Turn 69 Results:
-[X] Rocky II: So Sly invited you to see his new Film. Time to see how Sly does?: DC: 20 Rolled:
D100 + 20 => 103
Well Sly, time to see just what you did.
(Continued in Rocky II)
-[X]Finding Producers: Mike wants to bring more talent into the Company to work on more films of a lower budget variety than the blockbuster films that you all are producing. Mostly young talent, so he's asking you to scour Hollywood for the ideas. DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 7
You are starting to think you are cursed when it comes to producers wanting to work to you.
You honestly think that someone is spreading rumors about you and the company.
Failure: You think that someone is spreading rumors and trying to sabotage your company and you are going to find out if that is the case!
-[X] Carrie's Ambitions: So Carrie what is… OH MY GOODNESS! DC: 0 (Begin a Miniturn to help Carrie with her new ambition) Rolled:
D100 => 69+40=109
Carrie, this is insane.
(Continued in: Carrie's New Ambition)
-[X] Happy as All Can Be: It's time for a nice family picnic. You are going to take the family out and just enjoy the sunshine. DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 81+40=121
It was hardly something you needed to do, but instead, it was something you wanted to do. It was just a simple afternoon, nothing could happen.
So you packed a picnic lunch, took a deep breath, and carried on with a wonderful evening walking the hills.
And while you did not see everything, you did see the things that mattered.
Mary walked with a smile on her face, trying to run ahead of you. Carrie held your arms while you walked through the grasslands and the fun of chasing after her.
Enjoying a nice simple meal without having to worry about anything else for all that time…
But above all else. You saw them happy.
And that made you happy.
Reward: You love everything about all you see.
-[X] George, We need to talk About… This: George came to you with the First cut of Empire. "George, what the fuck… What did you-?" George Smiled. "We got bored in San Francisco… and that happened." DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 94
It was at this moment, you stopped wondering what to do, and look at George. "Did you refilm the scenes without my knowledge?" You asked.
George put the model down… "No."
"Than what are you doing!?" you asked.
"Dave had a script, and I looked at it, and decided to make a short film. You know, just ti give me something to do."
"What about Marcia?" You asked. "And Wally?"
"Yeah, Marcia and Wally are both at the Ranch, you know, working and enjoying the place… and I needed to get out of the house for few days."
You narrowed your eyes. "Go on?"
"And did this?"
"You got an entire short film done within two weeks?" You asked. "What about Empire?"
Then George seemed to remember. "Marcia's done. She says she can't do anything else to make it better."
"Oh, Prove it!"
Film Quality after editing:
D100 + 600 => 699
You were flabbergasted. "This… this is…"
"The best film I've ever seen in years," George said with a smile. "Say those words, Bruce."
"Maybe at the theater."
"You should have seen Irving Kershner and our friend's face… I think Brian fainted."
"What did Irving do? And who's Irving?"
"My teacher," George replied. "And don't worry. We're going to be ready this Christmas if you want."
Reward: George made a short film to let off some steam, called "Battle Tap." A Dogfighting film starring a fictional WW1 pilot.
Empire has finished Editing and production, and next turn, you can choose when to release it.
-[X] Friends in High Places: So the Lieutenant Governor has come to your house, in person might you add, with a warning… Says that the state was about to do something stupid against you. Seems that some people are angry at you and they want revenge… for some reason, what did you do this time? DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 98
What it's about:
D100 => 100
How much:
D1000 => 127
You didn't expect the Governor… well lieutenant governor to show up at your doorstep…alone, with no media or entourage. "Burce, uh, Bruce O'Brian, we need to talk, very important."
"Um…" You were stunned. "Come in, uh, do you need anything Mister?"
"Just call me Mike. I'm not interested in that professional crap right now." Mike Curb was not what you would call good looking, or even suave or presentable… he was frankly a mess, with his hair frazzled and several large maps in his arms. "No, sorry, but I came here as soon as I could, risking my damn career and my job… But it's worth it." He looked around. "Carrie around?"
"She's with her mother next door?" You replied. "Why?"
"Oh, she was talking to me on the phone and wanted to do some recording next week." He said. "I was just trying to make sure that she was still on for that?"
"I don't know, and that's the honest answer." You replied. "But why are you here Mike?"
Mike huffed. "You own 150 acres of land here in the hills, right? The north end of the place, near the city limits."
"Yeah?" You asked.
"Do you also own the mineral rights to it?" You asked.
You raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, it was something Carrie told me to buy, so we could renovate and do landscaping without having to do so many permits, and so that the city wouldn't be able to do something stupid like do some sewer lines and stuff? Why?"
Mike took a breath. "Because the State of California, without your knowledge, might I add, is seeking to tap the, and this is their estimate currently, as these are not tapped wells… are sitting on top of around 100 million barrels of crude."
You swore you heard a cash register ding go off in your head. "Come again?"
"The State of California is trying to eminent domain your property, because it is sitting on one of the largest oil reserves in the state. Probably even the world currently, that no one knew about until 72 hours ago when the state of California did an illegal surveying operation on your property and found oil."
You gagged. "How, it should have done something when they were clearing the land, or discovered decades ago, that the Beverly Hills fields are massive, and you are saying that the property I own has had oil reserves completely untouched completely, despite 70 years of nonstop production?"
Mike smiled. "You're one of the luckiest people on the planet did you know that Bruce?"
"I'm starting to think I'm cursed." You stated. "Um, why are you telling me? This could be a feather in your cap if you play it right."
