Oh we are absolutely putting a Runestone of this fight in our Soulscape. This man was a major Fated encounter and he deserves that respect at least.
In our Soulscape?
A runestone at all seems excessive already (imho), but even in our Soulscape?
Is this fight really on a level of personal meaningfulness with Hallas love for Abjorn?
In our Soulscape?
A runestone at all seems excessive already (imho), but even in our Soulscape?
Is this fight really on a level of personal meaningfulness with Hallas love for Abjorn?
This is literally a fated battle that's narratively tied to Halla's growth? Like in a personal sense Halla's love for Abjorn is more important, but these Runestones are also about our Saga so why wouldn't we make one for something with this much weight?
I would like to point out that the only part of Hooknails we know is when we fought him, so the only things we could put on the Runestone is basically us beating him. Which probably isn't the most respectful way to send off an enemy.

Speaking of which... are we able to deal with Berserkang Hooknails? I wager his stats look like this:

Hamr 19/20 (14/15 shapeshifts)
Shroud 9 (i.e DR 9, ???, ???)
+Base Shapecrafting Shapeshifts (Probably another 4 to 6)
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Would agree that a soul runestone is not necessarily the best thing here. Halla's first kiss with Abjorn was personal to her, so commemorating it in her soul made sense. This is a duel which is happening in public, and I think her battle with Hooknails is fundamentally about Halla as she interacts with Fate and the big wide world of being a warrior. There's a lot of volcanic glass which is now conveniently scattered around the battlefield, so I'd suggest we use that, it will look cool. Runestone inscriptions are normally extremely brief so we don't need to put his whole life story or the name of his first pet on it or anything.

The other option is to offer the burial to his kinsmen so they can take it home, but per the agreement of our duel, they're all getting made into thralls, so... that's a bit tricky. Although we might be able to be magnanimous in victory and offer a general amnesty in return for solemn vows of peace and to bury feuds etc. etc.; I'm not sure if that would be up to us or Dorri.
I mean it seems like it would be up to Dorri, but also Hooknails doesn't have any of his family, friends or hird like right here. We would have to make a trip to Rogaland to deliver his remains.
I mean it seems like it would be up to Dorri, but also Hooknails doesn't have any of his family, friends or hird like right here. We would have to make a trip to Rogaland to deliver his remains.

Given he's from roughly the same area and part of the raiding party to begin with, I'd be willing to bet he has at least cousin's cousin here or something.

Nope these guys all came to our home to loot and burn it to the ground and then take anyone they could as thralls, I have zero sympathy for them.

Let's not argue about whether to enslave or manumit our chickens before they've hatched, fight's not over yet.
This is literally a fated battle that's narratively tied to Halla's growth? Like in a personal sense Halla's love for Abjorn is more important, but these Runestones are also about our Saga so why wouldn't we make one for something with this much weight?
"A fated battle narratively tied to Halla's growth" would be an argument to honour our success in the battle, not to honour him.

What about him?
He is a competent mercenary we fought (See Threadmark Dwarven realpolitik 6 and following)
We were fated to fight against him again.
Then we found him again when he was raiding our home valley.
And here is how Halla felt about Hooknails having taken her brother as hostage:
You take a deep breath and soothe your warrior's spirit. There will be time for violence, but that time is not yet at hand. No matter what, you have to keep your choler in check, else Hooknails slip free of this one. You have him by the balls here, losing yourself to your rage would only serve to his advantage.
And here is what Halla thinks about his goals and personality
A surging of orthstirr fuels your social tricks as you watch for any notable tells. His most important goal is to escape with his head intact, or at least cause as much pain as possible on the way out. He's a spiteful bastard, this Hooknails—which can only be expected from someone who can't pet animals. The lowest he's willing to go is to sacrifice the men he's brought along with him, you get the impression that none are his fellow hirdsmen.

And people are talking about honouring him with a Runestone. In. Hallas. Soulscape.
One (1) person suggested it, let's not tear our hair out.

All I think we should give the dude a proper burial or some kind of gravestone at the end of this, it's respectful and is what I would wish for us in similar circumstances. The details don't matter to me a huge deal beyond that. Also avoids Hooknails coming back as a Draugr, which admittedly would be kind of a fun optional boss fight, but I suspect we can do without.

But also, whilst I know I'm the one who brought it up, it does feel a bit like tempting fate to argue about his burial arrangements when we're still expecting to fight him again.
One (1) person suggested it, let's not tear our hair out.

All I think we should give the dude a proper burial or some kind of gravestone at the end of this, it's respectful and is what I would wish for us in similar circumstances. The details don't matter to me a huge deal beyond that. Also avoids Hooknails coming back as a Draugr, which admittedly would be kind of a fun optional boss fight, but I suspect we can do without.

But also, whilst I know I'm the one who brought it up, it does feel a bit like tempting fate to argue about his burial arrangements when we're still expecting to fight him again.
Well.. fighting Hooknails again..

1) We lose the follow-up battle, then we as our children goes to fight Hooknails as their Final Boss. Hooknails would be way stronger so.... yeah.
2) Meet Hooknails in Valhalla or Folkvangr or something, then have a second (third?) duel there. We'd probably lose since he would have Odr and all.

I do personally think that we should be discussing how we would beat Hooknails in Berserkergang lol. I mean Berserkergang is feared for good reason.
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Yes, but do we have any good plans for dealing with an ultra jacked up Hooknails? Can we deal with overwhelming brute force and sheer 'I just have more numbers and Shapeshifts'?
Ord boost EWC (odr gives it moar speed), run like hell, and charge up FTB long enough to vaporise the remaining half of his body. Maybe TSS to panic-dodge and maybe dump fast-sparkbombs into him. Thats what I believe is the vague plan anyway
Yes, but do we have any good plans for dealing with an ultra jacked up Hooknails? Can we deal with overwhelming brute force and sheer 'I just have more numbers and Shapeshifts'?
I mean, it greatly depends if his Hugareida can work, and to what capacity. it will affect our ability to maintain range, and whether we need a way to go through contested movement
I suspect he will maintain full use of Hugareidas and tricks. He just can't do long term planning or cunning tricks as opposed to hitting us as hard as possible and defending as best as possible. Berserkergang trades smarts for strength, you're not going to become weaker from proccing Berserkergang. Stupider? Yes. But that might not matter with enough power.
I suspect he will maintain full use of Hugareidas and tricks. He just can't do long term planning or cunning tricks as opposed to hitting us as hard as possible and defending as best as possible. Berserkergang trades smarts for strength, you're not going to become weaker from proccing Berserkergang. Stupider? Yes. But that might not matter with enough power.
we don't know. he is sacrificing his Hugr, which powers Hugareida. but if he does keep full use of Hugareida we need to find a way through contested movement against someone with 20 Hamr. whose single blow can likely deal massive damage
we don't know. he is sacrificing his Hugr, which powers Hugareida. but if he does keep full use of Hugareida we need to find a way through contested movement against someone with 20 Hamr. whose single blow can likely deal massive damage
I mean if he doesn't have Hugareida the fight is basically 'we fly and bomb Hooknails until he's dead since he needs Hugareida to fly or even make attacks'. So I doubt it. We should assume that the only thing he is losing is 'ability to plan ahead'.
I suspect that he will have enough DR that Sparkbombs will not do enough damage. Or damage at all, for that matter.