[X] Yes, there is
-[X] Aki's soul may be asleep, but he may be dreaming. "I don't know if you're going to remember this later, but you've shown interest, and your courage has never been in question. Take from this what you will, but I will leave the information with you here regardless, if you are willing to take up the responsibility and risks of delving into these secrets. When you have a Farm of your own, a place that you can truly call yourself King in, Summon your allies to you within your fence to serve as guardians and companions, and with your Orthstirr at its heights, stoke your Aspects further still. Weave them together as one, and you will find within a Path Forward, should you have the strength and fortitude to endure the flood of inspiration and the courage to face the great Foe of our people and his minions when his eye turns to you later. This is a secret I gift to you, as a symbol of our friendship and my thanks for the harm you took aiding me and my kin, but take care, the Enemy will not allow us to spread it further without challenge, and it may be some time yet before we can prepare a field to face it's reprisal."
-[X] Thank Modgudr for her help and her patience with you.

Alright, that works. I'm less worried about this if it's less immediate.
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I've made some corrections to the wording, but it's materially the same thing.

Looks like we've got a little time still until Aki grows up and gets his own place, but he'll have the tools to do so when he does.
[X] Yes, there is
-[X] Aki's soul may be asleep, but he may be dreaming. "I don't know if you're going to remember this later, but I'm going to tell you anyway. If you're willing to be part of a great struggle, then remember. All three Aspects when you're at rest and full of Orthstirr then weave them together, do it inside the fence of a farm, and have company to wake you up from the shock of the impact. The most important part is to watch your threaded Aspects and close the Gate before they are exhausted. It's dangerous, but you've never shied away from that. This is the gift of knowledge I offer to you, one you must share yet with no other, for your friendship, and the hurt you took aiding me and my kin, whether you take it up or not is your choice and your own story."
On Property
In order to participate in Norse society, you had to have a 'permanent place of residence'. Essentially, the mail has to be able to get to you somehow or else you can't read it. If you want to be able to sue somebody, you need to have a place of residence that you can be found at. If you want to defend yourself from a lawsuit (Remember, if you're a no-show, you lose the case by default!) then you need to have a place of residence so you can be called to court.

Having a place of residence was the bare minimum to participate in the legal system (well, not entirely, being able to speak the dansk tungu (which is what the Norse called their own language, iirc) was also a base requirement because if you can't defend yourself in court, which is done in Norse, then you lose by default) But, that does not mean that one needed to own the house in which he lives. Renting is fine, which is why farmhands are a thing.

However, owning the land upon which you lived was a major status symbol, the kind of status symbol that sets the random doofuses apart from the pillars of the community.

Further note, while some men did not have places of permanent residence, they got around this by living on the ships that they owned (if you had one, that is).
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Did Asrmundr do any rowing at all?

Is Aki OK? Did we get to him in the day limit?

What's up with the time taken to get back?

Did we make our Hugr check to remember the way back?
Did Asrmundr do any rowing at all?

Is Aki OK? Did we get to him in the day limit?

What's up with the time taken to get back?

Did we make our Hugr check to remember the way back?

I believe we made it in time. We've seen no reason to believe it took us over 3 days to fish him out, and we solidly succeeded at all the rolls involved with this.
In order to participate in Norse society, you had to have a 'permanent place of residence'. Essentially, the mail has to be able to get to you somehow or else you can't read it. If you want to be able to sue somebody, you need to have a place of residence that you can be found at. If you want to defend yourself from a lawsuit (Remember, if you're a no-show, you lose the case by default!) then you need to have a place of residence so you can be called to court.

Having a place of residence was the bare minimum to participate in the legal system (well, not entirely, being able to speak the dansk tungu (which is what the Norse called their own language, iirc) was also a base requirement because if you can't defend yourself in court, which is done in Norse, then you lose by default) But, that does not mean that one needed to own the house in which he lives. Renting is fine, which is why farmhands are a thing.

However, owning the land upon which you lived was a major status symbol, the kind of status symbol that sets the random doofuses apart from the pillars of the community.

Further note, while some men did not have places of permanent residence, they got around this by living on the ships that they owned (if you had one, that is).
This seems like another big hint that we need to raise a Hall in our soulspace for our next stage when we want to get there.
This seems like another big hint that we need to raise a Hall in our soulspace for our next stage when we want to get there.