"Cause something tells me that Brown is motivated by stealing from you and making you lose out on things for all the people you helped out a few years ago, then helping out the state… and that would just be a bonus. You've been sitting on that prime land for years, despite everything, and did nothing with it. Now he has his excuse."
"And why are you helping me?" You asked. "You gain nothing from this?"
"Maybe, maybe not. But right now, I'm worried about several things that happened that are illegal that occurred under my watch and I have the power to do something about it and prevent it from getting worse." He said. "So, do this and do it quickly, tell the City of Beverly Hills that you plan to start drilling, the state can't do anything about it once that motion has been filed because the land is being used in a productive way that is generating the state income… At least that's how I can spin it to the state senate to stop the governor from doing anything that blatantly stupid. You may have to pop the tap on the well itself, and start production, but… at least can't take it from you without paying you for everything."
You took a deep breath and tried to think of the words. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it… though I might ask you to help me run for governor, cause what I'm doing right now, might be considered illegal."
You nodded. "Well, I'll do my best."
Reward: So the State of California illegally trespassed on your land conducted a mineral and oil survey… and discovered a huge untapped reserve on your property.
However, Mike came down and risked his job to tell you how to prevent the state, if not from stealing your land, then making them pay for everything it's worth.
And provided a solution.
You owe Mike a favor.
-[X] A New Way of Doing Things Part 2: Since Brandon wants to be an actor, You decided that he will do things your way in how to handle a situation and of course, that means one thing. "I am not wearing that." It was a costume and a copy of Romeo and Juliet. "You asked me remember." DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 3+10=13
-[X] Helping Brandon Graduate Part 6: So Brandon, you are now a junior. We are going to get you to graduate by the end of the year, so that you may join the workforce without sacrificing your education. DC: 60/??? Rolled:
D100 => 22+10=32
Brandon was… not happy, and he ditched you.
You think it's because, and justifiably so… he was tired and tired of you. So you gave him a break. Letting him do his own thing with his friends. But you knew he would be back. Soon.
-[X] The Lee Family come over to Dinner: Linda and Shannon are coming over. Time for dinner plays! DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 35
Linda said that Brandon was not going to come, and she would rather make him feel better than force him back over to your home at this time. She knows him, he'll be back soon enough and be happier for it.
-[X] Your Rival: Arnold Schwarzenegger. You have no idea who this guy is… also, why does he want to rival you. Also, what the fuck is he doing, going around saying you are the only reason that things got so weird? Whatever that means. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 13
"Carrie, what the fuck is going on, why is this guy yelling at me? Is he our new neighbor?"
Failure: You really don't know what the big idea with Arnold is? Who the hell is he, is he in movies? Or TV? Everyone is talking about him like he's the next big thing… but in what?
-[X] A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] Hawaiian bird conservation. $80 million. You want to broaden your charity efforts to help the planet, and one case of an emergency is those of the Hawaiian birds with several such as the Po'ouli and Kaua'i o-o being on the verge of extinction. Fund efforts to protect their habitats, create breeding programs, and promote awareness. Rolled:
D100 => 92
So you really didn't know hwat the hell you were doing, but let other, smarter people do that for you.
You just signed the checks, and they did the rest.
And it did something you think... Because they said thanks to your efforts, the birds have a safe environment.
Reward: You have begun and started to protect the environment of the Hawaiian bird population... though you don't know how effective you have been.
-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[X] Wes Craven. Lucasfilms needs to get into the horror game, and Craven seems like one of the most talented man in town to tackle it. Approach and try to acquire Craven as director and if he's interested, offer a contract for an extended line of films with Lucasfilms. Rolled:
D100 => 11
It wasn't the fact that Wes Craven was not interested. He was. He was just entertaining and wanting to look at the seven other offers he had on the table.
But he did tell you one thing. "Can you beat five million?"
You didn't know if it was a salary or a budget, but you had a number to beat from Universal.
Failure: Wes wants what he wants.
--[X] Clint Eastwood. Lucasfilms needs more movies, and Clint's one of the best stars and directors in town. Get in touch and try to see if you can arrange for Clint's Malpaso Productions to enter a similar agreement to Lucasfilms as it currently has with The Ladd Company. Rolled:
D100 => 56
Clint was sitting in your office, looking at some of your tokens and glories, movie posters, and many other things. "Hate it yet?" He asked as he saw you drumming your fingers on the table. "This life you chose for yourself?"
You sighed. "Some days. They just get harder and harder sometimes." Then you smiled. "But other days I can say that they are a lot better. Like today."
Clint laughed. "I was going to say yes no matter what you would have done. You know that right?"
"Clint you don't need to lie to me, it's after you saw the zeroes that you came in. I'm not an idiot. That's all anyone in this town seems to care about."
Clint then gave his trademark snarl… but instead, he started to laugh. "You're right, but I have people counting on me, just like there are others counting on you to get them food on the table." He then took a breath. "I'm touched by the generosity."
"I'm sure you'll also like the fact you can finally make that western you've been wanting to make that no one wants to make because they are dead?"
"Westerns aren't dead, they are just waiting to be seen again."
Reward: Clint Eastwood and his company are now partners of Lucasfilm.
Every year you can send them a script or just give them a budget to go wild.
Malpaso Productions: Clint Eastwoods production company, and something that Clint holds dear. Don't fuck it up.
-Rolls for any production in the Genre of Western, Modern Crime, or thriller, gets a +20 when they are working on it.
-Clint being placed as a director of any Western film, will give it a Quality of +100, thanks to his (Legend of the Western) Trait unless he is working on another project.
-Clint must serve as executive producer or director of any film to use this bonus.
AN: Enjoy.