Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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[X] "There are many things I could say about the hard work and dedication of all involved, but the real inspiration for all of this began with a man with the heart and talent for it all and in that way, I would like to personally like to shake their hand here on the podium for all their hard work and dedication to the craft. Sylvester Stallone, please join us up here."
That moment when you make a billion dollars and literally change how movies are made but then one Italian Stallion delivers a suckerpunch.
Say what you want about Rocky, it hits America slighty more then Star Wars Did.

Also, I think the Academy realized that if it Gave Lucas the Oscar for best picture or director, Half of Hollywood would be up in arms ready to burn it down.

And while that would be rather fun... Bruce wouldn't have caused it and would take no enjoyment from it. :V
Damn, what a hell of an Oscars. This is definitely going to be more controversial than any of the Oscars OTL with Star Wars losing both Best Director and Best Picture to Rocky. I guess Rocky is cemented as the definitive underdog film.
Most controversial oscar so far!:V

Cause guess what, we're just getting started. We have a long career ahead of us.
Oh well, at least it went to the OTL winners and no matter what Lucasfilms still won everything save for Best Actor and Actress, and Toshiro is the first Asian to win an Oscar. Poor George though. Hope he can at least find comfort in getting an Oscar for Best Screenplay and sharing it with Marcia.

George can cry all the way to the bank with the amount of money that we're making.
Although I think the real snubs are Mark not getting eventhe nomination for Best Actor even though he legit had the best performance out of anyone in Star Wars
Turns out, the Academy hates Mark! Who fucking knew the cowards!

Also, Carrie already had the best actress award so its not like she is getting snubbed to much
Carrie was just nominated for Best Supporting Actress instead of Best Actress even though she's the lead female actress.

The snubs are coming.
Also gotta wonder why the hell Mike Eisner of all people is MIA for the Oscars even though he won Best Picture on his first Producer credit. If Mike isn't in attendance then that makes me really scared for what the hell kind of shit we're about to deal with that Mike had to take higher priority.
Meanwhile with Mike Eisner, at his secret lair.

"We're about to make so much fucking money!"
As much as I want to flip the bird to Hollywood and make some legendary quote about Lucasfilms, this movie is in the end Stallone's and we really didn't do much in production besides give the budget. He deserves the spotlight and praise far more than us, especially since Stallone didn't get an Oscar for Best Screenplay or Actor.
And make him a friend for life!
Huh honestly thought we'd sweep the awards more considering how big Star Wars turned out to be but oh well. Though bit confused about something so far it's turning out okay so what were the others pissed about in last update?

Also @Magoose loving your work and this quest but wanted to ask you something. The quest you are animator for cartoons is that quest dead/cancelled?

Because won't lie love animation and actually really like the premise and angle of that quest think it'd be a lot of fun.😊 Plus what I read was quite enjoyable ~
Movie Pitch: An American Saga: The Times that Try Men's Souls
Alright then, this took me a while not only because of trying to make sure that I have the right point of views during this period, but also because sometimes I would select actors which had already been used in the previous one, and I do want this series of movies to be consistent when it comes to continuity, which means keeping the actors from previous movies, and not using those which have already appeared in different roles. It's a hassle and a half I tell you.

Still, I hope these films get made. The period of the American Revolution is among my favorite study subjects, a mixture of realpolitik and idealism that is sometimes difficult to find later on (unless we speak about the French Revolution, but hell if I'm opening that can of worms!) and you can see that in both the stances that the British, the colonists and their allies took. The opposition between each other sometimes became political, sometimes because of selfish interest, and there were times that it came down to outright racism in the case of the south, which opens a whole other can of worms that I can't seem to run away from.

I'm putting a couple of Points of View on that subject, but I'm not a complete expert, so don't expect anything grand sweeping or in depth. I'm mostly trying to acknowledge the situation, while also making sure to present and entertain those who watch the movie.

