IF has specifically noted that the paranoia is the Sacrifice shapecrafters pay for their power. So...not avoidable. It's possible it's manageable at low levels of knowledge and power, but it's not something we want to play around with and find out, I don't think.
Oh, i wouldn't mind, and our character would have stuff few other shapecrafters would: Stabilizing influences that are always with them. Blackhand has gave Halla a great deal of mental peace and stability that only was made apparent after his absence, after all.

But i do agree we don't pick it up with Halla. Becoming an official berserker and stuff that entails? Sure, we are almost at the end of her screen time, after all.

I will note that though, if we really go for shapecrafting after Sigurdr, we should go all in on unarmed. Hikir, as loopy as he is, did give us the preview, so to speak, why shapecrafters are so feared.
Eh, we are nearing the end of Halla, and its something interesting to know. But def a reason to limit exposure to it.
Got the wording of that ruling by IF?

Given that Halla is going to be a voice in our next character's head, and we 100% want her sane and functional to train the next generation, this logic seems deeply suspect at best.

And I'm not finding it right now, but it was listed alongside the down sides of other paths as a needed sacrifice.
ts the same class of thing as being a Seer, which means that we can probably learn how to do specific things by rote, like how people can learn specific Sedir by rote. However, the main thing we would be interested in is understanding how it works, and that would require properly diving into it. We would probably have to do a similar thing to the Horra mess as part of the price, but on a much larger scale due to the power difference between us then and now. All of that, including the going paranoid as all hell bit, on the off chance that we can fix it with Odr when the only use Odr has for Seer shit is being able to throw much stronger spells around by pumping it into them and by having a frankly silly amount of cash to throw at spirits for them to do shit for us.

And thats all after finding a Shapecrafter we get along with well enough for them to teach us.
The big issue with learning Seid is earning the right to know about Odr.
If we asked her "I already know the secret of Odr, will you please teach me Seid?" it could be a lot cheaper, just something to make her want to help us, without the scaling to be Saga relevant for our powerlevel.

And if the price is too big, we could bail and do it in another character.

why the heck do you assume we are nearing the end of Halla?
War arc and inheritance to new character.
We could technically play the next character without Hallas death... but that would hinder Odr cultivation (charred soul -> free disclosure of everything we know to the next character when the current character dies), so not worth it imho.
Not like "in 3 updates she'll be gone!!!!1111oneeleven" but "The great arc we are in will probably be her last".

Oh, i wouldn't mind, and our character would have stuff few other shapecrafters would: Stabilizing influences that are always with them. Blackhand has gave Halla a great deal of mental peace and stability that only was made apparent after his absence, after all.

But i do agree we don't pick it up with Halla. Becoming an official berserker and stuff that entails? Sure, we are almost at the end of her screen time, after all.

I will note that though, if we really go for shapecrafting after Sigurdr, we should go all in on unarmed. Hikir, as loopy as he is, did give us the preview, so to speak, why shapecrafters are so feared.
The thing is: I think "the stuff that entails" for berserking is shapecrafting work being done on you.
If we learn shapecrafting basics, we might be able to do a full "self shapecrafting unarmed berserk" (with Asveig maybe? Wolf teeth/claws could be interesting shapecrafts...)

Getting the basics would set us up for the heir starting strong and going deep (if safely possible).
Like our heir will be able to do Seid and could go deep,
We could technically play the next character without Hallas death... but that would hinder Odr cultivation (charred soul -> free disclosure of everything we know to the next character when the current character dies), so not worth it imho.

Strongly disagree with this. Starting the next character before Halla's death puts off Odr on them, sure (at least potentially), but it allows us to play them relatively unencumbered by having kids yet without it being a huge problem for continuing the game. That's a big deal and expands the plotlines we can explore without either risking a permanent game over or having our character be a sack of shit for deserting their kids by quite a lot.
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The thing is: I think "the stuff that entails" for berserking is shapecrafting work being done on you.
If we learn shapecrafting basics, we might be able to do a full "self shapecrafting unarmed berserk" (with Asveig maybe? Wolf teeth/claws could be interesting shapecrafts...)

Getting the basics would set us up for the heir starting strong and going deep (if safely possible).
Like our heir will be able to do Seid and could go deep,
problem is: Why would a shapecrafter teach Halla how to shapecraft?
Solrun was a great in for learning seidr, yes but she also 1) had a massive revenge boner on Horra, just like Steinarr, and 2) she most likely knew Steinarr from when Blackhand was still alive, after all, she and Steinarr's mother often butted heads in arguments, from what little we know of Hallr's wives...

I doubt we will have that much luck with shapecrafting, unless one of the kids go and learn shapecrafting on their own and will make it easier for another descendant to learn it, what with family being the most trustworthy thing in most cases...

But if we really want to get on track with it with Halla we could try reinventing it from scratch and hope we trip over it, like how we got into Odr cultivation and stroker state, if the thread agrees, that is.

