If we can only ask questions regarding the Underhouse, perhaps we could ask about the remains of the child we found there, or if that will just fetch a "I don't know" answer, we could ask more about the clan (are Dwarven communities called clans?) that lived there, to get some clues. Like maybe that clan had relations with a human family or something, idk.
If we can only ask questions regarding the Underhouse, perhaps we could ask about the remains of the child we found there, or if that will just fetch a "I don't know" answer, we could ask more about the clan (are Dwarven communities called clans?) that lived there, to get some clues. Like maybe that clan had relations with a human family or something, idk.

The first is sort of included in the listed question, but I can expand the wording and maybe ask about clan structure a bit...

EDIT: Added the child thing, can't think of a good segue to asking more about clan structure than we already know (which is a decent amount, really).

do we also want to ask after egg iron and if we can buy that from them in the future?

I think that should probably be a separate request, not part of this one. We might want to consider whether to ask about it at all...it was implied to be a big secret, so they might not even like us knowing about it. It's probably okay, but we should be careful, not just throw it in.
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[X] Yes, you will
-[X] Three Socket Stones total will be used on our armor
[X] *Describe the events in our Underhouse* "Do you have any idea what might have happened?"
-[X] Specifically ask about the child's bones and what might have been going on there
Alright, voting is now closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Sep 11, 2023 at 5:57 PM, finished with 18 posts and 9 votes.
By the way, I've gone ahead and added the stats for Helms, Mail, and Mail-necked Helms to the forging cost informational post

Here's a link to the post
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That puts Forged Iron Wondrous Armor + Helm at a very high level of effectiveness indeed (assuming armor numbers stack anyway...42 Armor, +9 Defense is great). Nice.
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Yeah, 15 successes is damn good.

Honestly @Imperial Fister , if it'd matter? I'll throw one of my reward dice to push that over the edge to Fine level. If it's not going to be a big deal though, don't worry about it.
Winter 9/Turn 1 Final
[X] Yes, you will
-[X] Three Socket Stones total will be used on our armor
[X] *Describe the events in our Underhouse* "Do you have any idea what might have happened?"
-[X] Specifically ask about the child's bones and what might have been going on there
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] Reforge Our Own Armor + Create Forged Iron Mail-Necked Helm (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Name it 'Emberguard'
--[X] Use bone-ash from a bear
--[X] Quench in Hearthroot Oil
--[X] Putting the following runes on the Helm: [This](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/norsequest-a-norse-xianxia.113540/page-1330?post=29021710#post-29021710) poem by Shard (as are all other Rune-poems), or, if that is not a valid option
"May my wearer's eyes track prey like a predator." - Either way hopefully granting us an extra Target-Tracking Eyes bonus
--[X] Adding three Socket Stones and putting the following runes on them:
---[X] Rune #1: "Strike me, my skin of iron./All that would harm and hurt./Find your blows, now are flames./Etch upon me, embers alone." or if that is not a valid option "Blows become embers against my bulwark" (= All damage dealt to the armor counts as fire damage either way)
---[X] Rune #2: "I felt heat, born of fire,/Blackened burns I know well./Fireborn-worn, fireproofed I am./Persist as you against pyroclasm." or if that is not a valid option "I gain my wearer's resistance to flame" (=The armor gains the wearer's fire resistance)
---[X] Rune #3: "Unbound, unchained/Free of fetters high and low/Movement, momentum/Wearer's will alone abided" or if that is not a valid option "My wearer's chosen movements will remain unbound." (=Generally keeps people from grappling or tying us up against our will)
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
--[X] Iron Sphere For Standstill Training (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Putting the following Runes onto it: "Motion I have, movement I possess./Inexorable inertia pushing me onward./Halt me, hobble me./And be skilled in Standstill." or, if that is not a valid option "May skill in stillness be granted by opposing my motion" –Either way hopefully a Standstill Training Item
--[X] Stoking Frami (for +1 Success) and burning Virthing and Saemd (for +3 successes each, +7 total) to enhance the Runes we are putting on it.
--[X] Experiment with using Sundersight while crafting, see what that does 1d6
-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items, switch Forgefire Slots to Dice (+7d6 total) before starting and back afterwards and have Heat Hold available just incase
--[X] Using Frenzy during the crafting process, under careful observation(+6 successes)
--[X] Stoking Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process
-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The hills!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
Dwarf Talk
Wiping remnant poison sweat from your brow, you quickly compose yourself before starting in on your questions.

