The gravity counteragent deals with the effects of zero gravity on bones which causes them to lose 1-2% of their mass for every month in that environment. Basically it prevents the loss of mass in a zero gravity environment. The counteragent is not useful for anything on earth because it is a counter to conditions not found on earth.
Hmmm. Developing a gravity counteragent... um, when did we hear about that?
It sounds like another great application for "low-key" forms of the bone growth formula.
Cassandra just learned how to talk and is still rather new at conversation. She is not equipped to run a company and she lacks discretion on what she should and shouldn't say. Like imagine Lois starts interviewing her and Cassandra mentions how Dr. Moon stuck extra arms on a monkey or how Lex had her fight against adults and learn to use weaponry or how he took her on a vacation to Markovia at the exact time that things went wrong in Markovia or how she spent a few months sneaking around the building and breaking every gun she could find.
Well yes. Cassandra Luthor is a child. I would think no reasonable person would expect her to run a Fortune 500 company; that would be quite unreasonable even if she were nominally sole stockholder. We'd have to appoint someone as caretaker- among other things because she is not an emancipated minor and doesn't have the legal authority to sign contracts. It'd probably have to be Mercy or Pamela; I don't think there's anyone else we can trust that much.
We may actually want to think about doing that. And, as noted, the problem with Pamela is that she may need someone to rein her in from getting into counterproductive clashes and irrationally seeing people as enemies... And I feel
deeply ironic saying that knowing that within a year or two we're going to get into a
totally unnecessary rivalry with Superman that serves no useful purpose whatsoever and will be one of the defining conflicts of Lex Luthor's life.
You aren't wrong. She took over the company in the DCAU and ran it competently if not amazingly. The thing was she didn't have multiple highly unstable individuals in her company so it was significantly easier to run when not having to deal with literally any of the hero units you have. That's why I think it would break down because while Mercy has the business acumen and understanding to organize and make use of these individuals she lacks the charisma to get them to do what she wants and thus would have to waste lots of time and resources putting out fires.
Yeah, frankly. We've hired a lot of people no sane manager should have to work with.
Given Mercy's "ruthlessly effective" persona I could totally imagine her rundown being something like:
"Well, I can't let the company outright crash, and if I try to do some of this stuff it'll crash. Soooo. Okay, Marie is in charge of handling Ivo, and Scudder is in charge of handling Marie. Carol, Mari, and Oswald can run their own branches like private fiefdoms for all I care, just as long as they get results. Rebecca, we don't really like each other, but you do your job and I respect that; let's try to work together and at least keep these wards up. Cerise, you're working for Rebecca until you can convince me Rebecca should be working for you, as long as neither of you sabotages the company somehow. Mr. Nygma, I'd like to call you up; there's something here in Mr. Luthor's instructions about a promotion for you. Ah, good, there you are. *BLAM* There, I've been meaning to dispose of
that corpse for quite some time. Oh, and Rebecca, Dr. Moon has become a liability, would you mind helping me out by incinerating him?
Thank you."
That should reduce her problems down to something more manageable, but you're not wrong that it'd be tough for her.
what i'm hearing is we need an "in case Lex disappears" protocol to make sure everything doesn't completely go to hell while he is gone/if he dies
Now that you mention it, yes.
On the other hand, Lex is so egotistical that he might not really be capable of planning seriously for such a thing, unless, say, he was planning to personally do something that might leave him out of contact for several months and knew it.
@Simon_Jester hey simon would you mind spending some of your i don`t know how much xp reward on say that maybe?
haveing someone around the catch the ball if/when it falls would be nice
I fail to see how my spending XP on the problem would help directly. I mean, if you're talking about buying up Mercy Graves' Diplomacy to somewhere in the 20s, that is a
big expenditure.
@King crimson
Has Cassandra's Diplomacy raised from learning to speak at all or is it still at 1?
Also I went through the Cooperation scores and the person best suited to keeping people together is
Most of the people who wouldn't immediately bail like her, so while she would never end up in charge she'd probably be the kingmaker...
