Valhalla is real, yes. You don't have to die in combat to get there (though that is the most common way), all you have to do is be an exceptional warrior. The point of Valhalla is to gather warriors for Ragnarok. If you refuse to let the really, really good warriors who died in their sleep, surrounded by their family, in, then that defeats the entire purpose of Valhalla.

Damn, so the people who never bothered to become a warrior or weren't lucky enough to get into Folkvangr get shafted. That's sad. Can we even change something like that, though...? Don't see Odin bringing non-combatants into Valhalla anytime soon.

Any reason why we can't do both? Mercenary work seems like a pretty good way to obtain foreign cultivation knowledge to syncretize with our own. I'm not saying it should be the focus of our efforts, but it might make a decent sideline.

Eh, mostly the fact that if it's a warband, it feels like it'd be way easier to find and destroy, whereas a secret society wouldn't be as easy to get rid of. We could probably make a warband work if we really wanted to.

Also, while I agree that exploring other cultivation systems is something that could prove useful, we barely know anything about our own cultivation system. We should probably focus on mapping out Norse cultivation before we think about adding stuff to it.

[X] Plan Horra's Sanctum
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So, you can put orthstirr into the Pockets, but it seems to function in a similar way as when you put orthstirr into your hamr or hugr.

However, as you slip your orthstirr into a Pocket, you notice that the Pocket seems to almost *draw* your orthstirr in, as if it were able to use it for some unknown purpose.

You pull away from the Pocket before it gets a chance. While it doesn't feel particularly dangerous, you'd rather play it safer than just jumping in like a maniac.
Well, sounds like we have a new experiment to do.
Returning to your spot across the room, you will your orthstirr into motion. Crimson power races down the length of string and flows over the mug. It flings up and you snatch it out of the air with a sullen look on your face.
Hm, that sounds like an interesting principle to use with other tricks once we got the remote Orthstirring down by learning this trick.
(imagine sending Orthstirr to an enemy to set them on fire, with the fire exploding once we stop the connection, or firewhips)
Or sending fire Orthstirr through a weapon made from Fireore, see if that strengthens firetricks.
Hugr Infusion (Hugr (Composure): 6x2, 5x1, 4x2, 3x2, 2x3, 1x1)7-8+4(Calm Charge)=3 Successes.
So our composure experiment saved our butt on the Hugr Infusion experiment.
(You have unlocked Calm Charges, which can be spent to counter failures during Composure rolls. They replenish yearly.)
Very neat.
Also neat, looks like the predictions got more detailed, spanning longer.
Also should try Odr-ing dodge, see if that unlocks some synergy.
Poetry (Hugr (Wordplay): 6x2, 5x2, 4x1, 3x2, 2x3, 1x1-1)8+4=12 Successes
The poem is certainly a good one, there's no doubt about that. While you could've covered any manner of topic, you instead decided to focus on how you absolutely clowned on that bastard with a Knee-Groin Trick.

It was a good enough poem that, as it starts to spread around, people — men in particular — start to regard you ever so slightly differently.

(+12 Orthstirr, +1 to Nut-Cracker)
So, either
  • Odr does not do anything special in poetry, just the usual "removes a fail"
    • We got the +1 to Nut-Cracker from the fight
  • Odr gave us the +1 to Nut-Cracker
Further experimentation required.
Also still want to try that poem to the "kiss abjorn" muna that symbolizes both our relationship and our standstill hugareidr
Tryggr laughs as he waves it off with his good arm — the other having been broken in seven places during the fight and it 'still didn't feel quite right', according to him. "There's no need to repay anything!"

Trausti sighs as he rubs at his forehead — his eyes having been torn out in the battle. "What my brother means is that we signed up for good fights and a good fight is what that was."
What weapons do they use and what quality do they have?
Long term wanna make them weapons from elemental ore. (Just because that seems like a good thing to do for "we signed up for good fights" hird)

On a pedantic note, the Valhalla thing is also probably ahistorical (well, depending on what you mean by that phrase). The Norse certainly believed in Valhalla but you got in by Odin and the Valkyries inviting you for being a great warrior in life, rather than 'dying in battle' specifically, and it was nice but it wasn't the only nice place in the afterlife by any means.
A video with a bit more on that topic:

