A/N: Here's part 2, with base-related write-ins. As before, suggestions are very welcome!
Base Purchase:
[] Bespin -- there's an abandoned platform-city called 'Tibannopolis', that was designed as a sister-city for 'Cloud City' but which was abandoned some time ago. Recover it and turn it into an Abyss Watcher base.
[] Cularin -- either buy/recover an orbital platform city over the gas giant Genarius in the system (there's an abandoned fortress-orbital called the Conkesta, built for a recently-defeated local Dark Jedi, that has been floating away on a known trajectory ever since -- recover it!) Or, just buy a facility in one of the platform-cities over the jungle surface of Cularin itself.
[] Manda -- now that the Baobab family is on friendly terms with us, they might be willing to let us buy some space on their homeworld for closer cooperation and collaboration.
Coruscant Base:
[] Corusca Intelligencer: buy a 'paper', HoloNet News, or other media org, or buy space in the Column Commons or Calocour Heights districts to launch our own, and start building a propaganda machine to rival Palpatine's
[] Black Sun Territory: Grievous basically eradicated the Black Sun syndicate, but smaller local gangs have been scavenging the pieces and acquiring some of their old territory. Take over the district so it can't be used against us (OR use as flavor text for the first 'Underworld Takeover' upgrade...)
[] Undercity Healthcare: there are over 5000 'layers' to the city of Coruscant. Surely a few of those would appreciate better access to healthcare? Expand Karada's outreach to the lower-levels of the capital.
[] Emergency Exits: the Jedi Temple is a massive monument to the history and legacy of the Order. Given that the Republic is currently under the control of a Sith Lord, it might be wise to secure a few boltholes, or build some emergency evacuation tunnels around the Temple. Just in case.
Kaleesh Outpost:
[] Benelex Expansion: you've already invested in expanding Benelex House (good-guy bounty hunters that target kidnappers and murderers) to Kashyyyk, to hire the Wookies to secure their region of space. Expand Benelex to Kalee and hire the native warriors to do the same around Muun Space.
Oracle (Lucrehulk):
Mandalorian Mansion:
[] Pilot Academy: Mandalorians are famed as some of the best warriors in the galaxy. They do not have the same reputation as the best pilots in the galaxy. Train our own agents and guardians, and offer some of that training (and recruitment) to others...
Lordran, Kiln:
[] Baktoid Vehicle factories -- you have access to the blueprints, so why not build them on your private factory world where everything is cheap?
-[] Single-Trooper Aerial Platform: drastically increase speed & mobility of battle droid squads
-[] Armored Assault Tanks: drastically increase the armor and firepower of battle droid squads
-[] Multi-Troop Transport: battle droid squads may be securely stored until needed (removes cap on production?)
-[] Platoon Attack Craft: battle droid squads may be quickly deployed in battle as needed (and stored as needed)
-[] Vulture-class droid starfighter: cheap autonomous starfighters used for space combat (may require reprogramming to be useful...)
-[] C-9979 Landing Craft: spacebound transports for MTTs and AATs
[] Shipping center: send battle droids & vehicles offworld for use
La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
Nar Shaddaa Property:
[] Karada Medcenters: the Smuggler's Moon is one of the poorest, dirtiest, most diseased locations in the entire galaxy. Surely there's demand for a full-time medcenter to help the poor huddled masses?
[] Versuch Labs: Shady, yes. Useful, most definitely. Expand your underworld 'research center/healthclinics' to the Smuggler's Moon. Its location should ensure a steady stream of patients in such desperate medical & financial straits, that it'll have no lack of (well-compensated) volunteers for medical trials or experimentation. Pair it with an 'official' Karada branch to maximize positive PR, for Lady Ciaran's charity for the poorest members of society.
[] Boltholes: Zez Kai-Ell learned that the currents of 'life' flowing through Nar Shadda was quite effective cover when he was hiding from Darth Nihilus. Perhaps we could invest in a few boltholes around the Smuggler's Moon, and offer them to our friends and allies. Reward: improved relations with Skirata, improved clone deserter network, fallback for Jedi...?
[] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: the legendary civilian droid manufacturer from Nimban is facing a steadily diminishing profit margin, and seems to be in danger of bankruptcy. Help them expand to Nar Shaddaa to streamline their production line with cheap labor, in exchange for a small ownership share.
Castell Facility:
Muunilist Mansion:
[] Muun Auditors: incorporate a new financial business, as professional auditors of everything, and offer your services (or rather, that of renowned Muun bankers) to the galaxy at large. Independent auditing is very big business, especially given the complexity of galaxy-level tax laws. And if it also gives us inside information on a wide array of governments and businesses around the Republic, all the better.
Vectivus' Home:
Kashyyyk Facility:
[] CEC Expansion: Invite the Corellian Engineering Corporation to expand their facilities to the planet, and hire Wookie labor for their mechanical expertise and physical labor. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: the legendary civilian droid manufacturer from Nimban is facing a steadily diminishing profit margin, and seems to be in danger of bankruptcy. Help them expand to Kashyyyk to streamline their production line with Wookie labor, in exchange for a small ownership share. The labor droids and personal service droids will certainly be appreciated by other planets in CNS space. Reward: investment income, slightly increased CNS recruitment rate
Taris Property:
[] Sports Development, Pt. 2: fund youth sports league, 'farm teams', minor leagues for various sports, sponsor a Taris sports franchise
[] Orbital Drydocks: provide a friendly drydock (supply station, repair bay, minor shipyard) for ships traversing Neutral Space... for a fee. (+ investment income)
[] Mercy Medcenter, Pt. 2: now that Karada has a foothold on Taris, start turning it into a fall-back headquarters in case Coruscant falls to Palpatine. Drastically expand your medical programs on Taris (possible Reward: free reroll per turn for lowest Learning/medical roll?)
[] Planetary Shield: in case of orbital bombardment or Sith-related shenanigans, why not buy a big 'NOPE' button?
[] Bureau of Ships and Services: offer to help the BoSS relocated to Taris, since the rest of the galaxy is still plagued by war. Wouldn't want anything to happen to all of those ship records...
[] Beautification: even after the war winds down and the influx of refugees slows to a halt, Taris will still deal with a constant flow of immigrants, seeking new opportunities, new freedoms, and the most beautiful ecumenopolis in the galaxy. (...I love the idea behind this -- hattip to @Andres110 -- but I have no idea what the rewards might be...)
[] Svivreni Mines: invest in a Svivreni mineralogy/mining company to expand its operations to the Taris undercity, and revitalize the ancient mining industry that first powered Tarisian economic growth.
[] Black Market: you know how we basically control all legitimate trade to and from Taris? Well, some people don't like paying taxes, so even with Taris's phenomenal prosperity, there's still a small but growing black market. Step in and take that over as well.
[] Ojoster Intelligencer: set up a newspaper/HoloNet feed/media company, and start taking control of media in the Northern Outer Rim.
[] Aegis Security Expansion: Fry Industries may provide electronic security, but that does little for physical security. Fortunately, we own a security company with its own training compound. Expand it to a facility on Taris, and offer bodyguard and escort services for the rich and famous.
Naboo Mansion:
Cato Neimoidia Mansion
Dantooine Facility
[] Space Curling Arena: there are quite a few notable asteroid fields in the space around Dantooine. Why not use them to popularize our new sport?
Ord Mantell Compound
Corellia Property
[] Defense Grid -- possibly pair this with a 'Aegis Security Expansion' upgrade, to provide income? Maybe "Cost: 75 Income: 25"?
[] Dedicated Salvage Teams: Corellia has a long and rich history, so there's plenty to be discovered, especially in The Pit -- a dedicated junkyard/archaeological dig site. Set up a salvage team.
[] Large-scale wiretaps:
[] Luxus Resort: the 'Gold Beaches' of Tyrena are already a tourist trap, while Doaba Guerfel is known for its wild preserves and mountain resorts. Find a good location and set up a vacation resort.
