Well. That was closer than I like my fights, but we did make it out, so that's good.

[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)

I'd love more upgrades to Hugareida, but 12 Training Dice is a lot harder to replace. That's just great.
Holy fuck.

I thought we weren't underestimating him, but even with our pessimistic estimates, he was far scarier than that!

Good god, our Best Boi Did Work though!
Not to mention, I like the idea of getting a Muna about beating Hooknails.
It feels right for her story.

[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)
[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)

Christ was that close, but oh boy was it satisfying.

Edit: Sagaseeker is best sword-child, we need to give him a treat for coming in clutch when we needed it.
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[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)

Wow, just wow. Stunning conclusion.
And we almost fucked ourselves by missing using our anti-fear contingency too in the plan, and nobody caught it, yeesh.

[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)
That fight was epic and the ending was glorious. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Sunshine Kenning.

[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)
it feels fitting to get a Muna from this fight, it certainly is something that heavily effected Halla.
By the way some news from the discord this is what berserkergang does apparently

-Massive boost to how fast you can Shapeshift
-Immunity to weapons
-Resistance to fire (which applies to heat in general)
-Regeneration of Endurance
-Regeneration of Frenzy (Per Attack)
-Treatment of Hugr as Hamr and, thus, Shapeshifting Slots
-Treatment of Frenzy as Hamr and, thus, Shapeshifting Slots
-Treatment of Frenzy as DR
-Treatment of Frenzy as additional Damage

All for the price of being literally useless and lying in bed, infirm, for the next weeks/months
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I believe that it means rank up our Atgier Hugareinda by one, not giving stuff to Sagaseeker. SagaseekerQuest probably has their own rewards list tho as they are clearly alive, and like 150+ people watched him help in the most decisive part of the fight.
Well yeah, but upping our Atgeir Hugareida let's us do more stuff with Sagaseeker at once or increases our damage with him.