[X] Proceed with the plan as is, group up with Logi and the others and hunt after the last band of foraging raiders
[X] You catch them inside a farmhouse, having made hostages of the residents
The force trailing behind Logi looks more then a little worse for wear. Men lean on spears as they breath heavy from a day spent wallowing in anxiety and violence. The sun has long reached its zenith and is now on the long trek back to darkness. It's only midday and most people are exhausted already.
A quick headcount reveals that, of the seventy-eight men accompanying Logi, only forty-three were still along for the ride. You reckon that some had to be assigned to watching prisoners, but that couldn't account for all the missing faces. Whether wounded, dead, or gone off to the afterlife, they're not here right now to help. A shame, but such is life.
Logi grunts and folds his arms as he comes to a stop next to Dorri, a mouth-wrinkling scowl on his face. "Fuckers ran farther then I thought they would," he jerks a violent nod towards where the band you've been chasing have holed up inside—a place sickeningly familiar to you.
The doors to Halfdan the Dane's house lay on the front step in a shattered heap of splintered wood. The windows are shut and the lights turned out, save for the occasional flicker of light reflecting off peering eyes. It's uncertain how many raiders there are in there, but hostage count is.
Halfdan himself steps forward as shadows cover his eyes, a grim set to his jaw and his lips pressed thin on his face. His son, Joarr, is only two steps behind as he casts a worried glance to his home. Barely a man grown and his home is under attack for the second time.
Taking a deep, Halfdan counts off who would be inside, "My wife, Gilda, daughters Beyla and Brana, and my youngest son, Jon, all could be inside." A hopeful glint rises in his eyes as he nods to horse barn, "Jon likes his horses, so it's more then likely that he was away when they came."
"It's probably why the raiders came here rather then anywhere closer," Dorri mutters to himself as he stares at the hillside home. "Horses would allow them to move far faster, and they can kill them for extra food once they're done. With you having the biggest herd in the valley," he nods towards Halfdan, "it's only logical that they'd come here, but... how did they know?"
The question strikes a sense of unease in all those unlucky enough to hear it. A sort of malaise creeps up over you as you shudder and shake your head.
"No matter," Dorri shakes his head and claps his hands, drawing everyone's attention, "we can ask how once they're dead. For now, let us turn our minds to coming up with a solution to this problem."
Murmurs spring up from the men of standing as they consider the problem at hand. Some suggest sending a negotiator, others suggest that they burn the house down while killing the raiders and letting the hostages go.
What do you do?
[ ] Support sending a negotiator
-[ ] (Optional write in) Who would you nominate?
[ ] Support burning the house down
[ ] Write in
AN: Not much to say here other then that I've updated your soulscape.
[X] Support sending a negotiator
-[X] Halla herself, possibly not alone, but she should be along
"I'll do it!" Few people are surprised at your volunteering for the role of negotiator. Tales of you speaking with trolls, Jotnar, and all manner of assorted creatures have spread far and wide across the Valley.
Sten shakes his head, but makes no protest, "You'll need someone else to come with you, else you're added to the hostage count."
For a moment, you bristle at the insinuation that you'd be so weak as to get captured, but your better sense soon kicks in. After all, he's right. There could be any number of odd abilities and magical devices in the raider ranks, it's completely possible that they have some manner of trick or technique that would swiftly bring you to your knees. Having someone like Sten on standby would vastly improve your odds even if they did have that esoteric power.
Dorri nods, slowly, "I see the rumors of your negotiating prowess have legs, then." He turns to Sten, who is already getting his equipment ready, "I assume you'll be going with her, yes?"
Sten nods as he finishes re-tightening the hide cover on his shield, "Aye, I was planning on it."
"Good man," Dorri claps him on the shoulder before turning back to you, "Now, have you thought of what you'll ask or would you like some advice?"
What is your response?
[ ] I'll take some advice, please
[ ] I've got some ideas
-[ ] Write in
AN: This vote is also where you'll do your planning
No moratorium, but this'll be the last update of the day like as not.
[X] I'll take some advice, please
-[X] Also ask a few questions
--[X] How many of the enemies troops have we caught alive, how many are bodily dead? Can we use some of them as bargaining chips (exchange captured enemies for hostages)?
--[X] Can we offer them the right to leave without being enthralled?
--[X] Are there volunteers for 1v1 duels?
"First things first," Dorri's voice echoes in your head as you once more go over his advice. Sten trails a few feet behind as you approach the house on the hill, "get an idea of their numbers and how many hostages they have. After that, see if you can't get them to give up any information about their capabilities or what they've got on hand, equipment quality, any special abilities, things like that. I'm authorizing you to make offers and deals as you see fit."
With about thirty-four pacified hostiles waiting back at Asvir and roughly a hundred and twenty-six bodily dead, you've got quite the number of bargaining chips in the form of their friends. Not to mention that there's also a number of friendly warriors willing to duel, should that be accepted.
As you approach the house, you catch the faint echoes of what sounds like arguing coming from inside. Two voices, both familiar though one far more then the other. The first is only vaguely familiar, like you only heard it once or twice. The second voice, however, belongs to none other then your hated rival: Hooknails.
Unfortunately, you don't manage to make out any words before Hooknails shuts them up and emerges from the darkness. He's lost his hat and has taken more then a bit of battle damage. There's a hefty dent on his head and his armor bears a few holes in the mail.
His eyes narrow as they fall upon you, "Well, well, well, what have we here?"
You narrow your eyes right back, "Could say the same to you, Hooknails."
"Is that you, Halla?" Your blood chills as your eyes widen, Sten stiffening at your side. That voice! It's Eric's!
Hooknails growls, "Shut him up!" A loud smack rings out as Eric falls silent.
Where before you were trying to keep your face neutral, now there's nothing more then a deep-set glower on both your and Sten's faces.
"So," Hooknails starts up again as you force your clenching fist to relax, "they've sent you as negotiator, have they? Well go on then, give it your best shot!"
Your hateful glare deepens further.
What do you do?
[ ] Write in
AN: And here we have a complication in the matter
No moratorium, but this will be the last update for the day.
**[X] Plan: Keep it cool and Stick To The Facts.**
-[X] Stay cool, don't let them rile you up, because that's a really good way to get something regrettable happen. Remember that _you_ have them by the throat here. Be willing to spend Calm Charges as needed to keep your head together if Composure fails despite Cool-Off. Also, use _all_ Social Tricks as required and needed. Goal-Tell, Lowest Limit, and Cool-Off as needed.
