Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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X]The Toho Fuck ups: So Toho broke a contract. Time to make them pay for it! DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 1

Legal Team Reroll:D100 => 2

Unforeseen consequences:D100 => 50

So… Toho. You fucked around and hid an entire clause in the contract, improperly placed, and ill-defined…

And it worked?

It seems that in your suit, they had gained several powerful friends within the American Judiciary system, as well as friends from Disney and Universal… that actually explained a lot of things actually.

And they were, to put it lightly, making a mockery of you and the legal team. After numerous months… You learned, and Mike learned, to much of his dismay, that the contract had a back date clause when it was amended with Mike last year to finish up for the final round of films to release. A Back date clause with an additional clause.

Set to a year prior to the original contract date, with a clause stipulating in the last two years, Toho was in its legal rights to go to other distributors if it felt that Lucasfilms was not "Meeting and exacting reception to the building of the Toho Brand in America". A statement that was not hard to miss, and a huge fucking red flag, that, at any other time, with any other company, would have been thrown out, because of other information later in the contract.

Mike missed it. You missed it, and George missed it, and so did all your lawyers.

But Toho's didn't. And it seems, neither did anyone else after it was revealed. But it seems the judge… You didn't remember the name, just ruled in favor of Toho, Disney… and everyone else, not Lucasfilms. Partially because you think they were up for election and wanted to earn the bigger companies, and possibly their employee's votes…

But also because something told you that several powerful people wanted it to go Toho's way. You didn't know who, but there was a lot of money behind them. Too much money even.

Now, as you say, you were not forced to pay Toho money, nor did any film you released in America have to be given the profits back…

But Toho was in their legal right to look for distributors.

And they were putting an end to the Lucasfilms Experiment. Permanently.

Critical Failure: Toho pulled a fast one on you, and managed to not only come out of it smelling like Roses… But also making Mike, you, and Everyone in Lucasfilms Management, look the fool.

You also think a lot of powerful people wanted you to fail.

Meanwhile, in Japan, Akira Kurasawa is outraged at the great dishonor to the people who helped him and severed all ties with Toho.

But he was the only one who did. The only director who had the courage to do what he felt was right, and he was alone. And now he is on a plane to America.

To meet with the men who may have saved his life.

Mike Eisner, George Lucas… and man who brought them all together... Bruce O'Brian. And offer his services.


I am tempted to go for an hostile takeover bid as soon as we get the Empire Strikes back money
All I will say, is that Dragon ball might have a badass Barbarian in it.

That is all I will say. :V
I though that one was supposed to be Yamcha :V...
I also can't help but picture the introduction of Conan this early into Japan's exposure to Western pop culture is definitely going to shift the typical JRPG setup. Heck fantasy and isekai are definitely going to change with their primordial soup having the testosterone-fueled MAN that is Conan the Barbarian thrown in.

Less pretty boys in generic medieval fantasy land, and perhaps more a Japanese student carving his way across the monster-infested barren wastes. Traveling from spot to spot of barely hanging on human civilization. Certainly lots of fan service, but also good old-fashioned wholesome ultra-violence and food eating.
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Nov 16th 1978
Used underhanded tactics and bribery to circumvent the general rule of law and shamed the DreamWorks Studio Leaders and employees

For the great dishonor thrust upon us, great damage must be returned upon TOHO 10 fold

Oct 23rd 1979
Used illegal means and vile duplicity in the attempt to steal our land and the Oil they had illegally found under it.

For this slight upon us and our family, RETRIBUTION! They shall suffer political ruin and financial damage!

This grudge was struck out on Nov 17th 1979

February, 1980
Through reckless driving and vile harassment, members of the Paparazzi endangered both our wife and our (at the point in time) unborn children in an attempt to take photographs
which they would use to enrich themselves.

For this blatant and unrefutably vile harassment and

endangerment, RETRIBUTION! They shall be judged by the Law and prosecuted to the fullest extent that we can.
Struck out in March 1980 with the passing of the Prohibition of Harassing Pursuit in a Moving Vehicle Act

March, 1980
Through vile, dishonorable intentions the CCP have attempted to assassinate both us and our family in our own home for reasons both flimsy and paranoid.

For this INJUSTICE and CRAVEN ATTEMPT we will see the CCP humbled and repaid 100 fold.

@Magoose I petiton that we create our own book of grudges, since everyone seems to want to fuck around and find out
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@Magoose I petiton that we create our own book of grudges, since everyone seems to want to fuck around and find out
I will allow it, and place it on the informational.

