have the budget.

EDIT: Honestly I would argue that we should put at least one point of Odr into all of our skills.
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We should try to put it in a filed pocket either the ones with frenzy or a soul plant dropping.

If that dost work we may need to put it to all pockets simultaneity or just put a bunch more into a single pocket.

This seems risky right before going into battle...I think we hold off our Pocket experiments for a minute.

Aside from the above we should fucus on our basic combat's skills and Hmar (9sucses away) and Huger (20 success away).

As for Odr I would put one point into a pocket just to see what its dos, put a few into bash chop and co and maybe another point of frenzy if we have the budget.

I'm against putting more int Hugr right now until we know how Fasts work, since I don't think Pockets are a good long-term solution. As for the rest, the Training plan is mostly done (and does include combat skills), though I'll put you down for 'focus on Hamr over removing pockets'.

EDIT: Honestly I would argue that we should put at least one point of Odr into all of our skills.

Eventually? Yes. Right now? It doesn't seem to do anything special for crafting or combat skills...not that we can see or use anyway. We could try more social skills or mental skills next (ie: Tactics, Silver-Tongue), and may do so.
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I don't know the game mechanics well enough to really comment, but it seems to me that doing everything in our power to convert Odr (a virtually unique advantage) into combat effectiveness so that we style all over this Horra fellow's everything might be a good move.

There are times to experiment with powers, and there are times to kick ass and take names.
I don't know the game mechanics well enough to really comment, but it seems to me that doing everything in our power to convert Odr (a virtually unique advantage) into combat effectiveness so that we style all over this Horra fellow's everything might be a good move.

There are times to experiment with powers, and there are times to kick ass and take names.

Sure...the issue is how to do that. We can put more into Frenzy but that has severe side effects we don't understand the price of yet, and the only other ways for it to give a 'combat boost' are getting more Hamr Infusion (which is getting pricey...8 Odr for the next level, we only gain 7 this turn), and just spending it on damage during combat (which we need to save points for).

We should probably save most of it, I what do we do instead?
Could we try and infuse Odr into twists/muna/hugareida? Unless we get a bad feeling from it, or something of the like - wouldn't want a repeat of the nalbinding. I don't really have any ideas beyond that.
since I don't think Pockets are a good long-term solution
In this update when we tried to put othstirr into a pocket it felt like its dos when we put it into an attribute or skill.

I would not be surprised if we can boost whatever we store in the pockets in some way.

They seem to be a part of the cultivation process so we should look at them more than just a convenient place to stuff our frenzy.

Eventually? Yes. Right now? It doesn't seem to do anything special for crafting or combat skills...not that we can see or use anyway. We could try more social skills or mental skills next (ie: Tactics, Silver-Tongue), and may do so
We really should, aside from the fact that it lower our combat cost's there is probably a benefit we aren't seeing, although I would wager that we will se more of it on huger side as is the nature of Odr.
@Imperial Fister can we be assumed to give Stigr Wanderlust back? That doesn't seem like it needs to be a full action?

In this update when we tried to put othstirr into a pocket it felt like its dos when we put it into an attribute or skill.

I would not be surprised if we can boost whatever we store in the pockets in some way.

They seem to be a part of the cultivation process so we should look at them more than just a convenient place to stuff our frenzy.

Agreed. My point was that they didn't seem like a long term solution to Frenzy specifically which makes me less inclined to get more Frenzy until we have shapeshifting and can see what Fasts are like.

We really should, aside from the fact that it lower our combat cost's there is probably a benefit we aren't seeing, although I would wager that we will se more of it on huger side as is the nature of Odr.

There was no combat benefit when we used Chop in the last fight, despite having Odr Infused there. Nor any when making weapons or poems despite having Odr infused there as well. There may be benefits, but if so we don't know how to activate them so they might as well not the short term.
@Imperial Fister, just take sure, is Valhalla a thing in this? Where you have to die on combat/with a weapon in hand to go there?
Valhalla is real, yes. You don't have to die in combat to get there (though that is the most common way), all you have to do is be an exceptional warrior. The point of Valhalla is to gather warriors for Ragnarok. If you refuse to let the really, really good warriors who died in their sleep, surrounded by their family, in, then that defeats the entire purpose of Valhalla.
Also, what's the afterlife like for the Norse?
Pretty bleak, overall. Though Freya's hall is a solid place in general, don't even have to be a combatant to go there.
I can't find concrete information on Hel, so I have no idea if it's a shitty or boring place to reside in - if Hel even is the afterlife for non-combatants in this.
My personal take on Hel is that it isn't a place, it's a state of being. The dead don't go anywhere, they just sit in the ground/in ashes/however you dispose of your dead.
Hey Blackhand, know any other handy general hugr tricks?
'Most of the general hugr tricks I know fall under Seidr. Grab-Ahold is a good one that I can teach you, it allows you to hold onto things with your orthstirr. Recall-Fast is also a useful one, it does exactly what the name implies. Does require an advanced understanding of Recall to learn, though.'

