If Hooknails charges into melee, we can win on the spot by making a Stoking Strike with 30~60 Stoker Dice. He's slower than us in Mire Ward, and if we leave some leftover Stoker Dice we can forcefully win Contested-Movement.
All dragons have an Etir breath, and then each dragon has its own unique gimmick. Fafnir clearly had potential energy bullshit
In theory yes, but we need to use the Fire Poker before anything else so we don't explode, so in practice he's gonna either use it on that or get burned to cinders.


Given that this is the case, do we want to try putting the Sparkbombs ahead in the plan so that we force him to use it again? I.E., we start using Sailwind to have the Sparkbombs converge on him even as we're batting away darts with our Stoking Engage. My logic here is that it feels like the Fire Poker will almost certainly win us the fight if it works, whereas the Sparkbombs are less certain. They've still got a decent chance of working, but some have gotten taken out already, and if he has some really good dodge defences or pulls out something, he might just be able to survive.

Also, we know that Hooknails understands the risk of the Spark-bombs and has used Extinguish against them before, and if we start having them converge on him, he's quite likely to think this is our last-ditch attempt to kill him before he kills us. So I think it's extremely likely that if we try baiting out his Extinguish in this way, we'll be sucessful.It's sort of a shame, because the Sparkbombs were cool, but I think this means they will still have achieved a really useful purpose - they'll be allowing us to secure the victory here.

Also, just picturing the scene, I think that the Sparkbombs converging on Hooknails as arrows converge on Halla, him using Extinguish again and arrogantly thinking he's won... only to see the mist clearing and Halla still standing, blurring as she bats away arrow after arrow, gaining more and more power until she's visibly burning with a visible aura of dragonflame, before she unleashes it...

...feels quite cinematic and an appropriate end to the fight, you know?
Sparkbombs are too slow. Hooknails will just fly out of the way without something forcing him to hit them.
Sparkbombs are too slow. Hooknails will just fly out of the way without something forcing him to hit them.

I'm not sure that's so easy with Sailwind and him being surrounded by them to cut off exits, I think? There's also whatever Sagaseeker is doing. But yeah, we should check.

@Imperial Fister, could this work, or would be able to easily dodge?

Fight's not going to end from this I don't think, but we've got a shot at triggering Phase Two.

Neither of us have got much more left in the tank here, even if we start burning Aspects, so I think that if the fight does not end this round, it has to be next round.
I Suspect he's going to pop the Berserkergang as his Phase 2, which I also suspect comes with a free Aspect refresh like Calm Charges can allow for. Then it'll be OBJECTIVE: SURVIVE while we charge up the Flame Tending Blade.

Given that this is the case, do we want to try putting the Sparkbombs ahead in the plan so that we force him to use it again? I.E., we start using Sailwind to have the Sparkbombs converge on him even as we're batting away darts with our Stoking Engage.

I don't think the timing works out for this. If Sagaseeker manages it while we're defending that's great, but we can't use other attacks while doing Stoking Engage, so I don't think we can feasibly do this.
I don't think the timing works out for this. If Sagaseeker manages it while we're defending that's great, but we can't use other attacks while doing Stoking Engage, so I don't think we can feasibly do this.

