[X] Yes, go shopping
-[X] See if any livestock are for sale, particularly milk cows
-[X] See if we can hire a farmhand who will bring his wife to help us with housework and children
-[X] Visit the Seeress
--[X] reveal Asbjorns Fylgja
--[X] does she know how to get evidence on the nisse or evidence that could get Horra outlawed
--[X] Ask about the prophecy we got about Steinarr getting involved in the Horra situation being bad...see why she didn't go to him about this.
We already saw from Braki that a high level Fylgja can evolve like a pokemon, given how his birb was large enough to ride on. It seems to be a logical effect of Rank 7 Fylgja, given how Rank 7 seems to be a Great Realm transition in the Norse system.

(It honestly seems like every three steps is a Great Realm in the Norse System, though the effects of Rank 4 are generally minor outside of Fylgja it seems.) If that's the case, then given how Three is also an important number, I suspect Rank 10 is not only another Significant Milestone, but as the 9th rank total, it probably brings out some absolutely wild bullshit that's out of reach of lesser Cultivators. Like going from Core Formation to Nascent Soul or something.

From there, it probably continues, new effects unlocked every three stages with a major milestone every ninth, until the Fates decree your time is up and you die of heart palpations because your bedroom's Feng Shui suddenly turned Very Ominous.
Maybe ranks should start at 0 instead of 1.
Norse Cultivation though... Doesn't, their cultivation honestly seems automated. This is good in that it requires no actual skill to become stronger, but bad in that you don't control your own cultivation. More importantly though, their power is entirely from drawing upon the Orthstirr they have access to, and if they're not actively fueling their power, it may as well not exist.

I think that's important. That evolving the Norse System requires the ability to Cultivate On Purpose instead of it just happening to you automatically based on things that the powers that be want you to do. (Which, in this case, is glorifying War and Battle above all other pursuits).
Chosing some area of expertise and then trying to attain perfection could be the norse focus. Each choosing their own specific focus.
Instead of all of society having war and battle as the main focus have choice, and instead of general glorification have people set themselves new goals to achieve to get ever better.

For the importance of number 3 it could also have 3 things to reflect on:
Yourself. Generally the perfection angle from above.
Society. How your area fits into general society.
Future generations. Passing your knowledge on so that those who come after can reach even greater heights.

Would still fit well with current society rather than being an instant revolution. (unlike, for example, demanding that people give up on violence)
And would allow society to better rearrange itself gradually.
I mean, we saw even the Christian System isn't all about "Become unstoppable killing machines", there's a Scholar, a Warrior, and a Ruling track, but they all seem to use the Rosary system to measure their progress on it, and it seems to be that you become stronger the more Duties you take on or something. In short, authority flows from enlightenment, which flows in turn from Duty, or something along those lines.

You become mightier on any track, but the emphasis is different. Daoist Cultivation, the point is becoming an immortal, undying self, but everyone has a different idea of what form of Immortal they want to become, the end goal though is the same.

The Norse... Just get better for doing things, and they have a definite Expiry Date. Even their Orthstirr--which is apparently the One Thing that belongs to You and You Alone--a lot of it just... Vanishes when you die, with only a portion being gifted to your family. You live fast and die young usually. The one example we've seen of someone who may have beaten the odds (Hallr) was explicitly killed by nine of the Top Tier Norse Cultivators jumping him at the same time. They treated him like a fucking Knight or an Outlaw, a pest to be executed or a monster that you could safely throw honor and good play out against. But we also know Hallr has succeeded in beating the odds. His thoughts and his self and his being endured even past his Appointed End, and that's inheritable apparently. He slipped the bonds of Fate in some fashion. That feels important for someone who wants to modernize the Norse System.

Fatalism is one thing, but it means that nothing actually belongs to you, it's leased to you by things you can never really interact with. That kind of uniquely goes against the very idea of Cultivation to begin with--which as Cradle simplifies (And really seems to cut to the core of the genre itself)--is 'Improve Thyself'. But can it really be said to be improving yourself if nothing belongs to you? If even your life is leased out for a given period of time and will be taken back the moment that runs out?

In that sense, I'm not sure if the Norse can be said to be Cultivators at all in their current state.
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I'm just the sort of person who's immediate reaction to roadblocks like this is "FUUUUUUUUUUU"

bruh this isn't a roadblock, this is basic enemy competence. there is a very good fucking reason I mentioned the "hey we had a feud and went to constantinople and didn't do anything until we came home" story, feuds are long running and important shit that will probably take a few dozen years to roll through in normal-time, forget in Cultivator Bullshit time.
I'll let you decide for yourself on this one.


