X]The Toho Fuck ups: So Toho broke a contract. Time to make them pay for it! DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 1
Legal Team Reroll:
D100 => 2
Unforeseen consequences:
D100 => 50
So… Toho. You fucked around and hid an entire clause in the contract, improperly placed, and ill-defined…
And it worked?
It seems that in your suit, they had gained several powerful friends within the American Judiciary system, as well as friends from Disney and Universal… that actually explained a lot of things actually.
And they were, to put it lightly, making a mockery of you and the legal team. After numerous months… You learned, and Mike learned, to much of his dismay, that the contract had a back date clause when it was amended with Mike last year to finish up for the final round of films to release. A Back date clause with an additional clause.
Set to a year prior to the original contract date, with a clause stipulating in the last two years, Toho was in its legal rights to go to other distributors if it felt that Lucasfilms was not "Meeting and exacting reception to the building of the Toho Brand in America". A statement that was not hard to miss, and a huge fucking red flag, that, at any other time, with any other company, would have been thrown out, because of other information later in the contract.
Mike missed it. You missed it, and George missed it, and so did all your lawyers.
But Toho's didn't. And it seems, neither did anyone else after it was revealed. But it seems the judge… You didn't remember the name, just ruled in favor of Toho, Disney… and everyone else, not Lucasfilms. Partially because you think they were up for election and wanted to earn the bigger companies, and possibly their employee's votes…
But also because something told you that several powerful people wanted it to go Toho's way. You didn't know who, but there was a lot of money behind them. Too much money even.
Now, as you say, you were not forced to pay Toho money, nor did any film you released in America have to be given the profits back…
But Toho was in their legal right to look for distributors.
And they were putting an end to the Lucasfilms Experiment. Permanently.
Critical Failure: Toho pulled a fast one on you, and managed to not only come out of it smelling like Roses… But also making Mike, you, and Everyone in Lucasfilms Management, look the fool.
You also think a lot of powerful people wanted you to fail.
Meanwhile, in Japan, Akira Kurasawa is outraged at the great dishonor to the people who helped him and severed all ties with Toho.
But he was the only one who did. The only director who had the courage to do what he felt was right, and he was alone. And now he is on a plane to America.
To meet with the men who may have saved his life.
Mike Eisner, George Lucas… and man who brought them all together... Bruce O'Brian. And offer his services.