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Yeah, I've noticed it myself. She'd actually be pretty good at leading megacollaborations, though it's somewhat complicated by the fact that her co-op score tends to be high with a few people who specialize in each area. And that her own stats are low-teens in all areas so she can't
run the megacollaborations in the first place. It's one reason I've been investing a few thousand XP in her stats; I'd like her to be able to lead teams.
well there is a word for that and it is Lexbot's. it worked for doom it can work for us
We'd need to research AI (not out of reach) and the equivalent of a Live Model Decoy, which is explicitly an action we can take though our current 'dummy bots' are nonsapient and won't pass as the real thing except from long distances for short periods of time.
But we could totally invent Lexbots if we worked at it.
Looking at this trait and Lex's generally high cooperation score with his hero units. Is there any action that we really want to do a cosmic success on? It would be nice and might improve many of our hero unit co-op with each other.
I think we should definitely look for Stewardship and Diplomacy and optionally Learning actions that we want to succeed hard on and start taking them as 3-4 hero unit megacollaborations with Lex in charge. We should also do megacollaborations on Intrigue and Learning with Lex+Cass+_____. Those are areas where Cass's maxed out co-op score pays off the hardest, and where we can be reasonably confident of a success that dings us with one additional hero unit. This is what I
tried to do with Lex+Mercy+Ivo on A.M.A.Z.O., but it didn't work because I screwed up the math.
Maybe we should go over the Red Tornado data with him. T. O. Morrow clearly succeeded in building a fully sentient android, and that would almost certainly help Ivo put together a few more pieces of the puzzle.
Now, a Lex+Cass+Ivo+Marie collaboration has a combined raw bonus of:
36+(2*(17-1))+(0.35*33)+(1.5*7) = +91 on the die roll.
Very high likelihood (91 or 92 percent, I think) of critting A.M.A.Z.O. and getting a roll of 2d100+182+15+7, or 2d100+204. Will fail without a crit, though.
On the other hand, maybe we should go over the Red Tornado data
without Ivo. Obviously that makes building a good megacollaboration easy; there are plenty of characters that get along great with Lex. And if we're not specifically working on A.M.A.Z.O. ourselves,
@King crimson , how does Ivo feel about going over the Red Tornado data? It's not his A.M.A.Z.O. project, but it's the most successful 'build an android' project in all of human history to date that we know of, from one of the few scientific minds in history that could compare with him, and we have detailed information that might very specifically help him figure this stuff out.
The Ghost of Leonardo Luthor:
"I will say,
my in-house fellow scientific genius was
much easier to work with. Dr. Proteus wouldn't have given me so many troubles. Though this notion of automaton bodies... quite over my head, I'm afraid. Would have been quite a kind thing for Dr. Proteus."
[shakes his head]
this has been a personal hope of mine but considering that the DC just dropped I hope we could start a cult of personality around Lexcorp. if we put both Lex and Ivy on it we will succeeded by a huge margin. I have two main hopes for the outcome of this action.
1. inspire our hero units to have more coop scores with Lex giving us more actions.
2. make it even harder for industrial spy's and leaks to happen at LexCorp.
also the idea of running a business cult sounds really cool
I actually agree.
Then it sounds to me that the next Cassie Learning Action should be this:
[ ] [Cass] Educate Cassandra on behavior and diplomacy
DC 13 (Cassandra must be assigned to this option for it to be taken (Learning)) As your adopted daughter Cassandra Cain will be thrust into the spotlight when the media learns of her. You have no intention of leaving her to be exploited by those vultures. Teaching Cassandra how to act in set situations will increase her ability to deal with others and will teach her the ever important trait of manipulation. Being able to twist others to your own ends is something you excel at and it will open up doors for Cassandra later in life.
The only problem with this is that the obvious choice is either Lex (who's
really busy) or, well... our main Diplomacy experts are Pamela (which doesn't work, she likes Cass
too well) and Oswald (who spends like 2/3 of his time working on the TV channel). So it may be a while. I think I'd like to have Lex work on adulty things for a while.