Damn, really wish I did something to push for a bonus to production problems, I didn't think we'd switch production difficulty with OTL Star Wars. Really hate that we have to sacrifice so much of our action economy, hopefully we at least get some decent rolls and bonuses out of this.
We've got time for that, we have at least 4 turns...
Maybe more if things get fucked up, and make JAWS look like a picnic. especially since in 1978... things start happening inthe Middle east again that make the Banner of may we live in interesting times seem quaint by comparison.
Who else is feeling particularly litigious and willing to throw money at a private investigator to hunt down and legally chastise whoever did this because I sincerely doubt this occurred in a vacuum
... All I'm going to say is, blame some really out of touch and stupid rock bands who thought it would have been a good idea to tresspass on the set of a movie for a concert.
Holy shit, literally. Saint O'Brien in the scene.
For a brief moment. don't worry. Bruce is by no way going to become a saint. He's not that good of a person.
in terms of his stuff. Like really, he's a pragmatic businessman and actor/producer.
He's not getting cannonized.
Blame Quesada for that crap. Until he arrived Peter Parker did suffer, but it was the kind of suffering that came with being an adult; something necessary that made you stronger and you could move past in order to grow and continue on in your life. Then Quesada said "Screw that! Let's rewind everything, abandon all the character growth, and let's have Peter forever a bachellor dealing with the same kind of problems he's already overcome, over and over again!"
Fucking moron.
Don't worry... Quesada will never work at Marvel comics.
DC on the other hand.
He completely destroyed Joseph Michael Straczynski's reputation in the process, which is the greater shame of it all.
One of the worst sins of one more day. That man has more talent in his left pinky then most writer/artists of current day marvel that its not even funny how fucke it was to lose him.
The best part of a hypothetical Lucasfilm's Marvel is that Bruce deeply loves Carrie and treasures his marriage so you know that if One More Day ever came out a middle aged Bruce whose been married to Carrie for 30 years and probably has a decent amount of kids is going to get super pissed that Quesada made it so Peter sells his marriage to the Devil.
And as a Catholic, he would really get into the whole fire and brimstone that he's known for as a businessman and as a man.
If we're gonna buy Marvel though we need to do it before Superman releases so Universal doesn't rush in with their cash and try to follow the next craze.
You make it sound like any studio will pull up with a briefcase of cash and can buy Marvel comics.
Newsflash, that is not going to happen, not when Marvel is making money hand over fist from Star Wars comics and their new Noir line.
Also, for, other reasons.
We've pretty much been in consensus for a while now that Harrison Ford should play Indy because it's the least he deserves for Bruce getting Han and for some reason he actually loves being Indiana Jones. Also through word of Magoose, Ford is set to get the part from George barring any intervention on our part.
Also, this is not going to be a spoiler, but Harrison also got his part in Blade Runner. Yes, Alan Ladd has it, and he is going to... well, make that damn film if it kills him.
But he also isn't looking for Lucasfilms help to produce it (yet) because he can still try to make it in house.