[] Corellian Recruitment Center: Corellia boasts of some of the best pilots in the galaxy. Hire a few for the Abyss Watcher, as pilots for our fleet or smugglers for our gang. The CNS Militia might want to get in on the action as well.
[] Fund Garm Bel Iblis's militia: whatever Corellia's official neutrality, Senator Garm Bel Iblis has formed a sort of private fleet to look after the space around Corellia since the Republic has declined to do so. Fund his fleet, and incorporate it into the CNS joint forces structure.
[] Corellian Merchants Guild investments: one of the largest trading companies in the southern Core, the CMG is well worth the investment, if only for the access to its prestigious Guildhouses around the galaxy
[] Treasure Ship Row: a massive open-air bazaar that's almost comparable to that of Coruscant. Set up shop, and offer space to sellers from other CNS worlds to advertise the wonders of the Outer Rim in general and Neutral systems in particular.
[] Karada Medcenter: you already have an existing relationship with Coronet Medcenter, one of the leading research hospitals in the galaxy. Now that you're on the same planet, that collaboration can really take off. Coronet does best with high-status (rich) clients, so target the poorer members of society for medical treatment.
[] Corellian Engineering Corporation: CEC is the best civilian starship manufacturer in the galaxy, known for their emphasis on easy repair and modular systems. Offer to help them out, however you can.
[] Nerfworks: the CEC runs an experimental starship think-tank in one of the orbital shipyards, colloquially called 'Nerfworks'. Their recent specialty has been in constructing mostly autonomous droid-starships. Invest in the think-tank, to unlock cooperative research with Cheriss!
A/N: my original plan was to focus on the list of upgrades for Corellia, with one or two for our other bases since I'd already listed so many in previous turns. Except... it's a big galaxy, so there's plenty of other ideas I had. No idea how many of these should count as valid, (that's up to @Dr. Snark) but hopefully this list will spark a few ideas that might work even better.
Publicola's Write-In Megalist: Turn 27 Base Upgrades
Base Purchase:
[] Bespin -- there's an abandoned platform-city called 'Tibannopolis', that was designed as a sister-city for 'Cloud City' but which was abandoned some time ago. Recover it and turn it into an Abyss Watcher base.
[] Cularin -- either buy/recover an orbital platform city over the gas giant Genarius in the system (there's an abandoned fortress-orbital called the Conkesta, built for a recently-defeated local Dark Jedi, that has been floating away on a known trajectory ever since -- recover it!) Or, just buy a facility in one of the platform-cities over the jungle surface of Cularin itself.
[] Manda -- now that the Baobab family is on friendly terms with us, they might be willing to let us buy some space on their homeworld for closer cooperation and collaboration.
Coruscant Base:
[] Corusca Intelligencer: buy a 'paper', HoloNet News, or other media org, or buy space in the Column Commons or Calocour Heights districts to launch our own, and start building a propaganda machine to rival Palpatine's
[] Black Sun Territory: Grievous basically eradicated the Black Sun syndicate, but smaller local gangs have been scavenging the pieces and acquiring some of their old territory. Take over the district so it can't be used against us (OR use as flavor text for the first 'Underworld Takeover' upgrade...)
[] Undercity Healthcare: there are over 5000 'layers' to the city of Coruscant. Surely a few of those would appreciate better access to healthcare? Expand Karada's outreach to the lower-levels of the capital.
[] Emergency Exits: the Jedi Temple is a massive monument to the history and legacy of the Order. Given that the Republic is currently under the control of a Sith Lord, it might be wise to secure a few boltholes, or build some emergency evacuation tunnels around the Temple. Just in case.
Kaleesh Outpost:
[] Benelex Expansion: you've already invested in expanding Benelex House (good-guy bounty hunters that target kidnappers and murderers) to Kashyyyk, to hire the Wookies to secure their region of space. Expand Benelex to Kalee and hire the native warriors to do the same around Muun Space.
