holding off conception dont really matter, id say if you want them for better children save them for maybe our first kid, maybe they can reduce cost for putting on traits, i feel a giants blood and snake's tongue baby is way better than bloody basics
holding off conception dont really matter, id say if you want them for better children save them for maybe our first kid, maybe they can reduce cost for putting on traits, i feel a giants blood and snake's tongue baby is way better than bloody basics

If we're providing it (by completing Reinforce before conception), they get Bloody Basics as a free trait on top of whichever of those they roll (or we lock in with Hamingja). It's a pure bonus, not a new option. That makes it a pretty big advantage.

I'm also not sure how Reward Dice even work on that roll...I don't think they can lock things in like Hamingja can, which makes me confused how they'd be used.
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earlier today he said they wont necessarily be canon or used but he will take ideas he likes from them and might give bonus dice if he likes them enough
I know. That's what motivated me... but if I'm going to do this thing, I want it to be useful, yeah? If he's got a cultivation style in place mentally and/or just doesn't care about the culture at all, then it's wasted effort. If it's one that he's potentially interested in but doesn't have anything for yet, then it's potentially worthwhile as grist.
I know. That's what motivated me... but if I'm going to do this thing, I want it to be useful, yeah? If he's got a cultivation style in place mentally and/or just doesn't care about the culture at all, then it's wasted effort. If it's one that he's potentially interested in but doesn't have anything for yet, then it's potentially worthwhile as grist.

It sounded like it was Africa, the Americas, and Australia that were still undefined.
@Imperial Fister - wrt writing up cultivation systems for you, are there any cultures that you don't have a cultivation system for that you'd like to have one for?
Probably something for the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and just generally around that area. I'm not especially familiar with that region, but any expedition to China would involve going there. Another one is Finnish/Sapmi Cultivation. Bulgaria too. Khaganate of the Khazars as well.

If you wanted, you could also do regional variations of things. Like, for example, Frisian-flavored Christian Cultivation.
earlier today he said they wont necessarily be canon or used but he will take ideas he likes from them and might give bonus dice if he likes them enough
No if or might about it, I will give reward dice for something like that.
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[X] Plan Our First Raid but in Wessex

Finally read the update and I wanna rescue Gabriel's gf
Oh yeah, Viking Sailing Memes means that getting to the Far East is nowhere near as difficult as it would be for Age of Sail vessels. You can just pick up your longship and carry it across the area that would later be the Suez Canal.

Assuming nobody dug it out by hand already.
On Raids and Felags
Raids were lightning fast, hitting soft targets and the occasional harder target. You hit the target hard and fast, taking what you can, killing, enslaving, or simply driving off the locals, and slaughtering any animals for food before slipping away.

Most raids weren't extended affairs. You'd hit one or two, maybe three places and then return home with your riches in store. Sometimes a castle or town would be taken over and used as a base during winter, when the local lords can't muster an army. Sometimes you'd go on extended voyages and hit a lot of locations over the months.

There were two kinds of raids; Local-led and King-led. In the case of the first, it was a smaller scale thing more after orthstirr and valuables than anything else. You marched right up to the door (or gate, or whatever), announce your presence and that you are vikingar here for their loot or their lives, demand that they hand their loot over, and either leave if they gave it up or fight if they didn't. A book I read of this style of raiding described it as 'high-stakes-poker raiding'.

The second was when a Jarl (not just a member of the class, a proper, in-charge Jarl like the Jarl of Jurgdby) organizes a massive group of vikingar to go and raid an entire country. Hundreds of ships with thousands of warriors would take part and they would oftentimes do this with intent to settle afterwards. Not always, but sometimes. These were more the traditional depiction of viking raids (insofar as the massive amounts of vikings at war and so on, so forth)

Raids would target places that held valuables, the more defenseless the better. Vikingar are after your loot, not your lives (though, you might also qualify as 'loot') so if you ran and didn't grab anything of value, they wouldn't care. Heck, it'd make things easier on them too, as they didn't have to burn down your house to get rid of any lingering spirits

The felag was, in literal terms, a business arrangement. But then again most things in Norse society were. Members of a felag were called felagi and they had a set of rules they followed, sworn by oath.

They didn't cheat or kill other felagi. They settled things fairly and without violence.

They shared loot equally and fairly, as well as proceeds from selling thralls and the like.

They fought together and, if one of them fell in battle, they would bear their body back to the homeland.

I've had this done for a while now, but I just kind of forgot lmao
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You can add a dice towards or against certain traits. For child generation, neutral outcomes are considered failures.

Actually, wait, does this mean that a 3-4 are -1 successes, or that a net of 0 doesn't count as 1 success? The two would be quite different and make a big difference to when and how Reward Dice are useful.

Usually one die. If both parents have it then it rolls with 4. Getting 4 or higher has a chance to improve the trait, but only if both parents have it.

Recessive traits require a 6 in order to be passed on.

Check. That follows.
3-4 are still 1 success. A net of 0 doesn't count as 1 success.

Awesome. That was my first thought and I just wanted to be sure.

With this being the case, adding a single Reward Die is only mildly helpful on 1d rolls (it changes their odds from 6/9 to 7/9...it only matters if the first die rolls a 1-2 and the Reward Die rolls a 5-6), but adding 2 Reward Dice effectively locks the trait in (they auto-roll at least two successes, and the normal die can only roll 1 negative result). That seems fair to me, and makes spending Reward dice in 2d increments on this roll really good.

4d rolls I'd need to do more math to analyze, but we're very likely to get them even without any Reward Dice.

Recessives, I'm not actually sure how that would even work given the 'Reward Dice always succeed' thing.
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Okay. Well, looking up the info on the Sami peoples... I've gotten a download of an English translation of Fragments of Lappish Mythology, which looks like it's about as good as we're going to get for a source on their original spiritual practices. It's also well over 300 pages long, so... I'll say that I might get to it eventually, but I make no promises.