Time Stands Still is a bit of an overreaction here I think?

...I can't believe I, who am usually the one advocating for us to use our shiniest toys at every opportunity, am the one saying this.

Also keep in mind our healing spell is basically just pushing Orthstirr into a wound to get innate Norse healing to do the trick - it's very quick.

A Contested Movement is very quick as well, so I think we can help Stigmar, kill or incapacitate Axe Guy when he throws his attack, and then immediately focus all our attention on the Champion. Spear Guy is explicitly backing off while looking for a weapon, which gives us more than enough time for us to do this and for Stigmar to occupy his attention.

It's a 3v1, and no, Stigmar is not actually here anymore, because Halla threw him to the backlines to recover.

a 3v1, generally, is "Lol get fucked" unless the 1 is a Steinarr tier gigachad and the attackers are normal fighters. TSS is absolutely not an unreasonable escalation.
But no, commit to the bit, 6 Odr is not a gigantic expense given our current income and reserves. Just do it properly and leave nothing to chance, because chance makes fools of everyone.

How is 'we will use another attack, which we get anyway, to finish him off' leaving something to chance? His death is equally inevitable either way. This is spending Odr to achieve precisely nothing.
How is 'we will use another attack, which we get anyway, to finish him off' leaving something to chance? His death is equally inevitable either way. This is spending Odr to achieve precisely nothing.

Because we still need those attacks to deal with the other two guys, we ideally want to end this round with the freedom to tilt the scales somewhere else, because apparently We Are Losing.

Now, how we're losing when these dudes were supposed to not be the best fighters is curious, since Dorri is supposed to be a badass and so is his Hird, but apparently they're not enough.
Remember that we have 103 Odr right now we have power to burn

Time Stands Still is a bit of an overreaction here I think?

...I can't believe I, who am usually the one advocating for us to use our shiniest toys at every opportunity, am the one saying this.

Also keep in mind our healing spell is basically just pushing Orthstirr into a wound to get innate Norse healing to do the trick - it's very quick.

A Contested Movement is very quick as well, so I think we can help Stigmar, kill or incapacitate Axe Guy when he throws his attack, and then immediately focus all our attention on the Champion. Spear Guy is explicitly backing off while looking for a weapon, which gives us more than enough time for us to do this and for Stigmar to occupy his attention.

1: This is going to devolve into a three on one fight and I don't want to damage our armor

2: The Battle already isn't going well for our side, that might change if we kill a champion and two mooks in one instant
One aspect to delete an enemy champion does seem more efficient than having to spend Orthstirr to defend against his presumably very scary attacks. Also imagine the Orthstirr gain. Steinarr did say that the point of being efficient was to have gas in the tank for high value targets.
Perhaps to others, but Stigmar would be cool with it

Is he actually able to help out now, or did we throw him into the back ranks as Alectai just said? Apologies, I'm a little unclear.

a 3v1, generally, is "Lol get fucked" unless the 1 is a Steinarr tier gigachad and the attackers are normal fighters. TSS is absolutely not an unreasonable escalation.
1: This is going to devolve into a three on one fight and I don't want to damage our armor

To be clear, I'm not intending this to be a 3 V 1, because:
(a) We are going to immediately kill Axe Man with Contested Movement when he attacks us, he is very obviously winding up to do that right now.
(b) Spear Guy is explicitly not attacking and looking for a weapon, and we can get Stigmar to take care of him (assuming this is possible)

If Stigmar can't help versus Spear Guy then I'll admit this is a bit trickier, although I think we can still pull it off - it might end up costing more orthstirr over a few rounds of fighting two on one than just burning the Aspect for TSS would do, though.
Is he actually able to help out now, or did we throw him into the back ranks as Alectai just said? Apologies, I'm a little unclear.

