I'm actually curious what it takes to get Identical Twins. And if they're literally identical in terms of Lock-In/Lock-Outs.

A straight up coven of triplet girls to be our creepy seer coven would be amusing.
I still wanna see how our last 5 kids come out before we commit to Sigurdr.

Oh definitely. How old they all are and their lives' progression at the time of Halla's death. I mean, if we make it to our next life and Sigurdr is nearly 30 and actually looking to settle down while another kid is 18 and hungry with good stats...

Then we just have to go all out for our 9th kid. Pull out all the stops and lock in every trait we want.

I'm against this. We do intend to survive and keep progressing after they are born until they are an adult. We might go a little further on kid #9, but only a little.

I'm actually curious what it takes to get Identical Twins. And if they're literally identical in terms of Lock-In/Lock-Outs.

A straight up coven of triplet girls to be our creepy seer coven would be amusing.

I would assume they're not identical in terms of lock-in/lock outs.

My guess would be to have identicals you need to roll twins or triplets and then roll them all having the same sex.
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I would guess that a viking's lease on life is like a string being stretched. Wound tighter and tighter until it ultimately snaps. There are ways for a norseman to preserve it, soaking it in Orthstirr to keep it supple or living well to slow the process. In the end the string always breaks. If someone dies then that is a shock on the string. If the string breaks then they are double dead. But if it holds then their is still a way to get back to life.

I think Andrew Carnegie would play a major role in the lore of a US Prohibition quest in this setting. Thanks to secrets he found while exploring the middle east Carnegie was able to develop a revolutionary new steel manufacturing technique which renders the metal practically indestructible...

Edit: Also given the Pillar Man theme I feel like I need to finish Jojo and rewatch Battle Tendency.
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Real talk, Drysalt is so far out of your league it's not even funny

There's simply not been enough build up to use Drysalt as a boss, except as a forced life end
So probably Steelfather-level. Since that's where Blackhand and Hasvir were probably around.
Not something she's thought about.

She still thinks that she's going to be the one to beat The Enemy.
Now that's hubris.
To be able to destroy the Earth, you'd need power beyond the ability of humans to comprehend. Sure, maybe a cultivator of that power level would shrug, but the reader isn't a cultivator of that power level. Like, the power creep that something of that scale generates is ridiculous. Not a fan.
So once humans advance to the Space Age and develop fuck-off mechas..
I'll say one thing, the final boss isn't on this list
Maybe Horra animated the Earth beneath is farm to be a gigantic Earth Golem.

Hasvir was given the Draugr project..
Hirkir was given the Threaded Man project..

Hod the archer has been somewhat represented via Ballistae.
Knappr the wrestler has been somewhat represented by Haklangr the Large being Draugr'ed

Nothing associated yet with Veny though.

..Perhaps the final boss is basically a super evil spirit. Something more in like with the Scorn Pole or Twisted Nisse.

Maybe it's Horra's super-Fylgja?
Then we just have to go all out for our 9th kid. Pull out all the stops and lock in every trait we want.
9 is also magical to the Norse, so the 9th kid might get something Special simply by dint of being the 9th.
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So probably Steelfather-level. Since that's where Blackhand and Hasvir were probably around.
I can't help but wish we had a name for that level other than "Steelfather," since what it's coming to mean is often "usually, Norse badasses this strong become Steelfathers, except when they choose not to for what appear to be very good reasons given that something about Steelfathers is accursed."

Becoming a Steelfather appears to grant specific advantages over and above the level of badass you have to be in order to become one, to the point where it's a sign of truly extraordinary super-badassery to be able to even injure one.

Do I have that right?
Well, becoming one apparently grants you an extra superpower over and above your normal superpowers, but it's not really a separate stage of Norse cultivation (even 'false' Norse cultivation), just you doing more of the same thing until you get to make whatever weird bargain or tradeoff the Steelfathers make.
Glancing over your shoulder, you see the doors to the sleeping closet

Fister, as always your attention to detail is delightful.

For the uninitiated, a sleeping closet is a nifty piece of furniture that's basically a largish cabinet(usually on legs or built into the wall at a slight elevation) with a bed and pillows in it. They're handy in areas with hard winters, as they mean that the body heat only has to fill a smaller area. If the winter is real rough and you have to bring animals in, the doors are also handy for keeping curious goats out of your face while you're trying to sleep.

