Has George Miller started looking for Distributors?
Yes he is. We're in the top 3.
Have any Directors thought of working with Lucasfilms (I mean, we never get any no matter how much we try. There must be someone willing, right?)
There have been but we aren't exactly… paying huge salery like say a universal, or Disney.
Have the Producers of Tron started looking for investors?
Yes. And they have found it wanting since Sony bought UA.
What did PBS think of the first season of the new myths show?
They like it but not as much as you think.
Would Disney be willing to sell the rights to The Chronicles of Prydain?
For 20 million yes.
I don't think that's true at all. James Cameron stated in multiple interviews that after seeing Star Wars he gained the passion to become a filmmaker and the love of seeing it motivated him to quit his job and enter into the film industry despite a lack of formal education or experience. Star Wars is one of James Cameron's favorite films and I don't see why he wouldn't love it any less here, it's the reason I chose him as one of my POV characters in The Hype is Real, because Star Wars here motivated James to completely jump into filmmaking
He doesn't like Lucasfilms the company. Not the product we put out.
Because of one man. Mike Eisner. They met once, and it made him really hate him.
What is Bruce's favorite and least favorite foods?
Pineapple pizza and anything spicy Mexican.
He can not stand that taste. But he also, strangely enough, hates a few Irish dishes that have cabbage in them.
Yes, Bruce hates Cabbage.
How would you say Bruce's portrayal of Han differs from Harrison Ford's?
I would say in three, very distinct ways.
1. Bruce, is far more ruthless than Harrison, in many ways. He smiles when he knows he has the drop on Greedo, and he's far more hotheaded because he thinks he can shoot or talk his way out.
2. Bruce is far quieter than Han, acting through his body language, and his eyes, then using George's dialogue. Every word he speaks is far more impactful. Though thankfully, he still comes off as a scoundrel complaining...
3. And this is going to be a surprise, but he's far more cynical and world-weary, as if he has been beaten down by the galaxy and just accepts that he cannot change it. It takes Luke, Leia and even the Death of Obi-Wan to finally show him that maybe the thing can work.
Outside of what appears on the update, do Bruce and Carrie travel much? I imagine that in turns where there's nothing important going on business or personal wise, they take small trips in California or go to New York or Ireland to visit family.
mostly just going to San Francisco and New York. Ireland is too much for their young family, and they don't want to to have Mary get sick from the travel.
What does Mary like to play?
Princess and the Castle, and the Dragon.
Carrie is the princess, Bruce is the Fairy, and Mary is the Dragon.
How does Mary view the pets?
Are Bruce and Carrie George III's godparents just as George and Marcia are for Mary?
How did Debbie feel about Mary being named after her?
She's honored. mostly because she finally has something with her name on it that she can be truely proud of.
Has Joseph appeared in any more movies or shows since Five Dates?
In some local New York productions, but nothing really big. He's more busy being a good buissness owner, and he's actually planning on opening a franchise with the Jumping whale, as well as beating Don in several places, like trying to beutify the city with trees.
Has Carrie written and published any books?
She has written her Star Wars Diary's but she's to busy to edit them because she's being a good mother to Mary.
Has all the songs from Mansion Rock collaboration been released?
Only Queen. And let me tell you this, you will see that result later.
If Star Trek Phase II is being made what is the Star Trek films going to be about?
all I know is that Wrath of Khan is going to be big. that is it.
Does George have plans for the release of Star Wars books and creating the EU early or is Star Wars novels more limited at the moment like OTL?
Limited, mostly because he is really...
interested in finishing his trilogy before he does something like that.
Since we're filming Empire in Los Angeles instead of England, does that mean that the extras and supporting cast will be more diverse than British dudes?
Though the empire will still have many british charecter actors, because dammit, they are required now.
If Alien flops does that mean that Fox will go bankrupt?
Do John Milnius and Robert Zemeckis want to direct movies?
They do, in fact, they will be part of the directors in the next action plan for Lucasfilms.
Any notable films to be made in the UA splurge?
Deer Hunter. it's about to get released worldwide.
And it made fuck loads of money.
What is the status of Blade Runner and the Elvis spy movie?
Blade runner begins production in 1980, and the Elvis Spy movied (Agent Elvis) will be released in 1979.
When does Conan gets released? (kinda forgot)
Next year.
How long are the movies' runtime?
the longest film, Solomon Kane, was only 2hrs 15.
Conan is around 2hrs.
How culturally impactful will our movies aside from Star Wars be?
if we continue with the successes. Big.
Is the whole manga and anime dubbing division thing I once mentioned a reality for our studios, even if we personally don't get involved in everything?
you have to invest in that.
What do you think will be the opinion of Bruce of martial arts manga like the early arcs of Dragonball (Search for the Dragon Balls and 21s Tenkaichi Budokai arcs)?
Bruce might not like them, considering he's a legitimate fighter and he would see the art as silly...
even if its really easy to read.
What plotline and characters were introduced to the Star Wars lore from Marvel's promotional comics? Will some of them be mentioned in Empire Strikes Back?
not any right now that I would consdier canon yet.