-[X] Muse about how you're not really sure what they were hoping to accomplish here, really, just a head on assault? Just like that? And then thinking you'd all just sit tight while they had their way with your home? The little raid has already failed, the might of the Hading has fallen upon it, and those who aren't dead are captured or accounted for. What happens next is _entirely_ up to how much of an issue they decide to make of the matter. (In short, be vague on the details, but make it clear that there's no help coming for him and his forces that are going to make a difference at this point. See what spills out)
-[X] See, you don't take kindly to strangers trying to cause problems for your neighbors--and the master of this house? Right outside, along with more than enough men to drown you in bodies even if there were no experts among them--and the Hading has never been short on Experts. (A little touch of intimidation there to boot.)
-[X] So, now that we've made it clear that you're not claiming victory, what's left is seeing how painful defeat is. Whether it's a bloodied nose or rolling the dice to see if the Nornir have had enough of your Saga. Because the latter is exactly what's going to happen if you decide to do anything more than quit the field and leave this place. (A little reminder that yes, he has some hostages, he does have a _little_ leverage, in the sense that there might be room for him to walk away after this. But that's as far as it goes. )
-[X] Frenzy on our Social, spend Odr as needed to sharpen our tongue. Frankly, we're _going_ to cross swords, the Nornir won't accept any other outcome, the important thing is that we establish that he is _not_ arguing from a position of power here, the question is how much he can salvage from this clusterfuck.
-[X] Just to clarify, We _are_ willing to cut a deal, we're just making it clear that he's not negotiating from a position of real strength here.
You take a deep breath and soothe your warrior's spirit. There will be time for violence, but that time is not yet at hand. No matter what, you have to keep your choler in check, else Hooknails slip free of this one. You have him by the balls here, losing yourself to your rage would only serve to his advantage.
A surging of orthstirr fuels your social tricks as you watch for any notable tells. His most important goal is to escape with his head intact, or at least cause as much pain as possible on the way out. He's a spiteful bastard, this Hooknails—which can only be expected from someone who can't pet animals. The lowest he's willing to go is to sacrifice the men he's brought along with him, you get the impression that none are his fellow hirdsmen.
Now then, how to play this? You get the sense that Hooknails is a prideful sort who doesn't much appreciate losing—not that that's all that uncommon of a character trait. If you press on that a bit, you might be able to get some information out of him. He's smart, though, so you're not expecting to get all that much, but any is better then none.
"I'll be honest with you, Hooknails," you hook your thumbs into your belt as you rock on your heels, "I don't quite get your reasoning behind this whole thing, what you hoped to accomplish." you wiggle a finger in his general direction. "A head-on assault? Just like that? Did you think we'd just sit back with our feet up as you ravage our home and hearth?"
Hooknails shrugs as he leans on the doorframe, his arms crossed before him, "While I can't speak for the others, I figured that you wouldn't be able to muster your full strength before it was too late. Clearly, I was wrong," he waves a hand at the gathered Hadingmen, though a certain gleam shines in his eye as he does, "Although, if this is your full strength, then I have unfortunate news for you."
A scoff slips past your lips as you shake your head, "We've already destroyed most of your friends. More then a few feed crows and the rest now kneel with shaven heads and iron-clapped wrists. Splitting up was a mistake you paid for in full."
"What of my cousin?" Another voice calls from the house as a sharp-mouthed man emerges from the shadows. Jordan Sharkmouth stands before you, his lips pulled back to reveal rows of red-stained teeth. Your stomach churns as you realize just where that blood must have come from, from the bodies of your comrades in arms.
A wicked grin spreads across Sten's face as he breaks the silence he'd held up until that point. A length of knotted rope dangles from his palm as the wind picks up and carries his words far and free, "I've got his soul right here!"
"Bastard!" Jordan gnashes his teeth as his fists clench, eyes blazing with the fury of youth. He makes to leap free, but Hooknails' arm lashes out and catches him by the scruff of the neck.
"Heel, dog!" Hooknails' voice thunders as he dashes the younger man against the ground, tossing him back into the darkness. Sten can't hide the smirk on his face as Hooknails turns back towards you.
Hiding your disquiet at the realization that Sten can rip people's souls from their bodies, you tilt your head to the side as you let your eyes narrow, "See, we men of the Hading don't take too kindly to those who'd threaten our homes," you direct a nod towards Sten, who smirks harder, "and that's just a taste of the things we'll do to you, should you drive us to our limits."
Hooknails narrows his eyes, "Where are you going with this?"
"I'm just telling it like it is, laying out the facts for you. We've got too many men with too much skill for you to have a hope of winning, so your only real choice is to cut a deal."
Hooknails is silent for a long time as he considers the options before him. Eventually, he tilts his head to the side as he stares directly at you, "Alright, Halla Skyfire, you've made your point. I'm willing to consider a deal."
He sighs as Jordan makes an angered sound that sees him rewarded with a loud smack.
[X] Plan Yes, a 'Fair Fight'
-[X] Suggest that perhaps this could be settled with a fair fight, starting with offering to fight them with an equal number of our own people, but being willing to negotiate on that point and agree to some number of duels. If they win they are free to return back to their ships without the rest of our forces interfering as long as they do so directly.
-[X] Make it very clear that any deal we make, we will first swear an oath to abide by the deal if they release all hostages without further harm, they will also swear to abide by it, then they will release the hostages, _then_ we will carry out the deal. This order of events is not negotiable.
-[X] Again use Cool Off and other Social Tricks as necessary, use Frenzy if we can, and use up to 3 Odr if that seems useful or necessary.
As you consider the options that lay before you, a certain idea comes to mind. Thousands of years of stories of heroes and legends flash across your mind's eye as a smile comes to your lips. A duel to decide it all, wouldn't that be nice?
Besides, he has to know that he and you are fated to fight. Really, the moment he stepped foot on Hading soil, it could only end one way.
The chains grow ever-tighter as Fate balances on the edge of a sword.
As you start to speak, the cutting edge of the sword splits Fate in two. As if prompted by some high power, skilled, slender fingers work together to weave a web of stories from the strands of possibility. From inspiration comes action and from action comes reward.