To be clear, I'm not intending this to be a 3 V 1, because:
(a) We are going to immediately kill Axe Man with Contested Movement when he attacks us, he is very obviously winding up to do that right now.
(b) Spear Guy is explicitly not attacking and looking for a weapon, and we can get Stigmar to take care of him (assuming this is possible)

If Stigmar can't help versus Spear Guy then I'll admit this is a bit trickier, although I think we can still pull it off - it might end up costing more orthstirr over a few rounds of fighting two on one than just burning the Aspect for TSS would do, though.
That might be a solid plan if the champion wasn't right there begging for a time stop
[X] Plan Time Stands Still
-[X] 60d6 Attack (60d6 tricks)
-[X] 69d6 Defense (69d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr) and Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), as combat begins if they are not already active.
-[X] Activate Time Stands Still burning Samed (-1 Aspect, +3 Stoked Dice).Use Threadcutter adding Sharpen and Lighting-Charged to all nine 3d6+6 Basic Attacks (-39 Orthstirr, -9 Stoking Dice, +18 Stoking Dice to final attack only) followed up with a 39d6+6 Sharpened Lightning-Charged Stoking Strike w/Puncture adding 6 Odr to damage (-14 Orthstirr, -6 Odr, -36 Stoking Dice including the 18 from Threadcutter, Total Damage 24) on the Champion if he's still alive, and then use one Fast-Stored Orthstirr-Enhancedx10 12d6+6 3Fold Sparkbombs w/Puncture (-39Orthstirr) on the Champion if he lives and the spearman and axe guy if he doesn't (and a third target if they both go down to the first two), and then one Fast-Stored Orthstirr-Enhancedx20 55d6+6 4Fold Kindle Spinner w/Puncture (-38 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) on the spear and axe guy if they live and assorted other enemies if those two are both dead (aiming to hit and kill as many as possible without hitting our own people). Make sure that it is the last two Kindle Spinner attacks that go off after TSS wears off (Threadcutter, the 3Fold Sparkbomb and the first two Kindle Spinners should be what goes off while time is stopped).
-[X] If anyone is still standing nearby throw a 45d6+6 (w/Hugareida) Sharpenedx10 Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike attack w/Puncture (-20 Orthstirr and +3 Stoker State dice each) at them
-[X] Against single melee attacks use Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice, 10d6+6 on the roll) and counterattack with a Sharpened Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice), prioritizing those used by the axe-wielder if we receive simultaneous attacks. If the attack is from the champion add one use of Fight of Our Life on the Hamr roll.
-[X] Against ranged attacks or if we need to defend against two attacks at once and can only use Contested Movement on one of them use our 40d6+15 Atgeir Bodyguard to defend against all attacks except fleinns. If dealing with ranged attacks, in response to anything not a fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through Atgeir Bodyguard use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or something with Puncture that gets through instead use up to three quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-1 Shield) and/or one 81d6+15 Reinforcedx12 Hefty-Halter Chop defenses (-15 Orthstirr) as seems appropriate to the specific attack.
-[X] Tactics – So, we challenge the Champion and activate Time Stands Still and kill everyone we're fighting (prioritizing Threadcutter on the Champion), and hopefully a fair number of other people as well. The rest is just contingencies.

Okay, here's the TSS plan with some Odr expenditure. I'll up it to 6 if people really want, but 21 damage seems sufficient.

