I know whatever we rolled, it's +16 from our tools and workshop, +3 from our Aspect Flares, and what you rolled has +1 to each from Sundersight, for a net total of +20 and then the Dice.

We need 36 to reach Wondrous Tier.

Just went back and got the numbers right. We're at 32 on the Book cover and 25 on the Runes. Plus any Odr or Reward Dice.

@Imperial Fister can we burn Odr to get that to 36 and 26 respectively?
So yeah, +4 Odr gets the Cover to Wondrous, than +6 on the Runes gets that to Mastercraft.

10 total, and I don't think we need the Runes to surpass Mastercraft for what we're expecting them to do, especially if the cover itself is already Wondrous. Given how important this investment is, it feels like a fair price to pay to maximize its chances of survival.
So yeah, +4 Odr gets the Cover to Wondrous, than +6 on the Runes gets that to Mastercraft.

10 total, and I don't think we need the Runes to surpass Mastercraft for what we're expecting them to do, especially if the cover itself is already Wondrous. Given how important this investment is, it feels like a fair price to pay to maximize its chances of survival.

Yeah, that's probably fair. 11 Odr total including the ink, but that probably is separate.

So yeah, I think we're doing that.
--[X] Try and see if we can put a Muna (specifically, Whistling Wind) or a Hugareida (trying with Gale) into our Hamr, allowing us to take on its aspects physically – 1 Research
--[X] Very carefully infuse Stigmar and then Tryggr's Hamr with up to 7 Odr each, carefully going one point at a time and stopping if they seem to be having any problems, making sure Abjorn is on hand to see what we're doing as best he can – 1 Research
--[X] Teach Abjorn how to weave and start teaching him to needlebind, plus other general Odr cultivation preparations, including giving him our book to read.
Gotta admit, I'm super excited to see if these 3 pan out.
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Trausti was a bit reluctant to volunteer. If he wants this next turn he's welcome to have it.

For the Book, 36 on the Cover/31 on the Runes (after Odr), both others were in the 40s, and thus Wondrous.

Fair enough, i suppose we can see if Vagn will also swear himself to us after seeing the effects of the Infusion. If Kurt becomes our huskarl we will Infuse him too when we can.

I hope the Book turns our really nice, we could give it to Abjorn to help him learn abaout Odr Cultivation. Can we give him an hint abaout the Book having a secret message without triggering a trap of the Enemy?
Ok I'm collating a monster manual, does anyone remember any particular facts about Dragur?

so far I've got that they can be anywhere from Lower Bottom to the absolute peak of power, they can haunt your dreams if you meet them and don't kill them, they can be anywhere from mindless to fully sapient, they can be made from almost any animal (or at least you can to it to an elephant) and they either drain power from living Norsemen or use that of their maker depending on whether they were born or made.

Oh and they can use Muna

Did I get everything?
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Trausti was a bit reluctant to volunteer. If he wants this next turn he's welcome to have it.

For the Book, 36 on the Cover/31 on the Runes (after Odr), both others were in the 40s, and thus Wondrous.

Ah, good, I saw a little confusion there. That's 10 Odr for the successes/removed failures and 1 for the Ink then.
Fair enough, i suppose we can see if Vagn will also swear himself to us after seeing the effects of the Infusion. If Kurt becomes our huskarl we will Infuse him too when we can.

If he's willing to.

I hope the Book turns our really nice, we could give it to Abjorn to help him learn abaout Odr Cultivation. Can we give him an hint abaout the Book having a secret message without triggering a trap of the Enemy?

We can just hand him the book and tell him to read it while giving significant looks.
Ok I'm collating a monster manual, does anyone remember any particular facts about Dragur?

so far I've got that they can be anywhere from Lower Bottom to the absolute peak of power, they can haunt your dreams if you meet them and don't kill them, they can be anywhere from mindless to fully sapient, they can be made from almost any animal (or at least you can to it to an elephant) and they either drain power from living Norsemen or use that of their maker depending on whether they were born or made.

Oh and they can use Muna

Did I get everything?

I don't know in the Quest, but in some myths they can become giants in size and use dark magic to curse you.

We can just hand him the book and tell him to read it while giving significant looks.

Yeah, that should work well enough.
We don't really have anything to base a style off of except for maybe the BOOK, if all it took to make a style was dedication to a god then there would probably be a lot more styles.

I mean, we don't know how many styles there are, do we? Every Warband apparently tends to have one secret style and a couple shared more open ones. Our Father was noted to have had the ability to learn like 10 over his life, he just didn't learn them all, and he encountered even more than that.

