Looking at how the plans line up, I think that this is going to be a short one. Potentially short enough for a second update, if you all would be willing
Oh, we definitely need a Guard Break. We'll probably just have Abjorn teach us his (since it sounds like what he used to knock the tree down in the incident that led to their first kiss...meaning he had it pre-Leverage).
hm... guess we should also pick up that spin guard against projectiles, huh? could use it with ghostly aetgir too, against anything that's not a fleinn or anti magical...
Looking at how the plans line up, I think that this is going to be a short one. Potentially short enough for a second update, if you all would be willing
Looking at how the plans line up, I think that this is going to be a short one. Potentially short enough for a second update, if you all would be willing
Or Halla just got straight-up rolled and will wake up with a mild concussion half an hour after the fight ends. 😅
I hope not; it would be unhelpful for our leadership to get the shit kicked out of us in front of our crew this early into the voyage. But sometimes them's the breaks!
Or Hal's attacks are big enough they're gonna hit us and give him the win. Depending on the exact attack in question, even one hitting us may be a win for him...it's need to do 18 damage in one hit for that, but with a Wolf Fylgja that's quite plausible.
Or Halla just got straight-up rolled and will wake up with a mild concussion half an hour after the fight ends. 😅
I hope not; it would be unhelpful for our leadership to get the shit kicked out of us in front of our crew this early into the voyage. But sometimes them's the breaks!
Nah, it's a spar, and we did a fair amount to whittle down the defenses of a more experienced warrior clearly pulling bullshit. Plus spars only being to 1/2 Endurance. We could lose here, but we're unlikely to get knocked out.
Nah, it's a spar, and we did a fair amount to whittle down the defenses of a more experienced warrior clearly pulling bullshit. Plus spars only being to 1/2 Endurance. We could lose here, but we're unlikely to get knocked out.
Well, sure, I was using dramatic license a bit here. Maybe we wouldn't get knocked out.
Although I will note that this is basically what happened when we fought Steinarr. Hal is weaker, and we won't be throwing two Finales at eachother, but you can't always pull punches as much as you'd like to, so I don't think it's like, beyond the realms of possibility that this could happen.
Is it? there could be a room specializing in storing shield that can hold more then 1 which would lower the cost for it.
Keep in mind that if it was fylgja capacity we should have seen some kind of manifestation (even if it was very brief) like we saw when he used it to absorb the damage he took.
Well, sure, I was using dramatic license a bit here. Maybe we wouldn't get knocked out.
Although I will note that this is basically what happened when we fought Steinarr. Hal is weaker, and we won't be throwing two Finales at eachother, but you can't always pull punches as much as you'd like to, so I don't think it's like, beyond the realms of possibility that this could happen.
Keep in mind that if it was fylgja capacity we should have seen some kind of manifestation (even if it was very brief) like we saw when he used it to absorb the damage he took.
Sharpen says otherwise. And we wont know until we try.
Only tricks we can't use with ghost weapons are the hugreida ones iirc, right?
And tanking ranged attacks with out face only worked because he used random rocks. Imagine flying into the fleinn storm if he had multiple ones ready to launch, or had a trick that could piggy back on the rocks.
Sharpen is more of a Trick Enhancement than a Trick in its own right. It can be added on top of other Tricks...we could probably do the same with combining other Tricks with Ategir or Sword Tricks in general, but the base Trick still seems to need to be Atgeir or Sword. We can experiment with other options, sure, but we shouldn't get new Tricks based on the assumption they'll work without such testing.
And tanking ranged attacks with out face only worked because he used random rocks. Imagine flying into the fleinn storm if he had multiple ones ready to launch, or had a trick that could piggy back on the rocks.
Reinforce Shield cancels one Trick. It's effectively a pseudo perfect with its main flaw being it can only realistically be set up once per turn and even that taking a moment. A Fleinn Storm, as one attack, would get canceled by it just like the rocks.
The job was to get rid of them, we should get the whetstones for convincing them to leave, which we already did (by existing, but I see no reason not to take the win).
Alrighty, nearly done with the update. Just need to finish up the AAR and we're good to go. Took a fair bit longer then expected, so I'm probably not gonna do a second update.
Reinforce Shield cancels one Trick. It's effectively a pseudo perfect with its main flaw being it can only realistically be set up once per turn and even that taking a moment. A Fleinn Storm, as one attack, would get canceled by it just like the rocks.
Yeah, i am having doubts with these though. Fleinns are one shotting hugreida defenses, so i can see the first maybe the second being traded, but not every attack.
Fair on the tricks, it does need to be researched.
Yeah, i am having doubts with these though. Fleinns are one shotting hugreida defenses, so i can see the first maybe the second being traded, but not every attack.
