Season 1: The overall story will focus on the main characters and backgrounds to better develop them, while also introducing the audience to this new world, the differences with the current one, and how the heroes meet each other and coordinate their resources to help each other. It will follow a combination between an Episodic format and arcs, while also including an overall character arc for the main heroes, as it shows how their original reticence in working together disappears and they start relying on each other more. There will also be hints throughout the season that show how the villains they've all fought have been controlled by a mastermind in the shadows.
Episodes 1-6: These are the starter episodes, the ones we use to introduce the Heroes to the audience, each fighting against one of their overall villains while also giving more information of the world they're in. This also helps us set up future plot elements and the how of their meeting, as each of the episodes would end with the Titular hero finding a clue to their next adventure, while The Sixth episode would have them all meet and crash a meeting of the one pulling the strings:
The Hand*.
* While the original organization was easily dismantled by the Shadow in the books, here we can have them be a more international organization, one that has connections with much of the crime happening around the world, turning them into a more dangerous, and long lasting, menace.
Episodes 7-13: These are the episodes where the heroes, after foiling the plans of The Hand, now find themselves interacting with each other, but also butting heads as well. Their codes, methods, outlooks in life are incompatible most of the time, and it takes time (as well as many fights) for them to trust each other. They also do not reveal their identities to each other due to said lack of trust, though it is important to note that the Shadow does start looking into them through his own information network.
Episodes 14-21: In these episodes we have the heroes find their groove when working together. There are still some arguments and disagreements between members (which can help in characterization and adding in some drama) but are put aside as they discover the existence of a Mastermind behind all the criminals they've fought lately, a man known as
John Sunlight**, a Nazi Officer who is now plotting on using the Vultures***, a Fifth Column organization. He would be setting up different cells of Vultures to strike at the right moment in order to keep America weak and pliable, focused only in itself and never thinking to involve itself in anything outside of the continent.
**Just like the novel, John Sunlight would be the equal of Doc Savage when it comes to intelligence and plotting. The difference comes that he's a Nazi Officer instead of a Russian man. In a later scene we see him in Germany and the overall control he has over the country in the shadows, making one think that he's the true ruler behind Hitler and the rest.
*** The Vultures turn from Criminal Organization to an Intelligence/Fifth Column organization which preys on the weak to use them for their own ends. A final scene would show some of their members who have also killed and impersonated important celebrities, Entrepreneurs and Politicians.