Edit: at least that's what they are in early medieval France.
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General Power Rankings of the Valley
Important thing to note: These are not entirely accurate.

In no particular order (beyond general category, of course),

-Steinarr Freedfire (See character sheet) (Deceased)
-Harald Wolfwind...? Maybe? Your pride demands that nobody be stronger than your father, but... Harald and Steinarr feel the same. That means something. (???-Grade Berserk) (Wind Hugareida – Swordsman, No longer in the Valley)

-Dorri Rattlespear (Otter Fylgja, Landslide, Acceleration, and Earthquake Hugareida, Crevice Crush and Mirror Waltz Martial Styles – Realized Shivering-Iron Spear)
-Logi Firehair (Third-Grade Berserk) (Salamander Fylgja, All The Fire Hugareida, Mirror Waltz, Crevice Crush, Fire Step, Sword Stepping – Svida – Quite short tempered, Leader of Dorri's Hird)

-Torsten Twoshield (Two Steel-Rimmed Shields, Mail Armor – Old friend of Steinarr's, mercantile-minded, Former Varangian) is probably somewhere here as well, but you're not overly sure where exactly.

Almost Peak
-Fastbiorn Very-Hairy (Third-Grade Berserk) (Giant-Blooded, Very Fast, Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Hymir Evershade (Giant-Blooded, Shadow Hugareida, Lynx Fylgja, Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Einarr Blurryblade (Second-Grade Berserk) (Sword, Member of Dorri's Hird)

-Farbjorn Bleedingstone (Third?-Grade Berserk) (Giant Blooded, Skin Hard As Iron, Odr Cultivator – Carries No Weapons And Wears No Armor For He Needs None – Abjorn's older brother, disappointed his father is still alive, No longer in the Valley)

-Vidar Bignose (Third-Grade Berserk) (Disdains Hugreida [or gave Abjorn that impression] – Axe, Mail Armor – Former Varangian, Steinarr's friend, Abjorn's dad, abusive parent) (Effectively Deceased)

Upper Top
-Halla Skyfire (Third-Grade Berserk) (See character sheet)
-Sten Iskearauta (See character sheet)
-Halfdan the Dane (Atgeir Hugreida – Atgeir, Gambeson – Former Varangian, good guy, swore eternal friendship with Halla and Abjorn, Asva's father-in-law)
-Hasvir Horrasson (Water Hugareida w/Disintegration – Fights Unarmed – Cold and arrogant but rational, maybe has something to prove, Landholder)
-Heima Smiles (Second-Grade Berserk) (Wolf Fylgja, Time or space manipulation – Sword, Shield, Paired Saxes, ??? Armor – Creepy guy with part of his face missing, Kyrsvikingar)

-Framarr Heavyhand, Dorri's eldest son (Third-Grade Berserk) (Ant Fylgja, Jarl)
-Nainn Rotting (Second-Grade Berserk) (Wolf Fylgja, Rot Hugareida – Spear, Sword, No Armor – Man who takes things seriously, Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Grundi Grunting (Second-Grade Berserk) (Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Kabeinn Steadystone (Second-Grade Berserk) (Member of Dorri's Hird)

-Stigulf Snowbeard (Third-Grade Berserk) (Good Wrestler – Stigr and Stigmar's Brother, No longer in the Valley)
-Nikolas Copper-Fox (Trickster. Atgeir, Shield, and Sword. Copper, Lightning, and Fox Hugareidas and Fox Fylgja, in Jurgdby)

-Kelldorr Crowfoot (Deceased)

-Abjorn Bearbreaker (Giant-Blooded, Bear Fylgja. See character sheet, note that we have given him Realized Armor, a magic shield, armbands granting +1 Speed and +1 Damage, a torc adding +1 Resistance, +3 to all stats when fighting beside Halla, and preventing people from escaping his grapples, and boots of airwalking since then, and he has received Shapecrafting for Thickened Skin x3, Extensible Joints, and Strengthened Bone Structure)
-Kare Wolf-Seek (Wolf Fylgja, Wolf Hugareida, Moonlight – Magic Sword, Wondrous Mail – Excellent at teamwork, has a wolf's head, now our huskarl and oath-sworn to us)