"A duel between you and I," you begin with a fire in your chest, your words sounding twisted to your ears. "A duel to decide it all. You win and you go free, as long as you leave the hostages behind. If I win, you and your men will be taken prisoner."
Hooknails eyes you for a long time, unaware of the turmoil going on inside of your soul. That wasn't what you wanted to say! Not at all! You wanted to offer mass combat between an equal number of warriors, a battle you could stack in your favor with raw skill and experience. Not...
A feminine voice whispers in the back of your mind, a voice both sickeningly familiar and terrifyingly foreign. A voice of feathers and spears, of guidance and servitude. A voice filled with potential life and certain death in equal amounts. 'Strength has its unspoken prices, Daughter of Ash, and all who climb the steps must pay it.'
There is no opportunity to ask questions, for the voice vanishes just as suddenly as she appeared. Instinctively, you feel her travel north, towards where your family rests.
Hooknails tilts his head to the side, "If we are to duel, then it will be to the death."
[ ] "I wouldn't have it any other way."
[ ] Try to change course back to your original idea
AN: Something happened here. Something odd, something wrong, and something ever so right—all at the same time.
No moratorium. I'll give you a combat planning update should you decide to go through with it.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," the words ring like church bells in your head as deja vu runs across your system like mice across the clothesline. Once again, you and Hooknails will battle. This time, though, only one of you will walk away. Only one will still live by the end of it.
The Gods are watching, you can feel it. It's in the way the air seems to twist and contort around you, in how the grasses sway to and fro as if refusing to follow the breeze, in how the clouds seem to form eyes upon the horizon.
A chill runs up and down your spine as a stark realization shocks you to your core. For all your life, the Gods have been on your side. Sure, you've had some unlucky moments, but the Gods have always been there to help you on your way.
This time, though, there's a certain lack in your soul, like something that was once there is now gone. The Gods are playing no favorites in this battle. To gain their favor, you must earn it on the battlefield—the same goes for Hooknails.
Somehow, you know this fight will be your most difficult. Death is a looming specter here, it could come for you at any moment.
Hooknails watches you just as you watch him. It's quite difficult to tell how much effort he's going to put into his attacks—in fact, you get the impression that he's relying on your effort to gauge his own.
He's gotten stronger since last you clashed, yet so have you. You've closed the gap, at least by enough that you no longer are truly punching up. It is near certain that he's developed some further skills and tricks and even hugareida, should he have been so fortunate.
He'll be taking it cautious in this first bout, that much is certain.
His armor has improved in quality since last you met and the ground is flat beneath your feet.
Endurance: (15/15) | Frenzy: (6/6) (+6 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (42/42) (+9 to Defense)
Orthstirr: (632/944) | Odr: (97)
(X) Frami: 315 | ( ) Virthing: 315 | ( ) Saemd: 314
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Emberguard has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting + Runes are granting you (+2 to Damage, and +5 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 129d6 and you have 15d6 Stoked Dice
What do you want to do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
[X] Plan Feeling Him Out
-[X] Invest 3 Orthstirr in Hugr, 1 in Composure, 4 in Tactics, 3 in Scouting (-11 Orthstirr)
-[X] 81d6 Attack (81d6 tricks)
-[X] 48d6 Defense (48d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Switch out Solar Flare for Stoked Body
-[X] Put 4 Orthstirr into 8 layers of Reinforce Shield before the combat begins(-4 Orthstirr) and add an instance of Explosive Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice)
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr), Slipstream adding 1 Odr to the effect (-8 Orthstirr, -1 Odr), and Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr), as combat begins. Activate Sundersight to get a read on him.
-[X] Take to the air with Ember-Wing Cloak (No cost) immediately, switching to using Emberwind to fuel it as necessary and using Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) if we must to allow greater precision. All subsequent attacks and defenses have +1d6 from the Skyfire Kenning.
-[X] Put up a 60d6+15 (w/Hugareida) Sword Guard, adding 2 Odr to it (-64 Orthstirr, -2 Odr)
-[X] If he doesn't have any Guards up (if he does, see below about Devouring Blaze), start by using a 70d6+6 Sharpenedx26 Lightning Charged Flashfire Cleave w/Puncture and +6 Damage from Odr (-42 Orthstirr, -6 Odr +3 Stoked Dice) to close the distance and follow up with a total of two 70d6+6 Sharpenedx20 Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike attacks w/Puncture and +6 Damage from Odr (-30 Orthstirr, -6 Odr, and +3 Stoked Dice each), interspersed with six 5d6+6 Sharpened Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strikes (-2 Orthstirr and +3 Stoked Dice each).
-[X] In response to him putting Guards up or more than one other construct, use up to three 5d6 Devouring Blazes (-8 Orthstirr, -3 Stoker State dice) as necessary to clear the way for our attacks, not using other attacks if possible while he has Guards up. This includes using one before our first attack if he already has some up.
-[X] The first melee attack he makes against us, use Contested Movement adding 5 Odr to the effect and one use of Fight of Your Life (-3 Orthstirr, -5 Odr, +3 Stoked Dice, 18d6+6,) to counterattack with a Sharpened Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr), and do the same again and again if we get multiple counterattacks from the Odr (unlikely but not impossible)
-[X] Use Kindle Spinners to disrupt any Folded ranged attacks (No cost)
-[X] If he uses Contested Movement or some similar Trick against us, we will add our Stoked Pool to the roll.
-[X] If he uses a Standstill Trick on us and our Standstill is greater than his, pretend to be effected by it and disperse it only once he moves to take advantage, hopefully surprising him.
-[X] If we are ever captured by something like Inertia-Arresting Throw and cannot disperse it with greater Standstill then stoke an Aspect to escape (we will try and do the same 'surprise him' plan as if we could disperse it when doing this if possible). Likewise, stoke an Aspect if we fall below 200 Orthstirr. If he uses Time Stands Still we will likewise stoke an Aspect to join him in that state. Preferentially stoke Saemd rather than Virthing. If both are spent and these events occur we will start using Calm Charges to re-stoke things.
-[X] After that first melee attack (and against all non-folded ranged ones), by default use Sword Guard to defend against most attacks (other than fleinns). In response to anything not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or something with Puncture that gets through instead use up to three quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-1 Shield) and/or two 64d6+15 Fortified and Reinforcedx36 Hefty Halter-Chop defenses (-40 Orthstirr each) as seems appropriate (always going with the shield on anything that beats the Sword Guard easily).