EDIT: Edited to replace one 3Fold Sparkbomb with the 4Fold Kindle Spinner so the attacks that go off after the TSS wears off still hit people. Added challenging the champion.
EDIT2: Added some clarification that the Kindle Spinners shouldn't target the Champion...if he's survived Threadcutter and 3 Sparkbombs, they won't help against him and we want the other two dead in that case.
EDIT3: Switching to 6 Odr due to the Kindle spinner switch.
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[X] Plan Time Stands Still
-[X] 61d6 Attack (61d6 tricks)
-[X] 68d6 Defense (68d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr) and Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), as combat begins.
-[X] Activate Time Stands Still burning Samed (-1 Aspect). Use Threadcutter adding Sharpen and Lighting-Charged to all nine 3d6+6 Basic Attacks (-39 Orthstirr, -9 Stoking Dice, +18 Stoking Dice to final attack only) followed up with a 39d6+6 Sharpened Lightning-Charged Stoking Strike adding 3 Odr (-5 Orthstirr, -36 Stoking Dice including the 18 from Threadcutter, Total Damage 21) on the Champion, and then use up to two Fast-Stored 8d6+6 3Fold Sparkbombs (-30 Orthstirr each, +6 Stoked Dice) on the Champion if he lives and the spearman and axe guy if he doesn't, and assorted other enemies once those two are dead.
-[X] If anyone is still standing 45d6+6 (w/Hugareida) Sharpenedx5 Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike attacks w/Puncture (-15 Orthstirr and +3 Stoker State dice each) at them
-[X] Against single melee attacks use Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice, 10d6+6 on the roll) and counterattack with a Sharpened Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice), prioritizing those used by the axe-wielder if we receive simultaneous attacks. If the attack is from the champion add one use of Fight of Our Life on the Hamr roll.
-[X] Against ranged attacks or if we need to defend against two attacks at once and can only use Contested Movement on one of them use our 40d6+15 Atgeir Bodyguard to defend against all attacks except fleinns. If dealing with ranged attacks, in response to anything not a fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through Atgeir Bodyguard use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or something with Puncture that gets through instead use up to three quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-1 Shield) and/or one 80d6+15 Reinforcedx12 Hefty-Halter Chop defenses (-15 Orthstirr) as seems appropriate to the specific attack.
-[X] Tactics – So, we activate Time Stands Still and kill everyone we're fighting (prioritizing Threadcutter on the Champion), and maybe some other people as well. The rest is just contingencies.

[X] Plan Time Stands Still

Just have the plan or it'll mess up voting (plus we usually make edits)
[X] Plan Time Stands Still

I'll accept that. 21 damage should be good enough.

How do you get 21 damage from that though? Stoking Strike deals 10 with that amount of Stoked Dice, then +2 from Strength, +2 from Sharpen, +1 from Lightning Charge, then +3 from Odr, how do you get 21 from that when that adds up to 18?

EDIT: Also, the Threadcutter only generates 9 Stoked Dice for the final attack, it would need to be Mastered to generate 18, (And at Perfected, it generates 27)
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I'll accept that. 21 damage should be good enough.

How do you get 21 damage from that though? Stoking Strike deals 10 with that amount of Stoked Dice, then +2 from Strength, +2 from Sharpen, +1 from Lightning Charge, then +3 from Odr, how do you get 21 from that when that adds up to 18?

12 from Stoked Dice, since I'm assigning 36, which makes for 13 base plus the 8 you count here.

EDIT: Also, the Threadcutter only generates 9 Stoked Dice for the final attack, it would need to be Mastered to generate 18, (And at Perfected, it generates 27)

So, the 9 spent on it add to the final attack, and it generates another 9 since it's Refined. Then I'm spending another 18. That leaves us with only 9, which isn't ideal, but getting more is easy.
12 from Stoked Dice, since I'm assigning 36, which makes for 13 base plus the 8 you count here.

So, the 9 spent on it add to the final attack, and it generates another 9 since it's Refined. Then I'm spending another 18. That leaves us with only 9, which isn't ideal, but getting more is easy.

Ahhhh, okay then, yeah, I get what you're going at then, more than I was expecting, but, uh, I guess it's An Option.
IIRC the Norns don't like it when we bring out Finales too early, but I think being outnumbered 3 to 1 in a mass battle we seem to be losing means it's fine.
You threw him out of the way, clear of the line of fire


Voting is now open

Sorry, I'm being a bit dense, does this mean we can't heal him/he can't help out?

