Right, we've got 2 guys at 10, but that's... Probably survivable with the gear they've got.

One more reward die each puts them in the "Probably Okay" bracket at least. But the desperate part is probably fine now.
Yeah, 10 is probably okay, maybe not doing great, but likely not dying or losing.

Trausti's eating real good though.
The bad rolls or how the Fight is going?
Seeing your panic brings a smile to my face ;P <3

Total results at the moment:

Sten: 12
Abjorn: 14 (after 1 Reward Die from alexthealright)
Vagn: 10 (after 2 Reward Dice from Alectai)
Tryggr: 14 (after 2 Reward Dice from Skippy)
Trausti: 22
Stigmar: 10 (after 1 Reward Die each from Alectai, DeadmanwalkingXI, and Skippy)
Kurt: 15
Anyways, I'm cutting off dice expenditure on this one

For the record, this is the tentative scale I'm working with:
1: Utter Failure | 2–3: Very Bad | 4–6: Bad | 7–10: Negative | 11–14: Positive | 15–17: Good | 18–19: Very Good | 20+: Great Success

I'm planning on messing around with exact values and the like as we playtest it. If someone rolls a nat 1, then something bad happens to them no matter what (though modifiers and reward dice spent reduces the magnitude). Likewise with a nat 20
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For the record, this is the tentative scale I'm working with:
1: Utter Failure | 2–3: Very Bad | 4–6: Bad | 7–10: Negative | 11–14: Positive | 15–17: Good | 18–19: Very Good | 20+: Great Success

Well, apparently today was Trausti's day.

We should try to keep everyone at least at 13 to be safe. And if we can we should try to push them higher.

Let's be nice to our retainers, especialy Stigmar. Poor bastard never gets a break.
Well, apparently today was Trausti's day.

We should try to keep everyone at least at 13 to be safe. And if we can we should try to push them higher.

Let's be nice to our retainers, especialy Stigmar. Poor bastard never gets a break.

Unfortunately, IF just closed the option, so we're stuck with what we have. Vagn and Stigmar are having issues. Stigmar, at least, we may be able to help since he's right next to us.
Let's hope we can help Stigmar.

I am also curious of what the Hel Trausti has done with a roll so high.


A Giant's Blooded Axeman with an Ice Hugareida and armored like a tank at the forefront of a shield wall crash in suboptimal terrain? It sounds like all his namedays have come at once!
Even if we had the option, I think investing more dice at this point would be a mistake. We've gotten them out of "sudden death" territory, and wounds are hopefully healable.

This is not the only battle we're going to have to fight here, and the next one will quite possibly be worse if the enemy veterans manage to link up with one or both of their foraging parties, or Logi ends up getting into trouble. There's still a lot of scope for bad things to happen.

If anything I'm a little bit worried that we no longer have the reserve of dice to avert a catastrophe if one or more of our friends run into trouble. But maybe we can do a bit of a poetry slam based on our experiences in this battle to try and accrue some more Reward Dice before the next battle.
Turns out I forgot about the dice I got at the start of the month, so I've got another set of three in a pinch.
If anything I'm a little bit worried that we no longer have the reserve of dice to avert a catastrophe if one or more of our friends run into trouble. But maybe we can do a bit of a poetry slam based on our experiences in this battle to try and accrue some more Reward Dice before the next battle.

There are also still several people with a lot of Reward Dice who just weren't here for this due to short duration of the time to use them.
Summer 10/Revenge Raid 5
[X] Plan Getting The Spearman Out Of The Way
-[X] 93d6 Attack (93d6 tricks)
-[X] 36d6 Defense (36d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr) and Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), as combat begins.

-[X] Start with a 4d6 Devouring Blaze (-8 Orthstirr, -3 Stoker State Dice) targeted at both of them, then fake a move towards the axeman and use a 45d6+6 (w/Hugareida) Inertia-Arresting Throw w/Puncture added (-15 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice) to trap the spearman's weapon, and then use the opening that provides to make a total of up to three 39d6+6 (w/Hugareida) Sharpenedx11 Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike attacks w/Puncture (-21 Orthstirr and +3 Stoker State dice each) at the axeman, if Guards are displayed at any point, take a break in our routine to again throw a 4d6 Devouring Blaze (-8 Orthstirr, -3 Stoker State Dice) to remove them before continuing.
-[X] Against single melee attacks use Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice, 10d6+6 on the roll) and counterattack with a Sharpened Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice), prioritizing those used by the axe-wielder if we receive simultaneous attacks.
-[X] Against ranged attacks or if we need to defend against two attacks at once and can only use Contested Movement on one of them use our 40d6+15 Atgeir Bodyguard to defend against all attacks except fleinns. If dealing with ranged attacks, in response to anything not a fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through Atgeir Bodyguard use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or something with Puncture that gets through instead use up to three quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-1 Shield) and/or two 40d6+15 Reinforcedx22 Hefty-Halter Chop defenses (-25 Orthstirr each) as seems appropriate to the specific attack.
-[X] Tactics – Throw a Devouring Blaze then immediately move as if to attack the axe guy with a Firebomb Strike, when the spear guy moves to intercept use an IAT instead to stop him and trap his weapon and then continue with our assault on the axe guy while the spearman's ability to intervene remains out of commission until the axe guy falls, using Contested Movement counterattacks against both as needed.

