So what actually caused this Force Wound thingy? Bunch of Jedi dying at once? Is that really all that's needed?
The Temple's also built on top of a powerful Force Nexus (it's why it was built there) and at some point about 5k years ago the Sith snuck in and put a shrine between the Temple and the Nexus in an attempt to poison both (spoiler alert: it worked, hence the shroud of the Dark Side by the time of the Clone Wars). If anything, the Temple Massacre would have been the straw that broke the camel's back.
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A Force Wound typically takes a lot of people (Force Users preferred) dying all at once and in such a way that it leaves a lasting impact. Alderaan would qualify, as did Malachor.

I'd say the Temple is closer to Malachor. A lot of Jedi being killed by their friends and allies and betrayed in a place they thought was safe. And we don't want Trayus Academy 2.0 to be the Jedi Temple.
A Force Wound typically takes a lot of people (Force Users preferred) dying all at once and in such a way that it leaves a lasting impact. Alderaan would qualify, as did Malachor.

I'd say the Temple is closer to Malachor. A lot of Jedi being killed by their friends and allies and betrayed in a place they thought was safe. And we don't want Trayus Academy 2.0 to be the Jedi Temple.
Luckily this is nowhere near to the scale of Malachor, so it might even be fixable after people realize what's going on.
destroy Coruscant, just to be really sure! Err, after evacuating everyone, of course.

Coruscant has a population of over a trillion permanent residents. Plus visitors and temporary workers and so on and so forth. As the center of galactic commerce and politics...ballpark it at 1.2 trillion souls as a conservative estimate. That's more than one thousand Death Stars of people, or 3.8 million Executor-class Star Dreadnaughts.

I'm not entirely convinced it's possible to evacuate Coruscant faster than its residents would reproduce. Even at zero population growth, it would probably take centuries.
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So what actually caused this Force Wound thingy? Bunch of Jedi dying at once? Is that really all that's needed?

Normally they'd need a lot more death to create a force wound. But the Jedi Temple is in unique circumstances even before you get into the fact that instead of millions or billions of normal people screaming into the force as they died, it was Force wielders betrayed in their own home by people they trusted implicitly.

The real miracle is that with all the force wielders hanging around we didn't end up with Nihilus MK2.
Well, there goes Coruscant and the republic.

Simi-serious here. the Senate building is within line of sight of the jedi temple, and wounds in the force can pontintaly influence planets.

We may be seeing a very bloody planetary riot very soon.
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Though, continuing from my last post, Wounds in the Force don't always make total sense. Malachor and this one, yes. Ruusan or Ossus should be Wounds, in theory, but Ossus is just dead and Ruusan became a (if not the) Force Nexus instead.

In other words, don't go around trying to artificially create these things. Even if it didn't carry the risk of creating a mindless monster devouring planets again :V
We might be able to make some headway via the Sentinels actually given how good Ciaran's working relationship is with them.

An extreme option might be for Ciaran herself to make a direct appeal to the Order members to leave, she's well liked and respected by the average Jedi after all, it's typically just the Council that's not too keen on her.

Ciaran should probably investigate for herself just to get an idea of how bad things are, hopefully it's 'just' the Temple affected.
On the one hand the wound in the force is a really big deal and basically a death knell for the Coruscanti Jedi order.

But on the other there is now a legitimate chance for crazy Samuel L Jackson-esque Mace Windu to be an actual thing and that is hilarious.
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Hm, it is no simple thing, to close a wound in the Force. Meetra Surik ultimately had to use the Mass Shadow Generator upon Malachor V to destroy the tainted planet to seal that wound. For obvious reasons, using a Mass Shadow Generator upon Coruscant is not an option that can even be considered. Then, wounds in the Force can also form within people, as they did with Meetra Surik and Darth Nihilus.

