Oh, lovely. The Jammers aka. the "The future is total crap and the bad guys rule, so lets blow it up. *BOMM* Ooops. We turned the entire god damn world into a Mad Max-setting thats even worse." apes.
Priam, in an effort to optimize his body for combat outside of Advanced Combat Programming, asks many others for help, including Grievous, Thrawn, and the other Hero units to varying degrees of success.
I HAVE TEA! Any suggestions what to write?

Separatist Ciaran AU

POD: Deathwatch moves earlier and assassinates Duchess Satine before she can form the CNS, resulting the few neutral planets being fated to become just another battleground in the Clone Wars. Without a third faction to play off both sides, Ciaran accepts Dooku's offer to join the CIS as a secret member of the Separatist Council. Though she friends in the Republic, Ciaran believes she can convert them over in time, as well as gain more power and wealth in a Galaxy without regulation.

Though official neutral, Ciaran and the Abyss Watchers found the Separatists' intellgence network, the CAI (Covert Authority of Intelligence), formed from numerous corporate and independent covert groups. Lead by Ciaran's alter ego, she must stay ahead of Jedi Investigators, her friend Padme and Darth Sidious' attempts to get rid of someone who's too good at their job.
I'd have liked to see something about characters that have fallen to the wayside, like OOM-9.
Thats an idea. I've done that a couple of times allready anyway.
If you take suggestions/ideas for your omake, here's what I had for OOM-9:
He starts growing concerned about falling by the wayside and becoming less and less useful to the organization/Ciaran, with how he's outclassed by people like Grievous and Thrawn. While he's actually pretty good as a commander (remember that he'd actually won against the Gungans by the time Anakin blew up the droid control ship), these two are simply so much better. So, he takes a lesson from the Droid Training Exercise; when confronted with a superior opponent who you can't beat fairly? Start cheating like a mother****er.
OOM-9 Training Log: Tactical Training with Thrawn

Session 1:
Attempted standard Strategy in simulated Battle against Admiral Thrawn. Result: Crushing defeat. Analysing combat data and formulating new strategy.

Session 2:
Same Result. Attempting new strategy.

Session 3:
Same Result. Attempting randomised approach to test Thrawns capability to react to unpredictability.

Session 4:
Another defeat, but an unwelcome interruption by HK-47 to mock me gave me an idea.

Session 5-8:
Continued standard attempts to defeat Thrawn with varying tactics to hide intentions.

Session 9:
Crushing Victory. Reprogrammed the simulated battle beforehand to give myself numerological advantage which would arrive with a delay which Thrawn could not anticipate. Theory: Nobody expects OOM-9 to cheat blatantly.
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OOM-9 Training Log: Tactical Training with Thrawn

Session 1:
Attempted standard Strategy in simulated Battle against Admiral Thrawn. Result: Crushing defeat. Analysing combat data and formulating new strategy.

Session 2:
Same Result. Attempting new strategy.

Session 3:
Same Result. Attempting randomised approach to test Thrawns capability to react to unpredictability.

Session 4:
Another defeat, but an unwelcome interruption by HK-47 to mock me gave me an idea.

Session 5-8:
Continued standard attempts to defeat Thrawn with varying tactics to hide intentions.

Session 9:
Crushing Victory. Reprogrammed the simulated battle beforehand to give myself numerological advantage which would arrive with a delay which Thrawn could not anticipate. Theory: Nobody expects OOM-9 to cheat blatantly.

Session 10:
Defeat. Thrawn ordered agents to conduct ambush in simulation rooms server room.
OOM-9 Training Log: Tactical Training with Thrawn

Session 1:
Attempted standard Strategy in simulated Battle against Admiral Thrawn. Result: Crushing defeat. Analysing combat data and formulating new strategy.

Session 2:
Same Result. Attempting new strategy.

Session 3:
Same Result. Attempting randomised approach to test Thrawns capability to react to unpredictability.

Session 4:
Another defeat, but an unwelcome interruption by HK-47 to mock me gave me an idea.

Session 5-8:
Continued standard attempts to defeat Thrawn with varying tactics to hide intentions.

Session 9:
Crushing Victory. Reprogrammed the simulated battle beforehand to give myself numerological advantage which would arrive with a delay which Thrawn could not anticipate. Theory: Nobody expects OOM-9 to cheat blatantly.
Ah, the Kirk Method. A wise strategy, one with a lot of pedigree.
Exactly. I was thinking... how do I get OOM-9 to win a battle he can't win, EVER? Oh right... Kobayashi Maru. Kirk. He is just gonna reprogramm it. That works.
Amusingly, he tries it again, and Thrown doesn't stop him or interferes. Then Thrown promptly annihilates all of his forces despite the additional forces.