We've heard of 3 different variants of frenzy/berserker fueled ones. We were told that if we made a very large chain we could make a martial style based off of that very large chain, but that it would not be Golden Chain style, since that would require actually going to golden horn and experiencing the basis of the golden chain style.
Summer 11/Turn 1
(+52 Odr)
[X] Plan Spreading Ashes
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] Cover and Binding for our Book (+16 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Use the pelt of Moonless Night for the leather of the cover, hopefully making it very hard to damage
--[X] Wax the pages with a mix of wax and hearthroot oil to make it both flame resistant and water resistant
--[X] Use 1 Odr as ink in writing the title
--[X] Add runes to the cover saying "When this book is opened, the contents will be restored from damage." (Hopefully allowing instant repairs when colored and the book is opened).
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
--[X] Various small but useful or pleasant presents for everyone in the family or household (+16 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Made of metal as this is a smithing action
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (3)
--[X] Reforge Tryggr and Trausti's Helms to attempt to improve them (+16successes from Tools/Workshop)
-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Kurt Frogtongue and Haydis
--[X] Specifically, in addition to doing the requested fertility ritual, offer to make him a huscarl if he wants (no pressure, we're fine keeping him in his current position), give him the Superior weapon for his bravery in battle, and offer Fylgja unveiling to both if they want it.
-[X] Yule Divination
--[X] Attempt divination to determine who hired people to kill Steinarr
--[X] Contacting Odin
--[X] Draw lots from a bag of 9: Drysalt, Lidrun of the Red Sash, Dorri Rattlespear, Logi Flamehair, Buri Borruson, Erikaer Corpsemaker, Hasvir Horrason, Reinar Swordfury, and someone else. The "someone else" option is labeled "Someone Else"
---[X] Note that we're not publicizing this list and consider most of the names on it very unlikely (everyone but Drysalt and maybe Corpsemamker), we just want to be thorough and nine options seems better symbolically. We probably don't show or tell anyone the results of this unless it's Drysalt.
---[X] Further questions TBD based on results from the initial draw
-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The coast!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
-[X] Trip to Gotland to spread Steinarr's Ashes
--[X] This is also a trading expedition and we'll recruit crew and acquire trade goods for it as such.
--[X] Details on this are likely their own vote.
-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items have Heat Hold available just in case
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process
-[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
--[X] Ask Solrun to explain the various uses a seeress has for a Fylgja. We feel like we're missing something fundamental here having had most of our Fylgja education from warriors.
--[X] Ask Solrun about the mountain of metal and that whole thing, noting we've had feelings that it's something in our family lineage. She's not likely to know the martial style itself, but she might know who or what it's based on.
--[X] Check with Solrun if our idea for the bridge and burl is on the right track...or at least not dangerous (we think we can capture the Experience of being on a bridge them imprint it into the burl to use as a beacon to come back).

-[X] (Research)
--[X] Teach Abjorn how to weave and start teaching him to needlebind, plus other general Odr cultivation preparations, including giving him our book to read.
--[X] Put three Hearthberries, honey, and water in our Brewery Pocket again like last time.
--[X] Finish teaching Bjorney Eyespeech – 1 Research
--[X] Try and see if we can put a Muna (specifically, Whistling Wind) or a Hugareida (trying with Gale) into our Hamr, allowing us to take on its aspects physically – 1 Research
--[X] Very carefully infuse Stigmar and then Tryggr's Hamr with up to **7 Odr** each, carefully going one point at a time and stopping if they seem to be having any problems, making sure Abjorn is on hand to see what we're doing as best he can – 1 Research
--[X] Meditate on the Mountain of Metal associated with Time Stands Still and our breathing, attempting to feel out the borders of what causes that feeling and its effects on us – 1 Research
---[X] While we're talking to Sten at some point, ask him about the mountain of metal and the sensations we experience, see if he knows anything about it or has experienced anything similar
--[X] Try and feed the lesser spirits in our Soulscape and grow them in the direction of being loyal to us, investing up to **9 Odr** total – 1 Research
--[X] Try and carefully invert Ignition away from ourselves and see what it does – 1 Research
---[X] Switch all Ignition effects from +6 damage to adding dice when we do this, then back afterwards, and make sure we have, like, 10 layers of Reinforce Shield up and are wearing Emberguard with its runes active.

-[X] (Drifa)
--[X] Make sure she learns Recall, the utility Hugareida, and the basics of rote medical and household seidr if we can 1xp
---[X] We'll mention the ways we beat Hooknails involved Scouring Cleanse and Sickness Sear, respectively, to get her interested...this lesson plan will take more than one turn, but we're starting it now and can hopefully inspire her to pick up the basics.