-Audrikr Fishfighter (Second-Grade Berserk) (Fox Fylgja, Unknown Hugareida – Winged Spear, Mail – Friendly and chill, Folkmarr's designated minder, Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Ketill Farcaster (Wields a fishing pole as a weapon. Something of a jokester, but knows his way around herbs and plants, Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Sigbjorn Sliding-Strike (First-Grade Berserk) (Member of Dorri's Hird)

-Faxi Bushybrows
-Gunne Warstalker (Third-Grade Berserk) (Newcomer to the Valley)
-Hjalmir Hammerhand (Second-Grade Berserk) (Landholder)
-Griss Strongthrow (Second-Grade Berserk) (Landholder)

-Banki the Wasp (Bow. Arrow and Wind Hugareida. Wasp Fylgja. Can fly, in Jurgdby)
-Magnus Floodwaters (Sword and Shield. attacks with big water blasts, in Jurgdby)

-Haklangr (Deceased)
-Kerr Longshot (Deceased)

Lower Top
-Stigmar Kersson (Dog Fylgja, Clay Hugareida – Wondrous Storm-Iron Sword, Magic Shield, Cloak of Flight, Wondrous Mail and Mail-Necked Helm, Has received shapecrafting for High-Twitch Muscles x4, Infusions: Hamr 3 – Loyal retainer to Halla, Stigr's brother)
-Eric Steinarsson (Beaver Fylgja, Gale Hugareida, Probably Fire Hugareida – Sword, Axe, Mail Armor – Halla's brother and boat builder, Kyrsvikingar)
-Vagn Wheel-Drifter (First-Grade Berserk) (Buck Fylgja, Wheel Hugareida – Spear, Wondrous Giant Iron Wheel, Wondrous Mail & Mail-Necked Helm – From Geatland, has joined our household)
-Hakon Thunderclap (Dog Fylgja, Lightning Hugareida – Wondrous Storm-Iron Sword, Superior Gambeson, Grand Mail-Necked Helm – Younger brother of Haklangr and Haleikr Underfoot, now our huskarl)

-Nokkvi Good-Oars (Giant-Blooded, Oar Hugareida – Axe and Sax, ??? Armor – Obsessed with rowing and boats, friends with Eric, Kyrsvikingar)
-Skoll the Hasty (Acceleration Hugareida – Spear, Axe, Sax, Shield, Bow, ??? Armor – Little bit of a dick, but not completely unreasonable, Kyrsvikingar)
-Rikhvatr Strongbite (First-Grade Berserk) (Known to have once bit through solid iron. Fights with two swords, a spear, and a shield, Trygve's brother, landholder)
-Sigfasti the Sparrow (Spear-wielder, quick and deadly. Is said to be able to fly and has some manner of 'bird hugareida', Kyrsvikingar)
-Eindride Laststanding (Haunted look, from the Danelaw, Kyrsvikingar)
-Skavidr Skatasson (Relative newcomer to the Valley, likely a spy)

-Hamod Bigchin (Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Baugr Overledge (Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Oddvak the Watchful (Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Otkell Slippyshoes (Member of Dorri's Hird)
-Radormr Doorcloser (Member of Dorri's Hird)

-Gary Tuskpuncher, Elephant Merchant (Can Summon A Ship – Fleinn, Gambeson – Friendly and mercantile-minded, has left the valley)

Upper Middle
-Tryggr Broadteeth (Wolf Fylgja, Giant-Blooded, Gale Hugareida – Paired Wondrous Drafty Iron Saxes, Wondrous Mail & Mail-Necked Helm, Infusions: Hamr 3, – Reckless and hedonistic, but loyal, works for Halla)
-Trausti Pinchfinger (Bear Fylgja, Giant-Blooded, Ice Hugareida – Wondrous Icy Iron Large Axe, Wondrous Mail & Mail-Necked Helm – Tries to be a calming influence on his brother, also works for Halla)
-Trygve Ironoath (Boar Fylgja – Wondrous Icy-Iron Sword, Superior Gambeson, Grand Mail-Necked Helm –Never breaks his word. Ever. Now our huskarl)
-Alvis Torleifsson (Magpie Fylgja – Wondrous Molten-Iron Sword, Superior Gambeson, Grand Mail-Necked Helm – Archer, Skald, fairly wise all things considered, now our huskarl)
-Magni Little-Rock (Bear Fylgja, Rock Hugaredia, Giant's Blood – Wondrous Dusty-Iron Sword, Superior Gambeson, Grand Mail-Necked Helm – now our huskarl)
-Kurt Frogtongue (Frog Fylgja, Sword Stepping – Wondrous Dusty-Iron Sword, Wondrous Mail and Mail-Necked Helm – Our huskarl and former farmhand)
-Jordan Slicksword (Dog Fylgja – Sword, Shield – Asva's husband, seems like a good dude)

