Fuck yes I've been waiting to see this asshole get his shit wrecked
This should be interesting.

That said it seems a bit, redundant, to have Ciaran pull a "you can leave now if you want, no issues" on her bodyguard.

It's a bit late, I would think, after everything the woman has probably gone through, even if she's not even a notable side character.
I didn't really like the "you can back out if you want" bit with Kygeetu. She's an experienced warrior, she was the first to become an Abyss Walker, and she's Ciaran's bodyguard. The speech felt patronising.
We didn't beat Dooku, we just both stopped fighting. In any case Ciaran is almost certainly not going full out.
I imagine fighting Ciaran in a life or death struggle would be like fighting windu lite, what with the shatterpoint and all that. Let's not forget diem so, the smack talk form, she used shatterpoint on The Ones and used it to find out about The Mother then dropped that bomb on The Son. She'd be able to do that you anyone if she really wanted to, just starts quoting their browser history in the middle of a fight, that'd make anyone falter.
I didn't really like the "you can back out if you want" bit with Kygeetu. She's an experienced warrior, she was the first to become an Abyss Walker, and she's Ciaran's bodyguard. The speech felt patronising.

I think it's just showcasing that Ciaran cares about her Abysswalkers. They're some of her most powerful assets and she doesn't want to have them risk their lives against the Sith who killed a Council-Level Jedi Master unless they really want to.
Ahahaha, man, this would have been THE Wham Episode to end all Wham Episodes. And it's a two-parter no less.

I didn't really like the "you can back out if you want" bit with Kygeetu. She's an experienced warrior, she was the first to become an Abyss Walker, and she's Ciaran's bodyguard. The speech felt patronising.
Yeah, that wasn't SeriousFaceCiaran, that was LightSideOnlyCiaran.
Unless I'm mistaken, none of the Abysswalkers have actually faced a Sith drunk on the Dank Coolaid that is the Darkside. While Asajj is no doubt a lot more powerful and in control than she used to be, she no longer has that whole completely immersed in madness, rage, and pain that Maul and his Brother have.

If I had to give a comparison, it's like training to hunt a leopard, then going to hunt one only to realize that there's a hurt and hungry leopard that's gone completely mad. The last bit is something a story I heard from my dad, who is an experienced hunter, he was a part of a leopard-hunting team and one of the guys in charge, an experienced game ranger actually pissed himself in fear when he came face to face with the charging big cat. Don't worry, he lived, but retired like a month later last I heard.
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And we will. Someday. But the custom made lightsaber containing an obscenely powerful force artifact is not appropriate for a spar.

Or for letting Jedi know that it exists at all because holy shit that would be so many questions Ciaran doesn't want to answer.
Correction. That's so many questions Ciaran doesn't want to answer truthfully. She'd probably have fun answering them normally.
i think at some point we might need to send someone to that cloning thing palpy has on the moon.
that might be a thing too do soon like.
The Moonlight blade isn't really that bad. "I looted it off some ancient ruin in one of my amateur archaeology tours" is a fine answer.
We could even use that as an excuse for why we wanted to learn to fight with a lightsaber in the first place. We found a super cool artifact, and it seemed a waste to not put to use.
We could even use that as an excuse for why we wanted to learn to fight with a lightsaber in the first place. We found a super cool artifact, and it seemed a waste to not put to use.
We have that in the lightfoil, though. We can just say "I found a bitching saber crystal cnd I wanted to use it, so I built a brand new lightsaber with advice from this associate of mine who is definitely not the sith assajj ventress.
Hm, there's a thought, Ciaran is undoubtedly going to need to draw on the Dark Side (In the Vectivus manner of course) to defeat either Maul or Savage, they're too dangerous to hold back such a fundamental part of her skillset.

Will Obi-Wan be able to tell she uses it in such a case?
Hm, there's a thought, Ciaran is undoubtedly going to need to draw on the Dark Side (In the Vectivus manner of course) to defeat either Maul or Savage, they're too dangerous to hold back such a fundamental part of her skillset.

Will Obi-Wan be able to tell she uses it in such a case?
Since Ciaran's Hidden Presence is good enough against the Ones I think that Ciaran is going to get away with it.