I think that's where Pockets are going to come into play, Armory and Brewery came to mind because those are the areas Halla has a rank of 4 or better in. Which seems to be a milestone. (Her craft skills are all over 4 at this point I think?)
I think that's where Pockets are going to come into play, Armory and Brewery came to mind because those are the areas Halla has a rank of 4 or better in. Which seems to be a milestone. (Her craft skills are all over 4 at this point I think?)

Most of them, yes, though we actually lack the Alcohol Skill-Trick and didn't notice an option for a forge, weavery, or carpentry workshop, despite having more than enough skills in those areas. I don't think the options we spotted were actually based on our skills...though I do agree that making a house probably involves the use of Pockets, yeah.
From my vague knowledge owning your own land makes you a 'carl', a solid and respectable person. Below that are 'cottars' who farm land they do not own, but are entitled to keep the fruits of their labour as long as they pay rent. And below them are 'churls', who are paid a flat wage (usually in-kind) for their work
I believe we made it in time. We've seen no reason to believe it took us over 3 days to fish him out, and we solidly succeeded at all the rolls involved with this.
There was the time dilation thing though.

It's extra weird how it felt shorter to get back even with a hefty -7.

Did Astmundur shut up on the way back, that's why it felt so short?
[X] Alectai

The way that cultivating Odr essentially requires us to essentially to play a farming minigame inside our own soul is really neat. It feels quite distinctive and original, and also gives us a lot of obvious room for experimentation and trying novel cultivation approaches by analogising from things like trees, plants and simple structures, which we intuitively understand. A lot of other cultivation systems are essentially "absorb Qi so that you can activate Arbitrary Named Thing A, to absorb even more Ai so you can condense Arbitrary Named Thing B", and other than a vague sense of progression, it's not really very interesting or tractable as a metaphor.

In order to participate in Norse society, you had to have a 'permanent place of residence'. Essentially, the mail has to be able to get to you somehow or else you can't read it. If you want to be able to sue somebody, you need to have a place of residence that you can be found at. If you want to defend yourself from a lawsuit (Remember, if you're a no-show, you lose the case by default!) then you need to have a place of residence so you can be called to court.

Having a place of residence was the bare minimum to participate in the legal system (well, not entirely, being able to speak the dansk tungu (which is what the Norse called their own language, iirc) was also a base requirement because if you can't defend yourself in court, which is done in Norse, then you lose by default) But, that does not mean that one needed to own the house in which he lives. Renting is fine, which is why farmhands are a thing.

However, owning the land upon which you lived was a major status symbol, the kind of status symbol that sets the random doofuses apart from the pillars of the community.

Further note, while some men did not have places of permanent residence, they got around this by living on the ships that they owned (if you had one, that is).

Pictured below, a sound foundation for cultivation:

(Honestly the way you've tied both forms of Norse cultivation we've seen into Norse culture and one's social standing within it is really fun and imaginative.)
[X] Yes, there is
-[X] Aki's soul may be asleep, but he may be dreaming. "I don't know if you're going to remember this later, but you've shown interest, and your courage has never been in question. Take from this what you will, but I will leave the information with you here regardless, if you are willing to take up the responsibility and risks of delving into these secrets. When you have a Farm of your own, a place that you can truly call yourself King in, Summon your allies to you within your fence to serve as guardians and companions, and with your Orthstirr at its heights, stoke your Aspects further still. Weave them together as one, and you will find within a Path Forward, should you have the strength and fortitude to endure the flood of inspiration and the courage to face the great Foe of our people and his minions when his eye turns to you later. This is a secret I gift to you, as a symbol of our friendship and my thanks for the harm you took aiding me and my kin, but take care, the Enemy will not allow us to spread it further without challenge, and it may be some time yet before we can prepare a field to face it's reprisal."
-[X] Thank Modgudr for her help and her patience with you.
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...We should try to cultivate on the Boat that we got as a reward.

