You shuffle on the spot as an embarrassed warmth springs to your cheeks. "W-well, Jerasmus is a Christian and he's, you know, not married, right?"

"How did you think more Christians were made?"
"Ooh, I know this one! You shape a tiny figure out of clay and then your God breathes life into it. Jerasmus told me that story."

Alternatively: "Gabriel, you know I am old enough to know that can happen without a marriage."

"Good for," he coughs, wheezing as you help him up, "you!" He stands with hands on knees as he gulps down lungful after lungful of sweet, lifegiving air. "I, uh, I actually had a betrothed... back in Wessex."
"Oh really? Tell us her name, and I'll see if we can pick her up when we go raiding in a few months. We can't have you be kept away from your love!"

It's both, actually.

If the dice gods were to bestow a child on you next update, then that child will not receive Bloody Basics even if you got it the turn after. Genetics are decided at the moment of conception.
Presumeably this is also why Loki gave birth to a horse after having shapeshifted into one.
Current Wedding Reward Die Count:

Hugr (Silver Tongue): 1 (Constenanto)
Hamingja Roll #1: 2 (DeadmanwalkingXI, Alectai)
Hamr (Overland): 0
Raw Hamr: 0
Hamingja Roll #2: 2 (Slickji, Exmorri)

That raw Hamr roll is the one for if we get pregnant, which I'd assume we could spend a reward die on helping to avoid, if people care.

I believe jy3 and Kreenwarrior are the two people who still have Reward Dice they could use here if they want and have thus far not decided to do so.
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I thought adding a dice to the Hamr roll would make the chance of Halla becoming pregnant more likely, not less.

I'd personally bet on a high roll preventing pregnancy right now, but it could go either way depending on the interpretation of how being a cultivator in this specific cultivation system works. I will say that in some universes cultivators having issues conceiving as they get more powerful is a common trope, and Hamr is the measure of Halla's physical power, additionally, I'd imagine control of one's own fertility is within the scope of shapeshifting, and I don't think Halla wants to get pregnant right now...she doesn't have shapeshifting yet, but using Hamr to put off pregnancy seems pretty reasonable if thought about as a precursor to that.

However, as a reward, I would presume that either way you can say you want your Reward Die to be used to prevent pregnancy and it would be. Like, we don't usually want to add failures to things, but I bet doing so is a valid use of a reward die to prevent a specific outcome like pregnancy if high successes do result in that.
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... You know that by writing this, you've just ensured that the dice will inevitably decide we don't go on the raid, right?

I As QM, I'm pretty sure 'stopping us from going' can be avoided pretty easily. Pregnancy certainly doesn't stop it given the timing of the raiding season.

Hey, at least we might get a weird situation like the first shot not only succeding but giving us twins/triplets.

Personally, the more I think about it the less getting pregnant now seems like a huge problem or like it'd stop us going on this raid. It sucks a bit for the kid because they won't get Bloody Basics, but for Halla? She'd go on the raid before it became an issue (plausibly before she's even aware she's pregnant), and we need to scout out Horra before we do anything about him anyway, which we can do with our fylgja after loaning it some defensive stuff even while pregnant (or immediately after giving birth)...and doing that is our Visit action for the winter, so Summer next year is the soonest we go kill him, and even that is probably earlier than we're likely to do so. We probably want to stay home from raiding for a few years then, but we want to do that to deal with Horra anyway, I think, and all that is after the current upcoming raid anyway.
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not unless Abjorn comes in clutch and has it, and we know he does have boons he passes on, definately giant'a blood but maybe more! He is slgihtly older and was trained as warrior from a younger age after all.

True, but I think Bloody Basics is specific to our mystical bond with Hallr rather than something the child of most warriors get. I'm sure Abjorn has some good combat boons to pass on, but I suspect that one isn't among them. Like, he probably does have both Reinforce and Hone, but I don't think he automatically passes them on any more than Steinarr (who likewise probably has both) automatically passed them on to us.
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I mean, the real prize is probably reinforce, which typically requires a mastered trick before learning, but Hone by itself doesn't take that long to get, especially when compared to the benefits something like giant blooded could get us, and we can hone defenses IIRC, which could tide our next character over until they can learn reinforce themselves.
I mean, the real prize is probably reinforce, which typically requires a mastered trick before learning, but Hone by itself doesn't take that long to get, especially when compared to the benefits something like giant blooded could get us, and we can hone defenses IIRC, which could tide our next character over until they can learn reinforce themselves.
imagine they get snake tongued and giants blood and its just power leveling

edit:im aware neither are guanreenteed to pass one but they i knwo they both can be, and with 2 bonus dice to number of kids we have many chances.
While I was reviewing the research for the wedding, I counted the number of individual fertility blessings…

Of which there are eight.

My fear for Halla grows with every passing moment.
I mean, the real prize is probably reinforce, which typically requires a mastered trick before learning, but Hone by itself doesn't take that long to get, especially when compared to the benefits something like giant blooded could get us, and we can hone defenses IIRC, which could tide our next character over until they can learn reinforce themselves.

I don't think Reinforce always requires a Mastered trick to acquire universally, or that Hone is always easily acquired. Reinforce and Hone are, as I understand it, equivalently rare and difficult to acquire...Hallr was able to supercharge our gaining of Hone but not Reinforce, is all, and acquiring them is a mark of being a serious warrior (our QM referred to Hone as the dividing line between farmers who fight and real warriors, and as something people are not taught but left to figure out on their own...I believe Reinforce is similar).
While I was reviewing the research for the wedding, I counted the number of individual fertility blessings…

Of which there are eight.

My fear for Halla grows with every passing moment.
I looked at the first result on google and it probably leaves out information and it mentions at least 3 gods of fertility and 1 fertility blessing :o This is scary but it wont be too bad i think because we have enough stuff we want train right now that we would probably have at least 1 child before we got done with them all anyways.
Eight blessings and the unity of Halla and Abjorn makes 9.
Triplets. Triplets. Triplets.
Twins! for duality! I've accepted that we probably would finally finish training everything we want to train right at this moment by age 20. i cannot see us going 4 years with no baby, so it will interrupt our plans eventually so its okay.
One of the rituals, by the way, was done every day for 4 full weeks.

…I don't think you're getting out of this one baby-free.

Let's hope you don't get twins or triplets as you've only got so much hamingja to spend.
I feel like i am trolling myself and by making a plan around Halla getting pregnant, Halla will not get pregnant and my plan gets derailed
Honestly why are we shocked that they have so many fertility rituals when most of the population die young? If anything wouldn't they want to garuntee that they get pregnant at least in this system.

Like people being in their 30s were described as badasses according to the Norseman info.
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