-[X] (Training) Hamr (117 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train Hamr Itself 118xp (59xp)
--[X] Train Tree Split with Abjorn since we could use another guard breaker 3xp
-[X] (Training) Hugr (255 xp to rank up)
--[X] Train our new Unbinding Hugr Trick 10xp (5xp)
--[X] Train an Odr Drip Feed Trick to more safely initiate someone 6xp
-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: 2 Living Space, 1 Storage, 1 Resources Goods, otherwise maxed out (58 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Make a Superior Forged Iron weapon (of his choice) for Kurt and a Superior Forged Iron Mail-Necked Helm for Agnar Bjarnesson, both as Yule presents (8 Total)
--[X] Construction: Make 3/10 of the Tournament Grounds (27 Total),
--[X] Seidr: Perform a 9 Work Die Fertility Ritual for Kurt and Haydis (9 Total),
--[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)
-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Sigurdr, Hallbjorn,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Storm Iron
--[X] Start carrying the Hag Stone with us everywhere
Hamr 8-9
Tree Split Strike (Vague-Rough)
Gained Unbinding
Gained Orthstirr Sieve
Brewery Pocket Time
After putting heartberries, honey, and water into your Brewery Pocket, you settle in for the long wait.

...Maybe this time you'll actually get to taste it.

Bjorney Eyespeech
"Halla Sunshine," Bjorney keeps his eyes on yours as he takes a rest on his haunches, "may I inquire as to the circumstances of my mother? Does she yet live or has she unfortunately passed on to the Great Cave in the Sky?"

"I..." You frown, not having expected to have this conversation right now or ever, "I believe she... Is, well, dead."

Bjorney is silent for a long time as he lays his head on the floor, "Oh, bother."

Oh bother indeed.

(Bjorney can now Eyetalk. The Bear is now capable of Speech.)
Hamr experimentation
As you attempt to combine your Gale and Hamr into one, they fail to have any sort of effect on each other. Perhaps your body simply isn't malleable enough yet? Perhaps you're doing it incorrectly?

Regardless, it doesn't work.

Meditating on the mountain of metal
You wake up in a cold sweat after meditating, whatever you saw quickly slipping through your memory's fingers as you stare up at the sky.

The only thing you managed to keep hold of was the sensation of something looking back.

Sten had no idea what you were talking about when you asked him of the mountain of metal, but he said that it may have been some manner of spirit guardian that you encountered.

Inverting Ignition
Teeth gritting, you screw your eyes shut as you turn Ignition inside-out.

Upon opening your eyes, you find that the little campfire you'd set up to warm your mid-day meal had been extinguished.

...It seems that you've managed to figure out a way to replicate the Extinguish twist.

Everyone seems quite pleased with their gifts, earning you some drengskapr and some hamingja!

(+1 Hamingja)
(+3 Drengskapr)
Tournament (3/10)
After a lengthy period of time spent hard at work, you and your retainers manage to clear away a relatively large swathe of the Hading that rests upon your land.

This land, flat and ready, will be perfect for fighting in—once you've got everything set up, of course.
Teaching Abjorn to weave
The year, by the reckoning of the followers of Christ, is 8980 AD and you, Halla Sunshine, have just turned twenty-two.

Abjorn looks down at the stack of pages you've just handed him, a befuddled look on his face. "I, uh," a light dusting of embarrassed red splashes across his bearded cheeks, "I can't read, Halla."

You blink, "What?"

He looks away, face going lava-red as he whispers, "I, uh, I was never taught to read."

"But," you frown and plant your hands on your hips, "I've seen you write your name down?"

"I know enough for that," he says before gesturing at the writing on your gambeson and adding, "and to read your name."

...If Vidar wasn't already dead, you would've put him there yourself.

Well, guess you'll have to teach him that first...

Actually, now that you think about it, how many of your retainers can read?

Actually, the only reason you can read is a result of Blackhand teaching you... Can your brothers read? How many people do you know that can't actually read?!

This might put something of a damper on your plans to spread knowledge...

(Literacy isn't especially common)
Infusing Stigmar and Tryggr
"So," you begin while laying hands on your retainers, "can either of you read?"

Abjorn winces from off to the side as he watches intently. Tryggr scratches at his chin as Stigmar's lips thin, his fingers drumming against his shield as he answers, "I can manage."

"Trausti can, though I never really saw the need to," says Tryggr as you layer odr through his body, his muscles growing denser with every passing moment. As he flexes, his eyes narrow with sudden realization, "Hang on a second, there."