-Folkmarr Manetaker (Jarl, Lion Hugareida – Two Swords, No Armor – Arrogant and dramatic)
-Barki Bertholdsson (Fylgja Specialist – Giant Eagle – Beardless and nervous in person, works for Folkmarr)
-Fabvir the Fabulous (Deer Hugareida – Spear, No Armor – Very obsessed with beauty, friends with Folkmarr)
-Roar Shiningspear (Fleinn Hugareida, Light Hugareida – Fleinn – Good throwing arm)
-Gorm Bloodslick (First-Grade Berserk) (Has an unusual amount of blood)
-Bjorn Bjornsson (First-Grade Berserk) (Speaks in the third person)
-Halle the Hairless (Suspiciously Androgynous. Heima Smiles nephew.)
-Arnfinn Heavystep (Weight Hugareida – Axe – Only 13 years old as of Year 9)
-Njal the Tall (Not Giant Blooded, Tallest guy in the valley)
-Torgny Shocker (Storm Iron Spear – Fleet Footed)
-Adalsteinn (Newcomer to the Valley. Fought bravely during the revenge raid, but seems to lack a patronym)
-Gudbrand Gunnesson (Gunne Warstalker's eldest son)
-Egil Slaughtershark (New to the Valley)
-Ketill Longarms

-Vetgeir Shatterbow (Archer. Known for breaking the bows of enemy archers, In Jurgdby)
-Arnkel Bjorgolfsson (Sword, In Jurgdby)

-Alf Arrow-Catcher (Bow) (Deceased)
-Randolf Well-Named (Shield Hugareida, Wolf Fylgja) (Deceased)
-Oscar Sharphone (Has better Hone than other people) (Deceased)
-Rollo Suneson (Spear Hugareida – Showoff) (Deceased)
-Gautrekr Klippsson (Deceased)
-Haleikr Underfoot (Deceased)

-Stigandr Safety-Bringer (Godly Luck, No Known Hugareida – Bow, Sword, other backup weapons, Gambeson – Joker and sincerely good friend, has left the valley)
-Eysteinn Egilsson (Raven Fylgja – Wondrous Drafty-Iron Sword, Superior Gambeson, Grand Mail-Necked Helm – Unusually lucky, newcomer, now our huskarl)

-Knappr Horrasson (No Known Hugareida – Wrestling – Hasvir's brother, engages in gambling, doesn't like us)
-Hirkir Greasegut (Shapecrafter – Spear – Hasvir's brother, Quite Mad)
-Sverre Glebsson (Tried to kiss Halla once, Abjorn threw him in a lake)
-Bo Burisson (Apparently a decent guy)
-Ivor Thinbow (Bow)
-Snorri Deepsleeper (Sleep Hugareida)
-Svend Sulsson
-Skarde Sharpshooter (Bow)
-Gordon Wiggles (Can make things bouncy)
-Trond Big-Fish (Short. Fish Hugareida)
-Gunnar Shivers (Sword, 'Shaking Hugareida')
-Asketill Lucky-Helm ('Helmet Hugareida'. Unusually lucky)
-Alvar the Half-Elf (A newcomer who is, apparently, half-elf)
-Haldor Stink-Cheese
-Holger Trip (Spearman with an unusual talent for tripping people)
-Brandr Fireflinger (Sword, has some fire hugareida)
-Snorri Reidsson (Newcomer)
-Helge Nun-Kissed (A nun once kissed him goodbye)

-Edgar Hard-Arrow (Bow, In Jurgdby)