[X] Plan Let's Try The Other Thing
-[X] Stoke all our Aspects (+623 Orthstirr)
-[X] 50d6 Attack (42d6 tricks)
-[X] 54d6 Defense (54d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Take the opportunity the pause provides to put 2 Orthstirr into 4 layers of Reinforce Shield (-2 Orthstirr) if possible
-[X] Activate Stoker State Stage 3 (-9 Orthstirr), Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), and Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr). Once we're in melee activate Mire Ward as well immediately (-6 Orthstirr).
-[X] Close with him with a 60d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Sharpenedx24 Lightning-Enhanced Flashfire Cleave w/Puncture (-40 Orthstirr using Sagaseeker's pool), followed by another identical 60d6+5 attack (-40 Orthstirr again), and then use two 50d6+5 Sharpened x24 Lightning-Enhanced Shatter-Wrist Tricks w/Puncture (-35 Orthstirr each), followed by a total of four 46d6+5 Sharpenedx21 Lightning-Charged Skewer-Flick attacks w/Puncture (-35 Orthstirr each) being careful to flick him back and forth within the Mire Ward, and then up to eight 9d6+5 Sharpened x4 Lightning-Charged Basic Attacks (-5 Orthstirr each)
-[X] If he gets away from us, drop Mire Ward, use Ember-Wing Cloak (-6 Orthstirr) to close with him again, and pop a new Mire Ward (-6 Orthstirr) if it took him a meaningful amount of time to get away from it.
-[X] Against the first melee attack he makes against us using Puncture or otherwise avoiding our Perfects make a Contested Movement using both our remaining uses of Fight Of Our Life (-3 Orthstirr, 22d6+5) and counterattack with a Sharpened Lightning-Enhanced Flashfire Cleave w/Puncture (-17 Orthstirr).
-[X] Against any attack not using Puncture or a Fleinn use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr) if possible, against non-Puncture attacks with a Fleinn or that we otherwise can't use Halting Vortex on use Focus Guard (-7 Orthstirr). In response to anything with Puncture or that gets past our Perfects in some other way after the first melee attack use up to three 60d6+9 Reinforcedx42 Slice Aside defenses (-50 Orthstirr each) using 9d6+5 Sharpened x4 Lightning-Charged Basic Attacks (-5 Orthstirr each) as the counterattacks.
-[X] Tactics – Activate our buffs, leap into melee with him, activate Mire Ward, and go to town trying to batter him down, we break his armor, then break his wrists (we will fix them afterwards, free of charge) and then go to town with high damage attacks.
The battlefield-choking smoke clears as you finish applying another few layers of orthstirr-armor. With a long breath, you close your eyes and reach down deep into that vast expanse of your soul's potential. A surge of steel-strong willpower hones your intent to a pointed length as you stoke your power to greater heights.
First comes your frami in the form of a brilliantly blazing aura of crimson-colored fire. Thrashing tongues of writhing flames drill shallow holes in the ground as they kick up ankle-high clouds of grass and dirt. The whips of burning energy stretch out to an arm's length in all directions. It bathes your surroundings in the red glow of a stoking soul.
Next comes your virthing as it unfurls down your shoulders like a waterfall. A cloak of owl feathers, singed at the tips and covered in the ash of the forge. Every step you take shakes soot free of your feathers—the same feathers that grow amongst your hair. A bear's paw of shaped silver shines upon your chest, clasping the cloak closed and keeping it secure against your body.
Finally, the iron lengths of your saemd erupt from your brow. The crown of spikes curves inwards as it grows on your head, each topped with a crimson candle-flame burning fiercely away. The symbols of the ones you love burn themselves into the metal surface, leaving a forever imprint on your soul.
You open your eyes just as the smoke finishes clearing—just in time for the spar to resume.
The ground cracks beneath your feet as you ride a plume of flames into the sky. Sagaseeker purrs like your heart rumbles as he rises high above your head in a Flashfire Cleave. Lightning crackles along his length as his own power stokes his joy to further heights.
But as you fly through the air, so too does Hal. Your cousin bursts from the thin clouds of smoke as you sail well-overhead. You laugh as he looks up and locks eyes with you—it seems you've copied each other!
No matter, though, not for someone as aerially-dominant as you! The air whistles as you twist and redirect the trick to his lower position. Despite the speeds at which you hurtle towards him, he doesn't flinch. (Sharpened Trick Attack: 219+5=224 vs Reinforced Trick Defense: 211+14=225, Defender Wins, lmao what a close one)
Moments before you make contact, Hal's arms snap to the side as sparks ignite in his empty hands. A pair of explosions rip out from his palms as the recoil throws him away just as Sagaseeker would've struck.