As you eye your opponents and they eye you in turn, the battlefield is far from silent. A bolt of familiar blue lightning darts through the air as it strikes against the other spearhead. All the fires to your right go out at once, just avoiding you by inches. To your left, someone throws a boulder into the fray and sends friend and foe alike scattering away as it plummets back to earth.

Just as the rock strikes the ground, you make your move.

Thrusting your hand forward, a wave of magic-starved flames washes out across the space. Hungry tongues lash to and fro as they crash out over the pair of attackers—to little avail. With no magic to devour, the flames quickly die an ignoble death.

It does, however, cause both men to flinch and cede you the advantage—not that that was ever in any doubt. Darting forwards with Sagaseeker held high, you keep your face schooled as you bring him down on axe man's head.
(Intercept Allowed)
You can't keep the grin off your face as spear guy moves to catch your blow. Sparks fall as spear and better-spear clash above axe man's helmeted head. You pull back as your hand slips free of Sagaseeker's shaft. Waving it about, you take hold of your Standstill shroud and bring it up to bear on the spear locked with Sagaseeker.
Just as you're about to throw, a scream rips out from your left as Stigmar stumbles into you. Knocked off course, the Standstill throw goes flying high over the heads of battling men.

Slipping free of the clash, your ire spikes as you round on Stigmar, fully intent on giving him a piece of your mind. As you do, though, you lay eyes on splintered shield and pulped wrist—and on the man who did that to your friend.

A giant, red-bearded, mountain of a man lays a hand on his hairy and far-too-naked belly while laughing merrily at the arm-cradling Stigmar. He stands a full head and shoulders over all save the other Giant's-Blooded in the fight. He rests a tree trunk-thick forearm on his broad-bladed, horse-height axe as he seemingly ignores the rest of the battle—the other fighters perfectly content to leave him room to swing his axe in.

Somehow, you know this man to be an enemy champion. Any further thoughts leave your mind as a flicker of movement draws your gaze. Shining iron streaks for your head as axe man makes his move.
(Halla's Hamr: 37+6=43 vs Axe Man's Hamr: 25, Halla Wins! Shield Sacrificed!)
Time slows to a crawl as you hook a foot under Stigmar's shoulder, swing him towards the rear, and drive a fire-assisted blow against axe man's shield, throwing him back and reducing it to splinters in the process—all in one, smooth, continuous motion.

But even though you defended yourself against axe man's attack, you're not fighting just one person. No, you're fighting two at once.
(Reinforce Layers Break! ERA Breaks the Spear!)
As axe man stumbles back, spear guy thrusts forward. Having exposed yourself to strike back at axe man, there's little you can do as a shining spearhead coated in green power strips the last few layers of orthstirr armor from your body.

A burst of flame erupts from your body and, though it can't reach spear guy, it does reach his spear. The shaft shatters from the force of the explosion, the spearhead sent flying back into the river.

(Round Break!)
(Tactics: 4+6+1) 11 Successes

With Stigmar's sudden wounding, you are left more then a little rattled. As such, you struggle to pay attention as closely as you perhaps otherwise should.

The battle as a whole is starting to turn against the men of the Hading, you feel.

Spear guy is down to his sax and is currently looking for some other weapon to use. Axe man is preparing to send a powerful blow your way.

You feel eyes on you as the enemy champion scowls at your interference. You struggle to tell what he's going to do next.

In short, things aren't great.

Endurance: (15/15) | Frenzy: (6/6) (+6 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (42/42) (+9 to Defense)
Orthstirr: (741/944) | Odr: (108)
( ) Frami: 315 | ( ) Virthing: 315 | ( ) Saemd: 314
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Emberguard has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting + Runes are granting you (+2 to Damage, and +5 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 129d6 and you have 33d6 Stoked Dice

What do you want to do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: So, turns out that fighting two people at once is really difficult. Attacking leaves you exposed, which doesn't matter overmuch when you're fighting someone one-on-one. Whole different ballpark when it comes to 2+v1s, though—especially when you lack a shield to cover yourself with.

25-minute moratorium.
AN: So, turns out that fighting two people at once is really difficult. Attacking leaves you exposed, which doesn't matter overmuch when you're fighting someone one-on-one. Whole different ballpark when it comes to 2+v1s, though—especially when you lack a shield to cover yourself with.

This is one of the things Atgeir Bodyguard was specifically assigned to do, though? Like, to quote the plan:

or if we need to defend against two attacks at once and can only use Contested Movement on one of them use our 40d6+15 Atgeir Bodyguard to defend

Does that not work? That seems like it should work.