: )

You're doing very well, suffice to say.

At the moment, you're probably in the top 20 strongest people in Asvir and the Valley.

The ranking goes like thus, to the best of your knowledge;
1. Steinarr
2. Dorri Rattlespear, Headsman of Asvir
3/4/5. Logi Firehair, the guy in charge of Dorri's Hird.
3/4/5. Vidar Bignose, Abjorn's father
3/4/5. Halfdan the Dane
6/7/8. Framarr Heavyhand, Dorri's eldest son
6/7/8. Sten
6/7/8. Stigulf Snowbeard, Stigr's eldest brother
9. Audrikr Fishfighter
10–18. Various members of the Headsman's Hird
19. Abjorn
20. You

(Note: This list is not exhaustive and isn't orthstirr-based)

edit: added in all the people I forgot about, I think.
Here it is.
It probably gives passive Orthstirr gain per year, yes. Though not huge amounts, I wouldn't think.

It would depend on what you do with the ship I expect. A ship sitting in harbour earns no orthstirr, like a farm that isn't worked. A ship making regular profitable trade runs is like a prosperous farm, proof that you are a worthy steward and attract wealth. And a ship going on raids is like a sword, a tool you use to obtain and magnify orthstirr.
Man, Halla's really doing damn well. The Drysalt Campaign is also probably going to be further opportunities for her to Get Shit Done.
It would depend on what you do with the ship I expect. A ship sitting in harbour earns no orthstirr, like a farm that isn't worked. A ship making regular profitable trade runs is like a prosperous farm, proof that you are a worthy steward and attract wealth. And a ship going on raids is like a sword, a tool you use to obtain and magnify orthstirr.

Technically, an unworked farm does give a little bit of Orthstirr if it's impressive enough (specifically, some of the 'you have a farm' orthstirr was based on building quality...just having a nice house you're maintaining is slightly Orthstirr-worthy), and I'd imagine just having and maintaining a ship is similarly a small trickle, but I basically agree in principle.
Isn't Drysalt based in Troll town, as in, an entire town of knight tier combatants?

Probably, yes, though they're the equivalent of low-tier Knights for the most part. Note that the Headman and his entire warband are not here with us because they're dealing with that. And that it's daylight so if they can, say, break a hole into troll-town they'd have a pretty huge advantage.
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Well, assuming Drysalt isn't the final boss anyway, I note we've got cloud cover rolling in, which makes Underfolk Intervention a hazard...
It might just be memes infecting me, but did Hala really just point at herself with her thumb like a Vegeta who is about to get his ass kicked?


Joking aside, Vegeta's real problem is that he gloated before he won. Halla, as one of Proper Hubris, gloats after she wins.

Man, Sigurdr is going to be so chill compared to Halla. He just wants to go on Adventures.
Man, Sigurdr is going to be so chill compared to Halla. He just wants to go on Adventures.
The mental image I have of Siggy is something like this;

Hawaiian t-shirt
Aviators (rose gold)
Wide-brim bucket hat
Round face, casual soft smile. Light-hearted twinkle in his eye.

Now, obviously most of those are not possible in-setting, but it gets the vibe across.
Bold of Sigurdr to assume he can get out of being drafted into the family Felag.

Consider the benefits, Orthstirr all around, free loot, and not having to deal with the fallout of his siblings going on killing sprees locally and acausing feud spirals.
The mental image I have of Siggy is something like this;

Hawaiian t-shirt
Aviators (rose gold)
Wide-brim bucket hat
Round face, casual soft smile. Light-hearted twinkle in his eye.

Now, obviously most of those are not possible in-setting, but it gets the vibe across.

I still hope we've figured enough out about Odr Cultivation that his journeys take him to the Far East and he ends up being this weird out of context barbarian just walking around and doing generic Hero Things and nobody can figure out how the fuck he works, that isn't just casually snuffed out by a single expert waving their palm.
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But he will have to be constantly dealing with oh god who have my sisters killed now

Honestly, his older brother is probably just as bad as his sister. Maybe worse.

The mental image I have of Siggy is something like this;

Hawaiian t-shirt
Aviators (rose gold)
Wide-brim bucket hat
Round face, casual soft smile. Light-hearted twinkle in his eye.

