So, here's that plan:
[X] Plan You Can't Use Shields Without Wrists
-[X] 50d6 Attack (46d6 tricks)
-[X] 54d6 Defense (54d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Open up with two 80d6+5 Sharpened x39 Lightning-Enhanced Shatter-Wrist Tricks w/Puncture (-50 Orthstirr each, stoking all Sagaseeker's Aspects and using his Orthstirr for this as much as possible) to break his wrists and stop that shield nonsense, followed by two 78d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Sharpenedx34 Lightning-Enhanced Flashfire Cleaves w/Puncture (-50 Orthstirr each), and then followed by a total of four 65d6+5 Sharpenedx31 Lightning-Charged Skewer-Flick attacks w/Puncture (-45 Orthstirr each) being careful to flick him back and forth within the Mire Ward, and then up to four 9d6+5 Sharpened x4 Lightning-Charged Basic Attacks (-5 Orthstirr each). If at any point he Stokes Aspects to fix his wrists or otherwise make them functional again, or avoids the initial two attacks we will interject with up to six total additional 80d6+5 Sharpened x39 Lightning-Enhanced Shatter-Wrist Tricks w/Puncture (-50 Orthstirr each) instead of other attacks.
-[X] If he gets away from us, drop Mire Ward, use Ember-Wing Cloak (-6 Orthstirr) to close with him again, and pop a new Mire Ward (-6 Orthstirr) if it took him a meaningful amount of time to get away from it.
-[X] Against any attack not using Puncture or a Fleinn use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr) if possible, against non-Puncture attacks with a Fleinn or that we otherwise can't use Halting Vortex on use Focus Guard (-7 Orthstirr). In response to anything with Puncture or that gets past our Perfects in some other way after the first melee attack use up to three 60d6+9 Reinforcedx42 Slice Aside defenses (-50 Orthstirr each, using our Armor's Orthstirr on the first one) using 9d6+5 Sharpened x4 Lightning-Charged Basic Attacks (-5 Orthstirr each) as the counterattacks.
-[X] If we are attacked in melee while we have 6 or more Stoked Dice use Contested Movement (-3 Orthstirr, 8d6+Stoked Dice) and counterattack with a Sharpened Lightning Charged Skewer-Flick w/Puncture (-15 Orthstirr), and abort to a Focus Guard (-7 Orthstirr) if that does not work.
-[X] Tactics – The plan here is to break his wrists, then go to town in melee, breaking them again as needed if he fixes them (the goal here is to only be making attacks that aren't wrist-breaking if his wrists are already broken). Pretty straightforward, really.
If this whole thing goes off I feel like we win. If it doesn't, well, we gave it our best. It does not try and save Orthstirr as that seems like a fool's errand here.