My impression was that Sailwind itself was fairly hands-off, but if we can't spin both plates at once then yes, that doesn't work.
I hope this is super cool. I feel confident about this! But Major Foes might always pull something to ruin your day.
And voting is now closed
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Oct 17, 2023 at 8:11 PM, finished with 88 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Weathering The Storm
    -[X] 129d6 Attack (129d6 tricks)
    -[X] 0d6 Defense (0d6 tricks)
    -[X] 0d6 Intercept
    -[X] Stoke Saemd (+314 Orthstirr)
    -[X] Activate Mire Ward (-6 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice), Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr), and Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr) as combat begins. Continue using Sundersight to get a read on him.
    -[X] Try and activate 2 layers of Reinforce Shield (-1 Orthstirr) and Explosive-Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) before we get hit with his big attack. This takes priority over everything but Mire Ward.
    -[X] Give Sagaseeker 6 Stoked Dice immediately.
    -[X] Use an arbitrary number of Stoking Engage (-13 Orthstirr, tripling its dice each time it is used) parries to defend against all ranged attacks headed into the Mire Ward, accumulating a barrel full of Stoked Dice.
    -[X] After the use of Stoking Engage, drop Mire Ward if needed and throw a 1d6+6 Fire Poker w/Puncture plus all of our Stoked Dice except 30 (-14 Orthstirr)...if he tries to Contested Movement this add the 30 Stoked Dice to the Contested Movement check.
    -[X] When given a moment, if he's still up after the Fire Poker, add another 60d6+6 Sword Guard with 2 Odr invested into it (-64 Orthstirr, -2 Odr).
    -[X] Continue using Sailwind (-7 Orthstirr) to move things around and make the situation confusing and keep him unaware of the exact locations of the floating Sparkbombs.
    -[X] Once the arrow-storm is over take to the air with Ember-Wing Cloak (No cost, +3 Stoked Dice) immediately, switching to using Emberwind to fuel it as necessary and using Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) if we must to allow greater precision. Add +1d6 to all attacks and defenses thereafter.
    -[X] Start with another 74d6+6 Devouring Blaze w/Puncture (-17 Orthstirr), once we're in melee one way or another use up to six 40d6+6 Sharpenedx15 Heat-Enhanced Firebomb Strikes w/Puncture (-25 Orthstirr each), attempting to herd him towards Sparkbombs if he's inclined to dodge and to bait out his Extinguish.
    -[X] At an opportune moment, if he lacks Extinguish and the opportunity presents itself, when he is distracted use Fast Recall (-1 Orthstirr) to pull as many Sparkbombs as we can into his back or other blind spot. Aiming in particular to hit him on his weak side (as revealed by Sundersight) if possible.
    -[X] In response to any uses of Contested Movement by Hooknails, use Contested Movement ourselves. Add all our Stoked Dice to it (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice, 10d6+6+Stoked Pool) to counterattack with a Sharpened Fire-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr) if we need something other than our initial attack (which we usually shouldn't). If we have less than 7 Stoked Dice when doing this spend Odr to hit at least 17d6+6 on each of these.
    -[X] If the Mire Ward/Stoking Engage plan isn't working, we will activate Time Stands Still (-1 Aspect, burning our final use of Fight Of Our Life, 27d6+6 on opposed roll), move out of the way of the remaining arrows, join Hooknails in the sky, hit him with an 11d6+6 3Fold Sparkbomb (-30 Orthstirr), and then grapple him from the other side of the arrows with a Double Leg Takedown (-6 Orthstirr) and will use him (or, in theory, his corpse) as a human shield against the arrows (we would use Stoked Dice on opposing any escape attempt before the arrows are done).
    -[X] If we are ever captured by something like Inertia-Arresting Throw and cannot disperse it with greater Standstill then stoke an Aspect to escape (we will try and do the same 'surprise him' plan as if we could disperse it when doing this if possible). Likewise, stoke an Aspect if we fall below 200 Orthstirr. If he uses Time Stands Still we will likewise stoke an Aspect to join him in that state. If we are out of Aspects and these events occur we will start using Calm Charges to re-stoke things.
    -[X] For attacks not covered by the Mire Ward defense, by default use the Sword Guards to defend against most attacks (other than fleinns). In response to anything not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or Trick Attacks with Puncture that gets through instead use up to one quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices as necessary (-1 Shield).
    -[X] Tactics – The basic idea here is to layer Mire Ward's ability to casually parry ranged attacks with ERA's explosive countering of their likely explosive reaction to that and weather the storm, while using Stoked Engage to gather a truly ludicrous pool of power, then throw an arbitrarily powerful Fire Poker at him, hoping to at least bait out Extinguish. If he survives that, we then join him in the air. The idea from there is to hit him repeatedly and hopefully set him up to be tricked or physically forced into the remaining Sparkbombs.
Let me say this again, I have high confidence that this plan will be KICKIN RAD