-[X] Tactics – The idea here is to try and get a better read on him without expending too much in the way of resources. We make attacks he knows about already (plus Firebomb Strikes...I don't think that needs to be kept a secret) at solidly high dice amounts and try and get a feel for what he can take and what he's trying to dish out. The rest is contingencies. Lots of them.
The gentle in and out of breathing is the sole sound in the otherwise quiet, empty field. You and Hooknails both stand at the turning point of destiny, the crossroads of fate. Only one of your stories will continue. Only one will keep making their mark on this world. Only one will still have life.
Every choice you've made, every step you've taken, has lead you to this moment in time. Nobody knew it was going to end this way, but end this way it must. One of you will die. One of you will live. It is the way of fate, the oldest, most sacred of rites.
All stories must end one day. All men must die.
Such is the way is the way of things.
Breathing in through your nostrils, you hold the breath until your lungs start to burn. Releasing out through your mouth, steel meets blue as two stories collide.
Crimson power leaks from the corners your eyes as you throw yourself into the sky on blazing wings of fire. The air boils in the waste of your wake as you hurtle through the empty space. Your hair whips at a frenzied tempo as you grit your teeth, wind's bite drawing tears from your glowing eyes.
The exact moment you leap into action, so to does Hooknails. His hand snaps forward with a pointing finger as a spectral spear flings itself as if thrown with all a man's strength behind it. It flies low enough to the ground to carve a shallow trench from its passing, missing its target completely as you sail on overhead.
Spectral spears float defensively around him as he cups his hands low to the ground, a dense ball of mist swirling tightly between his palms as he watches your approach. A slight grin flashes across your face as you lay eyes on the spears. Fire sparks in your own palm as a hungry fire ignites in the basin of your cupped hand. (Quickstepped)
Moments before impact, a flick of the wrist sends a wave of magic-hungry flames hurtling forward. Hooknails' eyes sharpen as he drives a foot against the ground. Grass and dirt alike explodes from the earth as he skates to the side, dodging the Devouring Flames as he skids over the field.
Instantly finding his footing, he leaves a crater in his wake as he springboards up. The ball of ever-denser mist in his hands shines with the tell-tale gleam of Puncture, this won't be an attack you can just deny.
Time slows to a trickle as you grit your teeth harder still. The densely-packed sphere of watery mists streaks towards your face, but fire-riding Sagaseeker races to meet its master. It's a contest of strength and skill, a wager to see just who, exactly, is faster between you. (Halla's Hamr: 66+6=72 vs Hooknails' Hamr: 48+9=57, Halla Wins!)
A cheer rips through your throat as Sagaseeker slips past his guard and straight into a—!
Time slows down again, this time not by your will. Hooknails' eyes meet yours as he shifts to counterattack your counterattack, the damned cheater!
As the densely-packed mist ball once more nears your face, you growl as your heart pounds in your ears. Use your own tricks against you, will he?! Fine! Let's see him copy this! (Halla's Hamr: 93+6=99 vs Hooknails' Hamr: 44+9=53, Halla Wins! 13 Damage!)
The mist ball goes wide as your heart hammers an ear-ringing beat in your head. Your limbs gain an eye-watering burst of speed as Sagaseeker zips past Hooknails' paltry guard and directly into his mail-protected chest. A flash of light explodes from Hooknails' chain-link belt as he's thrown across the battlefield.
Flipping through the air, he rights himself before carving a trench as he skids to a halt. Blades of grass swirl around him as he breathes through gritting teeth, looking no worse for wear after the heavy blow you dealt him. His belt, though, bears sign of damage. Thirteen of the forty links have burnt out, leaving him with just twenty-seven links left.
He eyes you warily as you veto your own motion. Using the infinitesimally small window of motionlessness, you kick off the surface of the very air itself, adding far greater momentum to your flight.
Lightning-wreathed crimson flames streak off of Sagaseeker as your wings blaze anew. Kicking it into a higher tempo with a flash of fire, you throw yourself across the sky with Sagaseeker ready to cleave Hooknails in two.
Time slows once more—once again not by your consent—as Hooknails brings another ball of mist up to bear. His palmful of densely-packed mist rockets up towards your stomach as you bring a Flashfire Cleave down upon his dented head. (Halla's Hamr: 33+6=39 vs Hooknails' Hamr: 48+9=57, Hooknails Wins! Reinforce Shields Broken!)
Swirling mists grind through your orthstirr-armor as the impact knocks the air from your lungs. Twin explosions ring out as both your layers of protective orthstirr and his mist bomb go off as one—ultimately counteracting each other in the process.
You're flung through the air, but manage to right yourself with a usage of Veto Motion. Hovering in the sky, you and Hooknails eye each other warily.
You've really wrecked this field. In only a scant few seconds of fighting, already trenches and craters litter the place like some child giant had wandered by with shovel and pail in hand.
As you battled, your Sundersight gathered information. Now, that information is available to you.
Hooknails favors his right foot over his left. It's so slight that only someone with Sundersight would notice it, but there it is nonetheless. Regardless of the reason, his left foot is ever so slightly weaker then his right. The difference is small, but from the smallest of chips come the largest of cracks.
He's upgraded his defenses quite substantially since last you fought. His belt allows him to tank forty death-dealing wounds, though each requires their own individual coloring to work. Give him time and he'll set to doing just that.
Hooknails is fighting you at 100% effort. He's not holding back at all. He's liberal with his orthstirr and deadly with his intent, but that's nothing you weren't already aware of. His next step will likely be to rob you of your movement advantage—likely by taking to the air himself.
You expect that you'll be seeing a lot of that mist ball move in the coming clashes. He's more cautious of your moves and is relying more on dodges then proper blocks. You suspect that he's learned a lot about the different kinds of defenses since last you met.
He's going to try to keep you on the back foot as best he can. He'll likely be doing this via spears at a distance and mist balls buoyed by Contested Movement in close.
