I mean, on the one hand, yes.

On the other hand, 'The first we find out that Horra apparently has half the fucking valley in close bloodline protection bonds, including with the Jarls" was when we actually asked someone who was part of that pact and thus burned a critical contact and probably tipped him off that he was on our radar, because they'll tell him we have a grudge."

I mean, yes, it's good that we found out before we actually found ourselves Outlawed for killing apparently the Father or Uncle of half the fucking Jarls in the valley, but the fact this hadn't so much as been hinted by anybody grinds my gears. You'd figure a 30-40 year old Norseman would be a dangerous enough enemy to begin with, without "And also he can call on most of the Valley to murder your ass if you attack him, or to avenge him if you somehow win, which includes those in the Jarl class" as an added clause.
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I like this game, but I'll admit that I don't appreciate how the Seeress basically railroaded us into this and when we brought it up to Halla's mom she didn't say a word about it. Did he really need more help than apparently being an evil sorcerer who's of an age cohort with the Absolute Unit that is Steinarr?
He's not an Outlaw in Agder. He's an Outlaw in Gotland, what's left of it rather.

He's also not exactly liked by the rest of his extended family, so whether they would move to avenge him is up to them individually.

Halla (and Folkmarr, for that matter) is overreacting to a lot of this. She is still a teenager.

Halla's mom didn't know either. She'd be horrified to learn that it was the case, actually.
He's not an Outlaw in Agder. He's an Outlaw in Gotland, what's left of it rather.

He's also not exactly liked by the rest of his extended family, so whether they would move to avenge him is up to them individually.

Halla is overreacting to a lot of this. She is still a teenager.

Halla's mom didn't know either. She'd be horrified to learn that it was the case, actually.


Well, I hope at least the fact we were on good terms before this and the fact he warned us off means he's not going to just immediately go "BTW Halla Steinarsdottir has you on her radar" and provoke a kill team to gank us.

I guess our only choice then is to wait until he hoists himself by his own petard, as the storyteller hinted he would. Wait, sharpen our knives, and wait for our opening. Since we just had "Pre-Emptive Attack" taken off of the table by way of "BTW that Will get you and your entire family killed."

The Seeress absolutely fucking screwed us though. Learning some fucking magic does not warrant making an enemy of half the fucking valley.
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So as I see it, we have a few options:
1. Secret Murder. Yeah, yeah, nid and all that. It's also hard to do. But it would be a solution
2. Get Horra outlawed. Killing an outlaw isn't something that can be reprised against, definitionally. If we can prove he's behind the weird nisse zombie and maybe the draugr that attacked us, I would think that would suffice. Sure, it's hard to get someone influential outlawed in the first place, but it's not impossible with the right lawyer.
3. Get someone else to kill him. Call up the spirits of his victims, lure a beast from the forest, somehow get him to go one-on-one vs. a knight, etc. Very vague as plans go, but probably escapes legal retribution.
4. Get him to be the aggressor and cast ourselves as the defender. Difficult given the gaffe we just wandered into, but might shift the opinion of the extended fam.

Well, also:

5. Move to Iceland
Well, at least we aren't running into this blindly.
Folkmarr Manetaker: (-1/10) Folkmarr is a rather interesting young man, about the same age as you. He's a Jarl, which means a lot of things to a lot of people, but the most important part is that he's the boss. He killed a lion and wears its mane as his own. He's also related to fucking Horra Hasvisson, the bastard.
Audrikr Fishfighter: (5/10) Audrikr is probably the oldest of the felagi at 28 and is one of Folkmarr's hird. He wields a winged spear and has a sardonic sense of humor. He calls you 'sister', which is fun.
Barki Bertholdsson: (4/10) He looks like a child. He's small, there's not even a wish of a beard on his face, and he is weak. How in all the realms did he manage to get in this felag? Well, at least his voice is pleasant, when he's not stuttering all over the place.
Fabvir the Gorgeous: (3/10) Possibly the handsomest man you have ever met. He looks strangely familiar, like you've seen pictures of him before... He fights with a sword with a guard shaped like antlers.
And its not just Folkmarr and Audrik added to our foes tab, but also Barki and Fabvir.

