Just to give you a bit more information on how Finales operate, the first Finale you get in a Martial Style is significantly easier then subsequent Finales in the same Martial Style. Finales are the epitome of a Style, it's kinda hard to have two epitomes let alone three.
Interesting, and good to know. Would the idea for making an overkill Firepit Fling be on the table for having a shot at getting Acceleration, or nah?
Okay, cool. That's workable then...lemme fit that in. Can we/Sagaseeker use Sharpen on Forceful Lever? It's very relevant.
You can, yes
Would we need to not be charging FTB for this, or can we touch it with something other than our hands?
You manipulate and alter things with your hands, so you'd need to not be charging FTB.
Would the idea for making an overkill Firepit Fling be on the table for having a shot at getting Acceleration, or nah?
It is shockingly hard to get a new hugareida when you are purposefully trying to get it.
So, this is already in the plan with the exception of the Backsteps, which I'm not sure are needed given our speed? I'll add them as a conditional if they're faster.

This I'm less sure about...it'd involve not having Sagaseeker providing a Guard for us which is harder to guard break than usual...lemme think.

@Imperial Fister related questions on Guards:

1. If Sagaseeker is Guarding us can he take a break for a moment, use Forceful Lever then go back to it without needing to re-spend the Orthstirr? Or not?
2. As a slightly less related question, can we upgrade an existing Guard (from 60d6 to 120d6, for example) or do we need to recreate it from scratch?

Oh snap, sorry, didn't realise it was already in the plan! Should have read it more carefully, apologies.

[X] Plan Time To Tend The Flame
Okay, we've done the best we can, now to toss the dice.

Only changing existing Guards requires your hands

Check. We won't do that then...not worth the delay/power reduction.

Oh snap, sorry, didn't realise it was already in the plan! Should have read it more carefully, apologies.

No worries. And I have now added several Forceful Levers to the plan since Sagaseeker can do those by taking breaks from guarding us rather than giving up on guarding us entirely. I have it set so he only does so if we have other Guards available, generally speaking.
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No worries. And I have now added several Forceful Levers to the plan since Sagaseeker can do those by taking breaks from guarding us rather than giving up on guarding us entirely. I have it set so he only does so if we have other Guards available, generally speaking.

I also suspect that Hooknails is going to be mostly focussed on offence and may break though guards quite quickly... but Forceful Lever is an attack, and he may well be neglecting is offence given he's almost invulnerable right now.
I also suspect that Hooknails is going to be mostly focussed on offence and may break though guards quite quickly...

The Sword Guards only go down after the third hit that beats them. They're decently durable.

but Forceful Lever is an attack, and he may well be neglecting is offence given he's almost invulnerable right now.

Definitely a possibility, yeah. I hope so, anyway.
@Imperial Fister, I think we're ready when you are?

In that case, calling it now
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Oct 19, 2023 at 4:39 PM, finished with 67 posts and 8 votes.
Aw, I missed it.
The plan is great though!
Yes, but I would recommend that you still don't aim at the ground, at least as long as you don't mind losing whatever you're fighting on
Did we manage to hit Yggdrasil? :V
He was in the air for TR after all!
It is shockingly hard to get a new hugareida when you are purposefully trying to get it.
Aw.... So, you can't just learn the finishers others got huh? That's kind of sad....
But man,it's even more crazy Halla was able to get another one out.
Gotta wonder how much more damage the others moves would have caused to her though....
Summer 10/Revenge Raid Final
[X] Plan Time To Tend The Flame
-[X] 36d6 Attack (36d6 tricks)
-[X] 93d6 Defense (93d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Stoke Virthing and Saemd for Orthstirr (+629 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr), Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), and Fanned Flames to boost our Ember-Wing Cloak speed even more (-7 Orthstirr), as combat begins. Continue using Sundersight to get a read on him.

-[X] Immediately take to the air with Ember-Wing Cloak spending 6 Odr to enhance its speed as much as possible (-6 Odr, +3 Stoked Dice) and using Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) as needed to allow greater precision in our defenses and lead him around the arena near the ground, attempting to stay out of reach with our greater speed and precision and taking advantage of difficult terrain (particularly the glassed portion of the field) to impede him, but low enough he doesn't need to fly to reach us. All subsequent actions have +1d6 from the Skyfire Kenning.