Endurance: (15/15) | Frenzy: (6/6) (+6 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (42/42) (+9 to Defense)
Orthstirr: (461/944) | Odr: (88)
(X) Frami: 315 | ( ) Virthing: 315 | ( ) Saemd: 314
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Emberguard has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting + Runes are granting you (+2 to Damage, and +5 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 129d6 and you have 12d6 Stoked Dice
What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
AN: Boy oh boy, this was a wild one to write. I strained my neck a little bit from how hard I was nodding along to the story, lmao.
[X] Plan Sparkbomb Minefield
-[X] 129d6 Attack (129d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense (0d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr) and Slowing Slog for DR 9 (-81 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) as combat begins. Continue using Sundersight to get a read on him.
-[X] Take to the air with Ember-Wing Cloak (No cost) immediately, switching to using Emberwind to fuel it as necessary and using Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) if we must to allow greater precision. All subsequent attacks and defenses have +1d6 from the Skyfire Kenning. Use this mobility to stay right on him as he too takes to the air.
-[X] Once he is in the air use Sailwind, adding Odr for effect (-7 Orthstirr, -1 Odr) to move things around and make the situation confusing and push him in the direction of floating Sparkbombs.
-[X] Toss Sagaseeker into the air with instructions to use up to four 40d6+6 Sharpenedx19 Forceful Levers (-24 Orthstirr each) to force Hooknails into floating Sparkbombs, preferably from angles he is not watching, while he is paying attention to us, and draw our sword (adding blood to its runes).
-[X] Start off with an 86d6+6 Orthstirr-Enhancedx23 Devouring Blaze using 3 Stoked Dice and Puncture (-40 Orthstirr, -3 Stoked Dice). Then once he is in the air attack with a Stoked Engage for nine 4d6+6 Sharpened Fire-Charged Basic Attacks (-13 Orthstirr and -9 Stoked Dice to start, -2 Orthstirr and +3 Stoked Dice per attack, +3 Speed) simultaneously with up to three 34d6+6 Orthstirr-Enhancedx10 3Fold Sparkbombs w/Puncture (-39 Orthstirr each) from our Fast.
-[X] At an opportune moment, when he is distracted use Fast Recall (-1 Orthstirr) to pull a Sparkbomb into his back or other blind spot. Aiming to hit him on his weak side (as revealed by Sundersight) if possible.
-[X] In response to his first melee-range attack on us use Contested Movement adding one use of Fight of Your Life (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice, 18d6+6) and counterattack with Scouring Cleanse using Puncture (-9 Orthstirr) to remove the color from the remaining links on his chain. If he uses Contested Movement in response, add our remaining use of Fight of Your Life to the roll (18d6+6).
-[X] In response to any uses of Contested Movement by Hooknails, use Contested Movement ourselves. If this is after Stoking Engage has been started add all our Stoked Dice to it (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice, 11d6+6+Stoked Pool) to counterattack with a Sharpened Fire-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr) if we need something other than our initial attack (which we usually shouldn't). If we have less than 6 Stoked Dice when doing this spend Odr to hit at least 17d6+6 on each of these. If we need to do this before Stoking Engage has been activated (which we hopefully do not), just spend the max of 5 Odr for a total of 16d6+6.
-[X] Use Kindle Spinners to disrupt any Folded ranged attacks (No cost)
-[X] If we are ever captured by something like Inertia-Arresting Throw and cannot disperse it with greater Standstill then stoke an Aspect to escape (we will try and do the same 'surprise him' plan as if we could disperse it when doing this if possible). Likewise, stoke an Aspect if we fall below 200 Orthstirr. If he uses Time Stands Still we will likewise stoke an Aspect to join him in that state. Preferentially stoke Saemd rather than Virthing. If both are spent and these events occur we will start using Calm Charges to re-stoke things.
-[X] By default use Sword Guard to defend against most attacks (other than fleinns). In response to anything not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or Trick Attacks with Puncture that gets through instead use quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices as necessary (-1 Shield).
-[X] Tactics – So, the plan here is to take out Hooknails Guards and Chain, then take to the air and do what seems to be hammering him with a bunch of relatively low die attacks, but is actually confusing him and setting him up to get shoved into a Sparkbomb he has already dodged. We use Sailwind and Sagaseeker's ability to shove him around to help with that, and use Fast Recall as the coup de grace if we can arrange it (though him dying earlier than that would obviously be great). Defensively, we're using our highly durable Sword Guard, Halting Vortexes, and Shields if needed, plus Slowing Slog. We are, after one Contested Movement to hit with Scouring Cleanse, saving our Contested Movement usages to counter his.
The ground shakes beneath your feet as you rocket into the sky. Crimson fog sprays from your eyes as you as turn your Sundersight onto your foe and weak points shine in your gaze. Eyes finding the bronze chain wrapped about Hooknails' waist, a wave of realization washes over you.
If you can rob the runes of their color, then it's just as good as if you'd struck him a dozen times! And wouldn't you know it, but you've got just the trick on hand!
Now then, how to deliver the trick in question? Your eyes narrow as you search for a path. As you do that, though, Hooknails is far from idle. Hook-tipped fingers flick your way as a spectral-spike-laden spear whistles free of his orbit.
The air screams as the spear's passage ravages the wind. Globs of black orthstirr falls away as it flies, leaving a trail of inky shadows in the waste of its wake. Your own crimson might surges as your sword guard races to meet it in battle. (Sharpened Spear Attack: 153+9=162 vs Sword Guard: 232, Defender Wins!)
Spearpoint meets sword edge as black and crimson clash. With blade shining with strength unmatched, your spectral sword bites deep of the spear's head. The air screeches as your sword advances, cleaving both wind and spear in two in a single swing.
However, as the twin halves of spectral spear fall away, not all is as it should be. Rather then collapse in a shower of fading orthstirr—like it should have—the spear instead decides to explode. A swarm of death-seeking spikes leap free of their spear home as they scream towards you.
Eyes snapping wide, you throw yourself into motion as the bloodthirsty spikes stay hot on your heels. If they had voices with which to speak, you imagine your ears would be filled with the crazed laughter of the hungry swarm. While your sword guard races after and cleaves dart after dart in half, you turn your attention once more to your foe.
Hooknails meets your crimson-soaked gaze as he stands upon a high-flying spear. You squint as, for the first time, you find your domain being challenged. This will not do! This can not be allowed to stand.
