[ ] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning

LET'S GO BABY! That's what it's all about!

Two warriors. Everything melting away but the battle right in front of them! Each shattering the expectations the other placed on them. Each leaving it all on the field. Both win glory that day. But only one sage will emerge victorious.

Edit: [X] +1 Rank to your Standstill
Standstill bandwagon
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I was poking around the charactersheet trying to locate the new kenning, and I am highly perturbed by the fact that the Hading Witch is still listed on the 'enemies' tab.
Horra Hasvirsson, by comparison, is not.
[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)

A salute to our fallen enemy. To Hooknails!!! You might have been a piece of crap but damn was that a good fight.
Your main kenning is: Sunshine (While you are in the sun you no longer struggle to control your fear, others around you also benefit from this, and you gain +1 dice to all combat rolls made while under the sun)
Does our sun spell trigger this too?

[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)
It also help that the upper ranks are almost always Berserker, which make the boon doubly useful.

It works against all those with frenzy or only those who activate the Berserkergang?
Good to see the valley catching up to the Halla Train.


[X] +1 Rank to your Standstill

Training dice and Muna are both rare, but it's generally more possible to replace training dice than it is to get a rank-up in a specific Hugareida. We could go build in a yearly or bi-yearly trip on the Hyperbolic Longship Chamber, for example.

The exact moment you start to move, so to does Hooknails. He bursts forward with speed unlike anything you've seen before, the ground visibly trembling from the speed at which he launches. Spittle flies from his gnashing teeth as a lengthy spear of silver-white bronze sprouts from his palm.

As your feather-clad virthing unfurls around your shoulders and your wings carry you into the sky, Hooknails collides with where you once stood—only a scant few heartbeats away from interception. Whipping about as if dragged by some unseen leash, he leaps after you with a furiosity unlike anything you've seen before. Not even Moonless Night was as frenzied as Hooknails is now.

Also just wanted to say how much I've been enjoying the prose on these updates. "Whipping about as if dragged by some unseen leash" is a beautiful bit of description.
It also help that the upper ranks are almost always Berserker, which make the boon doubly useful.

Only about half, by the math. Still a lot, but not almost always.

So, now that the arc is over, how was it?

Excellent. Very pleased with how pretty much all that went, got to see some very neat stuff about the world and Halla and all sorts of things.

Training dice and Muna are both rare, but it's generally more possible to replace training dice than it is to get a rank-up in a specific Hugareida. We could go build in a yearly or bi-yearly trip on the Hyperbolic Longship Chamber, for example.

That works just as well whether we have the 12 extra or not. It's an extra 72 xp per year every year forever either way.
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Quick question. Can someone direct me to the post with the Berserk Grade info? I need a refresher.

NorseQuest (A Norse Xianxia) Original - Fantasy - Action

0~0~0 You clap your hands eagerly as Audrikr smiles fondly and rolls his eyes. He slips a ceramic flask free of his belt and pops the cork. Taking a swig, he offers the mead to you. Accepting the drink, you take the opportunity to collect your thoughts into one orderly, coherent mass. The mead...

Here is where it's talked about, but essentially each grade of berserk = 3 Frenzy
That being said. Virtually every Berserk out there does have Berserkergang, it would take a weirdo like Halla who reverse engineered Frenzy from first principles and never got around to joining one of the Berserk Lodges to ignore it.

But it also means if she runs into someone with Frenzybane, she wouldn't be effected by it!