-Unknown x11-ish

Lower Middle
-Ingolf Ulfsson (Wolf Fylgja – Wondrous Storm-Iron Sword, Wondrous Mail and Mail-Necked Helm – Kare's younger brother, now our huskarl)
-Hod Horrasson (Bow – Hasvir's brother, somewhat emotional, doesn't like us)
-Audman Audsson (Audrikr's Younger Brother)
-Bjarne Rock-Chomp (He once tried to eat a rock, thinking it was an egg)
-Bjarni Egg-Eater (Bjarne's brother, successfully ate a rock thinking it was an egg)
-Snorri Slippy-Shoes (Ice Hugareida)
-Orvar Long-Shoes (Bow)

-Sten Other-Sten (Also a smith like our brother, has left the valley)
-Age Seedsower (Very handsome, leaving Norway in the near future)
-Mord Flosisson (Spear, In Jurgdby)
-Heriolf Hjaltisson (Spear, In Jurgdby)
-Sturla Sigguatsson (Bow, In Jurgdby)

-Lori Burisson (Deceased)

-Unknown x21-ish

Upper Bottom
-Aki Weaponwing (Sorry, Aki, but you know its true) (Seersight, Fylgja Specialist – Sword-Raven, Axe – Our good friend, sadly born blind and small but wants to be a warrior)
-Joarr Halfdansson (Bow, Spear – Jordan's Brother)

-Harold Hugehands (Average sized, massive hands, good at shadow puppetry) (Deceased)
-Selby Terrysson (Aggressively Average) (Deceased)
-Somerled Lungingwalk ('Walking Hugareida') (Deceased)

-Unknown x26-ish

-Osborn Burisson

-Unknown x40-ish

Lower Bottom
-Unknown x60-ish (mostly children)

-Hardir Haraldsson

EDIT: Note that names and rankings are from @Imperial Fister, as are Berserk Grades. All other information is compiled by @DeadmanwalkingXI based on what Halla has seen and is thus incomplete and not precisely official.
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In no particular order (beyond general category, of course),

-Steinarr Freedfire
-Harald Wolfwind...? Maybe? Your pride demands that nobody be stronger than your father, but... Harald and Steinarr feel the same. That means something.

-Dorri Rattlespear
-Logi Firehair
-Torsten Twoshield

Almost Peak
-Vidar Bignose
-Halfdan the Dane

Upper Top
-Framarr Heavyhand, Dorri's eldest son
-Sten Iskearauta
-Stigulf Snowbeard (No longer in the Valley)
-Hasvir Horrasson

-Haklangr (Deceased)
-Elephant Merchant
-Haleikr Underfoot
-Unknown x8-ish

Lower Top
-Kerr Longshot (Deceased)
-Audrikr Fishfighter-Unknown
-Unknown x15-ish

Upper Middle
-Halla Skyfire
-Abjorn Vidsson
-Folkmarr Manetaker
-Tryggr Broadteeth
-Trausti Pinchfinger
-Barki Bertholdsson
-Gautrekr Klippsson (Deceased)
-Fabvir the Fabulous
-Unknown x25-ish

-Knappr Horrasson
-Stigandr Kersson
-Stigmar Kersson
-Hirkir Greasegut
-Jordan Halfdansson
-Unknown x40-ish

Lower Middle
-Lori Burisson (Deceased)
-Hod Horrasson
-Unknown x30-ish

Upper Bottom
-Aki Weaponwing (Sorry, Aki, but you know its true)
-Sverre Glebsson
-Joarr Halfdansson
-Unknown x30-ish

-Osborn Burisson
-Unknown x10-ish

Lower Bottom
-Unknown x60-ish (mostly children)

-Hardir Haraldsson

Numbers might be a bit off, but whatever

And with that, I hit the hay. Good night.

Where would Halla rank Gabriel on this list?
Maybe we're giving Hardir too little credit. Like, we're seeing him at his worst and he'd usually rate a bit higher.

But yeah, Wolfwind seemed a bit disappointed in his son and it's not hard to see why. Maybe we should invite him to spar...he was willing to fight after all, just bad at it. And prowess can be taught in a way courage cannot. We can subtly put him in classes with Drifa (subtly so as not to offend) and get some actual prowess into him!

In no particular order (beyond general category, of course),

I will say that, by math, if most of the Lower Bottom are children and Halla is one of the baddest women in the valley (ie: almost no women in categories higher than hers), then women must make up a lot of the lower and Middle categories...maybe too much, to be honest.

