Inattentive Idiot
"Ooh, I know this one! You shape a tiny figure out of clay and then your God breathes life into it. Jerasmus told me that story."You shuffle on the spot as an embarrassed warmth springs to your cheeks. "W-well, Jerasmus is a Christian and he's, you know, not married, right?"
"How did you think more Christians were made?"
Alternatively: "Gabriel, you know I am old enough to know that can happen without a marriage."
"Oh really? Tell us her name, and I'll see if we can pick her up when we go raiding in a few months. We can't have you be kept away from your love!""Good for," he coughs, wheezing as you help him up, "you!" He stands with hands on knees as he gulps down lungful after lungful of sweet, lifegiving air. "I, uh, I actually had a betrothed... back in Wessex."
Presumeably this is also why Loki gave birth to a horse after having shapeshifted into one.It's both, actually.
If the dice gods were to bestow a child on you next update, then that child will not receive Bloody Basics even if you got it the turn after. Genetics are decided at the moment of conception.