With a furious growl ripping free of your throat, you fling a palmful of flames his way. The wave of Devouring Flames spreads far and wide as it streaks across the sky—a spray of purposefully poorly-aimed Sparkbombs following in its wake. (Halting Vortex'd!)
Immediately after unleashing your flaming might, you're forced to turn and catch the approaching darts on a swirling vortex of stopping force. As impact-shattered spikes pound a steady staccato against your might, you turn your head to watch as the fire wave bears down on Hooknails—who looks as calm as can be. (Extinguished!)
A shockwave of invisible energy thunders out from his body. All across the field of battle, flames go out as the wave passes over. You're just outside of range once again, saving you from having to reignite your Ember-Winged Cloak. Unfortunately, you can't say the same for your Sparkbombs or Devouring Flames. All that's left of those is rising smoke trailing into the sky.
The small, wry smirk curling the corners of Hooknails' lips ignites the flames of hate in your heart. Gnashing your teeth, crimson flames burst from your eyes as your strength surges. Granting Sagaseeker a portion of your might, you release him to his own devices as you draw your sword, running your hand across the blade in the process.
Burning Caress eagerly laps up the blood as you wield it in both hands. With colored runes and trailing Sparkbombs, you lift it high above your head as you throw yourself into a lips-chapping advance. Blazing across the sky on wings of crimson fire, your limbs gain shocking speed as Hooknails comes into range and you swing with all your might. (Halla's Hamr+Boosts: 109+6=115 vs Hooknails' Hamr+Boosts: 112+9=121, Hooknails Wins!)
Time slows to a crawl as Hooknails uses his own Standstill. Meeting your eyes, he kicks off from his spear and flips over-head. You watch in slow motion as a ball of twisting mist swirls into life between his palms.
Forced to abandon the Stoking Engage, you veto your motion. In the space between heartbeats, you twist on the fractions-of-a-second-living surface of hardened air as you bring your sword up to counter.
Time slows once more to a crawl, this time by your will, as you watch Hooknails' approach. With eyes leaking crimson, you find your gaze drawn to the belt of bronze binding his armor to his body. This could be the only chance you get to deliver that trick of yours—but does the gain outweigh the cost?
Scouring Cleanse doesn't have the strength to force Hooknails—and his attack—away from you. If you go through with this, you'll have to withstand his attack. Can you do it? Can you, with all the strength at your disposal, survive his attack?
You've ended a lot of fights with one square blow. Who is to say that the same won't happen to you here? What makes this different? Why are you even considering this?!
...You know why. Because, if you don't put it all on the line, if you don't use every scrap of power, every trick up your sleeve, then the next time you'll see your children's faces is when you meet in death.
And that is something you know you can't withstand.
Finding your resolve, you grit your teeth and meet Hooknails' gaze with your own steel. He wants to hit you? Fine, then be your guest! Just don't come crying when you hit back! (Defense Declined! Bronze is Scoured! Damage First Phase: 15-13=2 Damage! Damage Second Phase: 15-4=11 Damage!)
Index and middle fingers extended, a spray of highly-pressurized water jets from your fingertips. The spray washes across the bronze surface as the force leaves it scratched and worn. With the color gone and the runes left unreadable, you rob the belt of both its present and potential power.
You pay for this victory, of course. All things have their price and this one is yours.
Still, as the swirling ball of densely-packed mist draws closer, you've got a couple tricks left up your sleeve. Burning Caress slips free of your grasp as your newly freed hand splays out. In that moment, two things happen at the same time.
The first is that, as Burning Caress starts to tumble towards the ground, you slip an invisible string of orthstirr around its hilt. With a subtle twitch of the wrist, you yank it up towards your hand.
Meanwhile, you muster your stilling strength as you force a defense. While you don't have enough shroud to make a proper Halting Vortex—not that it would do much to stop this attack—you can at least blunt it with a Slowing Slog.
As the mist ball rips through your mustered defense and loses strength in the process, your teeth clench so hard you fear they'd break. Forcing its way through Standstill, sparks fly as it meets Emberguard's rune protection. Metal screams as mist further forces its way through even that and sends broken links scattering against the ground.
But it's not over yet! Instead of stopping there, with blunted damage, the mist lengthens into a spearpoint! Strength resurging, the spear bursts forward through your rune-carved spark-defenses and directly into your armor!
You hit the ground hard enough to leave a foot-deep, Halla-shaped crater in the ground. Groaning, you stagger to your feet just in time to catch Burning Caress as it follows the strand of orthstirr to your hand.
That mist ball move of his is one good fucking trick, that's for damn well sure. How in all the worlds did he do that? And, now that you think about it, that first spiky spear of his did the same thing! That's the sort of thing you'd expect to see from a... Martial Style...
There's no time to think as your instincts scream alarm. Glancing up, you're met with a trio of Puncture-wrapped, spectral spears barreling down at you. (Sharpened Spear Attack: 126+9=135 vs Sword Guard: 222+6=228, Defender Wins!) (Shield Sacrifice x2!)
Your sword guard leaps into action without a moment's notice and cleaves a spear in two with a single blow. That still, however, leaves two spears free to attack! Teeth grinding, twin shields spring free from your soul as black orthstirr meets hide-bound wood.
Wood cracks as tricks shatter the shields only to be broken in turn. Bathed in a shower of splintering wood, you wave a weary hand and send forth a burst of magic-hungry fire. Devouring Flames cheerily gorge themselves on the black orthstirr as they rob Hooknails of those spears for a limited time, at least.
As your flames eat his spears, reality ever-so-slightly twists as the normally ironclad rules find themselves slipping—but only for a single instant.
"For fuck's sake," you swear under your breath as you turn your crimson-glowing gaze on the latest bullshit from Hooknails.
Standing atop his spear with one foot before the other, Hooknails stands with arms spread wide and a smug look on his face. Hundreds upon hundreds of mist arrows orbit around him as tendrils of black energy wriggle in an outline of his body. As all the arrows glimmer with Puncture's shine, you realize what he's used his frami for.
Hooknails points towards you as all the arrows burst into motion.
Scattered across the battlefield, buoyed by your Gale, are floating Sparkbombs. There's not quite as many of them as you'd hoped, on account of Hooknails using Extinguish, but there's still a considerable amount floating about.
As you were using Sundersight while he used Extinguish, you now know that he can only use it once in a short period of time (once per round). If you want to hit him with all the Sparkbombs at once, you'll have to bait it out first.