It's just that "What the fuck else is going to come after this?"
Summer 10/Revenge Raid 16
[X] Plan Weathering The Storm
-[X] 129d6 Attack (129d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense (0d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Stoke Saemd (+314 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Mire Ward (-6 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice), Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr), and Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr) as combat begins. Continue using Sundersight to get a read on him.
-[X] Try and activate 2 layers of Reinforce Shield (-1 Orthstirr) and Explosive-Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) before we get hit with his big attack. This takes priority over everything but Mire Ward.
-[X] Give Sagaseeker 6 Stoked Dice immediately.
-[X] Use an arbitrary number of Stoking Engage (-13 Orthstirr, tripling its dice each time it is used) parries to defend against all ranged attacks headed into the Mire Ward, accumulating a barrel full of Stoked Dice.
-[X] After the use of Stoking Engage, drop Mire Ward if needed and throw a 1d6+6 Fire Poker w/Puncture plus all of our Stoked Dice except 30 (-14 Orthstirr)...if he tries to Contested Movement this add the 30 Stoked Dice to the Contested Movement check.
-[X] When given a moment, if he's still up after the Fire Poker, add another 60d6+6 Sword Guard with 2 Odr invested into it (-64 Orthstirr, -2 Odr).
-[X] Continue using Sailwind (-7 Orthstirr) to move things around and make the situation confusing and keep him unaware of the exact locations of the floating Sparkbombs.
-[X] Once the arrow-storm is over take to the air with Ember-Wing Cloak (No cost, +3 Stoked Dice) immediately, switching to using Emberwind to fuel it as necessary and using Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) if we must to allow greater precision. Add +1d6 to all attacks and defenses thereafter.
-[X] Start with another 74d6+6 Devouring Blaze w/Puncture (-17 Orthstirr), once we're in melee one way or another use up to six 40d6+6 Sharpenedx15 Heat-Enhanced Firebomb Strikes w/Puncture (-25 Orthstirr each), attempting to herd him towards Sparkbombs if he's inclined to dodge and to bait out his Extinguish.
-[X] At an opportune moment, if he lacks Extinguish and the opportunity presents itself, when he is distracted use Fast Recall (-1 Orthstirr) to pull as many Sparkbombs as we can into his back or other blind spot. Aiming in particular to hit him on his weak side (as revealed by Sundersight) if possible.
-[X] In response to any uses of Contested Movement by Hooknails, use Contested Movement ourselves. Add all our Stoked Dice to it (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice, 10d6+6+Stoked Pool) to counterattack with a Sharpened Fire-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr) if we need something other than our initial attack (which we usually shouldn't). If we have less than 7 Stoked Dice when doing this spend Odr to hit at least 17d6+6 on each of these.
-[X] If the Mire Ward/Stoking Engage plan isn't working, we will activate Time Stands Still (-1 Aspect, burning our final use of Fight Of Our Life, 27d6+6 on opposed roll), move out of the way of the remaining arrows, join Hooknails in the sky, hit him with an 11d6+6 3Fold Sparkbomb (-30 Orthstirr), and then grapple him from the other side of the arrows with a Double Leg Takedown (-6 Orthstirr) and will use him (or, in theory, his corpse) as a human shield against the arrows (we would use Stoked Dice on opposing any escape attempt before the arrows are done).
-[X] If we are ever captured by something like Inertia-Arresting Throw and cannot disperse it with greater Standstill then stoke an Aspect to escape (we will try and do the same 'surprise him' plan as if we could disperse it when doing this if possible). Likewise, stoke an Aspect if we fall below 200 Orthstirr. If he uses Time Stands Still we will likewise stoke an Aspect to join him in that state. If we are out of Aspects and these events occur we will start using Calm Charges to re-stoke things.
-[X] For attacks not covered by the Mire Ward defense, by default use the Sword Guards to defend against most attacks (other than fleinns). In response to anything not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or Trick Attacks with Puncture that gets through instead use up to one quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices as necessary (-1 Shield).
-[X] Tactics – The basic idea here is to layer Mire Ward's ability to casually parry ranged attacks with ERA's explosive countering of their likely explosive reaction to that and weather the storm, while using Stoked Engage to gather a truly ludicrous pool of power, then throw an arbitrarily powerful Fire Poker at him, hoping to at least bait out Extinguish. If he survives that, we then join him in the air. The idea from there is to hit him repeatedly and hopefully set him up to be tricked or physically forced into the remaining Sparkbombs.

A lesson eagerly taught but devilishly difficult to learn is that nothing in life is always true. No defense is unbeatable. No attack is irresistible. Flaws will always reveal themselves in time, such is a simple fact of existence.

Crimson light erupts in a surge of renewed vigor as you open your Sunderseeing Eyes once more. The truth of the matter is that everything has a weakness, it's just a matter of finding and exploiting the ever-loving shit out of it. And, well, you've got a certain talent for figuring such things out.