I'm against putting more int Hugr right now until we know how Fasts work, since I don't think Pockets are a good long-term solution. As for the rest, the Training plan is mostly done (and does include combat skills), though I'll put you down for 'focus on Hamr over removing pockets'.
Pockets are great long term, when we get enough Orthstirr that the price of a pocket becomes less and less of our full Orthstirrcapacity.
And the filling them with Orthstirr looks promising.
Eventually? Yes. Right now? It doesn't seem to do anything special for crafting or combat skills...not that we can see or use anyway. We could try more social skills or mental skills next (ie: Tactics, Silver-Tongue), and may do so.
Tactics, Silver-Tongue, but also Barb-Tongue.
It can help us provoke people into breaking formation and run into a trap.
Strategy is another thing.

Next turn or later:
(or do we already know what it means when it says "Odr to next level" instead of infusion?)
Poetry is usefull, teaching is usefull, but both isn't important for the upcoming fight.
Also we should learn a haggle/negotiate trick and try infusing that. (timescale: preferably before we go on our next shopping tour)
(Base Dice: 1d6. 2 Odr to next level)

'Most of the general hugr tricks I know fall under Seidr. Grab-Ahold is a good one that I can teach you, it allows you to hold onto things with your orthstirr. Recall-Fast is also a useful one, it does exactly what the name implies. Does require an advanced understanding of Recall to learn, though.'
Seid in battle sounds like nid danger.
Can we try to fuel a KS with Frenzy/fuel it with Frenzy in addition to the normal cost? (In a prepared firesafe place, of course. Don't want to get screwed by accidentally oversucceeding and setting on fire something we don't want to burn)
Wonder if that has any boosting effects.

[ ] (Sten) Sten's been looking for you, saying that he wants to talk to you about Drifa.
Maybe she wants to learn from us?
Would be cool to have her as first pupil. And then she can act like a big sister and help teaching when our kids get old enough to start learning.
Seid in battle sounds like nid danger.

I'm pretty sure this was brought up, and I believe it was said that using seidr in battle is actually more preferable than using it in your home and killing some guy that's miles away and has no idea what they're about to be hit with. Don't recall if Imperial said that or if it was the general consensus of the thread, though.
Odr Mechanics Post updated with Calm Charges.

Alright so, the remaining two things to discuss about my plan, assuming we go with it are as follows:

1. What kind of expedition are we making to the Sanctum? Who's coming with us?
2. What about research?

Pockets are great long term, when we get enough Orthstirr that the price of a pocket becomes less and less of our full Orthstirrcapacity.
And the filling them with Orthstirr looks promising.

Agreed. I think we still want a fair number less than 20 (I'm still inclined to keep 10 at most, frankly, but we'll see), but our Orthstirr is getting okay again so it can wait a turn.

Tactics, Silver-Tongue, but also Barb-Tongue.
It can help us provoke people into breaking formation and run into a trap.
Strategy is another thing.

Sure. Given Frenzy and how it works Tactics and Strategy sound like 'dangerous to try', but we can try Barb-Tongue next turn.

Next turn or later:
(or do we already know what it means when it says "Odr to next level" instead of infusion?)
Poetry is usefull, teaching is usefull, but both isn't important for the upcoming fight.
Also we should learn a haggle/negotiate trick and try infusing that. (timescale: preferably before we go on our next shopping tour)

That's the cost to Infuse it more. We already Infused it provided Capacity, but nothing else special.

Seid in battle sounds like nid danger.

Depends on the seidr. You need seidr to protect against curses, magical poisons, and some other stuff. Defensive uses would definitely be fine.

And from what we've heard even curses and stuff are a lot more okay when done within sword's reach of the target.

Can we try to fuel a KS with Frenzy/fuel it with Frenzy in addition to the normal cost? (In a prepared firesafe place, of course. Don't want to get screwed by accidentally oversucceeding and setting on fire something we don't want to burn)
Wonder if that has any boosting effects.

This sounds like 'dangerous experiment' territory rather than 'safe experiment' territory, IMO.
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Going to sound like a broken record, sorry, but could we try and infuse Odr into muna/hugareida/twists?