Question, What exactly is the Frami, Virthing, and Saemd, specifically?

We know we can tap them for Orthstirr, and it creates cool special effects. But what Are they? When did Halla learn how to rouse them, and why are they divided in three but apparently equal receptacles of Orthstirr?

I tried reviewing the early posts, but I don't recall her ever receiving a lesson on them, just that there was a tutorial on stoking them as soon as she had a little Orthstirr of her own.
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[X] Yes, go shopping
-[X] See if any livestock are for sale, particularly milk cows
-[X] See if we can hire a farmhand who will bring his wife to help us with housework and children
-[X] See about buying more land
-[X] Visit the Seeress
--[X] reveal Asbjorns Fylgja
--[X] does she know how to get evidence on the nisse or evidence that could get Horra outlawed
--[X] Ask about the prophecy we got about Steinarr getting involved in the Horra situation being bad...see why she didn't go to him about this.

This definitely is a way to get off my high from winning Catan

Aight who knows we have bomb runes? And will they tell the Jarl? If nobody then we can blow up Horra using stealth and a Alibi!

edit: If Horra can use proxies and stuff to attack us and claim ignorance then we can do the same as well.
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Aight who knows we have bomb runes? And will they tell the Jarl? If nobody then we can blow up Horra using stealth and a Alibi!

Nobody does, we never brought it up in the raid.

Still, I feel Horra's more of a Long Term problem now that we've had it established that killing him isn't an option without an watertight case.
How do we get watertight evidence that Horra is an absolute asshole to the point that defending him is Nid? What does evidence even mean anyway?
we do not we just need them to have no evidence we killed him, just like how Horra tried to kill us without leaving evidence.
That would:

1: Be murder.
2: Be seriously risky.
3: Require us to stealthily kill Horra, a very old viking.
4: Also there's already evidence from us talking to Folkmarr about it already.
Crafting Tiers
Hmm, another question, what tier of item is Superior?
The next step beyond Fine. Here, I'll make an Informational listing the known and unknown tiers well as their requirements

1-5 Successes: Basic
6-10: Decent
11-15: Good
16-20: Fine
21-25: Superior
26-30: Grand
31-35: Mastercraft
36-40: Wondrous
41+: ???
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How do we get watertight evidence that Horra is an absolute asshole to the point that defending him is Nid? What does evidence even mean anyway?

I mean, we find necromantic stuff at his place, show even a little bit of it to people, or describe it, and suggest there's a lot more still at his place and if he's innocent he can let other people look his place over and prove it. He definitely won't allow that, which makes him look guilty as sin if we play it right. That assumes there's evidence at his place, but it would work.

Getting one of his immediate family to admit to what he does in a public fashion would also work. We'd probably need to trick them into it, but it's possible. They don't like us after all and if we raise Barb-Tongue...

We could get other people to witness his actions and necromancy, and use their testimony as evidence. They'd need to not be family or oath-sworn to us, but it's probably doable.

And those are just my first few thoughts.

we do not we just need them to have no evidence we killed him, just like how Horra tried to kill us without leaving evidence.

As Shard says, I don't think attempting murder by stealth is the play here. The play is to, one way or another, ruin Horra's already bad reputation to the point where anyone looking to avenge him is seen as being in the wrong. We probably still need to kill a son or two of his at that point, but killing people who come after you is generally acceptable.
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That would:

1: Be murder.
2: Be seriously risky.
3: Require us to stealthily kill Horra, a very old viking.
4: Also there's already evidence from us talking to Folkmarr about it already.
1. Its righteous Vengeance
2. Bombs, no one but like dad knows we have them
3. Remote detonation, bombs place before hand by stealthy fylgja
4. The time it takes for us to pull this off will let Folkmarr cool down as QM stated he is currently over reacting + we can plant evidence to frame people if we must
1. Its righteous Vengeance
2. Bombs, no one but like dad knows we have them
3. Remote detonation, bombs place before hand by stealthy fylgja
4. The time it takes for us to pull this off will let Folkmarr cool down as QM stated he is currently over reacting + we can plant evidence to frame people if we must

None of that stops Nid from happening. It's also highly risky and likely to get us caught which would get us outlawed and be generally bad. Additionally, this plan would not, in fact, kill Halla reliably if attempted on her. I don't want to count on Horra being less durable than Halla is.
1. Its righteous Vengeance
2. Bombs, no one but like dad knows we have them
3. Remote detonation, bombs place before hand by stealthy fylgja
4. The time it takes for us to pull this off will let Folkmarr cool down as QM stated he is currently over reacting + we can plant evidence to frame people if we must
Its stealthy and not owning up to ones actions. -> Nid.