Sagaseeker cleaves a deep crater in the ground as Hal flips through the air. You follow his movement as he alights on the palisade wall—bow in hand and a crimson-coated arrow drawn back to his chest. The arrow flies free of the pinch-hold as it bears down on you.
Though certainly strengthened by orthstirr, the arrow lacks the tell-tale shell of Puncture. Indeed, it clatters harmlessly to the ground after making contact with Halting Vortex. As it hits the ground, the trick fails to fire—an obvious trap that you're not especially eager to spring.
Leaving the arrow no time to trigger, you throw yourself into another Flashfire Cleave. The wind scrambles to get away from your relentless advance as you streak across the battlefield. (Sharpened Trick Attack: 194+5=199 vs Reinforced Trick Defense: 193+14=207, Defender Wins!)
As Hal dodges to the side with a deft, spinning twirl, it's clear to see that you're not the only one who took the opportunity to buff themselves. He's faster, for one, and his movements have a certain edge to them—as if he had something lighting the way.
Logs snap into kindling as Sagaseeker reduces a portion of the palisade to firewood—when defenses have nothing to protect, their strength falls flat. You plant a foot on one of the few standing posts as Mire Ward spreads out and forces him to match you blow for blow.
Match you he does as, before you have a chance to bring Sagaseeker to bear, he lunges in with an orthstirr-enhanced shield replacing his bow—a Puncturing shield, at that! Fortunately, this was something you prepared well for.
Time slows to a crawl as a burst of flames adds needed speed to Sagaseeker. Twisting on the spot, you prepare to deliver a third Flashfire Cleave right to your cousin's doorstep. (Unopposed)
Much to your surprised confusion, he makes no attempt to resist your attack. In fact, he almost seems to welcome it!
The shield explodes into splinters as Sagaseeker strikes it. But, despite the power of the Flashfire Cleave carrying him forward, Sagaseeker goes no further—the shield trick stopping him in his tracks. (Twist: Hidden Blade)
But your eyes aren't locked to Sagaseeker's halted form. No, they're locked to the sax clutched in Hal's hand. It wasn't a replacement—at least, you don't think it was given the timing—the clever bastard just used the shield to hide the sax.
There's nothing you can do to stop the sax from breaking the scant few layers of Reinforced Shield on your armor.
You are currently in grappling distance with Hal which has a poor effect on your ability to assess your surroundings. Still, you notice that the fleinn is gone from where it landed—likely recalled to wherever Hal stores his weapons. The arrow he shot is still on the ground, still untriggered.
Hal has more shields, like as not. How many he has is unknown, though he's certainly not regretful over sacrificing them. With how low quality they are, it's clear that they were built specifically for this purpose.
He's not taken any damage from this last round of fighting and he's not leaving you any time to apply more layers of Reinforce Shield. Fortunately, your other buffs carry over from the last round.
He's aiming to ground you before trying to finish the spar.
Endurance: (13/13) | Frenzy: (5/5) (+5 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (17/17) (+4 to Defense)
Orthstirr: (564/623) | Odr: (16)
(X) Frami: 208 | (X) Virthing: 208 | (X) Saemd: 207
Sagaseeker has 9/49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Your Armor has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting is granting you (+1 Damage and +1 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 104d6 and you have 0d6 Stoked Dice
What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
Hmmm. Well, that could've gone better (I'm very sad the first roll didn't hit), but it could've gone a lot worse, too. Anyone have any clever ideas or should we just go for more of the same plan, maybe with a few more dice?
Breaking his wrist would really mess him up and I don't know if shields stop that Trick specifically, so maybe lead with that?
Huh. Shouldn't Mire Ward slow him more than this? It halves speed and we're at Speed 4, so unless he's at Speed 8, shouldn't it reduce him to, like, Speed 3? I guess Speed 3 is pretty close, though.
(X) Momentum-Reversal (Cost 16 Orthstirr/4 Odr): A wrestling contest that sees you go up against your opponent's hamr and wrestling skills. The greater their speed, the greater malus they receive. If successful, you leave them open for a pin or throw or other takedown. (Refined: 0/6)
What about dropping mire ward and trying this?, with his boosted speed he should have a good penalty. And he is in grappling range (and probably won't be expecting this from our fighting style)
Huh. Shouldn't Mire Ward slow him more than this? It halves speed and we're at Speed 4, so unless he's at Speed 8, shouldn't it reduce him to, like, Speed 3? I guess Speed 3 is pretty close, though.
Does it... It does, I forgot, that's my bad. I thought it only reduced by one. Regardless, 3 Speed vs 4 Speed is close enough that it doesn't really matter