-[X] Burn a Calm Charge to recover Saemd and begin charging Flame-Tending Blade (-1 Calm Charge, -1 Aspect). Unleash it as soon as we're _sure_ it'll take him out. We will burn all Stoked Dice on this as well, when it happens.

-[X] Add a 120d6+6 Sword Guard with 2 Odr invested into it (-124 Orthstirr, -2 Odr) and activate Atgeir Bodyguard at 120d6+6 with one Odr invested having Sagaseeker hover to perform that function (-80 Orthstirr from us, -46 Orthstirr from Sagaseeker, -1 Odr).
-[X] As long as our other Guards are active Sagaseeker should take breaks from guarding us and use up to seven 60d6+6 Shapenedx27 Forceful Levers adding 1 Odr to their effect (-32 Orthstirr and -1 Odr each) in order to force Hooknails further away or otherwise spoil his attacks at his own discretion. He should also go back to doing this if his own Atgeir Bodyguard is broken.
-[X] We will use up to eight 16d6+6 Fast-Stored 3Fold Orthstirr Enhancedx13 Kindle Spinners (-18 Orthstirr each) to keep him focused on us rather than running off to murder the crowd or similar things.
-[X] In response to any uses of Contested Movement by Hooknails while we are within range of his attacks add our Stoked Dice to our Hamr roll and hope to win.
-[X] If he is looking like he is about to hit us and we don't think other defenses will work sufficiently or we've truly been trapped in some way we will activate Time Stands Still (using a Calm Charge to recover an Aspect then burning it, burning our final use of Fight Of Our Life for 27d6+6 on opposed roll), and flee as far as possible while still being in the arena (using Backstep as needed if that's faster). We will also reactivate our Guards if they are down.
-[X] If we are ever captured by something like Inertia-Arresting Throw and cannot disperse it with greater Standstill then we will burn a Calm Charge and stoke an Aspect to escape. Likewise, we will use a Calm Charge and stoke an Aspect if we fall below 200 Orthstirr, and will do so as long as our Calm Charges last.
-[X] By default use the Sword Guards and Atgeir Bodyguard to defend against most attacks (other than fleinns or guard breaks). In response to anything without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those (including fleinns) or in response to guard break attacks without Puncture, use Backstep or Sidestep with Veto Motion as appropriate (-7 or -8 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice), and if facing attacks with Puncture that get through (or Guard Breaks with Puncture) use up to three 120d6+15 Reinforcedx88 Sway Defenses (-90 Orthstirr each) adding Veto Motion (-5 more Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) if necessary to make those work.
-[X] Tactics – So, the idea here is basically go full defense with just enough attacks to keep his attention, and charge Flame-Tending Blade to kill him. The rest of the tactics amount to attempting our hardest to survive.

The exact moment you start to move, so to does Hooknails. He bursts forward with speed unlike anything you've seen before, the ground visibly trembling from the speed at which he launches. Spittle flies from his gnashing teeth as a lengthy spear of silver-white bronze sprouts from his palm.

As your feather-clad virthing unfurls around your shoulders and your wings carry you into the sky, Hooknails collides with where you once stood—only a scant few heartbeats away from interception. Whipping about as if dragged by some unseen leash, he leaps after you with a furiosity unlike anything you've seen before. Not even Moonless Night was as frenzied as Hooknails is now.

Still, despite his rabid frenzy and formidable speed, you manage to stay just one step ahead of him as you bring your hands together above your spike-coronated head. The black pits of Hooknails' eyes track your every movement as sparks fly from between your pressing palms. A sword of hardened fire ignites in your grasp, its rough edges snapping at the world around it.

As the sword starts to grow in your hands, Hooknails redoubles his efforts to catch you—his frenzy-addled mind recognizing the threat a Finale poses.
(Composure: 6) 6 Successes
Your jaw clenches as you battle the terror steadily creeping up your spine. Panicked instincts beg you to flee, but you simply grit your teeth harder and carry on as best you can.
(Berserk Attack: 520+9=529 vs Sword Guard: 491+6=497, Attacker Wins!)
Hooknails snarls as he bashes your spectral swords aside—destroying the lesser one with ease—and darts in, closing the gap in an instant! Silver spear shining in the light of your flaming sword, he dives in only to meet your ever-loyal Sagaseeker head-on!
(Berserk Attack: 502+9=511 vs Atgeir Bodyguard: 415+6=421, Attacker Wins!)
But even as Sagaseeker fails to stop Hooknails, his heroic efforts bought just enough time for your sword guard to come back and take his place!
(Berserk Attack: 475+9=484 vs Sword Guard: 426+6=432, Attacker Wins!)
Sending your sword guard spiraling off to the side, Hooknails takes just long enough to recover for you to alter your course and gain some distance on him! Though you can't hear the noise he's making, you can at least assume you've managed to frustrate him greatly. Good, you say! Let him be frustrated!