"Before anything else," you say as Toki runs fingers through his beard, "what would make a dwarf swaddle a child?"

"Swaddle?" Toki tilts his head as beady eyes narrow in confusion. You quickly describe a swaddle and he snorts. "Why would you want to trap an infant's limbs? How're they supposed to learn if they can't mimic what they see?"

"Still," you bring the conversation back on course, "what would make a dwarf swaddle a child?"

"Easy question," Toki chuckles as he adjusts the gem-encrusted, golden rings adorning his beard, "if a dwarf were paid to swaddle a child, they would do it."

"Do you have any idea why a dwarf might be paid to do that?"

"I do not," the beard-rings jingle as he shakes his head, "however, all dwarves keep personal ledgers in their quarters. That would be a good place to start your search."

And since all but one of the Underhouses beds were filled, there's no great mystery for where to start looking. Nodding, you task Blackhand with remembering that you should take a look around the empty quarters before the bodies are removed.

"I also have a question regarding something I found," you describe the strange substance you found in the Underhouse. Every detail that passes your lips causes Toki's beard to stiffen and his brows to rise. "I take it you know what that is?"

He opens his mouth, which then shuts as the clever glint of greed shines in his eye. "Legally, I am not allowed to divulge the details of Carbon Flour." He falls silent as his lips thin, you'll not be getting any more information from him regarding this 'Carbon Flour'. Which is fine, he's likely already pushing the limits as it is by telling you its name.

Thanking him, you exchange goodbyes and make your way back to the surface. You've got a lot of crafting to do and a lot of new materials to do it with!

Reforging Armor (6x4, 5x3, 4x6, 3x5, 2x3, 1x1)21+15+5(Sundersight)=41 Successes. Rune (6x5, 5x5, 4x7, 3x2, 2x1, 1x3)26+15+6(Sundersight)=47 Successes
As the final hammer stroke falls and your helmet gains a mane of mail, the mound of feathers by your side announces the completion of your armor with a cheerful chirp.

Taking a step back, you can't help but smile at the wondrous display before your eyes.

Your helmet is stylized in the shape of an owl's face with the nose-guard resembling an owl's beak. A pair of out-stretched owl wings will press against the sides of your face, protecting your cheeks from harm while adding to the overall look. Where the mail meets the helm, you've added a ring of interlocking feathers to hide the weld. A gorgeous rune-poem rides the shape of the eye-guards, just waiting to be colored to grant your eyes their boon.

As you set the helmet down, your owl turns with your armor hanging from its beak and pride in its eyes. It did good work making such a wondrous product!

While your armor remains mostly the same, details embellish its shape. The links of interlocking chain are smaller then before, providing stronger protection and greater durability. On each shoulder is a plate bearing a rune-carved socket stone while the third sits on the chest. The plates are lined with interlocking owl feathers and each socket stone rests between a pair of owl talons.

You smile and knock your knuckles against your owl's curled talons. This is a job well done indeed!

(Emberguard, a Wondrous set of Forged Iron mail armor and a mail-necked helm has been added to your inventory)
(Emberguard, when wearing both the helmet and the armor, grants you 42 Armor and +9 to Defense)
(Emberguard was forged with bear bone-ash, which means that you gain 1 Hamr when you are wearing it, for the purposes of rolling hamr)
(Emberguard has resistance to fire damage thanks to the Hearthroot Oil you quenched it with, reducing incoming fire damage by 1)
(When Emberguard's runes are colored, it grants the wearer +1 to Ranged Damage, treats incoming Damage as if it were Fire Damage, and uses the wearer's fire resistance as if it were its own. It also renders the wearer functionally immune to being grappled or tied up.)
Iron sphere for standstill training (6x4, 5x1, 4x3, 3x6, 2x5, 1x4)10+15+6(Frenzy)+6(Sundersight)+1(Frami)+6(Virthing and Saemd)=44 Successes. Runes (6x2, 5x4, 4x3, 3x2, 2x8, 1x4)5+15+6(Frenzy)+3(Sundersight)+7(Aspects)=36 Successes. Hamingja (6x3, 5x3, 4x4, 3x5, 2x4, 1x2) 15 Successes
A sphere of perfectly smooth iron sits motionless in the air, roughly the size of both your fists together. No wind can jostle it nor can it jostle back. All it does is sit there, uncaring of the world around it.

