"Ready, gentlemen?" Folkmarr asks with hands on hips.
At the resounding chorus of spoken yeses and nodded affirmatives, he grins and plants hands on sword hilts.
"Alright, then", he says, pivoting on his heel as he draws his weapons. Raising his voice alongside his swords, he roars the battle cry of your people;
The felag joins him as you explode into motion. The clear word quickly devolves into meaningless noise as you charge.
Under the church bells tolling alarm and the clamor of panicked soldiery, Abjorn is the first to make it to the gate. With arrows starting to rain down on your heads, you're right behind your husband as he raises a leather-wrapped foot.
The gate buckles mightily as he brings his foot down. It splinters inwards, catching a too-quick militiaman in the neck. He goes down with a spray of blood. His spear clatters against the ground as he gropes at the length of wood sprouting from his neck.
You blink as you watch him still and go limp as his eyes glaze over. Wow, Christians really
are weak! You would've
easily dodged that length of wood — why in all the realms are they so damn
The other side of the gate contains a hastily formed spearwall of about twenty soldiers in two rows. They're terrified and panicked, not the kind of warriors you would expect to have defending a wealthy town like this.
But then again, these are not your people so why would they follow Norse logic?
Regardless, battlelust pounds in your ears and sheer happiness spreads a broad smile across your face. This doesn't seem to help the Christians' nerves much.
(Hugr (Tactics): 3, 1, 6, 2, 6, 2, 6, 5, 6, 2) 7 Successes
There are about 20 soldiers ahead of you, formed up in 2 rows with spears pointing your way. They are holding the other side of the gate — the inner doors having failed to close in time — which means that their flanks are secure.
At least, it would be if you hadn't noticed a fatal flaw; there's an opening on the underside of the gatehouse, likely where they would drop rocks and things from if the inner doors had closed in time. It looks lightly defended, number-wise, but you catch glimpses of glinting metal every once in a while. If there
is someone up there, then they're probably stronger than the panicked masses down here.
You could make it up there with a leap, but it wouldn't be easy to do that while defending against an attack.
(Requires Overland roll to do it successfully)
Abjorn is leading the charge, shield up and steel sword glaring in the light. Gautrekr is beside him, axe and shield in hand. Stigmar is a few steps behind, sword and shield at the ready. Barki is nowhere the be seen while the two others are bringing up the rear.
Nobody on your side looks hurt or otherwise. Your morale is rock-solid.
The Christians look panicked, like they weren't ready for an attack at any moment. Where's the paranoia?! Where's the preparation?! And they call themselves guards! Disgraceful!
Regardless, they won't last long in a fight. More are running towards the gate from the barracks, about twenty-five or thirty in total.
Nobody on their side looks hurt or otherwise. Their morale is shaky at best
Of them all, only one stands out to you in any real capacity. He's a barrel-chested Sergeant with a flat-topped helmet and some manner of colored sheet hanging over his armor — which appears to be mail. He has a sword in one hand and an arrowhead-shaped shield in the other. He's bellowing out orders to the gathered soldiery and seems to be the one thing holding their line together.
The Christians seem to be planning on holding their ground as best they can while the Sergeant is ready to fill any gaps that spring up.
You have 5/5 Endurance | 8/8 Armor | N/A Shield
You have 30/98 orthstirr in reserve, your Frami (33), Virthing (33), and Saemd (32) are untapped.
Sagaseeker has 8 orthstirr in its reservoir
You can put 0 more points of orthstirr into your Combat Pool.
You have 37d6 in your Combat Pool
What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
AN: And here we are, your first battle as opposed to a fight. In battles it tends to be more about breaking morale than killing enemies, though killing enemies does often lead to morale breaks.
25-minute moratorium.