So, I give you:

Movie Pitch:
An American Saga: The Times that Try Men's Souls

GENRE: Drama/Historical

SUBGENRE: Political/War

FORMAT: Movie (Part 2 of 3)

Set Up: A historical fiction movie that tells the story of the events from the American Revolution. The movie spans from the Declaration of Independence and taking of New York to the Liberation of Philadelphia and the Beginning of the Southern Theatre in 1779. The events of this movie depict the struggles, the highs and lows of the Revolution. From the acts of loyalty to the betrayals by friends, the battles and debates that make the Continental Army and the Continental Congress what they are, the lows of defeat and the highs of victory. These are the time that tried the revolution, and tempered it into what it would become.

Director: Ridley Scott
Composer: Alan Silvestri
George Washington: Commander-In-Chief of the continental army. The man who held it all together when the series of defeats threatened to end the revolution there and then. Washington is a man beset by enemies from within and without; the British want his head, and Congress wants to replace him. Despite it all, he comports himself with dignity in front of his men, and never even thinks of surrendering or quitting. He will give it his all through thick and thin.

Played By: Robin Williams
Alternate: Kelsey Grammer

Benedict Arnold: General in the Continental Army, he served in Lexington and Concord, helped take Fort Ticonderoga, and participated in the expedition to Quebec. The victor at Saratoga, he saw much of the credit for his accomplishments being given to others, as well as being treated shabbily by Congress, though he had the friendship and trust of George Washington. He served faithfully, but the seeds had been planted, bitterness and discontent spread as he considered what life would be on the other side.

Played By: Kiefer Sutherland
Alternate: Kevin Bacon

Benjamin Franklin: Newly appointed diplomat to France, Benjamin Franklin worked tirelessly alongside his grandson, Temple, to convince the French to aid them in the revolution, as well as to obtain the funds needed in order to continue the fight. He remained in France until he was finally recalled, but for now he has to deal with the politics of the time, as well as the different factions in the French court who would prefer to keep America more as their colony or as a vassal state.

Played By: Joss Ackland
Alternate: Gene Hackman

John Adams: Appointed diplomat to France, second only to Benjamin Franklin. John Adams is a man whose desire to aid the American cause has him go to the Netherlands and begin a diplomatic venture where he will manage to gain not only recognition for the young nation, but also the loans needed to continue the fight when the French's funds are not enough. Adams' feat, while not as flashy as Franklin's, was nonetheless important and vital for the American Revolution. Something not many would know about.

Played By: Richard Kind
Alternate: Paul Giamatti

Matthew Jacobs: A freeman from Massachusetts, actually an escaped slave from Virginia. He's made his life working as a fisherman in Boston, and joined the Marblehead regiment which ferried Washington and the Continental Army from New York, and then crossing the Delaware as well. Matthew decides to keep on fighting for the Continental Army after his terms of service is up, his faith in the fight for freedom being ignited, managing to make friends out of the rest of the soldiers through the many battles ahead.

Played By: Cuba Gooding Jr.
Alternate: Will Smith
Michel Blais: He was a Canadian born militia Captain and a co-seigneur (landowner) in Saint-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud in Quebec. Michel was a French Canadian who remained loyal to the British government, aided them during the American expedition to Quebec, and served as a double agent against the Americans, leading them to ambushes and traps, at least until the forward base for the British was destroyed by one of their advance forces. Even after he served the British.

Played By: Nick Nolte
Alternate: Sean Penn

Joseph Brant: He was a Mohawk military and political leader, based in present-day New York, who was closely associated with Great Britain during and after the American Revolution. Perhaps the best known Native American of his generation, he met many of the most significant American and British people of the age, including both George Washington and King George III. He understands that the best chance for his people to survive and thrive is by allying with the British, who's control of the colonists would stop them from spreading.