While we are in the city we should get Asbjorns Fylgja revealed.
I mean, yes, it's good that we found out before we actually found ourselves Outlawed for killing apparently the Father or Uncle of half the fucking Jarls in the valley, but the fact this hadn't so much as been hinted by anybody grinds my gears. You'd figure a 30-40 year old Norseman would be a dangerous enough enemy to begin with, without "And also he can call on most of the Valley to murder your ass if you attack him, or to avenge him if you somehow win, which includes those in the Jarl class" as an added clause.
30-40 year old he may be, but remember his actions have been generating lots of nid. The evil sorcery can't be helping with that any more than the not-technically-murders have been.

That said, freeing Gabriel just became a priority. We could seriously use a Squire on our side.
While we are in the city we should get Asbjorns Fylgja revealed.

Why would we possibly do that? The Seeress fucking maneuvered us into this position in the first place without mentioning a damn thing about "Also, if you actually do what I tell you to, your entire family will probably get wiped out in the reprisal"

30-40 year old he may be, but remember his actions have been generating lots of nid. The evil sorcery can't be helping with that any more than the not-technically-murders have been.

That said, freeing Gabriel just became a priority. We could seriously use a Squire on our side.

Apparently it doesn't count as Nid if you don't feel guilty about it and nobody else finds out!

EDIT: ... Shit, is that actually how we beat him? Bait him into using his sorcery and then prove it was him? And watch him suddenly die under the weight of all the Nid he was ignoring because he rules lawyered himself into believing it was OK?
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Why would we possibly do that? The Seeress fucking maneuvered us into this position in the first place without mentioning a damn thing about "Also, if you actually do what I tell you to, your entire family will probably get wiped out in the reprisal"
Let's be clear, this feud was already in place. This was always going to be Halla's arc, because this guy killed family members. The Seer just, as is her nature, revealed things.

And yes, our family will get hurt if we approach it poorly. We need to actually develop a strategy here. If Horra is actually an Evil Necromancer, revealing/proving that should open our options significantly.
I know, I know, I'm just ultimately flailing around here because this revelation pisses me off. We absolutely need to bring Gabriel and Jerasmus into our camp now, it's no longer optional, because we might find ourselves under attack by 'Bandits' or Draugr or monsters at any moment now.



Okay, we'll make this work. We should be fine because nothing Halla's said goes beyond words, and the one who heard them liked us to begin with. Nasty Words and Threats do not, in themselves, qualify as enough to launch a pre-emptive strike, especially when there was an underlying feud. If he wants to do this, he's got to do it through proxies and monsters, and we can work against that. Certainly, he won't dare launch the first strike with his own identifiable assets because then we become absolutely in the right for retaliating.



Okay, fuck it. We Ball.
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Well, that's...less than ideal. We can get a fair number of people together, still, but we need to make it very clear that our grudge is with Horra personally rather than the whole family and set up the situation very carefully...

Well, at least we aren't running into this blindly.

And its not just Folkmarr and Audrik added to our foes tab, but also Barki and Fabvir.

They do work for the guy. Still, not everyone in the foes tab is someone we actually have to fight, necessarily. Diplomacy likely remains an option for people who aren't Horra if we play this right.

While we are in the city we should get Asbjorns Fylgja revealed.

We need to buy a bunch of stuff, honestly. Livestock, land, hiring a farmhand...there's a lot of stuff to buy.

Why would we possibly do that? The Seeress fucking maneuvered us into this position in the first place without mentioning a damn thing about "Also, if you actually do what I tell you to, your entire family will probably get wiped out in the reprisal"

Because hiring her to perform a useful service has literally nothing to do with our personal opinion of her? Like, this is refusing to use the only mechanic in town because he's an asshole...sure, he's a dick but if you need your car repaired, you go there.

Also, I think you're overreacting here. She is not obligated to teach us crap, she set conditions, we are entirely free to ignore them if we so desire. And we haven't actually done anything on the 'kill Horra' quest yet except for this discussion. Him sending the Nisse? That was just him being him, and we would've had no idea who was behind it without her.

I'd be happier if she'd told us more, sure, but in effect this isn't really a setup from her, it's more a warning that Horra is around and out for our blood.
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Okay, so, question is.

What do we actually need right now.

Is the Headman of the Valley in town @Imperial Fister ? We want to expand our territory before Word Gets Out and we suddenly start finding ourselves with roadblocks or inflated prices. We're flush on cash, so this is exactly the time to do so.

We have a tremendous quantity of Iron with us, so we're not hurting for raw materials in the immediate future, maybe a diversion to see what kind of Magical Iron we can get our hands on, but nothing out of hand.