However, before you can do that, you'll have to survive the next few seconds. Hundreds upon hundreds of Puncture-coated mist arrows thunder towards you. It takes less then a glance to realize that they're all tracking, too. Not as tracking as the spear-spikes, but enough to be a real pain.
Hooknails is down his belt for the rest of the fight. It'll take some real time to repair the damage you did to it, not something you can do in the middle of a fight. He's also just spent his entire Frami on Puncturing all of the arrows.
He's planning on trying to end this here, with one big move. It's not a Finale, but it is a big move nonetheless.
Sagaseeker seems to have a plan, but he'll need three of your Stoking Dice to do it.
Endurance: (15/15) | Frenzy: (6/6) (+6 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (29/42) (+9 to Defense)
Orthstirr: (179/944) | Odr: (87)
(X) Frami: 315 | ( ) Virthing: 315 | ( ) Saemd: 314
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Emberguard has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting + Runes are granting you (+2 to Damage, and +5 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 129d6 and you have 21d6 Stoked Dice
What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
AN: So, you know how you were wondering what Hugr 10 does?
I am also not at all certain that I got the accounting right for this update, so please let me know if I miscounted anything (except the orthstirr, that's right).
[X] Plan Weathering The Storm
-[X] 129d6 Attack (129d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense (0d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Stoke Saemd (+314 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Mire Ward (-6 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice), Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr), and Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr) as combat begins. Continue using Sundersight to get a read on him.
-[X] Try and activate 2 layers of Reinforce Shield (-1 Orthstirr) and Explosive-Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) before we get hit with his big attack. This takes priority over everything but Mire Ward.
-[X] Give Sagaseeker 6 Stoked Dice immediately.
-[X] Use an arbitrary number of Stoking Engage (-13 Orthstirr, tripling its dice each time it is used) parries to defend against all ranged attacks headed into the Mire Ward, accumulating a barrel full of Stoked Dice.
-[X] After the use of Stoking Engage, drop Mire Ward if needed and throw a 1d6+6 Fire Poker w/Puncture plus all of our Stoked Dice except 30 (-14 Orthstirr)...if he tries to Contested Movement this add the 30 Stoked Dice to the Contested Movement check.
-[X] When given a moment, if he's still up after the Fire Poker, add another 60d6+6 Sword Guard with 2 Odr invested into it (-64 Orthstirr, -2 Odr).
-[X] Continue using Sailwind (-7 Orthstirr) to move things around and make the situation confusing and keep him unaware of the exact locations of the floating Sparkbombs.
-[X] Once the arrow-storm is over take to the air with Ember-Wing Cloak (No cost, +3 Stoked Dice) immediately, switching to using Emberwind to fuel it as necessary and using Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) if we must to allow greater precision. Add +1d6 to all attacks and defenses thereafter.
-[X] Start with another 74d6+6 Devouring Blaze w/Puncture (-17 Orthstirr), once we're in melee one way or another use up to six 40d6+6 Sharpenedx15 Heat-Enhanced Firebomb Strikes w/Puncture (-25 Orthstirr each), attempting to herd him towards Sparkbombs if he's inclined to dodge and to bait out his Extinguish.
-[X] At an opportune moment, if he lacks Extinguish and the opportunity presents itself, when he is distracted use Fast Recall (-1 Orthstirr) to pull as many Sparkbombs as we can into his back or other blind spot. Aiming in particular to hit him on his weak side (as revealed by Sundersight) if possible.
-[X] In response to any uses of Contested Movement by Hooknails, use Contested Movement ourselves. Add all our Stoked Dice to it (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice, 10d6+6+Stoked Pool) to counterattack with a Sharpened Fire-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr) if we need something other than our initial attack (which we usually shouldn't). If we have less than 7 Stoked Dice when doing this spend Odr to hit at least 17d6+6 on each of these.
-[X] If the Mire Ward/Stoking Engage plan isn't working, we will activate Time Stands Still (-1 Aspect, burning our final use of Fight Of Our Life, 27d6+6 on opposed roll), move out of the way of the remaining arrows, join Hooknails in the sky, hit him with an 11d6+6 3Fold Sparkbomb (-30 Orthstirr), and then grapple him from the other side of the arrows with a Double Leg Takedown (-6 Orthstirr) and will use him (or, in theory, his corpse) as a human shield against the arrows (we would use Stoked Dice on opposing any escape attempt before the arrows are done).
-[X] If we are ever captured by something like Inertia-Arresting Throw and cannot disperse it with greater Standstill then stoke an Aspect to escape (we will try and do the same 'surprise him' plan as if we could disperse it when doing this if possible). Likewise, stoke an Aspect if we fall below 200 Orthstirr. If he uses Time Stands Still we will likewise stoke an Aspect to join him in that state. If we are out of Aspects and these events occur we will start using Calm Charges to re-stoke things.
-[X] For attacks not covered by the Mire Ward defense, by default use the Sword Guards to defend against most attacks (other than fleinns). In response to anything not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or Trick Attacks with Puncture that gets through instead use up to one quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices as necessary (-1 Shield).
-[X] Tactics – The basic idea here is to layer Mire Ward's ability to casually parry ranged attacks with ERA's explosive countering of their likely explosive reaction to that and weather the storm, while using Stoked Engage to gather a truly ludicrous pool of power, then throw an arbitrarily powerful Fire Poker at him, hoping to at least bait out Extinguish. If he survives that, we then join him in the air. The idea from there is to hit him repeatedly and hopefully set him up to be tricked or physically forced into the remaining Sparkbombs.
A lesson eagerly taught but devilishly difficult to learn is that nothing in life is always true. No defense is unbeatable. No attack is irresistible. Flaws will always reveal themselves in time, such is a simple fact of existence.
Crimson light erupts in a surge of renewed vigor as you open your Sunderseeing Eyes once more. The truth of the matter is that everything has a weakness, it's just a matter of finding and exploiting the ever-loving shit out of it. And, well, you've got a certain talent for figuring such things out.
As a thousand arrows of hardened mist bring destruction, as death rears its ugly head once more, you merely suck down a deep breath and close your eyes. The hammer of your ear-filling heart drowns out Hooknails' sneering laughter with a frenzied drummer's breakneck beat. One outstretched palm faces the West as the other watches the East, your surging power keeping pace with your heart's tempo.