Played By: Gordon Tootoosis
Alternate: Russell Means

William Franklin: He was the acknowledged extra-marital son of Benjamin Franklin, the last colonial Governor of New Jersey and a steadfast Loyalist throughout the American Revolutionary War. An attorney, soldier, politician, and colonial administrator. Following imprisonment by Patriots in 1776 to 1778, William became the chief leader of the Loyalists. From his base in New York City, he organized military units to fight on the British side.

Played By: Matt Letscher
Alternate: Wade Williams

Andrew Deveaux: He was an American Loyalist from South Carolina born to plantation owners. Deveaux gave his full support to the British from the beginning, and his son led a loyalist group who harassed those with patriot leanings. During the Southern Campaign he served and aided General Augustine Prevost at the Siege of Savannah, and participated in the Siege of Charleston before being given a commission by Charles Cornwallis himself in order to form a new regiment.

Played By: John Cusack
Alternate: Adrien Brody
Richard Howe: The 1st Earl Howe and Lord Admiral of the fleet in the American Theatre. He, along with his brother, William Howe, are assigned to stop the rebellion by either diplomacy or force, yet are hamstrung by orders from Britain to only issue pardons. While both have sympathy for the colonists, they still hold on to the belief that they are clearly in the wrong, and it's their job to stop the rebels from bringing further harm upon the rest of the colonials. Richard Howe deals with the Navy, blockades, and harassment from privateers.

Played By: Stuart Wilson
Alternate: Muse Watson

Charles Cornwallis: Born into an aristocratic family, Cornwallis joined the army and participated in the 7 Years War. He was assigned to the Colonies during the American Revolution under the command of Sir William Howe, then under Sir Henry Clinton when the first was replaced, until he was given the overall command of the Southern Theatre. Cornwallis has fought since the retaking of New York, the Jersey campaigns and the Philadelphia Campaign fighting against Washington.

Played By: Jack Nicholson
Alternate: Christopher Guest

Lord North: Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford, was the Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1770 to 1782. He's the one responsible for the "Intolerable Acts" and the crackdown on Boston, as well as the military response to the colonies demands. Lord North has to deal with the political reality of Great Britain, the war that the American Revolution is causing in Europe, and a rift in parliament, as the Marquess of Rockingham leads the opposition to his conduct against the colonies.

Played By: John Hurt
Alternate: Stacy Keach

Marquess of Rockingham: Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham, is the Patron of many "Whigs" in Parliament, and is in opposition to Lord North and his policies as well. Rockingham is a longtime friend of the colonies and a keen supporter for constitutional rights for them. Before and during the American Revolution he worked for a more conciliatory stance with the colonies, seeing the fight as wasteful and unnecessary.

Played By: William Fichtner
Alternate: Rene Auberjonois

Joseph: A former slave who took Lord Dunmore's, the former governor of Virginia, offer to fight for the British in exchange for freedom. First in the Ethiopian Regiment, and then in the Black Company of Pioneers when the first one was disbanded. Joseph's service guarantees him freedom, and sees the Americans as hypocrites who will cry about ideals of equality and liberty while keeping others in bondage. Even so, the British still don't see him as an equal.

Played By: Wesley Snipes
Alternate: Jay Arlen Jones
Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette: He was a French aristocrat, freemason, and military officer who volunteered to join the Continental Army, led by General George Washington, in the American Revolutionary War. Though terribly young he still gave a favorable impression due to his lack of arrogance, quickly forming a paternal bond with the General, and soon proving himself as a brave and capable commander during the Battles of Brandywine, Barren Hill and Monmouth Courthouse.

Played By: Heath Ledger
Alternate: Alan Tudyk

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben: He was a Prussian military officer who played a leading role in the American Revolution by reforming the Continental Army into a disciplined and professional fighting force after the taking of Philadelphia by the British, and the miserable winter in Valley Forge. His contributions marked a significant improvement not only in the performance of U.S. troops, but in the maintenance of their equipment. He was made Inspector General and made sure to stop the incompetence, graft and war profiteering in the camp and army.