Oracle (Lucrehulk):
Mandalorian Mansion:
[] Pilot Academy: Mandalorians are famed as some of the best warriors in the galaxy. They do not have the same reputation as the best pilots in the galaxy. Train our own agents and guardians, and offer some of that training (and recruitment) to others...
Lordran, Kiln:
[] Baktoid Vehicle factories -- you have access to the blueprints, so why not build them on your private factory world where everything is cheap?
-[] Single-Trooper Aerial Platform: drastically increase speed & mobility of battle droid squads
-[] Armored Assault Tanks: drastically increase the armor and firepower of battle droid squads
-[] Multi-Troop Transport: battle droid squads may be securely stored until needed (removes cap on production?)
-[] Platoon Attack Craft: battle droid squads may be quickly deployed in battle as needed (and stored as needed)
-[] Vulture-class droid starfighter: cheap autonomous starfighters used for space combat (may require reprogramming to be useful...)
-[] C-9979 Landing Craft: spacebound transports for MTTs and AATs
[] Shipping center: send battle droids & vehicles offworld for use
La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
Nar Shaddaa Property:
[] Karada Medcenters: the Smuggler's Moon is one of the poorest, dirtiest, most diseased locations in the entire galaxy. Surely there's demand for a full-time medcenter to help the poor huddled masses?
[] Versuch Labs: Shady, yes. Useful, most definitely. Expand your underworld 'research center/healthclinics' to the Smuggler's Moon. Its location should ensure a steady stream of patients in such desperate medical & financial straits, that it'll have no lack of (well-compensated) volunteers for medical trials or experimentation. Pair it with an 'official' Karada branch to maximize positive PR, for Lady Ciaran's charity for the poorest members of society.
[] Boltholes: Zez Kai-Ell learned that the currents of 'life' flowing through Nar Shadda was quite effective cover when he was hiding from Darth Nihilus. Perhaps we could invest in a few boltholes around the Smuggler's Moon, and offer them to our friends and allies. Reward: improved relations with Skirata, improved clone deserter network, fallback for Jedi...?
[] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: the legendary civilian droid manufacturer from Nimban is facing a steadily diminishing profit margin, and seems to be in danger of bankruptcy. Help them expand to Nar Shaddaa to streamline their production line with cheap labor, in exchange for a small ownership share.
Castell Facility:
Muunilist Mansion:
[] Muun Auditors: incorporate a new financial business, as professional auditors of everything, and offer your services (or rather, that of renowned Muun bankers) to the galaxy at large. Independent auditing is very big business, especially given the complexity of galaxy-level tax laws. And if it also gives us inside information on a wide array of governments and businesses around the Republic, all the better.
Vectivus' Home:
Kashyyyk Facility:
[] CEC Expansion: Invite the Corellian Engineering Corporation to expand their facilities to the planet, and hire Wookie labor for their mechanical expertise and physical labor. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: the legendary civilian droid manufacturer from Nimban is facing a steadily diminishing profit margin, and seems to be in danger of bankruptcy. Help them expand to Kashyyyk to streamline their production line with Wookie labor, in exchange for a small ownership share. The labor droids and personal service droids will certainly be appreciated by other planets in CNS space. Reward: investment income, slightly increased CNS recruitment rate
Taris Property:
[] Sports Development, Pt. 2: fund youth sports league, 'farm teams', minor leagues for various sports, sponsor a Taris sports franchise
[] Orbital Drydocks: provide a friendly drydock (supply station, repair bay, minor shipyard) for ships traversing Neutral Space... for a fee. (+ investment income)
[] Mercy Medcenter, Pt. 2: now that Karada has a foothold on Taris, start turning it into a fall-back headquarters in case Coruscant falls to Palpatine. Drastically expand your medical programs on Taris (possible Reward: free reroll per turn for lowest Learning/medical roll?)
[] Planetary Shield: in case of orbital bombardment or Sith-related shenanigans, why not buy a big 'NOPE' button?