Twists we were warned about, so not those, and Muna might be an issue given that the Mind/Odr interaction is Frenzy, but we could try Hugareida if nobody comes up with anything else. I'm pretty sure it's gonna fail, but we should try at some point and it shouldn't be a problem to do Hugareida.
Twists we were warned about, so not those, and Muna might be an issue given that the Mind/Odr interaction is Frenzy, but we could try Hugareida if nobody comes up with anything else. I'm pretty sure it's gonna fail, but we should try at some point and it shouldn't be a problem to do Hugareida.

When were we warned about Twists?
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Sure. Given Frenzy and how it works Tactics and Strategy sound like 'dangerous to try', but we can try Barb-Tongue next turn.
I'd say no more infusing into mind-tricks than we have spare calmness charges.

This sounds like 'dangerous experiment' territory rather than 'safe experiment' territory, IMO.
If we prepare for the plausible dangers is it really that dangerous?

Twists we were warned about, so not those, and Muna might be an issue given that the Mind/Odr interaction is Frenzy, but we could try Hugareida if nobody comes up with anything else. I'm pretty sure it's gonna fail, but we should try at some point and it shouldn't be a problem to do Hugareida.
Aren't Hugareida also part of the Mind?

When were we warned about Teists?
When we were about to attack the leader of the Bandit camp:
I would recommend not investing odr into any twists at this point in time. Spending it to fuel, sure. Investing? Well, there are better situations, at better times to do so.
@Imperial Fister
since it tends to come up again whenever we talk about infusing Twists, could you give us a hint on what time frame you meant with "this point in time"?
Just "When you are in battle and about to attack the camps boss"? (with everything else being unstated)
Or something longer?
We were told not to do it mid battle earlier on. We do probably want to do it sometime, but if it's enough of an issue it needs that warning we want to do it once we have breathing room and not before.
Does this statement ease your mind enough to not consider yourself warned about it for normal turn research (rather than midbattle)?

Just "When you are in battle and about to attack the camps boss"? (with everything else being unstated)
This one.
I'd say no more infusing into mind-tricks than we have spare calmness charges.

Agreed. And given the trial I don't think we have any to spare this year. We want to be calm for that.

If we prepare for the plausible dangers is it really that dangerous?

I think any non-standard use of Frenzy is dangerous enough we shouldn't do it without free Calm Charges, and as I said I don't think we have those this year.

Aren't Hugareida also part of the Mind?

Sort of? No more than Hugr skills (most of which are not problematic), I don't think. Well, maybe they are. Hmmm.

Does this statement ease your mind enough to not consider yourself warned about it for normal turn research (rather than midbattle)?

I feel like it's still a trifle risky, though less so. Probably less than Hugareida upon reflection...
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I think any non-standard use of Frenzy is dangerous enough we shouldn't do it without free Calm Charges, and as I said I don't think we have those this year.
So "delay until our Calm Charges refilled"? (Or we have a spare one because this turns infusion didn't use one)
Sounds reasonable.
I feel like it's still a trifle risky, though less so. Probably less than Hugareida upon reflection...
It would be an interesting experiment, "Punching Up" seems likely to come up when we attack Horra and he has some monster in store, "Hidden in Rags" is a classic for our owl at this point, and "Puncture" could also always come in handy.
Okay I'm just gonna say this as clearly as possible, and hope folks listen.

I am distinctly uncomfortable that we've had more then a few people connect Jewish Myth and Mysticism to the Bad Guys/Big Bad.

Like, come on. Do you know how close that edges to antisemetic conspiracy theories?

To be clear! Not suggesting that was ever anybody's intent.

but still, think it through a little?

"A mysterious power has secretly controlled history to repress the power the Nordic people"

Can go really wrong very quickly if you connect The Jews to that at all? Right? We understand why as a Jew I would like people to stop connecting "Ancient Evil That Controls The World Through Manipulation" to my people.
Okay I'm just gonna say this as clearly as possible, and hope folks listen.
I find it ironic that the use of the word "listen" in this sentence is ambiguous, right after you said you wanted to be as clear as possible. ;)

Interpretation 1: "I hope people don't have me muted so that my post is entirely hidden from view"
Interpretation 2: "I hope people behave in the manner I'm saying that they ought to behave"

There's a similar problem with related expressions like Listen to me or You're not listening, which social manipulators sometimes use to equivocate between "I'm not feeling heard" and "I'm not feeling obeyed". Consider another phrasing?