Still, the wound upon Coruscant is nowhere near of the same extent as that of Malachor V, so one would hope that sealing this wound would not require such an extreme measure.
"I felt a disturbance in the planning process, as if millions of plans just went up in smoke and had to be scrapped."
Yeah even Palps plans are going to go out the window, a lot of the Jedi are going to be acting Irrationally and throwing all his subtle manipulations off by picking the crazy option more and more.

He can no doubt adjust but early on i'd expect several of his schemes to get run over by crazy Jedi.
Yeah even Palps plans are going to go out the window, a lot of the Jedi are going to be acting Irrationally and throwing all his subtle manipulations off by picking the crazy option more and more.

He can no doubt adjust but early on i'd expect several of his schemes to get run over by crazy Jedi.

Pretty much my thoughts. NOBODY could've anticipated this mess.
To be fair, you have given enough quest rewards that we are a credible threat to Palpatine when we started from being a mildly sensitive bartender. I doubt that not rewarding us now is going to be that upsetting to people.

I don't mind waiting for rewards, but no rewards will result in blood in the streets I tell you!

Also, from the way the update is written, I get the feeling that we just got our first Abyss Walker master and Vos is at least a new Abyss Walker, if not a new hero unit.

We're trying to not become Nihilus, remember? :V

Hey, the first Darth Treya had a school on a force wound. We'd just be following in her footsteps.

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Yeah even Palps plans are going to go out the window, a lot of the Jedi are going to be acting Irrationally and throwing all his subtle manipulations off by picking the crazy option more and more.

He can no doubt adjust but early on I'd expect several of his schemes to get run over by crazy Jedi.

I'm not really sure if that counts as a good thing.

Historically, people like Sheev tend to start getting creative when their plans don't work out. This might throw some of his schemes for a loop, but it also provides a very good platform for him to start moving against the Jedi. And if this screws his plan we might start seeing Sheev actually show why he managed to out-scheme the entire damn galaxy in canon. We've been slowly and subtly disarming him for a reason: Palpatine is incredibly cunning and dangerous, but his arrogance keeps his threat level manageable. If he feels that his planning isn't up to par and starts taking things seriously, the difficulty level will spike.

I know that the irrational Jedi aren't a major threat to Palpatine, but enough minor things not going as planned can add up and we've certainly screwed a lot of his work. I love Sheev suffering as much as the next person, but we really don't want him to start changing his gameplan.
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I'm not really sure if that counts as a good thing.

Historically, people like Sheev tend to start getting creative when their plans don't work out. This might throw some of his schemes for a loop, but it also provides a very good platform for him to start moving against the Jedi. And if this actually screws his plan we might start seeing Sheev actually show why he managed to out-scheme the entire damn galaxy in canon. We've been slowly and subtly disarming him for a reason: Palpatine is incredibly cunning and dangerous, but his arrogance keeps his threat level manageable; If he feels that his planning isn't up to par and starts taking things seriously, the difficulty level will spike.

I know that the irrational Jedi aren't a major threat to Sheev, but enough minor things not going as planned can add up and we've certainly screwed a lot of his work. I love Sheev suffering as much as the next person, but we really don't want him to start changing his gameplan.
Something something bomb defusal, earthquake, everything is totally okay and we need to double surveillance everywhere.
I've loved the update @Dr. Snark but I have realized that there Tholme has not mentioned his lover T'ra Saa, and seeing what is happening in Coruscant, it seems weird to me that he has left her behind. So what are the whereabouts of this particular Neti?

And since this could be also relevant, what happened with Quinlan's girlfriend Khaleen Hentz? At this point in time they should be together (and she had a bun in the oven)
In hindsight, I knew there should have been more than just a Dark Temple being able to block the Jedi's precognition. Good one Dr. Snark.

This means that we don't have to just deal with everyone's most hated Sith Lord and keep the Jedi intact, but somehow make sure they don't fall to the Dark Side in backlash.

Unless a miracle happens, there is no way that this can be fixed without a Civil War. If the Senate gets caught up in this, the galaxy will go absolutely crazy. Never thought I would actually thank the bastard for the massacre.