And then the color runs out and it drops like a, well, like an iron sphere in water.

Picking the orb up, you consider its rune-covered face with a contemplating eye. You'd been trying to make something to help you train your Standstill, but—while you've certainly accomplished what you sought out to do—it seems you've found something else as well.

After all, your understanding of Standstill feels as though it were on the cusp of advancement. All it would take is a little push to see things through.

(Floating Iron Sphere has been added to your inventory. It adds +1 to your Standstill training results.)
Exploring the Hills (Hamingja: 6x4, 5x1, 4x4, 3x3, 2x4, 1x5) 8 Successes
As you send your owl to the furthest reaches of the hills surrounding your home—beyond the limits of your property—you spot something rather worrying. At the base of a hill is an opening that wasn't there before, an opening that is quite clearly a recent addition.

Any number of creatures could've dug themselves a burrow in this hillside, but the stench that permeates the air can only mean one thing—you've got a troll as a neighbor.

(A troll cave has been found)
Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked. 1 Free Social):
[ ] (Underhouse) What would you like to use the Underhouse for?
-[ ] Search the empty bedroom for the ledger
-[ ] A hideout!
-[ ] Write in
[ ] (Heart-Shaped Fruit) Go and dig up that heart-shaped plant
[ ] (Playdates) Set up a playdate between one/multiple of your kids and one/multiple of other kids. (Write in)
[ ] (Violent) Pick a fight or spar with... (Sparring with people reveals a summery of their character sheets)
-[ ] Spar with Abjorn, your husband
--[ ] (Optional) With armor
-[ ] Spar with Stigmar
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Shopping) Ask Abjorn to buy something for you (Write in) (Can only be used to buy or sell things you are already aware of and cannot haggle)
[ ] (Court) Send Abjorn to make a case at the Thing (Write in)
[ ] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
-[ ] (Optional) Focus on repairing something (Write in)
[ ] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration (Write in one of your Inspirations)
Exploration/Travel (Pick 1 or none):
[ ] (Visit) Go visit...
-[ ] The Witch... even though she's dead
-[ ] Asvir!
--[ ] (Optional) Attend the Thing
-[ ] Vidby, Vidar's Farm
-[ ] Kerby, Stigr's Farm
-[ ] Buriby, Osborn's Farm
-[ ] Glebby, Sverre's Farm
-[ ] Runby, Aki's Farm
-[ ] Hasviby, Hasvir's Farm
-[ ] Halfdanby, Halfdan's Farm
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] The fields!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
-[ ] The Hading!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
--[ ] (Optional) Try to find the Heart of the Hading
-[ ] The hills!
--[ ] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
[ ] (Battle) Go and attack somewhere...
-[ ] The troll cave in the hills surrounding your property
Training: You have 54d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
-[ ] Write in up to 3 things to request of her
[ ] (Drifa) Teach Drifa some of your tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (53 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (215 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (106 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Orthstirr Available: 833
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here.
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 13/13
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment/Capacity/Shapeshifting/Alloy/Pocket/Whatever Management
What do you want to have equipped on your person, in your capacity, or for your shapeshifting? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Property Management: You have 77 Work Dice Available
How do you want to use them?
[ ] Write in
What would you like to do with surplus food?
[ ] Throw a feast!
-[ ] (Optional Write in) Who would you like to invite? (1 Food per guest)
[ ] Sacrifice!
-[ ] (Optional Write in) To whom and what would you like to sacrifice? (9 Food = 1 Temporary Hamingja. For every 3 Temp Hamingja, you get 1 Permanent)

AN: And there we have it, the end of the turn! I'm sorry for taking so long on this, but I've had something of a rough time recently and that's been sapping my ability to do much.

Regardless, I recently got a job and will be starting tomorrow, so that may have an effect on my writing pace. Sorry if that happens, but money is money, you know?

25 minute moratorium.
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I mean, depending on the context, that could be very good too, if that also counts as turning Water damage into Fire Damage.