If only on two conditions.

One, you have to keep it up. I've got too much work to do on other things here.

Two, only crit failures and bad people can be put on it, not people who have had misunderstandings.
Critical Failure: Toho pulled a fast one on you, and managed to not only come out of it smelling like Roses… But also making Mike, you, and Everyone in Lucasfilms Management, look the fool.
I get the feeling that the Vultures have taken note.
We might see other companies stepping up to the plate to try and screw us over. After all, while we singlehandedly destroyed and saved a company over the MASH debatable. Someone just managed to get one over on us in a big way, possibly emboldening the competition.

At least until we manage a crit to restore our reputation. :V
I get the feeling that the Vultures have taken note.
We might see other companies stepping up to the plate to try and screw us over. After all, while we singlehandedly destroyed and saved a company over the MASH debatable. Someone just managed to get one over on us in a big way, possibly emboldening the competition.

At least until we manage a crit to restore our reputation. :V
Until 1980, the Atari VCS was the only major programmable console on the market and Atari the only supplier for its games, but that year is when Atari began to experience its first major competition as Mattel Electronics brought the Intellivision to market.[15] Activision also released its first set of third-party games for the Atari VCS.[33] Atari took action against Activision starting 1980, first by trying to tarnish the company's reputation, then by taking legal action accusing the four programmers of stealing trade secrets and violating non-disclosure agreements. This lawsuit was eventually settled out of court in 1982, with Activision agreeing to pay a small license fee to Atari for every game sold. This effectively validated Activision's development model and made them the first third-party developer in the industry.[42][43]
Who wants to poach from ATARI, and see if they try something dumb due to seeing how we were played like a fiddle? :V
Honestly, not anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be or feared it could be. It sucks, but it's not the end of the world. It just means that we've got another enemy, which I welcome.
Is Toho taking notes on how the Studio imported Conan at the same time as these legal actions? Like I feel like we're all missing the effect movie making has on culture. High chance Toho will be stuck emulating Ronin-esque Monster Slayers ( what is Conan if not a rogue without a Lord?) from LucasStudios work. Like Bruce doesn't mean to do social engineering, but that's what it feels like is happening?
All I will say, is that Dragon ball might have a badass Barbarian in it.
The Ox King, ChiChi's father, gets a buff? He has the hat for it.
Is Toho taking notes on how the Studio imported Conan at the same time as these legal actions? Like I feel like we're all missing the effect movie making has on culture. High chance Toho will be stuck emulating Ronin-esque Monster Slayers ( what is Conan if not a rogue without a Lord?) from LucasStudios work. Like Bruce doesn't mean to do social engineering, but that's what it feels like is happening?
Except they didn't.

Conan isn't out yet in Japan, nor anywhere else.

It's still in post-production. we're hyping that shit to the moon.

However, the books that will soon be translated will sell a lot.

As for the effects... Well Bruce isn't really focused on that, and I leave a lot more of the open-ended stuff to questions, or let you guys try to fill in the blanks.

Everything about this event won't be felt culturally for years.

But the ball has started rolling. and it will depend on how you do things in the actions , and how you want to effect them.
The best revenge we can have against Toho is...nothing.

Let them see our movies make hundreds of millions and our distributers make hundreds of millions of yens, let them see all that money, all those masterpieces, and know that they will never see a single cent/yen out of them. Let them see how utterly unimportant they are to us now as we move to victory as they are left behind.

And let's acquire Daiei while we're at it and get Gamera to become the new King.
The best revenge we can have against Toho is...nothing.

Let them see our movies make hundreds of millions and our distributers make hundreds of millions of yens, let them see all that money, all those masterpieces, and know that they will never see a single cent/yen out of them. Let them see how utterly unimportant they are to us now as we move to victory as they are left behind.

And let's acquire Daiei while we're at it and get Gamera to become the new King.
Much rather tear the Godzilla franchise from its screaming carcass. The King of the Monsters needs better allies than these.
Unless people are going to make omakes to target Toho or help with future rolls against Toho, I suggest we learn from this and move on. I'd rather build up Lucasfilm and make connections rather than try and take over a company...and make the shareholders money.

If we do want to harm Toho, release films at the same time as their films to lower their box office. Make it known to theater owners that from now on we won't release Lucasfilm movies to theaters that release Toho films.

But, really, I'd rather take the actions to build a Legal department and LucasLabs. And actually invest in other companies that would bring a benefit to Lucasfilm or Bruce. Like Apple or Jim Henson. Or a microchip company like Intel.