@Imperial Fister can we be assumed to give Stigr Wanderlust back? That doesn't seem like it needs to be a full action?


Anyways, voting is now open.
[X] Plan Horra's Sanctum

-[X] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Gabriel
--[X] Ask if there's anything we can do to help him with his cultivation.
--[X] This is a sincere offer, but we also want to, well, talk about his cultivation and see what he says.
-[X] (Sten) Sten's been looking for you, saying that he wants to talk to you about Drifa.
-[X] (Visit) Horrby, Horra's Farm
--[X] Rather than visiting normally, you instead move to break into the sanctum
--[X] First send our fylgja using Dressed in Rags and tracking to make sure Horra is not there
--[X] Then going in person but with Dressed in Rags active and our allies relatively nearby
-[X] Notes: Giving Stigr the sword we helped make. Sending the Seeress a message via our fylgja to stick around for the Thing if she wants to see our progress on the Quest.

-[X] (Rolled)
--[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 6d6 (3d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Hamr itself 15d6
-[X] (Research)
--[X] Invest 1 Odr into Puncture, not paying for it but attempting to enhance it. See what happens.
--[X] See if we can get out the sealwood wax and what it can be used for 1d6
--[X] Undo our internal nalbinding (not exactly research but didn't have another idea for a category to put it in) 1d6
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
--[X] Train Halting Vortex 1d6
-[X] (Training) Tricks
--[X] Train Recall 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (9 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Bash 1d6
--[X] Train Chop 1d6
--[X] Train Cut 1d6
--[X] Train Pierce 1d6
--[X] Train Throw 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (20 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hugr itself 1d6
--[X] Train Tactics 1d6
--[X] Train Weaponcraft 1d6 (+1 Success from Sten)
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (4 success to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja Itself 1d6

-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 3 Orthstirr to Hamr
---[X] 3 Chop, 4 Defend, 4 Dodge, 4 Glima, 3 Bash, 3 Pierce, 3 Throw, 3 Cut, 3 Farmwork, 3 Labor, 3 Overland (36 total)
--[X] 4 Orthstirr to Hugr
---[X] 5 Artcraft, 5 Armorcraft, 3 Barb-Tongue, 2 Odr and 2 Orthstirr to Composure, 6 Housecraft, 3 Management,4 Scouting, 1 Odr and 3 Orthstirr to Silver-Tongue, 3 Strategy, 3 Tactics, 4 Weaponcraft, 4 Wordplay, 5 Wildcraft (50 total)
--[X] 1 Orthstirr to Fylgja
---[X] 3 Command
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 102 free for tricks

-[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
--[X] Add Sidestep to the Fylgja

So, basic plan. We've been meaning to idea-mine Gabriel for a while, and we also actually really want to help him with his cultivation for many reasons (he just helped protect our kids, for one thing), so that action seems good. Sten's been helping us a lot the last few turns so his action seems mandatory, and then the raid or Horra's sanctum is definitely mandatory, though I think we need to discuss the form it takes.

For training, we're back over 200 Orthstirr (should be 206 with this plan as our 1d in undoing Nalbinding gets us exactly 6 Orthstirr back) and only 9 successes from Shapeshifting, so we're taking a one turn break from most of our undoing nalbinding efforts and instead hopefully getting Hamr 7. We're also starting the 4 turn march to 3s in a bunch of combat skills, which seems doable and worth it. We're also getting more Odr into Composure and seeing if it does anything on Silver-tongue given the upcoming trial (next turn, folks, next turn).

For research, we're playing it safe, I think, hence the sealwood thing...if people have additional safe-ish research ideas I'm all ears (I'll add the fish if nobody comes up with anything, but I'm hoping for something).

EDIT: Eventually ditched the second research topic to try and Master EWC this turn. Added a note about us giving Stigr the sword, and about sending the Seeress a message that things will be coming to a head at the Thing.
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Valhalla is real, yes. You don't have to die in combat to get there (though that is the most common way), all you have to do is be an exceptional warrior. The point of Valhalla is to gather warriors for Ragnarok. If you refuse to let the really, really good warriors who died in their sleep, surrounded by their family, in, then that defeats the entire purpose of Valhalla.
Yeah. Odin never struck me as the kind of guy who'd let you sit around for some arbitrary number of centuries drinking his booze if you didn't bring something to the table he's got a use for.

And some scrub who got carved like a roast in his first battle hasn't got much to bring to Odin's table. He'll be sharper than that about reading your resume.

Norseman: "The fuck's a resume?"

Huginn and Muninn: "Exactly."
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