So, hmm...official gender breakdown of:

Top or higher: 14 Men/0 Women/31 Undefined
Upper Middle: 6 Men/1 Woman/25 Undefined
Middle: 5 Men/0 Women/40 Undefined
Lower Middle: 1 Man/0 Women/30 Undefined
High Bottom: 3 Men/ 0 Women/30 Undefined
Bottom: 1 Man/0 Women/10 Undefined
Lower Bottom or less: 1 Man/0 Women/60 Undefined (Mostly children)

That's 32 Men and 1 Woman so far. Which means that, assuming the 60 'mostly children' are divided into 50 children and, say 10 particularly noncombative Women, and the 'Top or higher' are basically all men (maybe the Midwife goes there?) the other 135 Undefined must be over 2/3 women.

Let's see what those numbers look like if we divide the 'Lower Bottom' Undefined into 30 Girls, 20 Boys, 10 Women, the 'Bottom' Undefined into 5 Women, 5 Boys, and the 'High Bottom' into 5 Boys, 25 Women, and the 'Lower Middle' Undefined into 5 Men, 25 Women, you still need to make more than half of the undefined Middle people women (like, 30 to 10) in order to have even a male majority in Upper Middle (21 Men to 4 Women).

That'd look like this:

Top or higher: 44 Men/1 Women
Upper Middle: 30 Men/5 Women
Middle: 15 Men/30 Women
Lower Middle: 6 Men/25 Women
High Bottom: 3 Men/ 25 Women/5 Boys
Bottom: 1 Man/5 Women/5 Boys
Lower Bottom or less: 1 Man/10 Women/20 Boys/30 Girls

Do those numbers look right? Because I don't think they do, honestly. I thought women combatants at, like, Stigmar's level were a lot rarer than that, which would make the numbers in the lower categories larger kinda by definition. And you can't really massage those numbers too much more than that, I don't think, given the examples presented (you can drop the number of men in lower categories by, like, 5 men at most without dropping number of kids...and 60 kids seems like an absolute minimum given the rest of these numbers).

Unless the list is all men except for Halla, with women and girls listed separately, but that would make the area's population over 500 people which seems incorrect from what we've heard previously. Now, this'd be pretty easily fixed by, like, adding 30 people to the 'Bottom' category (28 Women, 2 Men), which is otherwise oddly small, and removing 6 from the 'Top or higher' category (including the one woman), 10 from the Upper Middle category (including most of the women), and 10 from the Middle Category and reshuffling numbers there (so, on your actual list, just 30 extra Unknown in 'Bottom', 10 less each in Upper Middle and Middle, and 5 total from the 'Top' categories...maybe 2 from 'Top' and 3 from 'Lower Top').

That could equal out to something more like this:

Top or higher: 40 Men/0 Women
Upper Middle: 23 Men/2 Women
Middle: 27 Men/8 Women
Lower Middle: 6 Men/25 Women
High Bottom: 3 Men/ 25 Women/5 Boys
Bottom: 3 Men/33 Women/5 Boys
Lower Bottom or less: 1 Man/10 Women/20 Boys/30 Girls

That would add only 5 to the population and seems to result in a much smoother set of numbers given what we've been told about women in this society. Maybe still a few more dangerous ones than you'd expect, but they're actually rare rather than being, like, 1/3 of women like the first set of numbers seems to indicate.
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Hasvir just didn't put up a good showing against a poison-boosted ambush, bruf.
-Haklangr (Deceased)
Sad that his story simply ended the way it did. I guess regrowing doesn't work after you've been Draugur'ed.

The Blacksmith and Glebr Quickrider (One of the Judges) is probably somewhere in the Lower Top to Upper Top tier.
The Corrupt Merchant and Buri Borrusson as well, TBH. Just by dint of age.
Stigr is making up for lost time very fast.
-Aki Weaponwing (Sorry, Aki, but you know its true)
Aki's doing pretty well given he's, like, 14?
-Hardir Haraldsson
How do you even get rated lower than nameless children?

Did you skip Honing lessons or what?
I will say that, by math, if most of the Lower Bottom are children and Halla is one of the baddest women in the valley (ie: almost no women in categories higher than hers), then women must make up a lot of the lower and Middle categories...maybe too much, to be honest.
I think it's only people who are actually fighters. Drifa isn't on the list yet, for example, and none of our children are either. Solrun the Seeress also isn't on the list, for example.

Also women don't exactly fight in Norse Society.