You immediately pull your hands away as you skip back a step, fear snaking its way through your soul, "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"Nah, just had a thought, is all," Tryggr shakes his head, a light frown on his face. "Most women aren't as strong as men, so you have to pull the orthstirr out of your body in order to not accidentally break them in bed—which seems to be something of an issue, now."

Stigmar grimaces, "I had to learn that the hard way, when we were in Wessex," he scratches at his beard as a flush takes his face. "She seemed to enjoy it, though that's probably a bit out of the ordinary for women."

"Halla once broke my hips," Abjorn speaks up as you find yourself staring at a particularly interesting snail making its way across the ground. "Ever since then, I've had to keep strengthening my body just to keep my legs."

"Lucky man," Tryggr whistles before turning to you, a curious look on his brow-arching face, "Hey, Halla, can you break a watermelon with your thighs?"

"I don't know what a watermelon is," you're forced to admit as you rock back and forth on your heels, "but Sten once asked me to help him crack a geode. I didn't have any tools on hand, so I just used my legs."

Silence falls across the training field as three sets of eyes land on you.

"Holy fucking shit," Tryggr breathes, utterly awestruck.

(Tryggr and Stigmar now have infused hamr)
Feeding some Lesser Spirits
Unfortunately, it seems that 'loyalty' isn't really a direction that can be directed towards—not through feeding tomvaettir odr, at least.

Regardless, after poking through the hordes of tomvaettir moving about your soul in search of one that feels more 'on the level' than most, you set to work on feeding that chosen tomvaett a portion of odr.

As you hit three droplets, the tomvaett seems to change. It feels as though that, if so desired, you could direct the growth into one of three different direction. Seeing as, in your searches, you found a few other good candidates, you decide to just do them all.

The first tomvaett grows into what you describe as a 'skapandivaett'. This minor spirit seems far more creative than others of its ilk. Where tomvaettir merely graze, the skapandivaett searches. It upturns rocks, pokes its head into tree hollows, and even digs in the ground!

The second tomvaett, rather than growing into a skapandivaett, instead perches on a large rock as it turns its gaze to the heavens. The 'syngjandivaett'—as you've taken to calling it—begins to do what can only be described as 'sing'. While the noises have no clear meaning, it seems to have something of a positive effect on the lesser spirits around it as they bring all manner of food to the syngjandivaett.

The third tomvaett, however, takes a radically different approach than its fellows. Instead of singing or searching for its meal, this tomvaett hunts. The 'veidvaett' stalks the tomvaettir with frenzied efficiency as it cleaves a bloody trail through your soulscape.

All three spirits are far more intelligent than their once-peers. They're probably smart enough to actually communicate with, should you be so inclined.

(You now have a skapandivaett, a syngjandivaett, and a veidvaett in your soulscape)
Spending time with Kurt and Haydis
Humming to yourself, you mash up rabbit ovaries, powder deer antlers, and mix it all together with a heifer's first milk while a vaguely off-put Kurt and Haydis watch. Haydis, laid out upon a birthing bed, doesn't look especially pleased to be drinking it while Kurt breathes a sigh of relief.

As you work, a thought comes to mind, "So," you begin, nodding towards Kurt, "I know you fought well during the raid, but I wasn't able to find many stories of your heroics?"

"I really didn't do all that much," Kurt shrugs, eyes flicking to where his spear, sax, and shield dangle off the wall as he downplays his efforts.

Haydis, the good wife that she is, scowls and delivers a loving flick to the side of his head, "You slew two men, both slayers themselves! I didn't marry a liar, so you'd best tell Halla of your feats if you want to keep it that way!"

"Well, I guess it can't hurt..." Kurt sighs as he rubs the back of his neck. Gathering up his courage, he turns to you and says, "I'm not sure if you knew of this as it was happening, as you were in the thick of it at the front, but the Aggilsfjordmen managed to sneak ten fighters around our flank to strike at the rear." His rubbing picks up the pace alongside his quickened breathing, eyes fixed to where his weapons rest, "They were fighting like mad dogs, all of them shape-strong, and cut down seven men before anyone knew what was happening. It's difficult to recall it clearly," he admits as his neck turns red, eyes distant but he can't stop now, "but I remember throwing my spear into their leader's shield, which disabled it and allowed me to almost c-cut off his head with my sax. A man I assume to be his brother ran at me with sword held high and death in his eyes, but I managed to retrieve my spear just in time to run him through. He impaled himself up to my hands and would've taken my head off if I hadn't slipped on the blood and fallen. He bled out after that."

Kurt seems to collapse in on himself as he finishes his story, the retelling taking a lot out of him. Haydis, however, couldn't be prouder of her husband as she beams like the sun itself was peaking through the storm clouds gathering in the distance.