Played By: Gerard Depardieu
Alternate: Mark Addy

Wilhelm von Knyphausen: He was a German general officer who served in Hesse-Kassel. He fought in the American Revolution, during which he commanded Hessian auxiliaries on behalf of Great Britain. Fighting under both Howe, and then Clinton in all the campaigns in the central and northern colonies, Knyphausen comported himself professionally, not having any personal stakes as it was simply another job for him and his men. he was trusted by the British officers and his superiors due to this attitude, without any desire for the internal politics of the army.

Played By: Jeremy Irons
Alternate: John Malkovich

A.N.: Well, I can only say that this movie is going to make Jackson's LotR seem small, but not by much. It better be entertaining enough to keep butts in the seats, but I think it's possible; if there's anything American love is seeing their heroes be given justice in movies (and it's sad that there are so few movies that can accomplish that). Hopefully this is one of the precious few that make the cut, if not define the standard, in the future. Hmm, perhaps a Biopic of Washington could also work, or a Mini-Series at least. They did one for Lincoln after all.
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You know, looking back on the quest, as well as Bruce's reputation, I can't help but think that everyone's overreaction to him and his way of doing things is because is a complete opposite to their way of thinking and belief when ti comes to the movie industry. To wit, No one gave money to George for American Graffiti or Star Wars as they felt said movie would not make money. That is the main concern to the higher ups and the deal makers; it doesn't matter if they liek the concept, or if they feel the movie is art or good. Their concern is always "Make movies to make money" and that's it.

However, Bruce is a paradigm shift. The man is willing to work in projects for low to none amount of money so long as he can appear in them. He is willing to take risky gambles on a script just because he likes it or feels it could be good, not heeding any financial advice or thought. And he is willing to take huge amounts of money from the profits of Lucasfilm, and his own fortune, just to expand the company, take more gambles, and make more movies. Bruce's entire schitck seems to be "Make money to make more movies.", a complete inverse of what Hollywood and the movie business is about.

I wonder, did Walt Disney do the same? if so, I can only imagine what Roy is thinking watching us.

[X] "There are many things I could say about the hard work and dedication of all involved, but the real inspiration for all of this began with a man with the heart and talent for it all and in that way, I would like to personally like to shake their hand here on the podium for all their hard work and dedication to the craft. Sylvester Stallone, please join us up here."
[X] "There are many things I could say about the hard work and dedication of all involved, but the real inspiration for all of this began with a man with the heart and talent for it all and in that way, I would like to personally like to shake their hand here on the podium for all their hard work and dedication to the craft. Sylvester Stallone, please join us up here."
So, I'm thinking on a property we can buy for nest turn; "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick. We could make a movie out of it. Specifically, the Blade Runner movie of OTL. The screenplay by Hampton Fancher should be up for optioning right about now, if we get both then we could make the movie earlier, or perhaps later.
So, I'm thinking on a property we can buy for nest turn; "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick. We could make a movie out of it. Specifically, the Blade Runner movie of OTL. The screenplay by Hampton Fancher should be up for optioning right about now, if we get both then we could make the movie earlier, or perhaps later.
Alan Ladd already has it.
Alan Ladd already has it.
...Okay, okay. No need to anger, I'm cool.

...Alright then, Minority Report, a 1956 novella still written by Philip K. Dick. We get that, we make the adaptation, it will be awesome! The theme of Free Will Vs. Determinism is one that is still hotly debated to this day. Make that movie in the 80s and we're basically golden.
Also @Magoose loving your work and this quest but wanted to ask you something. The quest you are animator for cartoons is that quest dead/cancelled?
YEs. Because I took this over.
Movie Pitch:
An American Saga: The Times that Try Men's Souls
Another Revolutionary war Film... and then we do great!