[] Bureau of Ships and Services: offer to help the BoSS relocated to Taris, since the rest of the galaxy is still plagued by war. Wouldn't want anything to happen to all of those ship records...
[] Beautification: even after the war winds down and the influx of refugees slows to a halt, Taris will still deal with a constant flow of immigrants, seeking new opportunities, new freedoms, and the most beautiful ecumenopolis in the galaxy. (...I love the idea behind this -- hattip to @Andres110 -- but I have no idea what the rewards might be...)
[] Svivreni Mines: invest in a Svivreni mineralogy/mining company to expand its operations to the Taris undercity, and revitalize the ancient mining industry that first powered Tarisian economic growth.
[] Black Market: you know how we basically control all legitimate trade to and from Taris? Well, some people don't like paying taxes, so even with Taris's phenomenal prosperity, there's still a small but growing black market. Step in and take that over as well.
[] Ojoster Intelligencer: set up a newspaper/HoloNet feed/media company, and start taking control of media in the Northern Outer Rim.
[] Aegis Security Expansion: Fry Industries may provide electronic security, but that does little for physical security. Fortunately, we own a security company with its own training compound. Expand it to a facility on Taris, and offer bodyguard and escort services for the rich and famous.
Naboo Mansion:
Cato Neimoidia Mansion
Dantooine Facility
[] Space Curling Arena: there are quite a few notable asteroid fields in the space around Dantooine. Why not use them to popularize our new sport?
Ord Mantell Compound
Corellia Property
[] Defense Grid -- possibly pair this with a 'Aegis Security Expansion' upgrade, to provide income? Maybe "Cost: 75 Income: 25"?
[] Dedicated Salvage Teams: Corellia has a long and rich history, so there's plenty to be discovered, especially in The Pit -- a dedicated junkyard/archaeological dig site. Set up a salvage team.
[] Large-scale wiretaps:
[] Luxus Resort: the 'Gold Beaches' of Tyrena are already a tourist trap, while Doaba Guerfel is known for its wild preserves and mountain resorts. Find a good location and set up a vacation resort.
[] Corellian Recruitment Center: Corellia boasts of some of the best pilots in the galaxy. Hire a few for the Abyss Watcher, as pilots for our fleet or smugglers for our gang. The CNS Militia might want to get in on the action as well.
[] Fund Garm Bel Iblis's militia: whatever Corellia's official neutrality, Senator Garm Bel Iblis has formed a sort of private fleet to look after the space around Corellia since the Republic has declined to do so. Fund his fleet, and incorporate it into the CNS joint forces structure.
[] Corellian Merchants Guild investments: one of the largest trading companies in the southern Core, the CMG is well worth the investment, if only for the access to its prestigious Guildhouses around the galaxy
[] Treasure Ship Row: a massive open-air bazaar that's almost comparable to that of Coruscant. Set up shop, and offer space to sellers from other CNS worlds to advertise the wonders of the Outer Rim in general and Neutral systems in particular.
[] Karada Medcenter: you already have an existing relationship with Coronet Medcenter, one of the leading research hospitals in the galaxy. Now that you're on the same planet, that collaboration can really take off. Coronet does best with high-status (rich) clients, so target the poorer members of society for medical treatment.
[] Corellian Engineering Corporation: CEC is the best civilian starship manufacturer in the galaxy, known for their emphasis on easy repair and modular systems. Offer to help them out, however you can.
[] Nerfworks: the CEC runs an experimental starship think-tank in one of the orbital shipyards, colloquially called 'Nerfworks'. Their recent specialty has been in constructing mostly autonomous droid-starships. Invest in the think-tank, to unlock cooperative research with Cheriss!
A/N: my original plan was to focus on the list of upgrades for Corellia, with one or two for our other bases since I'd already listed so many in previous turns. Except... it's a big galaxy, so there's plenty of other ideas I had. No idea how many of these should count as valid, (that's up to @Dr. Snark) but hopefully this list will spark a few ideas that might work even better.
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