So, with the new Turn being posted presumably soon, and with it plan making,
the spreadsheet will be embarking on its maiden voyage as a planmaking tool. Nearly all the math is automated, you just have to insert your new entries and keep an eye on the balance.
1) I've cleared out the Expense Sheet, and it's prepped for next turn. You'll have to do the Manda discount yourselves (which is just gonna be a discount for the base anyhow), but the overall discounts are all automated. I left space in the Actions and Bases category just to make things easy, though you'll have to add room as you go along for base upgrades. Unlike the rest of the spreadsheet, there aren't preset blocks for each planet for base upgrades. Mark the planet as you go along using the lefthand column. I left the Coruscant and Kalee markers as I used them as an example.
I am realizing that, with the new Manda discount, I will have to convert Base Upgrades to the full format for Turn 30. Sigh.
2) Keep an eye on your brackets as you go. Make sure everything still adds up as you bring in entries.
3) Highlight 1x4 rectangle, go to the insert menu, press cells and shift down. A 2x4 rectangle will make 2 rows, etc. This will let you add entries on the first few planets without breaking the totals formatting on the right side of the sheet.
3) With Palpatine on the offensive again, and economic centers at risk, maybe we
don't spend all our money on Taris this time, hm? And maybe we don't spend down to 6 credits, either.
4) I'm treating my linked version of the sheet as a Master Copy. If you fuck up and need to start over, just go back and copy a new one.