[]The Times that Try Men's Souls (Unkown Effect)
[]The Regulars are... Helping? (The British Film Industry is willing to make it more accurate, so they have told you)
[]And there was something great about it. (The American Saga. A Truly legendary piece of film yet to be made)
To wit, No one gave money to George for American Graffiti or Star Wars as they felt said movie would not make money.
That is the main concern to the higher ups and the deal makers; it doesn't matter if they liek the concept, or if they feel the movie is art or good. Their concern is always "Make movies to make money" and that's it.
And guess what, they didn't take the risks that would have made them money, as every time that they refuse, other people, like Bruce, fund it, and make craploads of money, because they are worried about silly things like failure.
The man is willing to work in projects for low to none amount of money so long as he can appear in them. He is willing to take risky gambles on a script just because he likes it or feels it could be good, not heeding any financial advice or thought
YEp. Bruce is one of those people that are more interested in the Art of filmmaking, then the money.
And he is willing to take huge amounts of money from the profits of Lucasfilm, and his own fortune, just to expand the company, take more gambles, and make more movies.
Well George does too, but mostly from the fact that, oh boy, George is going to kick all sorts of ass when he gets moving.
Bruce's entire schitck seems to be "Make money to make more movies.", a complete inverse of what Hollywood and the movie business is about.
I wonder, did Walt Disney do the same? if so, I can only imagine what Roy is thinking watching us.
Yes, he's doing exactly what Walt did for Animation, only for film.

And of course, instead of abusing technology that gave him an edge over his competitors, it's more like he's doing the scripts and stories that no one ever wants to do... and decides to fully belive in them.

There is also the fact that simply put...

Roy thinks that Bruce is Walt Disney coming again... and that terrifies him more than anything else.

Because Walt Disney changed Hollywood forever.

What will the Goose Do?
[JK] "Hey my turn. You know real quick, I want to thank everybody and say that I think I want to nominate this award to my Roman Catholic priest, Richard Nixon. Thank you everybody."
Fuck...Card Walker is the President of Disney right now, the man fought in the Pacific front in WWII! Can you imagine how terrifying this must be...for our animators!
TBF... He has... semi-justified reasons to be distrustful... War is hell after all and the pacific theater was the worst theater of the war...

But considering most of our staff were not even born, or were literal children during the second WW... his fears are highly illogical and unjustified.

Especially since most of them would not have been able to even work on the war effort so it only makes him look like more of an asshole.
TBF... He has... semi-justified reasons to be distrustful... War is hell after all and the pacific theater was the worst theater of the war...

But considering most of our staff were not even born, or were literal children during the second WW... his fears are highly illogical and unjustified.

Especially since most of them would not have been able to even work on the war effort so it only makes him look like more of an asshole.

The greatest irony of the potential racism of Walker and other Disney executives racism is that for all the personal trauma they may had with Japan in World War II, they would be hating on an animation studio whose Japanese employees for the most part hate Imperial Japan just as much. With a few right-wing exceptions like Gate, your average Anime Director in the industry tends to be liberal and against war and imperialism. Yoshiyuki Tomino in particular hates the Empire and explicitly designed and wrote Zeon to be Imperial Japan in Space with Zeon's killing of a third of humanity making it clear that they, and by extension the Empire are evil. The problem with this is that Tomino at times kind of massively fumbled the ball on presentation and he made the Federation too incompetent and stupid evil to root for in any capacity while giving Zeon tons of likable characters and finding new lore reasons for the fans to root for Zeon.

Part of me thinks this might make Disney more open to letting the WWII propaganda cartoons out of the vault as well as some live action films about the Pacific front and intentionally presenting the Japanese as unrepentant villains. It would be another case of irony as the Japanese manga and anime both largely draw artistic inspiration from early Disney films and Disney was always huge over there. What does the general public and Hollywood think of Lucasfilms' love affair for Japan Magoose?