However, Hooknails isn't escaped from so easily. Whipping a hand out to the side, he musters his own Standstill into a whirling vortex of stopping force. Twisting his body around, he plants a foot against the solid surface before kicking free. His hand snaps clean off at the wrist as he hurtles into motion, but it matters little to the frenzy-maddened Berserk.
(Berserk Attack: 568+9=577 vs Sword Guard: 410+6=416, Attacker Wins!)
Once more hot on your tail, Hooknails swings with all his might as his spear lengthens to reach you. Once more, your sword zooms in to block his blow with its loyal form! Once more, Hooknails bats it aside without a thought, only for this time to be its last.

Cracks spread across the surface as your heart sinks and panic starts to gain ground in your soul. As your sword shatters into a million pieces of fading orthstirr, you watch with fear gripping your heart as Hooknails bears down on the defiant Sagaseeker—your last line of defense before he reaches you.

'I won't be able to stop you, meownster,' Sagaseeker's words bear the cold echo of cruel truth in your deafened ears, 'but I can still buy time for my meowther to master her soul.'
(Berserk Attack: 442+9=451 vs Atgeir Bodyguard: 454+6=460, Defender Wins!)
Hooknails answers him with a spear-thrust. The air warps from the power of the blow, an absurd strength unmatched save by the high-most. Impossibly, Sagaseeker matches the blow as he swings back. Under his own power, by his own will, Sagaseeker dives in to deny your enemy all his desires and though he fails to draw the monster's blood, he manages to stall him just long enough for you to get away.
(Composure: 16) 16 Successes!
As Berserk and Atgeir exchange blows at an unmatched pace and your friend dances around your foe, you find yourself drifting to a stop in the air.

This... This isn't how a warrior fights, how a man acts. When met with insurmountable odds, a drengr stands tall and defiant in the face of death. A drengr does not run. A drengr meets his fate head-on with a smile on his face and a weapon in hand. You've already got the weapon in hand part down, so what's so hard about the rest?

Your feet touch down on the grass-cum-glass as Hooknails finally lands a solid blow and sends Sagaseeker spiraling to the ground. As Sagaseeker begs for your forgiveness and Hooknails roars triumphant to the heavens, a crimson Kindle Spinner sends his head snapping back.
(Composure: 17) 17 Successes!
Twin pits of ember-glowing eyes turn towards you as fear once more threatens revolt. This time, though, you don't fight it. This time, you work with the fear. This time, your soul obeys its master.

As Hooknails stomps against the ground and throws himself into motion, you grit your teeth, take a deep breath, and prepare to meet your fate.

The Flame-Tending Blade points towards the sun as you pour everything you are—all your fears, worries, and hatred. All your hopes, dreams, and love—and swing.

The sky splits and Gods weep.


Victory is yours.

Gods, you need a bath.

The last thing you hear before blacking out—by virtue of the Gods deeming it so—is the name the observers bestow upon you;


(+150 Orthstirr)
(+1 Rank Up in Standstill)
(+1 Rank Up in Atgeir)
(+1 Rank Up in Ignition)
(Stoker State Finale: Thermic Reckoning)
(Kenning: Life-Bringer - +1 Endurance healed at a time)
(Kenning: Sunshine - You no longer struggle to control your fear, others around you also benefit from this)
(Muna: Sunshine - Grants the 'Sunshine' Kenning)
(Boon: Frenzybane - You gain a bonus to your rolls when fighting Berserks)
Pick One:
[ ] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)
[ ] +1 Rank to your Standstill
[ ] +1 Rank to your Atgeir


AN: Interesting that now is the end rather then after the battle at the boats, huh?

Either way, you've earned this. Good job, everyone, good fuckin' job indeed.

Tomorrow... Tomorrow we see the end of a story.

If Hooknails had won that final clash between him and Sagaseeker, he would have hit you and would have, like as not, slain you in a single blow.

No moratorium, last update for the day.