An army that seems to be outlaws.
An army that can have people go missing.
And if we are lucky enough for Steinarr to have wildfire firestorm... An army that could be at the receiving end of of Steinarr venting his frustration through a big chunk of his Orthstirr being channeled into firestorm tricks. While under the influence of one of our fireboosting berries.

Whether he has Firestorm is pretty irrelevant as he doesn't need it. In the interlude, Steinarr drew his blade and killed 73 enemies in an instant...those may have been weaker enemies than the bandits are, but he clearly has AoE effects very available.

Logically (and dramatically), if we locate both bandit camps but don't get definitive proof of Horra's crimes, we might well send him with minimal backup to deal with one of them while we (with a lot more backup) handle the other so we can take them both out simultaneously. That's probably the way to go, honestly.
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Whether he has Firestorm is pretty irrelevant as he doesn't need it. In the interlude, Steinarr drew his blade and killed 73 enemies in an instant...those may have been weaker enemies than the bandits are, but he clearly has AoE effects very available.

Logically (and dramatically), if we locate both bandit camps but don't get definitive proof of Horra's crimes, we might well send him with minimal backup to deal with one of them while we (with a lot more backup) handle the other so we can take them both out simultaneously. That's probably the way to go, honestly.
Can Steinarr deal with them without Firestorm? Yeah. (Unless they have traps that negate his advantages)
Would it be fun to watch him overkill them like there is no tomorrow? Also yeah.

Have we met all of our non-hostile neighbors?
We might want to find some more allies.
If we can't prove Horras guilt enough for full outlawing, we may still be able to convince some of his victims to not consider him family anymore.
[X] Get in close to look at the documents (Raises Suspicion Level)
Have we met all of our non-hostile neighbors?
We might want to find some more allies.

All our direct neighbors? Almost. That consists of Aki's family, Abjorn's dad, our own farm, Dad's place, Stigr's place, Halfdan's farm, and lastly Sverre's farm, which is the only one I don't think we've gone to. I'm not actually even sure who that is off the top of my head (EDIT: Wait! I found it, he tried to kiss Halla when they were both, like, 11 and Abjorn threw him in the pond! So...not a friend but probably not a deadly foe either.), and we could certainly go talk with the folk there in theory...though, as a visit that would delay taking action an entire season which seems not worth it given our tight deadline (EDIT: Especially not if there's lingering animosity with Abjorn, which seems plausible).

There's also Horra and Osborn, but they're both hostile, if to different degrees.

But if we can prove Horra's worthy of an outlawing and knowingly supplying bandit gangs, then people from further afield even including the Jarl and some of his other relatives may get involved on our side...that's a big deal.
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Summer 6/Scouting Horra 3
Get in close to look at the documents (Raises Suspicion Level)
With a hop and a skip, you alight silently on the table. Talons scrape against wood as you loom over the man's shoulder. He frowns as the scratching reaches his ears, but does nothing more than that.

The hides lay scattered before him and now you. Each has a drawing of some kind of machine. You know well how leverage and tension works — thanks to Abjorn — so these are clearly meant to throw or shoot something with great force. The machine resemble a bow and, judging by the size of the arrowhead-like shapes that the smiths are forging, that's exactly what it'll be doing.

Something like that... it could very well bring Steinarr down.

In fact, you'd put good odds on it taking him out of a fight even if he's not killed. Where the heck is Horra getting all this metal?

Your mind flashes back to the stranger and a sense of certainty falls over you. If you had followed the stranger, you're certain that you would have found out where the metal was coming from.

Scowling in an owl fashion, you turn to leave. But, before you can, something catches your eye.

A strange clay jar sits on the table. At the moment it's empty, but it clearly is meant to hold something. Perhaps there's a pottery building somewhere? If so, you would reckon you'd find your answers there.

Regardless, it seems that you've gotten all the details you can from this place, so you take to the skies once more and angle your body towards the house on the hill — towards where Horra lays his head at night. And, speaking of night, it seems to be fast approaching, so you hurry up and land before Horra's home.

You sit on the fence as the door opens and three figures appear. The first is a man you recognize as Hod Horrasson, who Stigr cracked the chest of. He walks with a steady stride and a bow on his back, he's recovered as well as any man can.

The next is the still-unknown brother who you drove off back on the ice. He's bigger than before and, judging by the ring on his finger, is now married himself. To who, you don't know. If they're anywhere nearby, though, you might have another family propped up against you when you inevitably make Horra's life a living Hel.