Also fun fact for Orion and others interested in TTL's Cyberpunk, OTL the Night City Sourcebook had an explicit Lucasfilms expy that here might be a legit mega corp and media leader along with being one of the few good corps:
The problem with this is that Tomino at times kind of massively fumbled the ball on presentation and he made the Federation too incompetent and stupid evil to root for in any capacity while giving Zeon tons of likable characters and finding new lore reasons for the fans to root for Zeon.
When the only Competent Federation Character to survive without screwing up everything by his own actions is Bright "THE ETERNAL CAPTAIN" Noa you know something is terribly wrong with the setting.

Though to be fair, the guy managed to die of Old Age in a time of "relative" peace and that has to be spite at what the world put him through.

We need more "GOOD! Or at Least Interesting" Federation Side characters who aren't horribly incompetent assholes.

The very fact that Mike would do such a thing as making Lucasfilms out to be just after B movie schlock is terrible, and we want to publish his games, things are going to need to change :V

Cause I don't think the Goose would like him and his friends being considered the underdog after all this time they spent working to bring up Lucasfilms into something more... reasonable.

Sorry bad joke...
The greatest irony of the potential racism of Walker and other Disney executives racism is that for all the personal trauma they may had with Japan in World War II, they would be hating on an animation studio whose Japanese employees for the most part hate Imperial Japan just as much.
Thats the problem with being blinded by personal trauma. Sipan and Iwo Jima are places that most men wouldn't be able to forget, or forgive, especially since Walker survived the hell that was Sipan, and that was a cluster fuck and a half.
With a few right-wing exceptions like Gate, your average Anime Director in the industry tends to be liberal and against war and imperialism.
Even then, Japan is wholeheartedly embracing its pacifism even if it was forced upon them by the Americans.

and it even becomes part of their culture now, and its very admirable that they have accepted it with such acceptance... even with modern politicians doing something to change that.
The problem with this is that Tomino at times kind of massively fumbled the ball on presentation and he made the Federation too incompetent and stupid evil to root for in any capacity while giving Zeon tons of likable characters and finding new lore reasons for the fans to root for Zeon.
The good thing is, because Tomino now has Americans working for him, he can actually add depth to the federation, and realize that even if it sucks... they aren't total genocidal assholes.

That is just the Titans.
Part of me thinks this might make Disney more open to letting the WWII propaganda cartoons out of the vault as well as some live action films about the Pacific front and intentionally presenting the Japanese as unrepentant villains.
I wouldn't expect that... not unless we did something to personally fuck over Disney, and not in the whole business competition sense.

But give it a few years.
It would be another case of irony as the Japanese manga and anime both largely draw artistic inspiration from early Disney films and Disney was always huge over there.
Well that actually changed after the 60's and their own homegrown animation industry decided to experiment... so I wouldn't say that as much as it was in say, twenty years earlier.
What does the general public and Hollywood think of Lucasfilms' love affair for Japan Magoose?
Depends on who you ask.

Most Critics think that Lucasfilms are just trying to use the films that they have to supplement their income while doing none of the work. And while they see that it works, most of the films that they have are considered inferior to American products. and tend to avoid them.

Because we do the best, Most audiences are actually thinking that Japan's filmindustry is filled with great films... but there is not nearly enough to satisfy the American demand.

As for the General public... there hasn't been backlash because most of the films that we have shown are not contemporary films. Most of them are set in the Edo or Meji era's and that is exposing them to Pre Industrial and Pre imperial Japan.
Also fun fact for Orion and others interested in TTL's Cyberpunk, OTL the Night City Sourcebook had an explicit Lucasfilms expy that here might be a legit mega corp and media leader along with being one of the few good corps:
hmph, Mike needs to turn us into a big good or we won't publish!:V
In the Mind of Tomino: The Earth Federation
In the Mind of Tomino: The Earth Federation

George looked at Tomino's notes on the Earth Federation and his newest notebook, now labeled "Gundam Project." It wasn't your real place to butt into a man's work, but in all the meticulous and well-planned projects that had yet to be made, you still found yourself looking to both history and the world created and had noticed a few mistakes and…you wouldn't call it plot holes, but a sparse amount of details in the world.