See if Odr is stiffled.
Hugr (Composure): 5x2, 4x1, 3x1, 2x6, 1x2)2-3+8(Calm Charge)=3 Successes. (Hugr (Sailing): 6x3, 4x6, 2x3-1, 1x1-1) 10 Successes
Oof, man, good thing that charge was spent.
Guess if we ever meet him again we boost composure with Odr as well....
Fishing up Aki (Hamr (Labor): 6x1, 5x3, 3x1, 2x4, 1x3-2)4+2(Reward Dice)=6 Successes
Hm.... -1 to get to Aki, -2 to fish him out....
Your sense of time is long gone by the time you find Aki amongst the throngs of sleeping souls.
Oh.... Thimy-whiny bullshit is finally showing, huh?
Hugr (Sailing): 6x1, 5x3, 4x1, 3x4, 2x3, 1x1) 9-7=2 Successes
Oh gods, that was close.... -7 from out of nowhere!
Guess the souls are not easily let go by the river, huh?
Interesting we didn't see any fyjgla fishing though.
Which, fortunately, takes no time at all!

...Actually, now that you think about it, travelling to Aki felt like it took three or even four times as long as returning...
Yup, time flows funny here.
Hopefully the 7 day deadline stopped once we got Aki out of the river....
There's something weird going on here, that much is certain. The wind was always with you, not once did it shift or change directions — not even when you turned around. The waters never jostled the boat, not even as you fished for Aki. They were so calm you didn't even have to drop anchor!
Subtle help from Asrmundr? Or just the peculiarities of the river?

[X] Alectai
If Aki needs a place of his own before he can start Odr cultivation, it's actually helpful in a way, because we can get all our ducks in a row and be armed for bear before he starts, and then immediately tells the secret to everyone on Team Halla who accepts whatever vaguely-worded offer-with-a-warning we come up with. The main thing is making sure we know exactly when he starts, because we want him to tell our other friends as soon as possible after he begins his cultivation.

Maybe it would be worth purchasing him a parcel of land as a gift, because then we could control the exact date he begins cultivating and plan based on that, but I worry this would be too much of an insult to his pride. (Especially after we've already saved his life.) Perhaps if it was more of a land-for-service arrangement, and he agreed to be our huscarl, there would be no implied insult or putting him further in our debt?
[X] Yes, there is
-[X] Aki's soul may be asleep, but he may be dreaming. "I don't know if you're going to remember this later, but you've shown interest, and your courage has never been in question. Take from this what you will, but I will leave the information with you here regardless, if you are willing to take up the responsibility and risks of delving into these secrets. When you have a Farm of your own, a place that you can truly call yourself King in, Summon your allies to you within your fence to serve as guardians and companions, and with your Orthstirr at its heights, stoke your Aspects further still. Weave them together as one, and you will find within a Path Forward, should you have the strength and fortitude to endure the flood of inspiration and the courage to face the great Foe of our people and his minions when his eye turns to you later. This is a secret I gift to you, as a symbol of our friendship and my thanks for the harm you took aiding me and my kin, but take care, the Enemy will not allow us to spread it further without challenge, and it may be some time yet before we can prepare a field to face it's reprisal."
-[X] Thank Modgudr for her help and her patience with you.
(Honestly the way you've tied both forms of Norse cultivation we've seen into Norse culture and one's social standing within it is really fun and imaginative.)
Thank you very much!
Maybe it would be worth purchasing him a parcel of land as a gift, because then we could control the exact date he begins cultivating and plan based on that, but I worry this would be too much of an insult to his pride. (Especially after we've already saved his life.) Perhaps if it was more of a land-for-service arrangement, and he agreed to be our huscarl, there would be no implied insult or putting him further in our debt?
I'm not sure that I can think of a quicker way to lose Aki as a friend (without resorting to killings, of course) than to do the first.

The second is better, but still something of an insult. After all, if one owns their own land yet has to work someone else's, well, it's not exactly a good look.
Pride is a big deal in Norse society.

Which makes it even more insidious that that the attack is scaled to crush you. It means whoever is doing the disclosure is self admitting that they're the weakest. How insulting!


Though it raises the question of, can Odr be safely unlocked without a property of your own?


So to cultivate in foreign lands, you pretty much need to own a ship?

If you cultivate in the wilds or in someone else's property do you just up and die, then?
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