The third and final figure is obviously Horra's daughter. Her eyes gleam with a clever, conniving light. Her gaze seems to pierce straight through your shroud of rags and a flicker of recognition passes over her eyes. Instead of doing anything to reveal you, though, she instead keeps that shred of knowledge secret as she asks Hod about some bit of unimportant archery trivia.

A shiver sends your feathers trembling as you consider just what that could mean. Not only is she aware of your presence, but she's keeping it a secret — a secret that she could reveal at any time.

You're left with a choice; stay or leave? Or, you could go looking for that kiln...
[ ] Stay and wait for Horra to go to his workshop
[ ] Go looking for the kiln (Raises Suspicion Level)
[ ] Cut your losses and get out before the daughter makes you


AN: The residents of the farm are currently aware that something is going on, but they're assuming that it's a land spirit or something just passing through.

No moratorium, we'll see if there's a third update in the cards for today.
[X] Stay and wait for Horra to go to his workshop

This is arguably the whole reason we're here...and Horra's daughter would've revealed us already if she was gonna. She has chosen not to, and that interests me greatly. Her loyalty to her family may be...negotiable, which would be potentially useful if we play our cards right. Still, one person spotting us makes aiming for more suspicion a bad call.

And Horra's making ballistae, hm? That's not good and something we likely need to put a stop to. Also, something we need to keep an eye out for at the bandit camps.
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[X] Stay and wait for Horra to go to his workshop

If she was going to fuck around, she has opportunity right there to banish us, confirming that he's apparently got a daughter with Seersight though is another problem--though fortunately, it seems like she's not interested in Horra winning. (Though the question is what she actually wants then.) An actual Seer strong enough to instantly break through our Twist on the spot is something that should have let him have a near absolute informational advantage.

Which suggests she's keeping that under her hat, or otherwise sandbagging. We'll have to see why.

We don't want more Suspicion building up though, but we're not quite ready to cut our losses yet, I think. They think it's just Weird Norse Land Shit so far, not yet Enemy Action, ideally, we keep things that way. So let's be leery about another point of Suspicion, but otherwise see what we can find out.
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If she was going to fuck around, she has opportunity, confirming that he's apparently got a daughter with Seersight though is another problem--though fortunately, it seems like she's not interested in Horra winning. (Though the question is what she actually wants then.) An actual Seer strong enough to instantly break through our Twist is something that should have let him have a near absolute informational advantage.

Which suggests she's keeping that under her hat, or otherwise sandbagging. We'll have to see why.

Our cover isn't unbreakable if we start acting suspiciously and we have in fact raised our Suspicion...I wouldn't be so quick to assume Seersight, and especially not to assume powerful Seersight. She might just have more Hugr than her brothers (which would be expected of a woman, honestly) and have spotted us 'mundanely', or even have a perception-related Hugareida, or weak and untrained Seersight. Powerful Seersight is possible, but far from the only explanation. I do agree that her not outing us means she's got her own agenda, though.
[X] Stay and wait for Horra to go to his workshop

It's possible she thinks she can use us/whoever she thinks is controlling the fylgja to strengthen her position somehow, whilst still not planning on actually betraying her family. We don't really know enough though, and I agree she's probs not gonna pull anything just yet.
Our cover isn't unbreakable if we start acting suspiciously and we have in fact raised our Suspicion...I wouldn't be so quick to assume Seersight, and especially not to assume powerful Seersight. She might just have more Hugr than her brothers (which would be expected of a woman, honestly) and have spotted us 'mundanely', or even have a perception-related Hugareida, or weak and untrained Seersight. Powerful Seersight is possible, but far from the only explanation. I do agree that her not outing us means she's got her own agenda, though.

I mean, there's Suspicion, but it's not on the level of assuming Enemy Action yet, I think we're so far managing to walk the line well enough, and we've gotten valuable data to boot. Those ballistas would be an absolute fuckfest to have to face without knowing they were a thing.
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I mean, there's Suspicion, but it's not on the level of assuming Enemy Action yet, I think we're so far managing to walk the line well enough.

Oh, agreed. I just think that, given there's Suspicion, any significant perceptive advantage might've let her spot us, not only well-trained and powerful Seersight. Like, the bar is lower and thus her spotting us, while indicative of her being perceptive, does not necessarily indicate she's a powerful seer.
Oh, agreed. I just think that, given there's Suspicion, any perceptive advantage might've let her spot us, not only well-trained and powerful Seersight. Like, the bar is lower and thus her spotting us, while indicative of her being perceptive, does not necessarily indicate she's a powerful seer.

Mmm, fair enough.