Thankfully you were also able to help Tomino begin to balance out the work-rest time, and given your own workaholic nature, it helped ferment a real bond between the two of you.

"Yoshiyuki." You said as you made sure to have your Japanese-English Dictionary nearby as while you were good with conversational kanji, it was still stilted and prone to errors, for various reasons, and thankfully he made it more a running joke than taking it the wrong way.

"So…I noted some sparse details in how the Federation Military and Government Operate…and I know its not the thing you want to talk about, but if we want to make it believable we have to put some sort of effort into the how and why of it all." You said handing over the notebook between you.

"I made it more a mirror of our own world, it's implied that it's similar to today's world at the end of the day…at least in how we act, the political corruption and how the politicians act." He said.

"Implying it might not get all the message across." You said. "Believe me it's hit or miss sometimes."

"Subtext is a rare art, and doing it well is a difficult thing." He said as he nodded for the Notebook. "Shall we begin?"


The Earth Federation (Days before the Event known as the ONE YEAR WAR)

Government Type: Parliamentary Democracy (With a Form of Direct Democracy Once a Year.)

Political Factions:

Marcenasism: The Standard Political Thought of the Majority of the Earth Federation, the Liberal Ideology that built the Golden Age and the Federation itself, formed by Ricardo Marcenes the Founder of the Polity. Though nearly 80 years of Peace and Control has led to it growing decedent and corrupt wich will lead to problems.

Side-ism: SPacenoid Rights movements, and Self Determination belongs in this catch-all term.

Earthnoid Supremisim: The Ideology of those who were born on earth are superior to Spacenoids due to economic and social factors, a fringe ideology that will eventually evolve into Titanism, the personal school of thought for Jamatov Hayman.

Ere-ism: The Belief that all of mankind must Migrate to Space in order to let the earth heal and recover Peddled by both Zeon Diekun and various Pro Colony activists.

Population before the Black Day in January: 10.6 Billion People. (9.4 In Space and 1.6 On Earth. and .1Million on the Moon and Various other Colonies in Sol like Jupiter Energy Fleet.)


The Big 3 Survivors (AKA the ones who survive to Char's Counter Attack): The Three Major Survivors of General Revil's Staff, Men, and Women who are dedicated to Reforming/Defeating the Federation's Malus and guiding them through the Post War Chaos.

Vice Admiral Mathew Adam Hackett: He was the Leader of the 4th Luna Fleet and spent much of his Pre OYW Service filling out paperwork for Gopp on the Moon, his Flagship "Moondancer" was one of the few ships to survive Loum intact and he led most of the Early War while everyone else was running around with their heads cut off and planning to surrender.

Three Facts about Admiral Hackett:

He was one of the First Federation Officers to be Born in Space, He was Born on Side 1 in UC 0028.

Hackett is known as the "Architect of Solomon" post war as he was the Main Military Commander to take the Reigns following Revil's death, and he did som while temporarily blind.

He is Responsible for the Carrier Strike Action Plan Strategy, a doctrine of highly mobile strike groups that are specialized in counter-insurgency and Counter-Terrorism CSAPS or Caps Groups would later form the Operational Underpinning of The Titan's and later come to its Full Fruition Under Bright Noa and Lando Bell.

He is considered by Most members of Lando Bell to be their first commander as the first Mobile Suit squadron were made up from his Mutany against the Federation during the Axis Neo-Zeon War, though he considers Bright its true commander.

AN: Thank you @Kaiser Chris for the feedback on this Omake, I hope that we can hammer out another one together.

In the Mind of Tomino: The Earth Federation
Well now, it seems Cyber has decided to change Gundam a little bit.

Here are the Reward:

[]The admiral of Solomon (Hackett is now made and has a story in Gundam)
[]The Federation is not stupid (George, and several writers decided to change the federation a little bit, making it a little less stupid and more realistic)
[]Gundam is now Something Special (Gain a bonus towards Gundam's quality)