As a thousand arrows of hardened mist bring destruction, as death rears its ugly head once more, you merely suck down a deep breath and close your eyes. The hammer of your ear-filling heart drowns out Hooknails' sneering laughter with a frenzied drummer's breakneck beat. One outstretched palm faces the West as the other watches the East, your surging power keeping pace with your heart's tempo.

This won't be easy to pull off, that much, at least, is easy enough to tell at a glance. With a coat of Puncture on every arrow, you can't just stop the attack with a flick of the wrist as you would anything else. No, this will require finesse.

Fortunately, if there's one thing you are, it's able to adapt to the different needs of different situations.

Eyes snap wide alongside a shroud of slowing soul-strength. With a glare in a mirror-like gaze, you rebuff the assault with but a shred of willpower. Robbed of all but the most base speed, the gleaming arrowheads can't help but fall victim to your Burning Caress.

The sun reflects in your flashing blade as you parry each and every individual arrow. One after the other, hundreds upon hundreds of missiles fall before your ever-faster sword-arm. Blow after blow rains down around you as more and more arrows enter your zone of control, every swing you make adding more fuel to your heart's furnace. Though the onslaught grows ever-fiercer, your might rises to meet it.

With a dragon's roar rumbling free from your chest, Burning Caress cleaves the last arrow in two as you lock eyes with Hooknails.

"Well?" You can barely hear your own thoughts let alone spoken word from how hard your heart throbs in your chest, "Is that it? Is that all you've got?" Hooknails has no answer, not with his jaw slackened from a mixture of awe and horror as it is. You chuckle through clenched teeth and carry on without him, taking his silence for the admittance it is, "In that case," your eyes flash with crimson fury, "why don't I return the favor?!"

With both hands, you take hold of your heart's burning strength. Every drop of blood-pumping power writhes between your fingers as you pour it all out into a single attack. All the firepower in your body converges to a single point against your palm as you draw your arm back like a taut bowstring.

As the overhead sun reaches its zenith and your struggling heart finally gives out, your strength finds sure footing on solid ground. Arm snapping forward like a loosed arrow, unbidden words spring from your lips as you lay a fresh name upon this newborn Finale.

Thermic Reckoning!

Twin trails of warmth trickles down the sides of your neck as a constant spray of vision-protecting sparks fall from your eyes. From your enemy-facing palm erupts a house-tall jet of raw, unrefined and completely unregulated heat. There is no sound, for your ears no longer work—such is the sheer level of noise produced by the wall of flash-boiling air.

The beam of super-heated orthstirr streaks across the space in a span of a handful of heartbeats, leaving rippling rings of boiling shock waves in its wake. It isn't so much something you follow visually as it's something you feel, something you experience in the moment and only after its passing do you realize what happened.

Still, to his credit, despite the raw magnitude of the attack, Hooknails tries his best to defend himself. With less then a heartbeat before the beam reaches him, he crosses his arms before his slack-jawed face as he prepares to meet his forefathers.

The blast swallows him whole as it carries on into the now-darkened sky—the light of the beam dwarfing even that of the sun, if only for a scant few seconds. Punching a hole through a dozen stacked clouds, it streaks off into that black eternity, where it will travel on till infinity.

Falling to your hands and knees, your palms press against the ground-turned-melted glass as you retch. Once more reminded of why, exactly, hearts are necessary for life, you focus what strength remains towards restarting the beating of your heart.

But as you stagger upright, back onto shaky feet, your eyes widen at what sight lies before you.

Steam pours off his body as Hooknails, hurt but still very much alive, dangles from his spear by his one-remaining hand. From head to toe, the entire right half of his body is gone—reduced to boiling ashes by the fury of the Thermic Reckoning.

But he still lives and so the duel must continue.

Pointing a hand his way, your fingers clench tight into a white-knuckled, quivering fist. Dozens upon dozens of Sparkbombs rush in from each and every direction, all converging on where he hangs.

His sole remaining eye can't widen any further, though damn he tries. With desperation welling in the corner of his eye, he tries his best to direct the spear away from the blast—an attempt that will amount to nothing, not with Sagaseeker waiting in the wings.

Darting in with a few sparks of your heart's furnace in his grasp, Sagaseeker unleashes a wave of Devouring Flames upon the defenseless Hooknails.

With nothing keeping him up, he falls.

Hooknails falls directly into a gathering swarm of Sparkbombs.

As the smoke clears...
[ ] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)
[ ] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)


AN: Do you take the challenge?

15-minute moratorium.