Now, obviously most of those are not possible in-setting, but it gets the vibe across.

This seems legit, yeah.

Bold of Sigurdr to assume he can get out of being drafted into the family Felag.

Consider the benefits, Orthstirr all around, free loot, and not having to deal with the fallout of his siblings going on killing sprees locally and acausing feud spirals.

I mean, he's definitely gonna be involved in those, yeah.

I still hope we've figured enough out about Odr Cultivation that his journeys take him to the Far East and he ends up being this weird out of context barbarian just walking around and doing generic Hero Things that isn't just casually snuffed out by a single expert waving their palm.

I'm not sure we need high levels of Odr cultivation for this, just being badass. 10th Decade Knights are no joke even by Far East master standards and Steinarr killed one pretty readily. Basic Norse pseudo-cultivation has problems, but the ability to kill even fairly impressive cultivators is not among them.
Honestly, there should be, like, 20 more names on that list before Halla is even mentioned. I was speaking pretty off-the-cuff when I made it.
Like, uh, every judge on the Thing? There's almost definitely a lot of 30 year old+ people in the Valley.

I think Halla's on the cuff point between Low Ironbrother to high Stoneson at any rate.
Well, assuming Drysalt isn't the final boss anyway, I note we've got cloud cover rolling in, which makes Underfolk Intervention a hazard...
Final Boss guesses thus far..

Hasvir Valley-Savior (Draugr)
Drysalt - I think we would legitimately all die if this was the final boss
A giant fuckoff Iron Golem
A strange clay jar sits on the table. At the moment it's empty, but it clearly is meant to hold something. Perhaps there's a pottery building somewhere? If so, you would reckon you'd find your answers there.
Some kind of potted men or literal ghosts?? We have not seen pottery around yet.

I still hope we've figured enough out about Odr Cultivation that his journeys take him to the Far East and he ends up being this weird out of context barbarian just walking around and doing generic Hero Things and nobody can figure out how the fuck he works, that isn't just casually snuffed out by a single expert waving their palm.
Well, we don't know the quality/quantity of Far East Masters. It's definitely not usual Xianxia as they haven't been literally eating everything.

Although I suspect they operate something like a mix of Feudal Europe (noblese oblige) and Greek Philosophy for their cultivation.
I mean, they might just not have Outcompeted Everyone and reshaped the cosmos in their image, like is what usually happens in Cultivation Settings, so who knows!
Although I suspect they operate something like a mix of Feudal Europe (noblese oblige) and Greek Philosophy for their cultivation.

We've been told (and even shown, we got an interlude from over there) that it's pretty standard xianxia cultivation over there, it's just at the same power level as, like, Knights rather than vastly higher than that.

Like, the Meteor was from there, and launched by a high-end cultivator. Which is impressive, but Blackhand once threw an entire ship to Persia, so...
Drysalt - I think we would legitimately all die if this was the final boss
Real talk, Drysalt is so far out of your league it's not even funny

There's simply not been enough build up to use Drysalt as a boss, except as a forced life end
We've been told (and even shown, we got an interlude from over there) that it's pretty standard xianxia cultivation over there, it's just at the same power level as, like, Knights rather than vastly higher than that.
I like my cultivation to be on the lower end of the power scaling spectrum. Otherwise you lose sight of exactly how ridiculous something is.

Nobody is strong enough to destroy the planet in NorseQuest, that's just not something that's possible without some real shenanigans, like a gigantic mega-ritual thing.

Like, the Earth survived a planet of similar size slamming into it and emerged relatively fine. The Earth doesn't fuck around. It's dense as hell.

To be able to destroy the Earth, you'd need power beyond the ability of humans to comprehend. Sure, maybe a cultivator of that power level would shrug, but the reader isn't a cultivator of that power level. Like, the power creep that something of that scale generates is ridiculous. Not a fan.
Real talk, Drysalt is so far out of your league it's not even funny

There's simply not been enough build up to use Drysalt as a boss, except as a forced life end

Oh boy, would you call him Steelfather Tier then? As in "A Threat that demands that level of firepower to be able to challenge?"

Anyway, it's good that going to the Far East won't be a death sentence outside of Endgame at least, that's definitely on my bucket list for Sigurdr at least.