And that right there is a fairly significant/hilarious reason for why Ciaran was declared to be the new Darth Traya.
Amusingly Darth Traya allowed her eyes to decay because she believed them to be a distraction for her Force Sight. In polar opposite Ciaran's eyes were repaired allowing her to see without relying on Force Sight and she used them as a distraction against a suspious Anakin Skywalker.
Oh and if you really wanted to distract/scare Maul... we still do have the Scimitar and to Maul only one person other than him would know about it.
gonna be honest, im STILL amazed that we have that title. like, fucking wow its amazing just what that means, and just how well it fits for us to.
im hoping that we continue to live up to it.
I'd say we're already accomplishing Traya's goals by throwing both the Jedi and the Sith into disarray.
From what we read of Obi-Wan, the Jedi Order is essentially the Catholic Church going through reformation. Basically there are an upsurge of Jedi reading the code (in its current and previous forms) and coming to different conclusions. Unfortunately for the Council these conclusions are uncomfortably different from what they were taught (and what their masters were taught and so on and so on) and they don't know how to react because they're not used to having to actively debate philosophy.
Meanwhile Darth Sidious is unknowingly loosing his Dark Side followers to Ciaran who is creating a new group of Force Users who might be Darksiders (using emotions and willing to use underhanded tactics), but they're not the 'embrace the darkness and all its drawbacks' types. Ironically despite never talking to Plaguise when he was alive and having her mentor kill his Force Ghost, Ciaran is using unknowingly his plan for Galactic domination:
1) Have a Supreme Chancellor who will be a extremely polarising figure.
2) Create a radical rebellion to oppose the Galactic Republic.
3) Fund both sides in a devistating war that will distract and cripple the Jedi Order, while causing social, polictial and economic turmoil.
4) Overthrow the leadership of both sides and have them unite into a 'less radical' faction to bring peace and stability. Of course the Galactic Economy will be handed over to private corporate interests.
5) Doesn't matter who sits in the big chair, control the Galaxy through the IGBC and other corporate interests, creating an Empire that no one feels in oppressing them.
6) Marginalise, then elimate the Jedi Order at your leisure.