Still worrisome given how it was described as easy for her though, but it is what it is.
Hmm, guess the whole "forging sun-weapons thing" was barking up the wrong tree. Instead it's likely the dwarves are providing the plans for the ballista, in exchange for... what? And that still leaves unanswered the question of the source of Horra's money. Unless Horra is making sun-weapons and his minions are making the ballista.

Ballista are, usually, siege/anti-army weaponry. Combined with the 'multiple camps' it looks like Horra is ramping up for something serious military-wise. There's no particular need to take over the valley; maybe he's going for vengeance on the land that outlawed him? Or maybe he's just planning on moving in force on Steinarr.

The tech-level escalation is interesting, given our assumption that Horra is associated with the Enemy. Ballista aren't actually schizo-tech here, even without the timeline lengthening, the Romans had scorpions and such. Still, I don't think they're Norse tech, or Halla would have recognized them. Our assumption is that the Enemy has been trying to repress progression, and tech is usually associated with progression. Maybe they're trying to repress cultivation specifically? I'm reminded of the Once and Future King take on Mordred building an army with engines of war... or maybe this particular tidbit has nothing to do with the Enemy at all.
[X] Cut your losses and get out before the daughter makes you

I think we've learned enough here, time to fuck off
[x] Stay and wait for Horra to go to his workshop

We don't have anything actionable yet, just that he's talking to weird-looking dwarves/svartalfar. And I'm guessing/hoping the daughter is not on Horra's side.
Hmm, guess the whole "forging sun-weapons thing" was barking up the wrong tree. Instead it's likely the dwarves are providing the plans for the ballista, in exchange for... what? And that still leaves unanswered the question of the source of Horra's money. Unless Horra is making sun-weapons and his minions are making the ballista.

Ballista are, usually, siege/anti-army weaponry. Combined with the 'multiple camps' it looks like Horra is ramping up for something serious military-wise. There's no particular need to take over the valley; maybe he's going for vengeance on the land that outlawed him? Or maybe he's just planning on moving in force on Steinarr.

The tech-level escalation is interesting, given our assumption that Horra is associated with the Enemy. Ballista aren't actually schizo-tech here, even without the timeline lengthening, the Romans had scorpions and such. Still, I don't think they're Norse tech, or Halla would have recognized them. Our assumption is that the Enemy has been trying to repress progression, and tech is usually associated with progression. Maybe they're trying to repress cultivation specifically? I'm reminded of the Once and Future King take on Mordred building an army with engines of war... or maybe this particular tidbit has nothing to do with the Enemy at all.

Not just plans, materials as well--we're in a nasty Iron shortage right now, and yet Horra's got enough to mass produce advanced siege weapons?
Hmm, guess the whole "forging sun-weapons thing" was barking up the wrong tree. Instead it's likely the dwarves are providing the plans for the ballista, in exchange for... what? And that still leaves unanswered the question of the source of Horra's money. Unless Horra is making sun-weapons and his minions are making the ballista.

I think you're still right on the sun-weapons thing...this, I think, is what he got from the Dwarves in exchange for the sun-weapons: Metal and ballista plans.

Ballista are, usually, siege/anti-army weaponry. Combined with the 'multiple camps' it looks like Horra is ramping up for something serious military-wise. There's no particular need to take over the valley; maybe he's going for vengeance on the land that outlawed him? Or maybe he's just planning on moving in force on Steinarr.

I think it's not Steinarr specifically, it's powerful Norsemen in general. Like, the ballistae are, in this setting, something that lets you effectively target a cultivator much more powerful than you and give them a really bad time. An ideal weapon for those who have nid from turning to banditry to use against those who might come for them. Like, anything that lets you punch up in a Cultivation setting is valuable and this qualifies.

The tech-level escalation is interesting, given our assumption that Horra is associated with the Enemy. Ballista aren't actually schizo-tech here, even without the timeline lengthening, the Romans had scorpions and such. Still, I don't think they're Norse tech, or Halla would have recognized them. Our assumption is that the Enemy has been trying to repress progression, and tech is usually associated with progression. Maybe they're trying to repress cultivation specifically? I'm reminded of the Once and Future King take on Mordred building an army with engines of war... or maybe this particular tidbit has nothing to do with the Enemy at all.

I think they're Dwarven tech full stop. Dwarves having better technology makes all the sense in the world given their whole craftsmanshipn schtick. I'm pretty sure the Enemy couldn't care less about tech level one way or another, it's focused on keeping the culture stagnant, and tech is part of that, but only certain kinds of tech used in certain ways.
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