This won't be easy to pull off, that much, at least, is easy enough to tell at a glance. With a coat of Puncture on every arrow, you can't just stop the attack with a flick of the wrist as you would anything else. No, this will require finesse.
Fortunately, if there's one thing you are, it's able to adapt to the different needs of different situations.
Eyes snap wide alongside a shroud of slowing soul-strength. With a glare in a mirror-like gaze, you rebuff the assault with but a shred of willpower. Robbed of all but the most base speed, the gleaming arrowheads can't help but fall victim to your Burning Caress.
The sun reflects in your flashing blade as you parry each and every individual arrow. One after the other, hundreds upon hundreds of missiles fall before your ever-faster sword-arm. Blow after blow rains down around you as more and more arrows enter your zone of control, every swing you make adding more fuel to your heart's furnace. Though the onslaught grows ever-fiercer, your might rises to meet it.
With a dragon's roar rumbling free from your chest, Burning Caress cleaves the last arrow in two as you lock eyes with Hooknails.
"Well?" You can barely hear your own thoughts let alone spoken word from how hard your heart throbs in your chest, "Is that it? Is that all you've got?" Hooknails has no answer, not with his jaw slackened from a mixture of awe and horror as it is. You chuckle through clenched teeth and carry on without him, taking his silence for the admittance it is, "In that case," your eyes flash with crimson fury, "why don't I return the favor?!"
With both hands, you take hold of your heart's burning strength. Every drop of blood-pumping power writhes between your fingers as you pour it all out into a single attack. All the firepower in your body converges to a single point against your palm as you draw your arm back like a taut bowstring.
As the overhead sun reaches its zenith and your struggling heart finally gives out, your strength finds sure footing on solid ground. Arm snapping forward like a loosed arrow, unbidden words spring from your lips as you lay a fresh name upon this newborn Finale.
Thermic Reckoning!
Twin trails of warmth trickles down the sides of your neck as a constant spray of vision-protecting sparks fall from your eyes. From your enemy-facing palm erupts a house-tall jet of raw, unrefined and completely unregulated heat. There is no sound, for your ears no longer work—such is the sheer level of noise produced by the wall of flash-boiling air.
The beam of super-heated orthstirr streaks across the space in a span of a handful of heartbeats, leaving rippling rings of boiling shock waves in its wake. It isn't so much something you follow visually as it's something you feel, something you experience in the moment and only after its passing do you realize what happened.
Still, to his credit, despite the raw magnitude of the attack, Hooknails tries his best to defend himself. With less then a heartbeat before the beam reaches him, he crosses his arms before his slack-jawed face as he prepares to meet his forefathers.
The blast swallows him whole as it carries on into the now-darkened sky—the light of the beam dwarfing even that of the sun, if only for a scant few seconds. Punching a hole through a dozen stacked clouds, it streaks off into that black eternity, where it will travel on till infinity.
Falling to your hands and knees, your palms press against the ground-turned-melted glass as you retch. Once more reminded of why, exactly, hearts are necessary for life, you focus what strength remains towards restarting the beating of your heart.
But as you stagger upright, back onto shaky feet, your eyes widen at what sight lies before you.
Steam pours off his body as Hooknails, hurt but still very much alive, dangles from his spear by his one-remaining hand. From head to toe, the entire right half of his body is gone—reduced to boiling ashes by the fury of the Thermic Reckoning.
But he still lives and so the duel must continue.
Pointing a hand his way, your fingers clench tight into a white-knuckled, quivering fist. Dozens upon dozens of Sparkbombs rush in from each and every direction, all converging on where he hangs.
His sole remaining eye can't widen any further, though damn he tries. With desperation welling in the corner of his eye, he tries his best to direct the spear away from the blast—an attempt that will amount to nothing, not with Sagaseeker waiting in the wings.
Darting in with a few sparks of your heart's furnace in his grasp, Sagaseeker unleashes a wave of Devouring Flames upon the defenseless Hooknails.
With nothing keeping him up, he falls.
Hooknails falls directly into a gathering swarm of Sparkbombs.
As the smoke clears...
[ ] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)
[ ] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)
Smoke billows from a crater well over five times your height. It stretches from one end of the field to the other, utterly wrecking the usefulness of this space. One day, the residents will come and smooth it all out—or they won't. It doesn't matter what the future holds, not in this moment.
Because, as the smoke clears and your heart pounds, the duel isn't over.
Hooknails isn't dead!
Skeletal fingers peek over the lip of the crater as strands of muscle rapidly regrow before your eyes. Twin embers of rage burn in the black pits replacing Hooknails' eyes as what skin remains shifts and peels. Hauling himself up over the edge, he roars his hatred at the heavens.
His body bristles as every muscle tenses, not a single stitch to cover his modesty. His eyes stay fixed to you as death grins.
(Tactics: 12+6+3) 21 Successes
All at once, all the legends and stories of Berserks come rushing to the front, paining a picture at the forefront of your mind. This may be the hardest fight of your life—but that thought doesn't terrify. No, it excites.
It is near impossible to tell what he's going to do in response to any given stimuli, other then 'violence'. He is a menace to himself and the people around him as he turns his entire being into an engine of death-dealing destruction.
From a glance, you can tell that his natural healing rate has dramatically increased—perhaps as a result of shapeshifting, though that's uncertain. You get the feeling that if you want to kill him, you're going to have to do it in one shot, else he get back up and keep fighting.
He seems to have near complete mastery over his body, allowing him to shift and change as he pleases. This means that the benefits he gains from his shapeshifting will change depending on what action he's taking in any given moment.
Though the air itself boils around the impact site, he shows no visible discomfort from standing. You're not sure if that's a result of shapeshifting, a benefit of Berserkergang, or what, but he seems to have some manner of resistance to heat—likely how he survived the Sparkbomb rush.
Endurance: (14/15) | Frenzy: (6/6) (+6 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (29/42) (+9 to Defense)
Orthstirr: (163/944) | Odr: (87)
(X) Frami: 315 | ( ) Virthing: 315 | ( ) Saemd: 314
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Emberguard has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting + Runes are granting you (+2 to Damage, and +5 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 129d6 and you have 30d6 Stoked Dice
What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
AN: You've made your bed, now it's time to lay in it