[X] Plan Time Stands Still
-[X] 61d6 Attack (61d6 tricks)
-[X] 68d6 Defense (68d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Activate Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr) and Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), as combat begins.
-[X] Activate Time Stands Still burning Samed (-1 Aspect, +3 Stoked Dice). Use Threadcutter adding Sharpen and Lighting-Charged to all nine 3d6+6 Basic Attacks (-39 Orthstirr, -9 Stoking Dice, +18 Stoking Dice to final attack only) followed up with a 39d6+6 Sharpened Lightning-Charged Stoking Strike adding 3 Odr (-5 Orthstirr, -36 Stoking Dice including the 18 from Threadcutter, Total Damage 21) on the Champion, and then use two Fast-Stored 8d6+6 3Fold Sparkbombs (-30 Orthstirr each) on the Champion if he lives and the spearman and axe guy if he doesn't, and assorted other enemies once those three are all dead.
-[X] If anyone is still standing throw a 45d6+6 (w/Hugareida) Sharpenedx5 Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike attacks w/Puncture (-15 Orthstirr and +3 Stoker State dice each) at them
-[X] Against single melee attacks use Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice, 10d6+6 on the roll) and counterattack with a Sharpened Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr, +3 Stoker State dice), prioritizing those used by the axe-wielder if we receive simultaneous attacks. If the attack is from the champion add one use of Fight of Our Life on the Hamr roll.
-[X] Against ranged attacks or if we need to defend against two attacks at once and can only use Contested Movement on one of them use our 40d6+15 Atgeir Bodyguard to defend against all attacks except fleinns. If dealing with ranged attacks, in response to anything not a fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through Atgeir Bodyguard use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or something with Puncture that gets through instead use up to three quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices (-1 Shield) and/or one 80d6+15 Reinforcedx12 Hefty-Halter Chop defenses (-15 Orthstirr) as seems appropriate to the specific attack.
-[X] Tactics – So, we activate Time Stands Still and kill everyone we're fighting (prioritizing Threadcutter on the Champion), and maybe some other people as well. The rest is just contingencies.

Okay, here's the TSS plan with some Odr expenditure. I'll up it to 6 if people really want, but 21 damage seems sufficient.

If we're going this route, I think that to get the most benefit of the TSS, I think we want to put the Folded attacks first and the Threadcutter on the Champion last?

We don't actually have a twofold folded attack for our second attack, but we could just use our fourfold kindle spinner and accept it'll continue past the end of the round?

So the allocation would be something like:

(1) Threefold Sparkbomb (everyone gets one)
(2) Fourfold Kindle-Spinners (everyone gets one continues after the TSS finishes)
(3) Threadcutter (the champion)
If we're going this route, I think that to get the most benefit of the TSS, I think we want to put the Folded attacks first and the Threadcutter on the Champion last?

IF has said the attacks can occur in whatever order and will in fact occur in whatever order is best for the narrative.

We don't actually have a twofold folded attack for our second attack, but we could just use our fourfold kindle spinner and accept it'll continue past the end of the round?

That said, this is maybe a good call...I'll swap out one of the Sparkbombs for it.
IIRC the Norns don't like it when we bring out Finales too early, but I think being outnumbered 3 to 1 in a mass battle we seem to be losing means it's fine.

IF said it was fine

So the allocation would be something like:

(1) Threefold Sparkbomb (everyone gets one)
(2) Fourfold Kindle-Spinners (everyone gets one continues after the TSS finishes)
(3) Threadcutter (the champion)

IF said the order didn't matter
IF has said the attacks can occur in whatever order and will in fact occur in whatever order is best for the narrative.

Aha, fair enough!

That said, this is maybe a good call...I'll swap out one of the Sparkbombs for it.

I'm actually a little confused, do we actually have two threefold Sparkbombs ready to go?

I see one slotted in our Fasts, but not two? Do they refill/recharge really quickly?
[X] Plan Time Stands Still

I feel my arteries hardening with post-steak contentment, darkness drawing around the edges of my vision, and a comforting food coma beckoning, so I don't feel like making a plan which won't win. Also, given we can't get Stigmar to pitch in and help, I don't think my initial idea will work. I still think we could win, but probably not for less orthstirr than it would cost us to use TSS.

@DeadmanwalkingXI, can you put a bit in your plan where we shout a challenge or something to the champion first?

It would be good to maximise the morale benefits of this, since our side is flagging a bit, and also make Dorri and everyone aware that this is our victory. It also feels like it is narratively more satisfying to bust out a cool move like this when we've technically challenged someone*.

I'm open to suggestions on what exactly it would be best to shout.

*(Yes, before someone helpfully points it out, I know Fister has okayed this use of TSS, and I think that's great. That isn't really the point I'm making.)