I would rather try and get the foundations for a Charred Soul martial art style worked out instead though....
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We might be able to devise a way to push Hallr on them early and give Halla some peace of mind in her twlight years, with her joining in when she dies. But Halla is more likely to die in battle before we reach the point where we will seriously consider it.
I would rather try and get the foundations for a Charred Soul martial art style worked out instead though....
That would be really cool, although we probably need to have Blackhand get back from his milk run before we can do anything more than think up a cool name and basic framework for how we want it to work. Like, do we want each person to have a Finale, and then a couple moves that are their main combat style to gateway into their mode of combat without needing to have their Hugarienda, or what
problem is: Why would a shapecrafter teach Halla how to shapecraft?
"I already know about Odr (the reason that there HAD to be a big challenge for Seid is that Solrun doesn't know that we already knew about Odr) and can give you a bunch of money to buy shapecrafting ingredients. I could help you take down a monster whose parts you need (within reason of danger class), like I was part of killing the Fenriskin that attacked the valley".

The difference between learning Seid by rote and actually learning Seid is knowledge of Odr.
Voting has ended
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Oct 18, 2023 at 6:16 PM, finished with 203 posts and 51 votes.
Well, here we go. Hopefully, given the nature of berserkergang our Tactics Tricks and Sundersight will let us pick up a fair bit of his weaknesses and intentions in this state...I highly doubt people using berserkergang are good at concealing either their intentions or their weaknesses. Subtle does not seem their strong suit.
So, fill the sky with KSs, like Hooknails did with mistballs and apply puncture on them? :V

Jokes aside, he probably has too much DR one way or another for this (or any other mass of smaller attacks) to be our best bet.

Like, even if all Berserkergang does is grant a bunch of shapeshifts (the least powerful hypothesized version), a lot of them going to DR seems almost assured.
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if we're talking about cool visuals, I'm in favor of the Odr EWC + FTB. I'm imagining us flying up backlit by the sun and then flying back down to cleave Hooknails in twain.
"A fated battle narratively tied to Halla's growth" would be an argument to honour our success in the battle, not to honour him.

What about him?
He is a competent mercenary we fought (See Threadmark Dwarven realpolitik 6 and following)
We were fated to fight against him again.
Then we found him again when he was raiding our home valley.
And here is how Halla felt about Hooknails having taken her brother as hostage:
So, I wasn't able to respond to this until now because I was asleep, but the honoring our success in battle is what I meant. I wasn't suggesting we put a runestone in our soul praising the guy and calling him a saint, I was saying "as an adversary that caused us to learn both a new Finale and forced us to go into overdrive with the Stoker State, this battle with him should be remembered".
So, I wasn't able to respond to this until now because I was asleep, but the honoring our success in battle is what I meant. I wasn't suggesting we put a runestone in our soul praising the guy and calling him a saint, I was saying "as an adversary that caused us to learn both a new Finale and forced us to go into overdrive with the Stoker State, this battle with him should be remembered".
we should also make a runestone for Steinnar when he dies, and maybe do one for one of our major feats
Summer 10/Revenge Raid 17
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

Smoke billows from a crater well over five times your height. It stretches from one end of the field to the other, utterly wrecking the usefulness of this space. One day, the residents will come and smooth it all out—or they won't. It doesn't matter what the future holds, not in this moment.

Because, as the smoke clears and your heart pounds, the duel isn't over.

Hooknails isn't dead!

Skeletal fingers peek over the lip of the crater as strands of muscle rapidly regrow before your eyes. Twin embers of rage burn in the black pits replacing Hooknails' eyes as what skin remains shifts and peels. Hauling himself up over the edge, he roars his hatred at the heavens.

His body bristles as every muscle tenses, not a single stitch to cover his modesty. His eyes stay fixed to you as death grins.

(Tactics: 12+6+3) 21 Successes

All at once, all the legends and stories of Berserks come rushing to the front, paining a picture at the forefront of your mind. This may be the hardest fight of your life—but that thought doesn't terrify. No, it excites.

It is near impossible to tell what he's going to do in response to any given stimuli, other then 'violence'. He is a menace to himself and the people around him as he turns his entire being into an engine of death-dealing destruction.

From a glance, you can tell that his natural healing rate has dramatically increased—perhaps as a result of shapeshifting, though that's uncertain. You get the feeling that if you want to kill him, you're going to have to do it in one shot, else he get back up and keep fighting.

He seems to have near complete mastery over his body, allowing him to shift and change as he pleases. This means that the benefits he gains from his shapeshifting will change depending on what action he's taking in any given moment.

Though the air itself boils around the impact site, he shows no visible discomfort from standing. You're not sure if that's a result of shapeshifting, a benefit of Berserkergang, or what, but he seems to have some manner of resistance to heat—likely how he survived the Sparkbomb rush.

Endurance: (14/15) | Frenzy: (6/6) (+6 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (29/42) (+9 to Defense)
Orthstirr: (163/944) | Odr: (87)
(X) Frami: 315 | ( ) Virthing: 315 | ( ) Saemd: 314
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Emberguard has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting + Runes are granting you (+2 to Damage, and +5 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 129d6 and you have 30d6 Stoked Dice

What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: You've made your bed, now it's time to lay in it

25-minute moratorium.
As expected, he's invincible to anything that doesn't one-shot him, and that tactics are basically irrelevant because he'll always have the optimal number of Shapeshifts for any given move he makes.

The only thing that is certain is that every move he makes will be for the sake of Violence.

Okay, we can work with this.