"And that's my husband!" She nearly leaps to her feet as she pulls Kurt to her ample bosom. Her arms wrap around his body as she holds him close, his arms returning the favor just a few heartbeats later. "Isn't he something?"

"Sure is," you reply as you hurriedly return to your potion-making, having forgotten it while listening. "A feat like that deserves ample reward, how would you like to be a huskarl?"

Kurt tries to refuse, but Haydis isn't having it. With voice full of vim and vigor, she answers for her husband, "He'd love nothing more!"

When Kurt doesn't move correct her, you shrug and bring down the superior-quality sword from where it hangs on the wall. Taking both the blade and the completed potion to the couple, you offer one to Kurt and Haydis respectively, "This sword does yet bear no name, but it shall serve as symbol of your office." As Kurt's lips thin and he accepts the sword, you turn to Haydis with potion in hand, "Every morning for the next nine days, you'll drink this potion. Once the last drop passes your lips, you'll find yourself ready to bear fruit."

Leaving the lovers to their celebrations, you find yourself sitting on the porch with your head in your hands and your mind lost in thought.

Kurt... Has nidheart, you're sure of it.

He's no fighter—though Haydis would violently disagree—and was never meant for the battlefield. The fact he killed two men doesn't change that fact in the slightest. He simply doesn't have the mental strength to withstand the horrors of combat, not without bringing it back to the bed with him.

It doesn't seem to be especially damaging to his soul—thank the Gods for small mercies—but you wouldn't trust him on the battlefield, not as he is now. He'd shiver and shake, dropping his weapon as he turned tail and ran.

If you have it your way, he won't end up in such a situation. Unfortunately, life rarely works to your desires. You'll have to do something about his nidheart, if only to spare Kurt the embarrassment.

Nine days later, Haydis finds herself pregnant and you find yourself one huskarl richer.

(+1 progress to Jarlsoul-in-the-Making)
(Kurt Frogtongue is now a Huskarl)
Book (36 Successes on the Cover and 31 Successes on the Runes)
As you put the finishing touches on the Hallamal—a droplet of odr to write the title with—you step back to admire your work.

As you do so, however, you get the feeling that you just did something truly impactful. For all the death and destruction you've wrought in all the years you've lived, none have been quite like this.

For, with the writing and binding of the Hallamal, you've ensured your name will live on forever.

(Lesser Win Conditions Reached: Ensure your name will be in the history books)
[ ] End the Quest here, with a victory
[ ] End Halla's Run here, with a victory
[ ] Continue on and risk defeat


AN: Lots of stuff happening in this one.

No moratorium and short vote.

Very nice, yeah.

Hmm, should keep Hamr infusions low then for the most part, at least not above 3 or so to avoid that problem. It's still a pretty handy upgrade.

Man though, another Shapeshift and 3 more Endurance can be decisive, even then.

Looks like there's three categories of Spirit we can elevate our baby ones to as well. Investigators, Hunters, and... Coordinators? Organizers?

[X] Continue on and risk defeat
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[X] Continue on and risk defeat

We agreed to at least do the Vestfold thing. And I think we should do teach the reading, as well as setting up the initiation so the Enemy can't just destroy the book or otherwise interfere.
"Halla Sunshine," Bjorney keeps his eyes on yours as he takes a rest on his haunches, "may I inquire as to the circumstances of my mother? Does she yet live or has she unfortunately passed on to the Great Cave in the Sky?"

"I..." You frown, not having expected to have this conversation right now or ever, "I believe she... Is, well, dead."

Bjorney is silent for a long time as he lays his head on the floor, "Oh, bother."

Oh bother indeed

We will be your foster mother now, little Bjorney. Please care for your siblings. ❤️

Abjorn looks down at the stack of pages you've just handed him, a befuddled look on his face. "I, uh," a light dusting of embarrassed red splashes across his bearded cheeks, "I can't read, Halla

I fully expected this, lmao. I was wondering if we had already asked and I missed it but that's hilarious.

"Nah, just had a thought, is all," Tryggr shakes his head, a light frown on his face. "Most women aren't as strong as men, so you have to pull the orthstirr out of your body in order to not accidentally break them in bed—which seems to be something of an issue, now."

Stigmar grimaces, "I had to learn that the hard way, when we were in Wessex," he scratches at his beard as a flush takes his face. "She seemed to enjoy it, though that's probably a bit out of the ordinary for women."

"Halla once broke my hips," Abjorn speaks up as you find yourself staring at a particularly interesting snail making its way across the ground. "Ever since then, I've had to keep strengthening my body just to keep my legs."

I wonder what could have inspired this line of conversation lmfao.