This is going to be our last chance to come to town for a while, and hiring farmhands just became a dubious prospect because this fucker apparently has family ties to half the fucking valley, which means we can't actually trust anyone local to not be a spy for him (Wittingly or not)

What we need to do here is set the foundation for our estate, and go from there.
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[X] Yes, go shopping
-[X] Visit the Seeress
--[X] reveal Asbjorns Fylgja
--[X] does she know how to get evidence on the nisse or evidence that could get Horra outlawed

Why would we possibly do that? The Seeress fucking maneuvered us into this position in the first place without mentioning a damn thing about "Also, if you actually do what I tell you to, your entire family will probably get wiped out in the reprisal"
Because a Fylgja is useful?
Honestly, the people as a whole seem to strongly dislike Horra and his sons. He has a bad reputation...even people who are likely to avenge him are doing so performatively simply because he's related, not because he's well-liked. We just need to...nudge things properly to handle the public relations aspect of things.

For votes:

[X] Yes, go shopping
-[X] See if any livestock are for sale, particularly milk cows
-[X] See if we can hire a farmhand who will bring his wife to help us with housework and children
-[X] See about buying more land
-[X] Check the blacksmith for tools, weapons, and metals
-[X] Visit the Seeress
--[X] reveal Asbjorns Fylgja
--[X] does she know how to get evidence on the nisse or evidence that could get Horra outlawed
--[X] Ask about the prophecy we got about Steinarr getting involved in the Horra situation being bad...see why she didn't go to him about this.
--[X] Ask about finding Thievesbane's original owner

I think we need to find out exactly why Steinar needs to be left out, according to the expert. She clearly feels he does (since she asked us, not him), but we need details.

And we can probably get a husband and wife couple to come work for us, per the QM, that seems more useful than thralls since they'll have better dice...also more expensive, but money isn't the problem

EDIT: Added a couple of additional useful things.
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[x] Yes, go shopping
[X] Visit the Seeress
--[X] reveal Asbjorns Fylgja
--[x] reveal Stigmar's Fylgja
--[X] does she know how to get evidence on the nisse or evidence that could get Horra outlawed
--[X] Ask about the prophecy we got about Steinarr getting involved in the Horra situation being bad...see why she didn't go to him about this.
-[x] See if any livestock are for sale, particularly milk cows
-[x] See if there are any farmhands or nurse thralls available
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[X] Yes, go shopping
-[X] See if any livestock are for sale, particularly milk cows
-[X] See if we can hire a farmhand who will bring his wife to help us with housework and children
-[X] Visit the Seeress
--[X] reveal Asbjorns Fylgja
--[X] does she know how to get evidence on the nisse or evidence that could get Horra outlawed
--[X] Ask about the prophecy we got about Steinarr getting involved in the Horra situation being bad...see why she didn't go to him about this.
-[x] Sell some of our Food and Fodder as we have too much to store

We can sacrifice this instead and gain Hamingja or give it out as charity and gain Orthstirr and Drengskarpr, both are better options than money for us, I think.

Actually, also, @Imperial Fister do we need multiple sets of tools, multiple scythes, and so on, or do we only benefit from one? We definitely want to make some, but if we need three of each we'll also want to buy some.
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With the revelation of Horras "Deep Family Roots" trait, it could also be that the issue with telling Steinarr would have been Steinarr going to remove Horra instantly without the preparations needed to not have the "Deep Family Roots" issue blow up in our face hard.
With the revelation of Horras "Deep Family Roots" trait, it could also be that the issue with telling Steinarr would have been Steinarr going to remove Horra instantly without the preparations needed to not have the "Deep Family Roots" issue blow up in our face hard.

Makes sense, yeah. He kills Horra easily, but then gets tackled by half the valley and almost everyone dies. And there's too much personal grief for him to do it Properly.
With the revelation of Horras "Deep Family Roots" trait, it could also be that the issue with telling Steinarr would have been Steinarr going to remove Horra instantly without the preparations needed to not have the "Deep Family Roots" issue blow up in our face hard.

That's probably correct, but I'd still like to hear what the Seeress has to say on the subject. I don't want to assume that's it and be mistaken, y'know?
Whew the deep family roots is a bit of an issue. Well good to know now instead of having them come down on our head after killing the dude all of a sudden. Also does the seeress even know that he had such heavy roots here? Like she travels a lot.
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Yeah, as annoyed as my initial impulse was, on the whole, this was a very good thing to learn, that the asshole's been eugenicsing a mutual defense pact to protect him.

I'm just the sort of person who's immediate reaction to roadblocks like this is "FUUUUUUUUUUU"